If Haredim are set to become the majority in Israel by 2030 http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/secular-jews-may-be-minority-in-israeli-schools-by-2030-1.277177 then by 2060 the chilloni Jew in Israel, with their negative birthrate and maybe even outside of Israel, will be extinct!i would run away at the very day they would become a majority.i don't want anything imposed on me.
What will life be like in 50 years in a 100% black-coated peyos down to their knees non-Kahanist strictly Orthodox Haredi Jewish world?!
If Haredim are set to become the majority in Israel by 2030 http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/secular-jews-may-be-minority-in-israeli-schools-by-2030-1.277177 then by 2060 the chilloni Jew in Israel, with their negative birthrate and maybe even outside of Israel, will be extinct!i would run away at the very day the Jews would become a majority.i don't want anything imposed on me.
What will life be like in 50 years in a 100% black-coated peyos down to their knees non-Kahanist strictly Orthodox Haredi Jewish world?!
I'm curious as to why the Haredim feel that type of dress is considered "Jewish". No Jews in the Bible dressed anything like that. What is the history behind this kind of dress? To an outsider like myself it seems more Eastern-European than Jewish.yes.this is in order to preserve the 19th century eastern european lstyle of life.
I know Chaim has made comments about how these Jews dress like Polish Jew-haters of the past and I'm looking to learn more about it.
i don't think i asked you to tell me if i need to stay in israel or not.If Haredim are set to become the majority in Israel by 2030 http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/secular-jews-may-be-minority-in-israeli-schools-by-2030-1.277177 then by 2060 the chilloni Jew in Israel, with their negative birthrate and maybe even outside of Israel, will be extinct!i would run away at the very day the Jews would become a majority.i don't want anything imposed on me.
What will life be like in 50 years in a 100% black-coated peyos down to their knees non-Kahanist strictly Orthodox Haredi Jewish world?!
No one needs you here anyway. Btw, most Haredim do not believe in forcibly imposing the Jewish law on "Secular" Jews because that would only cause hatred (Mitzvoht better come with meaning).
If Haredim are set to become the majority in Israel by 2030 http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/secular-jews-may-be-minority-in-israeli-schools-by-2030-1.277177 then by 2060 the chilloni Jew in Israel, with their negative birthrate and maybe even outside of Israel, will be extinct!
What will life be like in 50 years in a 100% black-coated peyos down to their knees full bearded non-Kahanist ultra-Orthodox Haredi Jewish world?!
I'm curious as to why the Haredim feel that type of dress is considered "Jewish". No Jews in the Bible dressed anything like that. What is the history behind this kind of dress? To an outsider like myself it seems more Eastern-European than Jewish.
I know Chaim has made comments about how these Jews dress like Polish Jew-haters of the past and I'm looking to learn more about it.
I'm curious as to why the Haredim feel that type of dress is considered "Jewish". No Jews in the Bible dressed anything like that. What is the history behind this kind of dress? To an outsider like myself it seems more Eastern-European than Jewish.
I know Chaim has made comments about how these Jews dress like Polish Jew-haters of the past and I'm looking to learn more about it.
Yeah, the mode of dress puzzles me too. Don't know where in Judaism it's a rule to wear a black coat and fedora, I know for a fact that Moses and the Jews of the Exodus weren't wearing that stuff, and I'll go with that as a guide for myself, but whatever, if they want to look like a 19th century funeral director that is their prerogative. I do dislike the fact that this is the image of what a Jew is to a lot of people, makes us look weird.
I'm curious as to why the Haredim feel that type of dress is considered "Jewish". No Jews in the Bible dressed anything like that. What is the history behind this kind of dress? To an outsider like myself it seems more Eastern-European than Jewish.
I know Chaim has made comments about how these Jews dress like Polish Jew-haters of the past and I'm looking to learn more about it.
Yeah, the mode of dress puzzles me too. Don't know where in Judaism it's a rule to wear a black coat and fedora,
I know for a fact that Moses and the Jews of the Exodus weren't wearing that stuff, and I'll go with that as a guide for myself, but whatever, if they want to look like a 19th century funeral director that is their prerogative. I do dislike the fact that this is the image of what a Jew is to a lot of people, makes us look weird.
I'm curious as to why the Haredim feel that type of dress is considered "Jewish". No Jews in the Bible dressed anything like that. What is the history behind this kind of dress? To an outsider like myself it seems more Eastern-European than Jewish.
I know Chaim has made comments about how these Jews dress like Polish Jew-haters of the past and I'm looking to learn more about it.
Yeah, the mode of dress puzzles me too. Don't know where in Judaism it's a rule to wear a black coat and fedora, I know for a fact that Moses and the Jews of the Exodus weren't wearing that stuff, and I'll go with that as a guide for myself, but whatever, if they want to look like a 19th century funeral director that is their prerogative. I do dislike the fact that this is the image of what a Jew is to a lot of people, makes us look weird.
100 percent agreed, no one in my family ever dressed like that nor did any of my relatives. I've had proselytes that began dressing that way say that I need to be more Jewish and dress like them, I told them "I don't know too many Sephardic Jews that dress this way". I associate that style of dress with anti-zionists and neuterai karta. I will never dress that way. I would prefer to wear ancient Israelite clothing.
Chabad and Breslov are most definitely not "pro-Zionist".
What they have is considerably more ahavas yisroel for irreligious Jews than other Haredim. Many of their ranks are filled with former irreligious Jews.
And unlike other Haredi groups, Chabad and Breslov oppose "Land for Peace", but solely on halachic grounds of pikuach nefesh, not for any Zionist, Biblical or Kahanist reasons.
With Haredim having 8-20 children per family, and the Chilonim having 1-2 per family, ceteris paribus, the future statistically should inexorably belong to the former. But that's a big ceteris paribus! And yes: I live in Israel, where in the last few years there has been a noticeable massive increase in the packs and packs of roving under-20 Haredi male and female youths during bein hazmanim all over Israel. Whereas as the under-20 chilloni youth numbers are percebtibly on the wane.[/quote]
Perhaps you neglect science or rational thought when you propose impossible future scenarios as an envisioned certainty. What a worthless post. Chiloni Jews extinct? You ever travel in Israel? Or you stay in a ghetto and have no idea what other places and cities are like? Get real dude.
With Haredim having 8-20 children per family,
and the Chilonim having 1-2 per family
And yes: I live in Israel, where in the last few years there has been a noticeable massive increase in the packs and packs of roving under-20 Haredi male and female youths during bein hazmanim all over Israel.That's funny because I didn't ask if you lived in Israel, I knew that. What I asked was, do you live in a ghetto and do you occasionally leave the ghetto to experience and observe other parts of the country. Obviously not if you could purvey this sheker.
Whereas the under-20 chilloni youth numbers are percebtibly on the wane.
Both are certainly not anti-Zionist... Simply go to either of their webpages and witness their support for the state of Israel... I don't know how you can speak against these two wonderful Jewish groups. Both of them do a great deal to keep Jews Jewish and keep the Jews coming to Israel.
While I agree they would not support some of the ideals of Kahanism this is no reason to call them anti-zionist. Saying that is certainly not true. Also I find it odd that you say they are not pro-Israel because of the Torah. I attend many Chabad Shabbatons and a lot of discussion is how we should get Jews to go to Israel.
1-2 is not 0.Quote
Where did I say that they were "anti-Zionist"? Not being "pro-Zionist" is not the same as being "anti-Zionist"! However, the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, like his contemporary rabbis, strongly opposed a Zionist state in the 30s. But once the State of Israel came in to being, Chabad strongly supported the yishuv, on grounds of ahavas yisroel. The 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe said in 1992 that he would be in the forefront of fighting Land for Peace, but he wrote that it would be on Halachic Shulhan Aruch grounds, and that he would be bring no Tenach verses! That is where he differed from Rav Kahane, whose Zionism was based on pure Tenach!
then by 2060 the chilloni Jew in Israel, with their negative birthrate and maybe even outside of Israel, will be extinct!
And by 2100, the chilloni Jew as we know them, will have disappeared from the world.
And that is why Hashem has raised an Amolekite Ahmadinejad Persian neo-Haman: to warn and prompt the Jew that if he doesn't fulfil his tafkid of quoting pesukim from the Chumash, the Third Jewish commonwealth is in jeopardy!
When it came to Hilchos Eretz Yisroel, Rav Kahane was like a fish in water. Especially the Halachos of how to handle goyim in Israel.
It's just a matter of a few decades before the hardcore Chilloni heartland of Ramat Aviv is totally overrun by the Haredim of neighboring Bnei Brak
So how do you envisage Jewish demographics in Israel and outside it, in 2030, 2050 and in 2100?!
Re: Black suits, black hats, white shirts --
I asked a Chabad Rabbi this same question: "Why do they dress in that style of clothing?" "There is no Scriptural basis for it, and ancient Jews certainly did not dress in that apparel!"
He replied that such clothing was the style of the Polish Nobility during the times in which Chasidism was appearing. The Jews wanted to be elegantly but simply dressed, and the plain black and white color motif was to represent humbleness in appearance, etc. .
I personally find that all who dress like this that I have met have the deeply held belief that all male Jews MUST dress and appear like this, or they are not Jews, and seem to become quite emotionally upset over the possibility that Jews would choose any other clothing styles.
I have yet to see an artistic representation of Moses or King David wearing black lace up shoes, black fedoras, white shirt, black pants, and black coats. The truth is the Jews of ancient Israel probably more resembled the Taliban in their style of dress than they did the Haredim: headcovering or turban like wrap, loose fitting gown style clothing, sandals, etc. However, I don't recall depictions of ancient Jews all walking around wearing curved daggers or long swords, other than in time of war.
Of course, ancient Jews always wore Timex brand wristwatches.
Because the Jew, like a Timex , "takes a licking, and keeps on ticking!"
If Haredim are set to become the majority in Israel by 2030 http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/secular-jews-may-be-minority-in-israeli-schools-by-2030-1.277177 then by 2060 the chilloni Jew in Israel, with their negative birthrate and maybe even outside of Israel, will be extinct!
What will life be like in 50 years in a 100% black-coated peyos down to their knees full bearded non-Kahanist ultra-Orthodox Haredi Jewish world?!
Educate the young Jews of Israel about science, rational thought, and the Enlightenment and point out to them the works of Baruch Spinoza and Adam Smith to prevent this. No special treatment for people who don't want to act like they actually live in today's world.
Educate the young Jews of Israel about science, rational thought, and the Enlightenment and point out to them the works of Baruch Spinoza and Adam Smith to prevent this. No special treatment for people who don't want to act like they actually live in today's world.
Wonderful idea... Not...
While science is great it is essential that Jews are taught Torah. I also think that modern philosophies run contrary to Jewish wisdom...
PS: You know that Israel's High-Tech industry is booming and scientific breakthroughs are occuring often in Israel. I don't think that there is a lack of science eduction going on... But look at those leftists at Hebrew U... Maybe a little too much philosophy there...
A birth curve is not a straight line. It suddenly exponentially takes off dramatically!
Educate the young Jews of Israel about science, rational thought, and the Enlightenment and point out to them the works of Baruch Spinoza and Adam Smith to prevent this. No special treatment for people who don't want to act like they actually live in today's world.
The Erev Rav who control secular Israel get on just fine with the eminently bribable Erev Ze'ir who currently control Haredi Israel!
Both though would rather liquidate the State and their populations, rather than see Kahanism (ie true Torah) take over.
That is the definition and very purpose of the Erev Rav & Erev Zei'r, as explained by the Vilna Gaon: to keep the Moshiach ben David, the Moshiach ben Yosef, and the Jewish heartland of Judea & Samaria, permanently separated!
Importing more goyim just to spite the will of the Jewish people is a morbid thought. G-d forbid it ever happens. Do secular Jews truly hate religious Jews who want to be governed by more traditional Jewish values [this is what the Dati Leumi are, yes?] that much that they would turn Israel into basically a non-Jewish state? If so, why do you think that reason is? What can good Jews do to remove the powers that be from control before they have a chance to do any of what may happen as you see?A birth curve is not a straight line. It suddenly exponentially takes off dramatically!
Yes but people with low birthrates don't magically disappear. You are not speaking mathematically.
And certainly the low birthrate people won't disappear when they are the demographic in control of the apparatus of state. They will do everything in their power to maintain themselves and their vice grip on all aspects of Israeli society, including importing more goyim if necessary, destroying the entire Dati Leumi camp, and creating a Muslim Arab Fakestinian Terrorist state (think, the british palestine mandate methods for how that benefits them).
i don't have problems with the religious zionists orthe moderate haredim.but i will have a real problem with most of the haredim in israel that are evading taxes and don't serve in the army.and this is also the opinion of the majority of the secular israelis.Importing more goyim just to spite the will of the Jewish people is a morbid thought. G-d forbid it ever happens. Do secular Jews truly hate religious Jews who want to be governed by more traditional Jewish values [this is what the Dati Leumi are, yes?] that much that they would turn Israel into basically a non-Jewish state? If so, why do you think that reason is? What can good Jews do to remove the powers that be from control before they have a chance to do any of what may happen as you see?A birth curve is not a straight line. It suddenly exponentially takes off dramatically!
Yes but people with low birthrates don't magically disappear. You are not speaking mathematically.
And certainly the low birthrate people won't disappear when they are the demographic in control of the apparatus of state. They will do everything in their power to maintain themselves and their vice grip on all aspects of Israeli society, including importing more goyim if necessary, destroying the entire Dati Leumi camp, and creating a Muslim Arab Fakestinian Terrorist state (think, the british palestine mandate methods for how that benefits them).
Importing more goyim just to spite the will of the Jewish people is a morbid thought. G-d forbid it ever happens. Do secular Jews truly hate religious Jews who want to be governed by more traditional Jewish values [this is what the Dati Leumi are, yes?] that much that they would turn Israel into basically a non-Jewish state? If so, why do you think that reason is? What can good Jews do to remove the powers that be from control before they have a chance to do any of what may happen as you see?A birth curve is not a straight line. It suddenly exponentially takes off dramatically!
Yes but people with low birthrates don't magically disappear. You are not speaking mathematically.
And certainly the low birthrate people won't disappear when they are the demographic in control of the apparatus of state. They will do everything in their power to maintain themselves and their vice grip on all aspects of Israeli society, including importing more goyim if necessary, destroying the entire Dati Leumi camp, and creating a Muslim Arab Fakestinian Terrorist state (think, the british palestine mandate methods for how that benefits them).
WI,Where did he put down Chabad and Breslov?
What kind of BS are you spouting now?
Chabad and Breslov both dress in the Haredi style and they are very pro-zionist... Please don't speak Lashon Hara against such righteous Jews as Chabad or Breslov, thank you..
WI,Where did he put down Chabad and Breslov?
What kind of BS are you spouting now?
Chabad and Breslov both dress in the Haredi style and they are very pro-zionist... Please don't speak Lashon Hara against such righteous Jews as Chabad or Breslov, thank you..
100 percent agreed, no one in my family ever dressed like that nor did any of my relatives. I've had proselytes that began dressing that way say that I need to be more Jewish and dress like them, I told them "I don't know too many Sephardic Jews that dress this way". I associate that style of dress with anti-zionists and neuterai karta. I will never dress that way. I would prefer to wear ancient Israelite clothing.
In the early 90s when 1 million ex-Soviets were quickly imported in to Israel, and complaints were made that 80% were not Halachically Jewish, and that of them 25% had no Jewish blood in them at all, the verminous Yossi Sarid said that they made "a good antidote to the Haredim by setting off their numbers!". The same Yossi Sarid who is advocating importing immediately at least 1 million plain Ethiopian Blacks in to Israel!
Rather than see Kahanists take power, both Chillonim and Haredim would literally end the Medina: it goes that deep! "The war against the Erev Rav is more important and more dangerous than that of the war against Esau & Ishmael: the Geulah depends on it" (Vilna Gaon).
"At the time of a Kahanist Government, any Jewish traitors will be executed immediately!" (Chaim's former r.h. man, Yosef ben Meir z"l 2002).
Importing more goyim just to spite the will of the Jewish people is a morbid thought. G-d forbid it ever happens. Do secular Jews truly hate religious Jews who want to be governed by more traditional Jewish values [this is what the Dati Leumi are, yes?] that much that they would turn Israel into basically a non-Jewish state? If so, why do you think that reason is? What can good Jews do to remove the powers that be from control before they have a chance to do any of what may happen as you see?A birth curve is not a straight line. It suddenly exponentially takes off dramatically!
Yes but people with low birthrates don't magically disappear. You are not speaking mathematically.
And certainly the low birthrate people won't disappear when they are the demographic in control of the apparatus of state. They will do everything in their power to maintain themselves and their vice grip on all aspects of Israeli society, including importing more goyim if necessary, destroying the entire Dati Leumi camp, and creating a Muslim Arab Fakestinian Terrorist state (think, the british palestine mandate methods for how that benefits them).
They are willing to do anything to stay in power. It's not "secular Jews" in general, it's the Israeli regime and the leftist apparatus. Many secular Jews are simply zionists. It's the regime that seeks to bolster its own power with every last breath and will do anything it takes, including destroying the entire dati leumi societies, including compromising on suicidal retreats from the homeland and handing over money power and arms to terrorists. Thus the expulsion from Aza, the coming/intended expulsions from Yosh (Lo alenu), and the daily destruction of outposts, shuls, farms, etc in Yosh. The Dati Leumi are more of a threat than the haredim because the dati leumi aspire to national prominence and involvement in leadership and all fields. The haredim laregly sit on the sidelines and thus pose no threat to the establishment.
The "rabim" don't understand most of these issues and simply complain about haredi this and haredi that, yet they fail to see what the establishment surely understands is that politically the haredi society is in the pockets and in the control of the regime and to the regime's benefit. So all the laborites, kadimaites, likudniks, etc etc should be thanking the haredim.
In the early 90s when 1 million ex-Soviets were quickly imported in to Israel, and complaints were made that 80% were not Halachically Jewish, and that of them 25% had no Jewish blood in them at all, the verminous Yossi Sarid said that they made "a good antidote to the Haredim by setting off their numbers!". The same Yossi Sarid who is advocating importing immediately at least 1 million plain Ethiopian Blacks in to Israel!I went and did some reading on this Yossi Sarid fellow, he appears to be a major league [censored] who is at odds with the fact he was born Jewish. Vermin indeed. God forbid, importing 1 million non-Jew blacks from Ethiopia would be the ultimate act of treason. What a catastrophe, God forbid. God forbid, such would be a decimation to Israel, truly this man is horrible. 1 million savage land leeches [I'm sure they would all be well educated and ripe and ready to jump into Israel's technology industry, and not eager to siphon off the efforts of the hardworking and educated], in ISRAEL, God forbid.
Rather than see Kahanists take power, both Chillonim and Haredim would literally end the Medina: it goes that deep! "The war against the Erev Rav is more important and more dangerous than that of the war against Esau & Ishmael: the Geulah depends on it" (Vilna Gaon).
"At the time of a Kahanist Government, any Jewish traitors will be executed immediately!" (Chaim's former r.h. man, Yosef ben Meir z"l 2002).
Do Breslov Chasidim belive in Zionism? Do they belive in a Jewish State as well as Eretz Yisrael being the homeland of the Am Yisrael? From what I understand there is a split in the breslov world. Can you please clarify this for me? Does Breslov make up part of the Eda Haredit?
In my opinion it depends on what you mean by Zionism. If you were simply referring to “Zionism” as the love of Eretz Yisrael and our belief that it was given to the Jewish people eternally and that eventually we will return to it, then there is no doubt that every Breslover is a Zionist. There was no bigger lover of the Land of Israel than Rebbe Nachman. His books are filled with praise for Eretz Yisrael and of advice in regards to gaining its kidusha/holiness. It is know that Rebbe Nachman himself overtook an extremely dangerous journey, whose original purpose was only to walk a few steps in the Land and then return to his Chassidim. Rebbe Nachman told his Chassidim that anyone who wants to be a real Jew, must visit the Land.
Now if you are referring to the modern political Zionist movement founded by Theodore Herzl amongst others, simply put, Breslov is not a political movement. Firstly, the Rebbe passed away on Sukkot 1810, the Zionist Movement was not founded until the end of the 19th century, so the Rebbe definitely did not say anything about it. The mesorah-traditions we have in Breslov rarely contains political views. We believe that the Rebbe being the Tzaddik Emes/True Tzaadik is constantly doing whatever is in his power to bring every Jew closer to God and the truth. This goal and process stands head and tails above all political beliefs and groups.
I once heard a story from the grandson of the great anti-Zionist Reb Shmuel Shapiro. His grandfather was once lovingly dancing with another Breslover who was very Zionistic. When Reb Shmuel was asked why he would dance with this fellow, he replied something to the effect that their personal hiskasherut/connection to Rebbe Nachman is much larger than any political disputes. Some Breslovers may choose to be Zionistic, well others may choose the opposite, but in the end we will be judged by how much we followed the Eitzos/Advice of the Tzaddik and by how much we strived to pursue truth. Everything else is trivial.
Hope this helps,
Yossi Katz
So since most of these chassidim don't really make much effort to go live in Israel and make change, they're kind of just sitting back and hoping G-d will topple the secular Israeli government and set the stage for their return? Am I understanding right or wrong? I've always been curious why many chassidim seem to make no effort to live in Israel yet are obviously Torah-observent Jews.
I believe the simple explanation is the old saying "Ask two Jews a question, get three opinions..."
Even in the times of the Talmud there could be two Great Rabbis who would hold differing opinions.
I believe wonga66 will claim that the Chassidim or Haredim are Erev Rav which I believe is complete Bullcrepe..
The question comes down to what exactly Zionism is... Is it the secular zionism which created the state of Israel? If that is what is talked about it is clear that the religious would oppose it because a non-religious Israel is not what Hashem wanted and the religious Jews believe that Hashem will only allow the Jews to occupy the land when we accept the Torah which he gave us...
The Torah says at least 2 times that the land will vomit the Jewish people out if they reject his Torah. Read the Tochacha a couple of times and it will be clear that Jews only inherit the land if we accept the Torah, and live by it's precepts...
So the problem is that most of these Chassids and Haredim look at the current state and say this is not what Hashem wanted. Can this state be saved? I am one who believes it can... But the current leaders in Israel have to go... I believe that Kahanism is a way to save the current state of Israel by working within the government...
Here is what the Breslov site says about Zionism..
Do Breslov Chasidim belive in Zionism? Do they belive in a Jewish State as well as Eretz Yisrael being the homeland of the Am Yisrael? From what I understand there is a split in the breslov world. Can you please clarify this for me? Does Breslov make up part of the Eda Haredit?
In my opinion it depends on what you mean by Zionism. If you were simply referring to “Zionism” as the love of Eretz Yisrael and our belief that it was given to the Jewish people eternally and that eventually we will return to it, then there is no doubt that every Breslover is a Zionist. There was no bigger lover of the Land of Israel than Rebbe Nachman. His books are filled with praise for Eretz Yisrael and of advice in regards to gaining its kidusha/holiness. It is know that Rebbe Nachman himself overtook an extremely dangerous journey, whose original purpose was only to walk a few steps in the Land and then return to his Chassidim. Rebbe Nachman told his Chassidim that anyone who wants to be a real Jew, must visit the Land.
Now if you are referring to the modern political Zionist movement founded by Theodore Herzl amongst others, simply put, Breslov is not a political movement. Firstly, the Rebbe passed away on Sukkot 1810, the Zionist Movement was not founded until the end of the 19th century, so the Rebbe definitely did not say anything about it. The mesorah-traditions we have in Breslov rarely contains political views. We believe that the Rebbe being the Tzaddik Emes/True Tzaadik is constantly doing whatever is in his power to bring every Jew closer to G-d and the truth. This goal and process stands head and tails above all political beliefs and groups.
I once heard a story from the grandson of the great anti-Zionist Reb Shmuel Shapiro. His grandfather was once lovingly dancing with another Breslover who was very Zionistic. When Reb Shmuel was asked why he would dance with this fellow, he replied something to the effect that their personal hiskasherut/connection to Rebbe Nachman is much larger than any political disputes. Some Breslovers may choose to be Zionistic, well others may choose the opposite, but in the end we will be judged by how much we followed the Eitzos/Advice of the Tzaddik and by how much we strived to pursue truth. Everything else is trivial.
Hope this helps,
Yossi Katz