Author Topic: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]  (Read 18519 times)

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Offline davkakach

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Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe
By Elizabeth Bryant
The Washington Times, October 23, 2006

Paris -- When Nora Labrak arrived at a private employment agency in the summer near the French city of Lyon, the first question she was posed was not about her resume.

'I was asked to remove my head scarf at the lobby,' Miss Labrak recalled in a telephone interview. When the 29-year-old refused, she was hustled to the door.

Long and short, sober black and brightly hued, the Muslim veil is drawing growing criticism in much of Europe. It has been chased from public schools in France and Belgium, and its strictest, face-concealing variation, the niqab, has been outlawed in a smattering of European towns.

Even in multicultural Britain, the niqab has sparked ferocious debate after the suspension of a Muslim teaching assistant and remarks by top government officials that the niqab encourages an unsettling social rift.

That debate began politely but has since grown ugly and rancorous, the chairman of Britain's Commission for Racial Equality said yesterday.

'We need to have this conversation, but there are rules by which we have the conversation which don't involve this kind of targeting and, frankly, bullying,' said Trevor Phillips in a British Broadcasting Corp. interview.

Feeding the controversy are a series of incidents pitting Europe's Muslim population against its Christian majorities: Last year's riots in France, the Danish cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, the slaying of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, honor killings in Germany, terrorist attacks in Britain and Spain, and Europe-wide concerns about illegal immigration.

'There's a rise in Islamo-skepticism,' said Franck Fregosi, a specialist on Islam at France's National Center of Scientific Research. 'There's a fear and tension that's installed in certain parts of the population, and I don't think it bodes well for the future.'

In Brussels, 41-year-old Nicole Thill shares that foreboding.

'I haven't had problems until now, but things are changing,' said Mrs. Thill, who converted to Islam and adopted the veil in 2001. 'People's looks are increasingly hostile. And there's less and less respect. People don't mind jostling you on the street because, after all, you're only a veiled woman.'

A July survey by the Pew Research Center found most European Muslims did not sense hostility from non-Muslims. But a significant chunk -- including 39 percent in France, 42 percent in Britain and 51 percent in Germany -- reported otherwise.

Perhaps more than any other symbol, the veil sets Muslims apart. Worn by a minority of Muslim women in Europe, it is an easy target for stereotypes.

In interviews with a half-dozen veiled women in Europe, all said they braced themselves going out in public. Several cited the veil as a barrier to employment.

'I have some friends who agreed to take their head scarves off or to wear a bandana to get a job, but not by choice,' said Miss Labrak. She has filed charges against the job agency that expelled her from its premises, and is awaiting a court ruling.

European politicians critical of the veil cite the importance of integrating ethnic African, Arab and Turkish immigrant populations. That was the message behind French legislation two years ago banning the head scarf and other religious symbols in public schools.

And it was one reason why Jan Creemers, mayor of the city of Maaseik in Belgium, outlawed wearing the face-concealing niqab in public earlier this year. Several Belgian towns have followed suit, while a number of Belgium public schools have banned students from wearing any kind of veil to class.

'We have many old people, and they were very afraid when they saw these women wearing the veil,' said Mr. Creemers. 'It's very important in our town and in our Western culture that people see each other face to face.'

Public wearing of the niqab is similarly banned in Italy under anti-terrorist laws, which make it an offense to hide the face in public. In Germany, four states have outlawed public school teachers from wearing head scarves -- a ban that applies to all civil servants in the German state of Hesse.

Women employed in the public sector in France also are barred from wearing veils at work. The legislation has drawn widespread support, including from many Muslims.

'If you're in Europe, you need to live according to European customs. Either you adapt or, if you want to wear Middle Eastern clothing, you leave,' said Khadija Khali, head of a French Muslim women's group. A practicing Muslim who has gone to Mecca five times, Mrs. Khali does not wear a veil.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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'I haven't had problems until now, but things are changing,' said Mrs. Thill, who converted to Islam and adopted the veil in 2001. 'People's looks are increasingly hostile. And there's less and less respect. People don't mind jostling you on the street because, after all, you're only a veiled woman.'

These Muslims and Third Worlders use exactly the same logic when they rape and harass white women, 'Oh they're only white women, who cares!'

Why does the daily abuse of European women and the daily anti-Semitic onslaught (especially in places like France) only get minimal media coverage but Muslims are given headlines every single day, as they continue to complain about even the most reasonable of requests?

Offline genteelgentile

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It's about time.  Maybe this is a small step.  I won't put too much into it yet, but we will see...
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

Offline MasterWolf1

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Islam is a threat to Europe they need to kick the Muslims out completely

Offline davkakach

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Why does the daily abuse of European women and the daily anti-Semitic onslaught
Perhaps European leaders regard muzzie anti-Semitism as a way for muzzies to vent their frustrations and hatred, like a pressure valve, and the European leaders are afraid that if they prevent anti-Semitism by protecting Jews, or punish muzzies for anti-Semitic behavior, the muzzies will take out their frustration on Europeans.  The European leaders obviously don't know the short essay that begins with, "First they came for the Jews." and ends with "Then they came for me...".  And the muzzie saying, "First we'll take care of the Friday people, and later we'll deal with the Sunday people."
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline davkakach

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forget the veil what about the headscarf.. i wear it and aren't jewish women meant to wear a heard scarf... i was born in england, europe and im probably more british then any of you so why do you say i should leave europe when technically its more mine then yours(if ure not pure british)..the thing is u CAN't and u know what im gonna say to that HAHA thats it, u cant do anything about people who r muslims and british...LONG LIVE US...
If the "enlightened" Europeans were capable of annihilating 6 million innocent Jews, you can be certain that a worse fate will befall the murderous, savage muzzie beasts who roam the streets of Paris, London, Hamburg, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Brussels, gang rape and murder defenseless women, torch cars, and assault men.  There will come a day when the streets of Europe will be flooded with Muslim blood.  There is a surging wave of nationalism sweeping Europe from East to West, and this time it will be much worse than WWII.  So, please stay in Europe.  In a few years it will become hell on earth, as your kind will be lynched in the streets by furious European mobs, and that's before a fascist leader like Hitler decides to implement a Final Solution to the Muslim Problem by methodically exterminating every last Muslim vermin that infests the European continent.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline MarZutra

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Doesn't it seem weak that the european leaders are crumbling at the knees 'because of some muslim guys with beards... these people most of them arent even educated... and yet u cant stand against them think about why they are so strong and if u wanted them out so bad why isn't anyone doing nything bout it?huh
First of all, your ignorance is astounding not only to History, Political/Social Reality but also Islamic Law.  You as a Muslim are not considered a citizen of any NON-Islamic Nation.  Ask your Imam he will tell you.  In times of strife, which, G-d willing will come soon, you will have an obligation to leave England back to an Isalmic State where Muslims belong under Islamic Law.  Nextly, they only reason why any country hasn't thrown out their Muslims are solely due to the past 100+ years of Communist "Political Correctness" dumbing down the White Christian Masses to embrace suicidal Marxist policies like "multiculturalism" and "diversity".  Mark my words, things are slowly changing thanks to "visible minorities" and Turd Worlders that are trying despirately to impose their sub human values onto the dumbed down Christian masses, but they will wake and it will not be pretty.  In actual fact, all the world needs is one small Western power, like England, Holland, Denmark or Canada to wake up and believe me the rest will follow.....  Islam and you Muslims with your closed mindedness and utter intolerance are going to hang yourselves....  It won't be pretty but I don't hate people....I hate Islam...period, end, full stop!
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MarZutra

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Doesn't it seem weak that the european leaders are crumbling at the knees 'because of some muslim guys with beards... these people most of them arent even educated... and yet u cant stand against them think about why they are so strong and if u wanted them out so bad why isn't anyone doing nything bout it?huh
Aisha, please.  Ask and not dictate.  I will answer your question for you educationally, factually and learnedly.  The only reason why the Christian, now Socialist West, have not thrown out all the Muslims because of those uneducated bearded filth is because of something called: "Liberalism the mental disorder".  There is a "Utopian" ideology that has been around since the dawn of time that actually believes all people can live together in one happy economically, socially and morally bankrupt hedonistic world similar to Holland, Denmark or France or ancient Greece or Rome.  All are problem ridden, bankrupt and will/have collapsed. Most basically asked, could you live next to a cannible from Papua New Guinea?  The answer is no.  Some cultures, religions, "morals/ethics" are totally adverse to living together in peace, subsequently again shown by the Muslims and the Black Christians in the Sudan.  Pick up a copy of Karl Marx' "Communist Manifesto".  You will see how, why and what has been continually dumbing down the masses for the past 300 years trying to erase religion, morality, borders, economies, nations, cultures etc. etc.  The sad fact with all the masses of Islamic terrorism and "moderate" or "peaceful" Muslims keeping silent like a fith column (traitor or enemy within ones own borders) when the White masses do awake it will not be a pretty site and nothing will stop it NOT Russia, China, North Korea, America, Britian and most deffinately Israel.  People are tired of Muslim terrorism and even more tired of the quiet "peaceful" Muslim not stepping up to stop their violent brethren while they, like you, consider yourself a British Citizen that sits Idly by an not actively show your disgust for those Jihadists preaching, advocating, doing evil deeds while praising Allah and reading murderous passages from the Quraan.  The answer to your very last question is: wait.  I personally feel that it is the Muslim's turn for a Holocaust on far more massive scales than that of the Jews, precisely because of the masses of murders, rapes, burnings, bombings, lies, plottings and beheadings of innocent non-muslims at the hands of the Muslim while the masses sit idly by, quiet and do absolutley nothing but continue to deceive and do deeds of deceit toward the tolerant West. Just like those "Imams" that arranged to be thrown off the plane to create media attention and use the Wests Liberal ineptitudes, ACLU for its own deadly and evil purposes.  I hope that answered your question.  Perhaps the reason why you do not question Islam is because of fear of what your parents might do or say.  What would your father say if you wanted to convert to Christianity or Judaism....throw you out?  Cut off your head in a mercy/honor killing?  Or mass rape like the young Muslim woman in Australia, Lebanon and Syria or stoned to death like the woman recently in Iran?  Please open your mind, read EVERYTHING and take in everything with an ounce of salt.  Perhaps then you will become enlightened with knowledge that you are now being denied or omitted :-[ :-\ :-X
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline davkakach

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SARAH...which is a multi religious name...i think
Another name stolen from Judaism.  That's how "Musa", "Ismayil", "Yusuf", "Ibrahim", and the famous "Ezra" found their way into your filthy Qur'an.  If it weren't for these palgiarisms---your disgusting cult of death would have no legitimacy in the eyes of the Judeo-Christian world, as being one of the supposed "great Abrahamic religions".  You lying muzzies accuse us, Jews, of being polytheists!  You accuse us of worshipping some "Ezra" as being the supposed Son of God.  Muhamed (piss be upon him and upon all his followers) couldn't pull something more ridiculous out of his rectum even if he tried.  I mentioned to you three books written by ex-Muslims and Christian Arabs (Walid Shoebat, Ibn Warraq, and Brigitte Gabriel) and you didn't even bother replying, not to mention going to a bookstore and actually going through these books (just be careful and don't blame me if your muzzie dad or brothers catch you reading "forbidden" books and punish you with a severe beating, in the best tradition of Islam---muzzies don't like women who are too smart).

I've seen muzzie girls like you.  I know some muzzie women personally.  Muzzie education makes sure to clip your wings early, leave you helpless and cowardly.  And those muzzie women who are brave enough to challenge their muzzie environment end up carved to pieces by their fathers and brothers.  Islam is like mafia---once you're in, there's no way out (alive).  What a disgusting, sub-human, evil cult of death.  Not a single muzzie country in this world is successful, all muzzies dream of emigrating from the Middle East and Asia to the West.  Why do you think your parents moved to Dar al Harb?  Because it was so wonderful to live in Dar al Islam?  In a few years, you will marry a fellow muzzie and start procreating and giving birth to future terrorists.  I spit on you and all Muslims---cancer in our midst, a fifth column of murderous vermin.  My only consolation is the knowledge that European muzzies like you will share the same fate that European Jewry suffered in WWII.

I will treat you with respect, as a human being, only when you announce formally that you have renounced Islam.  Until then---[censored].
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline MarZutra

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Historically speaking, the muslims as a group have been like any other peoples- neither absoloutely good or bad in their behaviour. But, just as christianity cannot be judged by the actions of those involved in the spanish inquisition, the crusades or the blood letting in northern ireland so also islam cannot be judged by the actions of those muslims who did not observe the quran prohibitation against compulsion in a religion.

I really think that islam has been shrouded by EVIL people and at heart is not an evil religion but a peaceful one from G-d, THE G-d U AND CHRISTIANS BELEIVE IN (not the holy trinity though just the concept of  one G-d) BUT CORRECT.

And before everyone replies with posts that i cannot even really understand just remember that im younger then u so .....easy words plz

thanx..and another thing *smiles*

BTW MATZUTRA MY NAME IS NOT AISHA....(THE NAME THAT URE ADMINISTRATOR unprofessionally gave me...but instead

SARAH...which is a multi religious name...i think

Sarah, a nice JEWISH name.  Sarah, Sarai was Abraham's wife.  I am glad you chose such a righteous name.  You are starting to think very morally and logically.  Now to answer your message.  I know you are 14 and you do have very good writing skills.  Yes there is only one truth, and you must step back and do some very hard and logical independant research to find it.  I'd guess looking at today's realities, no matter which side of the fence you position yourself, Islam is NOT the one.  Just as I feel Communism, Hindu, Buddhists etc. are not the one.   You must truly step back and read, research using both logical and moral judgements aside from us and aside from your family and friends...  This is your personal quest.  I wish you the best on it but for the remainder on this site, please ask any one of us any and all the questions you want, we are open and tolerant to those who wish to learn, debate and discuss openly and learnedly.  Please do not indicate to me that Islam is a "Peaceful" religion, all Historical, Logical, Moral and Realty dictate the opposite.  I am the last person to deffend Christian attrocities committed against Jews, I will however correct you and give you a history lesson.  The Crusades were a reactionary inncodent Christendom took against the expansion of the Islamic Calphate.  The Battles of Tours, Poittier and even research on the Khazars, and too the Mongols will indicate something of Islamic History.  Marco Polo quoted very nicely in his diary of his travels to Kubilai Khan's Golden Hord: China.  Kubalai Khan's Empire in its late years opened itself to Liberal thought which had direct cause to its decline, much like "The West" Today.  Polo quotes an incodent which occured after Kubalai Khan attended a Muslim reading from the Quraan.  And I quote from Harold Lamb's "March of the Barbarians" Pg: 267:  "Once listening to a reading from the Koran, he discovered that it laid a command upon Muslims to KILL ALL UNBELIEVERS.  Summoning the Cheif Mullah to him, Kubilai asked if this were so.  The Imam (Teacher of Islam) admitted it. 
"And you believe that this Koran has been given to you by G-d?" Kubilai demanded. 
The Mullah assented. 
"Then why do you not obey its command and slay those who do not believe as you do?" 
"Because the time has not come, and because we are unable to do it yet." 
"But I am able to do it," Kubilai assured him and ordered the execution of the Mullah."
Resulting in expulsions of all the Muslims from Cathay and was only stopped through trickery...... Education is one thing while Indoctrination is something entirely different.  Walakum Salam
« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 03:46:33 PM by Marzutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2006, 03:33:24 PM »

Mass immigration into Europe was never democratically agreed to by Europeans.

Jewish immigration into Europe has been around for a very long time, at least one thousand years.

Jewish immigration into Britain was secured by persistent begging, the offering of competitive financial services, a radical change in religious outlook (protestantism and freemasonry) and much political intrigue.

Jewish immigration into Britain resulted in the British Empire.

Muslim immigration into Britain has resulted in race riots, political corruption, a rise in anti-Semitism and suicide bombers.  :-\

The prognosis is not good. As even Jewish immigration into Britain has not always been popular with the masses, or even the elites, what will become of the muslim immigrants if there is a downward direction of the economy, or if public opinion turns against Islam because of Islamic extremism?

I do not doubt that you take your religion seriously and that, if you follow it, you will find peace and satisfaction but Islam's current interaction with Europe is a negative one because of extremism, both secular and religious.

Britain is dominated by secular atheist extremists who want to wipe out ALL the cultures and religions of the world. We call them the New World Order.

Islam has indeed been hijacked by extremists who want to collectivise the whole Muslim world and create awful despotic regimes like the regime in Iran. They use the existence of Israel as a rallying point. They call Israel an 'occupation'...

You cannot hide from the fact that Islamic anti-Semitism and general distaste for non-muslims has a theocratic Koranic basis.

What immigrants like yourself often fail to understand is that Britain used to be a beautiful conservative Christian country.

You have never seen this country, or if you have perhaps only in films or books will you have seen an impression of what Britain was once like. This is the country which white Britons yearn for. Even the immigrants yearn for this country!

I do not blame you for living in Britain and for being a muslim, you have done nothing wrong, but, I am a nice nationalist. (BNP, moderate, democratic, non-violent)

There are many others who would be brutal, who would only see you in terms of your difference. They would not debate with you. They will only see you negatively, they will not be sympathetic to you or your religion.

I am very sorry, but this is the situation.

Mass-immigration into Britain was never welcomed by the British people. Multiculturalism is held together by repressive laws and a tissue of lies which could dissolve at any moment. There is no such thing as human equality - human equality is the first lie.

Leftists and liberals are using immigrants and multiculturalism to break Western society down. You may find this hard to believe, but that is what is happening and immigrants like yourself and immigration are just a symptom of a problem.

I believe that the West should encourage secular nationalism in Muslim countries, withdraw our troops from the Middle East in particular, and ultimately, encourage all foreigners resident in Europe to return to their homelands. I believe this to be the best solution.

This may be difficult, but if this does not happen then the consequences could be far far worse. As history has shown, ethnic/cultural minorities, even strong minorities, as the Jewish people in Nazi Germany were, can sometimes be turned upon by a savage bestial populace when there is economic hardship. The laws of nature will not bend forever.

It makes me very sad that these matters are being discussed with one who is so young, but it is better that you know and that such matters are explained to you with kindness.


« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 03:35:56 PM by sat_chit_anand »

Offline davkakach

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2006, 04:01:36 PM »

Yes...  unlike the religion of piss, we don't spread Judaism by the sword.  In fact, we don't spread it at all.  Jews are not missionaries.  I'd like to see how your smirk is wiped off your ugly burqa-covered face when the angry and vengeful mobs of Europeans come to torch your house and lynch you and your parents.  This is all in your future.  We'll see who has the last laugh.

he is representing the etiquette of a jewish person very badly....may he rot in hell :-[
That's right, muzzie.  It's time you beasts learned what is real Jewish etiquette, with regard to dealing with murderous, savage enemies like you muzzies.  The only language you barbarians understand is force.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2006, 04:15:13 PM »
Sorry I disagree that Islam has been highjacked.  If that is a would be case than one must admit that Muslim/Muslim conflict wouldn't be there as well there are those muslims who practice the deeds professed in the Hadith and there are simply those that aren't.  Islam via its own ideology professes perpetual "war", if you will, with the non-muslims until the entire world is under Islamic Law.  That is the most fundamental directive as professed by Mohammed himself, hense the quick expansion of the Caliphate.  Of course there are different interpretations of the Quraan, but than again what would be the outcome of a debate between a "Liberal" Muslim and a Jihadist Imam in the Islamic World....or even Europe...   rioting and death?  Islam means subission, dhimmitude or death not "Peace".  Again I do not believe Isalm was "highjacked" there may be more violent strains of Islam but is still Islam, still using the Quraan and Hadith and still working to further Mohammed's quest to "Dar Al Islam".
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline davkakach

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2006, 04:26:41 PM »
I understand english perfectly well including french, arabic and im learning german....
My school doesn't teach force maybe thats why u make no sense to me and all u can speak is utter rubbish.....
Beasts....ehm I DNT grw facial hair lyk u darlin so im a less of a beast then u are...especially with ure real*ya ryt fake * jewish etiquette....

i wouldn't have considered myself ure enemy before u insulted me.....
its pointless posting to u ... i can assure myself i will receive a vulger comment back..
We didn't declare a war on Islam---Islam declared war on us---Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, pagans, atheists, animists---1,400 years ago.  By embracing Islam voluntarily (otherwise, you wouldn't be defending it, would you?), you choose to be my enemy.  When you defend "scriptures" that advocate killing the kuffar, you are the enemy, whether you admit it or not.  I don't care if you not the one who will actually try to sink a blade in my chest---by being an enabler you are just as bad.  Only death and destruction will come out of your womb.  From a kuffar perspective, it is just as well if you were never born.  You already chose sides.  Now deal with the consequences.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2006, 04:43:09 PM »
I understand english perfectly well including french, arabic and im learning german....
My school doesn't teach force maybe thats why u make no sense to me and all u can speak is utter rubbish.....
Beasts....ehm I DNT grw facial hair lyk u darlin so im a less of a beast then u are...especially with ure real*ya ryt fake * jewish etiquette....

i wouldn't have considered myself ure enemy before u insulted me.....
its pointless posting to u ... i can assure myself i will receive a vulger comment back..
We didn't declare a war on Islam---Islam declared war on us---Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, pagans, atheists, animists---1,400 years ago.  By embracing Islam voluntarily (otherwise, you wouldn't be defending it, would you?), you choose to be my enemy.  When you defend "scriptures" that advocate killing the kuffar, you are the enemy, whether you admit it or not.  I don't care if you not the one who will actually try to sink a blade in my chest---by being an enabler you are just as bad.  Only death and destruction will come out of your womb.  From a kuffar perspective, it is just as well if you were never born.  You already chose sides.  Now deal with the consequences.

I can never say it is better for someone to not be born, whatever someone may do or be, there is a always the chance of them accomplishing good in their life. That is why I oppose the idea of killing anyone unless there is no other choice.


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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2006, 04:56:07 PM »
Having seen your last post, I must ask, why are you a muslim? It makes no sense.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2006, 05:08:05 PM »
The sad thing people do not understand is the basic pillar of Islam is in total agreement to what Davkakach dictated above.  The stated desire of the Quraanic teachings is for one day: Dar Al Islam.  That said Davkakach has every right and logic behind his words, even if direct and not "politically correct".  By the acceptance into an ideology like Islam, or Communism for that matter dictates War.  History has emphatically shown this under Yahuda ha Maccabee and Marzutra II in Babylonia.  It is funny how history tends to repeat itself: Utopian/Globalist beliefs.  Dar Al Islam vs Dar Al Harb....perpetual
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2006, 05:21:11 PM »
That is what the BNP yearns for.....
and i am not an immigrant. Which makes me different from most of my community.

No, but you are a racial and cultural foreigner. Of course, you are a British citizen... and have all the rights of a British citizen, but...

If I had been born in China it would not make me Chinese. Jews have lived in many countries but they have always been Jewish.

is that really why nick griffiths keeps getting arrested for making racial comments on muslims?really vulgar ones

You may think that what he says is vulgar, but his comments are a response to the extremist interpretation of Islam which is being tolerated by many British muslims.

Also, Griffin has said nothing which has not already been said in the mainstream press.

I do not like the language that he or the press use; I believe that one must respect an ideology before rejecting it, and I am not sure that Griffin has done that.

However, Griffin is a politician who wants people to vote for him and he is trying to warn British people about the dangers of Islamic extremism and this is why he uses the language he uses.

I wish that the debate was a little bit more highbrow, but there is another thing...

British law forbids criticism of people with respect to their race, but not their religion. This is why the BNP makes such a fuss about Islam, because it is the only foreign influence in Britain that the party can really talk about freely.

It looks as though Islam is being singled out, it is, but not by the BNP.

Islam has been singled out by the law.

One can also criticise Christianity as much as one likes in Britain.

The regime is MULTI-RACIAL. The final objective is a mixed-race, easily-governed atheist docile populace who will vote for for money and materialism, not for God, a higher purpose, or anything else.

That is why 'racial discrimination' is taken more seriously by the Labour Party etc.

The Labour Party is an evil, anti-human, atheistic party.

Look at the history of communism and see for yourself. The Labour Party is chock-full of Communists, Trotskyites and Leninists.

Charles Clarke and John Reid are former members of the Communist Party. These are our Secretaries of State! We should all be disgusted by this!

The feeling is mutual but the thing is what about muslims whos homelands are britain... it causes problems

thank u ..... u made a lot of sense, even though it tears me.

Yes, I am so sorry, but this is how it is. You must not be led into believing falsehoods.

There are many British people who live in Africa.

They are living all over Africa, running businesses, often farms. Some of them are fourth of fifth generation 'Africans' and they mostly do not want to 'return' to a country which has little prospects for them, even when times are tough.

However, some of them have returned, even fouth and fifth generation British people have returned. So, yes, it is problematic, but possible.

If Britain's economy suddenly failed, many immigrants would not hestitate to leave to a more prosperous country, and for many, I believe that would be their native homeland or perhaps another liberal capitalist country.

This is John Tyndall of the old British National Front: (from before you were born, the 1970s)

I think that you can see in his argument and logic that there is a case against multiculturalism. You have to understand that we are not at war with immigrants but the ideology of multiculturalism itself. This is a problem with the British Establishment. We, the British people are not to blame, 'the Jews' are not to blame, even Islamic extremists are not to blame. The problem is the British State and nationalists are trying to put this right.

The National Front collapsed in on itself because of anti-Semitism and attacks by the British security services.

This is the current BNP -

Nick Griffin on Sky News:

Nationalist politics are not only about race and culture, there is also a question of values. In fact, there has to be a question of values, otherwise there is nothing worth fighting for.

Nationalists are generally committed to the principles of self-help and self-sufficiency. This contrasts quite strongly with Britain's current deviation away from the Christian (protestant) values and ideals it was founded upon and, of course, the way our economy works and our current foreign policy.

At the end of the day, none of this is ideal, this world is mostly a cheap, cruel and brutal place.

You can find sadness, even horror, in the ordinary day-to-day events, but it can be made better and this is why we search for truth.

Somewhere along the line, your ancestors lost their old religion and they were converted to Islam. Perhaps even by force. Perhaps they were Christian or pagan before this happened. We, in Britain, were pagan before the Christians came.

I am not so keen on Christianity or Islam because they are a bit too aggressive for me. They seek to spread themselves. In fact, if i were to choose, I would probably choose Judaism, if I had to choose between the three.

These are my final thoughts for now:

To my mind, Islamic regimes need to be secularised and replaced with secular nationalism. Libya is a reasonably successful example of this. British foreign policy could be employed to encourage this and I hope that in the future it will be, under a responsible nationalist government.



Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2006, 06:03:17 PM » makes sense. In my community there is no question to whether murder is right...we believe that life is sacred..
u r saying it makes no sense, it is the terrorists that make no sense.

the five pillars of islam that i have been taught are marzutra:

shahada- declaration of faith
sawm- fasting ramadan
salah- praying five times a day to G-d
zakat- giving charity to poor
Hajj- pilgramige to makah

where is dar al islam?.....huh which one is it....if me and 1000s of muslims have been taught the about 5 then where does the rest of the world get its facts from?confusion ???
To live under Islam and follow Islam's customs are one things but understanding the goals, directives and ambitions of Islam as per Mohammed's own words and DEEDS are wholely another.  Please go ask your Imam what is the meant by Dar Al Islam, Dar Al Harb, Dhimmi, Kuffar etc. but mainly ask him if the end goal of the faith of Islam is Dar Al Islam.  Don't tell him that I asked, just ask yourself.  If you are honest he will be honest with you....then perhaps you might say....that guy knows his stuff....  Islam is DEATH pure and a heard of Cows heading for slaughter....all follow their leaders without the slightest intentions in knowing where they are going...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline davkakach

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2006, 09:05:09 PM » makes sense. In my community there is no question to whether murder is right...we believe that life is sacred..
u r saying it makes no sense, it is the terrorists that make no sense.

the five pillars of islam that i have been taught are marzutra:

shahada- declaration of faith
sawm- fasting ramadan
salah- praying five times a day to G-d
zakat- giving charity to poor
Hajj- pilgramige to makah

where is dar al islam?.....huh which one is it....if me and 1000s of muslims have been taught the about 5 then where does the rest of the world get its facts from?confusion ???
Little girl, you can ignore jihad, but the jihad continues, and has continued unabated for the last 1400 years.  Did you know that Muslims killed between 60-70 million Hindus?  Did you hear about the Armenian genocide, in which 2 million Armenias were slaughtered by Turkish jihadists?  Did you know that the Berber pirates that terrorized and exacted tribute from the fledgling United States in the 1800s were Muslims?  Did you know that Muhammad (piss be upon him and his followers) managed to wipe out all kuffar from the Arabian peninsula in his lifetime?

What is Dar al Islam?  Currently, it is only Iran.  The other Muslim nations, including Saudi Arabia, are ruled by hypocritical secular Western-puppet dictators, who are despised by their subjects.  The Arab street worships figures like Bin Laden, Zawahiri, Ahmedinejad and Nasrallah, who are true Muslims.

Your zealous co-religionists will not hesitate to blow you and other Western Muslims up to attain their political objectives, as part of their jihad against the mushrikun.  In the religion of submission, the end justifies the means.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2006, 10:08:20 PM »
Little girl, you can ignore jihad, but the jihad continues, and has continued unabated for the last 1400 years.  Did you know that Muslims killed between 60-70 million Hindus?  Did you hear about the Armenian genocide, in which 2 million Armenias were slaughtered by Turkish jihadists?  Did you know that the Berber pirates that terrorized and exacted tribute from the fledgling United States in the 1800s were Muslims?  Did you know that Muhammad (piss be upon him and his followers) managed to wipe out all kuffar from the Arabian peninsula in his lifetime?

What is Dar al Islam?  Currently, it is only Iran.  The other Muslim nations, including Saudi Arabia, are ruled by hypocritical secular Western-puppet dictators, who are despised by their subjects.  The Arab street worships figures like Bin Laden, Zawahiri, Ahmedinejad and Nasrallah, who are true Muslims.

Your zealous co-religionists will not hesitate to blow you and other Western Muslims up to attain their political objectives, as part of their jihad against the mushrikun.  In the religion of submission, the end justifies the means.
Very well put Dav.  Did you notice your last sentence is verbatum from the "Communist Manifesto"?  What you say is 100% truth.  I have written a little tid bit of knowledge re: history of Mohammed's conquest of the Arabian Peninsula in 624-627.  In all honesty, I do not feel that Sarah reads the posts.  Some she does and others she dismisses as lies.  The sad reality is most of the posts hold very much truth, like your post.  Then again, that is to be expected.  I cannot imagine entering a website and having everyone on there tell you opposite to what your "teachers" and "elders" have been indoctrinating one with since birth.  It is very similar to the Hamas and the Hizbollah's family values in that they have a Quraan in one hand and a gun, knife or bomb in the other but when it doesn't work out for them they can always blame the ;)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline davkakach

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2006, 10:32:43 PM »
I didn't know about the quote from the Communist Manifesto.  You're right, Marzutra, and I want to say that this "Sarah" (or whatever her real name is) is doomed to remain a slave of Allah, I know her type.  All she cares about is defending her faith, and finding excuses to justify what is done in her faith's name.  Her wings have already been clipped, and she is well on her way to be wed to a fellow muzzie and give birth to future MCB (British equivalent of CAIR) members and Al Qaeda operatives.  This cute, innocent cub will grow to give birth to murderous wolves who will continue the conquest and terrorizing of the dhimmi residents of Londonistan and the rest of Eurabia.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline davkakach

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2006, 01:34:51 AM »
(Excerpt from an article, Islamic Tools of War by Vernon Richards, author of Islam Undressed)

The female womb is one of the chief incubators of Islam. For all animals and insects, reproductive rate is the chief component determining the success of any species, determining its level of dominance over competing groups. Islamists subjugate and enslave women, using them to promote Islam demographically. By sacred edict and cultural norms, Muslims carefully control Muslim women and female reproduction. Polygamy and servitude enslaves Muslim women, turning them into little more than baby-factories to generate the raw material needed for Islam’s expansionist goals. Muslim men are also willing, if not anxious, to recruit infidel women to the cause of increasing the pool of Islam’s ready reserves. Indeed, enticing the devotions of non-Muslim girls by hook or crook is considered a part of Islamic Jihad. Success at such enticements also strengthen Islam by weakening Islam’s natural adversary (the non-Muslim nuclear family). To guarantee success at the subjugation of the female womb, Islam encourages female mutilation, beating sexually disobedient wives/slaves, discourages female education and employment, prevents agency of movement and association, and promotes very young girls given in marriage. Young psychologically and emotionally immature girls are more easily manipulated and controlled early in life to become virtual slaves to their husbands and Islam. Islam is fully cognizant of where its real strength lies, which is why female Muslim marriage or association with non-believers brings on ‘honor killings’ or death sentences from sharia courts. Male association with infidel women is encouraged and rewarded as a legitimate form of Jihad, female association is brutally prevented, …you do the math. An important document that every western woman should study to prevent her induction into Islam is Confessions of a Former Islamist by Ahmed Shalakamy.

Muzzie men take care of the short-term, violent jihad.  Muzzie women are responsible for the long-term, demographic jihad.  They are every bit as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than the men.  They [the women] are responsible for Islam's cancer-like growth in the heart of the West.  When Aisha/Sarah (whatever the muzzie's name is) starts procreating, she will become part of the jihad war against the West.  The only peaceful muzzie is either a dead muzzie or an ex-muzzie.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline genteelgentile

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2006, 04:33:47 AM »
Ugly, nasty, really a shame.  But true...
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

Offline davkakach

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Re: Muslim veils prompt bans across Europe [Europeans finally have had enough?]
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2006, 02:14:25 PM »
If you marry a Christian, your father or brothers will hunt you down and perform on you the standard muzzie "honor killing".

Of course, if, in the future, you renounce Islam and marry a Christian or an atheist, then I take back everything I said, and a million sincere apologies to you.  But this is not very likely to happen.  After all, how many women like Brigitte Gabriel are out there?  (And she was born into a Christian family.)  No.  What's most likely to happen is that through inertia and fear of your family you will remain a docile muzzie woman well beyond your reproductive years, marry a muzzie man and produce 8-10 jihadist vermin who will terrorize my children.  That's why I don't give a flying f--k about the fact that you are "just a young girl".  My son is also just a young boy, and if there is a chance that any of the murderous vermin that you squeeze out of your accursed womb is responsible for killing my children or grandchildren, I'd rather liquidate you now, before you manage to produce Islam's future suicide bombers.

You will see muzzies lynched on the streets of Europe in your lifetime.  If you read history and read reality, you can see it coming.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2006, 05:52:51 PM by davkakach »
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann