Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Should male-female interdancing be banned?

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Eliezer Ben Avraham:

--- Quote from: Daniel on October 14, 2007, 04:25:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: lou13ss on October 14, 2007, 04:23:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: Daniel on October 14, 2007, 04:17:04 PM ---
There's a big difference between believing that the Jews are the chosen people and engaging in disgusting and wanton racist language. We should also deem what is appropriate or inappropriate by common sense and common decency and be consistent and equitable about it.

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What is the difference? Racism is ok when it's biblical but otherwise it isn't? Saying that a people is "Chosen" means that other people are therefore not "chosen", that's racism. Thats saying that one race is superior.
What you consider common decency is just what the liberals around you have decided to call "decent" in their sick and twisted ideas of morals and ethics.
I am consistent. I always take the Jewish side of the issue, from a humanitarian point of view I am filled with contradictions, but the way I see it I am very consistent because I always base my view on the same question, "Is it good for the Jew?"

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Where in the bible does it say that it is good for the Jew to engage in wanton racial epithets against black people?

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Blacks have traditionally been very anti-Semitic, so why should I fight for the rights of a person who will turn around and fight against me?
Blacks will fight for Black rights and thats fine, but as a Jew I feel no need to fight for the rights of someone who will use those rights to fight against me.

Dr. Dan:

--- Quote from: lou13ss on October 14, 2007, 04:23:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: Daniel on October 14, 2007, 04:17:04 PM ---
There's a big difference between believing that the Jews are the chosen people and engaging in disgusting and wanton racist language. We should also deem what is appropriate or inappropriate by common sense and common decency and be consistent and equitable about it.

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What is the difference? Racism is ok when it's biblical but otherwise it isn't? Saying that a people is "Chosen" means that other people are therefore not "chosen", that's racism. Thats saying that one race is superior.
What you consider common decency is just what the liberals around you have decided to call "decent" in their sick and twisted ideas of morals and ethics.
I am consistent. I always take the Jewish side of the issue, from a humanitarian point of view I am filled with contradictions, but the way I see it I am very consistent because I always base my view on the same question, "Is it good for the Jew?"

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We have to be careful on how we interpret "chosen"...

We are chosen because we received the Torah on Sinai for all generations...because we chose it.
We are chosen not in the sense that we are better than any nation...we aren't better than any nation...we are as other nations...Some nations are good at certain things like art, music, dancing, medicine etc.... WE Jews as a nation are good at priestliness.. When we are good, we are blessed and rewarded. When we are evil, we are punished...and to make it a little more interesting for Gd...when we are good, we are doubly rewared...but when we are evil, we are doubley punished!  And we as Jews on Sinai chose this...that's why we are chosen...no better nor worse than anyone else.

Eliezer Ben Avraham:

--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on October 14, 2007, 04:34:37 PM ---I just don't see being Chosen as racism. Yes, G-d chose the Jewish nation but still loves all nations. Is was not the Jewish nation that called themselves the "Chosen People" first, but it was G-d who said "You are my chosen people" Did G-d then make a racist choice?

 To me being chosen does not mean superiority, it just means being chosen to have to follow certain commandments that Gentiles do not have to.

Being chosen in the sense of having more responsibility...mutual responsibility ie- when one Jew sins, it is not he alone who suffers, but the entire Jewish nation. That to me is what the Chosen People means. When it comes to Gentiles, G-d loves them as much, but chose the Jewish nation to be His "First Born Son" in a manner of speaking the Jewish nation is like an older brother to all gentiles.
Not to mention being chosen to be "A light unto all nations"

Being the Chosen people to me is not about being better, superior, racism but just about having DIFFERENT responsibilities than Gentiles. G-d loves all of us, made us equal and in His essence but just as an older brother in a family has more responsibilities to set a good example to his younger siblings, the Jewish nation is in that position as well, while all siblings are loved the same by their parents.

To me it's not racism...it's a blessing. Therefore, one should take being "the Chosen nation" with great humility and allways inspire good to come from their every action.

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I dont see how being "Holy" and "Chosen" would not cause a people to be considered, (at least in the eyes of others), superior.

Romantic Manifesto:
All this stuff and nonsense about BANNING.

What is the common bond that joins us here?

                Is it not FREEDOM?

I am not religious.  I do not believe.  I don't care what people CHOOSE to do with their lives as long as I am free to live mine and make my OWN choices.  Be it abortion, sexual preference or a hedonism (which combined with integrity makes living a very pleasant experience indeed).

As a non-believer, I insist that my freedom is more important than your religion.

Eliezer Ben Avraham:

--- Quote from: dannycookie57 on October 14, 2007, 04:46:13 PM ---
--- Quote from: lou13ss on October 14, 2007, 04:23:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: Daniel on October 14, 2007, 04:17:04 PM ---
There's a big difference between believing that the Jews are the chosen people and engaging in disgusting and wanton racist language. We should also deem what is appropriate or inappropriate by common sense and common decency and be consistent and equitable about it.

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What is the difference? Racism is ok when it's biblical but otherwise it isn't? Saying that a people is "Chosen" means that other people are therefore not "chosen", that's racism. Thats saying that one race is superior.
What you consider common decency is just what the liberals around you have decided to call "decent" in their sick and twisted ideas of morals and ethics.
I am consistent. I always take the Jewish side of the issue, from a humanitarian point of view I am filled with contradictions, but the way I see it I am very consistent because I always base my view on the same question, "Is it good for the Jew?"

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We have to be careful on how we interpret "chosen"...

We are chosen because we received the Torah on Sinai for all generations...because we chose it.
We are chosen not in the sense that we are better than any nation...we aren't better than any nation...we are as other nations...Some nations are good at certain things like art, music, dancing, medicine etc.... WE Jews as a nation are good at priestliness.. When we are good, we are blessed and rewarded. When we are evil, we are punished...and to make it a little more interesting for Gd...when we are good, we are doubly rewared...but when we are evil, we are doubley punished!  And we as Jews on Sinai chose this...that's why we are chosen...no better nor worse than anyone else.

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We are chosen because we are G-d's people and we have a special covenant with him.


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