General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 05, 2007, 10:47:16 PM
Okay guys, sit down. This one ain't gonna go over too well with you all.
Alright, there recently has been a furor over Scotch's use of the German slogan "Sieg" and his post calling for the lynching of unspecified blacks. Most of JTF's membership has come down harshly against him, and has even called for his banning. I want to let it be known on no uncertain terms that I do not agree.
At the risk of hauteur and coming off as an egotist, I honestly feel I have developed a pretty keen online sense of determining who is and is not a Nazi. I haven't gotten that evil vibe from any of Scotch's posts. He reminds me of Sarah when she first came here, or perhaps Tonycali. He seems like a teenage kid who is eager to find a website that more or less shares his views, which certainly must be despised in all his social circles. He described himself as a "white Germanic nationalist" or something to that effect, but definitely not a Nazi, and emphasized that his goal was to stop terrorist scum from destroying Western civilization. If he indeed means that he is not an anti-Semite (and as far as I know he has no anti-Semitic posts), I don't see how being a "Germanic nationalist" is worse than being a Serbian nationalist, British nationalist, Hindu nationalist, etc. He may well simply mean that he wants to defend German people from Islamic conquest and genocide. I do happen to believe that the vast majority of Teutonic people ARE the scum of the earth, but who am I to say that he is wrong for having pride in his heritage if he means nothing against the Jews?
The vast majority of "white nationalists" ARE satanic Nazi ghouls, but, if one exists who is not, we are making a big mistake by jumping all over him.
The next big question is what he meant when he advocated the lynching of blacks: did he mean that all blacks deserve to die just because of their race, or that he wants to lynch the evil, racist, criminal blacks? He did not really indicate either way. If he intended to mean the former, then I will point out that this is flat-out evil and disgusting and that he needs to repent of this wickedness in his heart and leave the forum. If Scotch just wants wicked blacks to be killed, though, I don't see why what he said is particularly shocking or bad. Maybe he is just outraged from seeing so much black violence get hushed-up by the media and let his temper flow. I know I've done that many, many times.
Ask yourselves realistically: how many of you all would be upset to see Farrakhan or Jesse Jackson get lynched?
I must admit that I feel a personal connection to this issue right now owing to my semi-recent experience on the forum regarding some unwise comments I made. I said that terrorism would stop in Gaza if the Muslim Nazi women were raped as judgment for their actions, gave a Bible verse that indirectly could be taken to support this, and was temporarily banned for it. I did not at all mean to say that we should all become rapists or pursue this as a serious solution to terrorism--merely to point out that in G-d's eyes, satanic Nazis, including their women, are not immune to any form of judgment, however horrible and torturous. Naturally, I see that such a suggestion, however flippant and informal, was foolish, and should have never been said. Thus, I think that we should tell the same thing to Scotch before we flame him and call him a Nazi.
I don't know what is in Scotch's heart. I don't know what he really thinks of all of us. I don't know what he thinks of me. As a Mexican, would he, as a white nationalist, have any interest in what I say or am doing? As a JTF member speaking of a fellow JTF member, I would like to say the answer is yes. I want to believe that he knows the difference between right and wrong and can tell evil and normal people of all backgrounds. Everybody knows that that is what JTF has always stood for and I would like to think Scotch does as well. For that reason alone, I ask that we refrain from rushing to judgment on his case.
So in closing, I ask that we just ask him to refrain from making such statements and then give him another chance here.
i hear you out Chaimfan. We need to make sure that if he is true, that we refine the way he posts...we don't need to attract real racists...because no one here is really a racist. We just hate evil culture and evil people irregardless of color.
Thanks for hearing me out. I'm glad somebody liked my post... I just thought it would anger many people.
I would give you a reputation point but that system was taken down! :P
actually it was well written
and it's kind of funny, Chaimfan...
You are a Kahanist Hawk and I'm a Kahanist Dove...we kind of need to balance each other out.
That's a good way of seeing it, I suppose. Every organization needs a balance; a Yin and Yang. But even hawks can be dovish, as I am being this instant with Scotch.
Of course, if he really does want to see people murdered just because of their race, then he is a Nazi demon who deserves hell. But what he has written so far is ambiguous.
That's a good way of seeing it, I suppose. Every organization needs a balance; a Yin and Yang. But even hawks can be dovish, as I am being this instant with Scotch.
Of course, if he really does want to see people murdered just because of their race, then he is a Nazi demon who deserves hell. But what he has written so far is ambiguous.
just like when imerica writes something...just as "ambiguous"
just to forget the important line as I won't either..."When you show mercy to the cruel, you'll end up becoming cruel to the merciful.:
Well, we will have to see with Scotch. The reason I think Erica wasn't ambiguous is because she did not hesitate to condemn conservative black leaders. If she would have said "Well, I don't agree with Alan Keyes here", you would have had a point. But she didn't.
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis
ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
Maybe some other night. I don't feel like firing the first salvo in what is likely to become another monumental JTF flame war at this hour on this night. (yawns)
Yes speaking German or being German does'nt make someone a nazi
Scotch is such a troll....can't you tell by the way he writes?! :embarassed:
C.F. I truly appreciate you taking time out to state your opinion !
I'm sure it wasn't easy but you followed your instincts ! You're a Decent Person !
There's good and evil present amongst us ! I seek redemption for those on Ha'Shem's Side !
Yeah, it was a good round or two, but I recommend you all here find your Right-Wing Conservative Gut and move away from any calls of TOLERANT LIBERALISM !
Deliver us from Evil !
actually it was well written
and it's kind of funny, Chaimfan...
You are a Kahanist Hawk and I'm a Kahanist Dove...we kind of need to balance each other out.
To balance between Hawk and Dove is a very hard thing, i am a little more Dove then Hawk.
Like I said before, when you start tolerating vicious racist opinions you stray away from being righteous and you attract people who aren't righteous like white nationalists. I said that this board was beginning to look like a WN board and now we see it's happening.
Like I said before, when you start tolerating vicious racist opinions you stray away from being righteous and you attract people who aren't righteous like white nationalists. I said that this board was beginning to look like a WN board and now we see it's happening.
You "Affirmative Action GENIUSES" think you're so RIGHTEOUS ! :laugh:
Yet when a BLACK proclaims their proud of their heritage you Flaming LIBERALS acclaim them !
I must wonder how many of you are indeed BLACK GHETTO Sympathizers !
I didn't hear any calls for tolerant liberalism.
Many here seem to feel that you stepped over the line on this religious forum by posting that link.
If your the type of person JTF is trying to attract to the forum - they will be driving many others away.
I enjoy most of the threads on this forum because there is open, intelligent and civilized debate/discussion.
What's with the name calling? ;)
Have you read many of the threads on this forum?
I don't think you can call most here afrimative action geniuses or flaming liberals!
something so wrong and ignorant
Wouldn't the World be a Better Place if all Blacks thought they were White !! ::)
This guy isn't black.
This guy isn't black.
Is he pink ?
White nationalists and Black seperatists are all stupid. I will say that 95% of Blacks are evil. It is not the skin color it is the culture of the Negroes. Rap music especially. Now I am half-Black scotch. I dont condone Black violence. Or any other violence in that matter unless it is necessary. I do believe if the Blacks think this country is so racist then they shoulf leave, but I dont think like most of them. But Scoth, how about Whites that act like Blacks? Or the Islamic threat or the illigal immigrants comming here and our politicians selling ud down the river? Think about that scotch. Now sorry, I dont side with alot of Blacks. I am a Jew through and though and those are my people. But when you talk like a White nationalist, It makes me wonder.
Scotch, do you believe that some blacks are righteous people and do not hate whites?
Thats a black guy with a full nose
Like I said before, when you start tolerating vicious racist opinions you stray away from being righteous and you attract people who aren't righteous like white nationalists. I said that this board was beginning to look like a WN board and now we see it's happening.
You "Affirmative Action GENIUSES" think you're so RIGHTEOUS ! :laugh:
Yet when a BLACK proclaims their proud of their heritage you Flaming LIBERALS acclaim them !
I must wonder how many of you are indeed BLACK GHETTO Sympathizers !
Um, none of us?
He looks Indian to me too. He's probably an Indian Muslim or a Pakistani or Tamil Muslim Nazi.
Um, none of us?
Let's see how he answers my question. If he says none, then I do agree banning might be a logical step.
I read somewhere a while back that there is a movement among the Dravidians to reclaim the swastika from the Neo-Nazis, and the other hate groups who use it as their symbol.
He's a black Indian. The girl behind him looks nice. :-\
Yeah, but the Dravidians (Tamils and related ethnicities) ARE Nazis who hate the Jews and admire Hitler. I don't buy it that they intend the swastika as a religious symbol.
Really? I would suspect that they may have been hostile to Christians since they were colonized by Britain. I'd also think that it's safe to say that the swastika symbol has been a part of their culture way before the Dravidian people had ever come in contact with Europeans, or Jews for that matter.
There is similar sentiment among blacks about the confederate flag you know. Many Southerners maintain that the confederate flag has nothing to do with white supremacy, and that the flag had been hijacked by the KKK. I believe it's meaning has been attributed to the ideas like southern values, the commom man taking a stand against government tyranny, and stuff like that.
Scotch, do you believe that some blacks are righteous people and do not hate whites?
I believe those who have been truly touched by the hand of the "Great White Father" and stay away from his woman are DECENT, haven't yet come across though !
How about the effigy of Uncle Tom, if he exists I would consider him to be Righteous !
Seriously, "White Nationalists are stupid" what do you know. I'm a Serb nationalist. I'm white too, so that means that I'm stupid as well?
You can't say all. THERE are always different people in every political, ethnic and religious groups.
What you can do is hang those that are evil,stupid,racist etc. out to dry. Show everyone who they are but not blame everyone.
Yeah, but the Dravidians (Tamils and related ethnicities) ARE Nazis who hate the Jews and admire Hitler. I don't buy it that they intend the swastika as a religious symbol.
the swastika used by religious groups looks like this
and this is the nazi one.
huge difference
He's a black Indian. The girl behind him looks nice. :-\
;D - She does look pretty from a distance!
Anyone who would wear that shirt is an idiot - black or white. What was the point of posting the picture? I'm just curious. We all know there are idiots of every color.
Scotch, do you believe that some blacks are righteous people and do not hate whites?
I believe those who have been truly touched by the hand of the "Great White Father" and stay away from his woman are DECENT, haven't yet come across though !
How about the effigy of Uncle Tom, if he exists I would consider him to be Righteous !
So you think it is wrong if a righteous, right-wing black person marries a white person?
Yeah, but the Dravidians (Tamils and related ethnicities) ARE Nazis who hate the Jews and admire Hitler. I don't buy it that they intend the swastika as a religious symbol.
the swastika used by religious groups looks like this
and this is the nazi one.
huge difference
True. If those religous groups are truly righteous people, you'd think that they would appropriate a version that doesn't resemble the white supremist swastika, which in this age is considered a universal sign of racial hatred.
Well, didn't I just say that the Tamils ARE Jew-hating Muslim Nazis?
Why wouldn't they choose the exact National Socialist German Workers' Party symbol?
Seriously, "White Nationalists are stupid" what do you know. I'm a Serb nationalist. I'm white too, so that means that I'm stupid as well?
You can't say all. THERE are always different people in every political, ethnic and religious groups.
What you can do is hang those that are evil,stupid,racist etc. out to dry. Show everyone who they are but not blame everyone.
You have to understand who "White Nationalists" are Serbian Cetnik. Chaim Fan was referring to "White Nationalists" not nationalists who are white. "White Nationalists" is a term that can almost be equated with "Neo-Nazi." White Nationalists is a name for a group of Neo-Nazis who don't like that term so they call themselves White Nationalists but they are basically the same as neo-Nazis they all want to annihilate Jews and they all worship Hitler. Of course Chaim Fan isn't condemning nationalists who are white. There are millions of fantastic Americans, Serbs, Israelis and people of many countries who are great "white nationalists" (notice the lower case) I just wanted to clear that up Serbian Cetnik, when you hear the term White Nationalists in the future you'll know who we are talking about.
I was just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, since I've always known Indians to be very righteous and authentic people. I didn't think Dravidians were any different.
Other than the swastika, what is it that the Dravidian people have done to Jews that makes you believe that they hate them?
Well, didn't I just say that the Tamils ARE Jew-hating Muslim Nazis?
Why wouldn't they choose the exact National Socialist German Workers' Party symbol?
They didnt, its the nazi who picked THIER symbole.
Yeah, but the Dravidians (Tamils and related ethnicities) ARE Nazis who hate the Jews and admire Hitler. I don't buy it that they intend the swastika as a religious symbol.
The Dravidians are f'en morons then. The Europeans used that symbol before indians ever did, the only reason the dravidian have it is becuase of the indo-european invasion. Even Natives of America such as Hopi used the symbol.
[quote[They didnt, its the nazi who picked THIER symbole.[/quote]
Back there up. WHERES THE EVIDENCE FOR THAT? Germans used the symbol before the indians.
I was just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, since I've always known Indians to be very righteous and authentic people. I didn't think Dravidians were any different.
Other than the swastika, what is it that the Dravidian people have done to Jews that makes you believe that they hate them?
They are racially militant, hate northern Indians (Hindus), are very pro-Muslim, and many of them actually are Muslims.
Look up the "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam".
What the Hell is a "White Nationalist" considering "White" people make up many different cultures and nations? It is ok to have pride and respect for ones heritage, ethnicity, culture and being just as it is perfectly acceptable for a Black to have the same respect. I've gone away for a few months and the forum seem to change into some sort of a racial Nazite discussion group...
There are many different religions that use the Swastika as religous symbol. Doesn't necessarily mean Jew hatred. Doesn't the Hindus use the Swastika? India has never known anti-semitism to my knowledge....if they had, it is only as of recent history and probably the injections of Islam, Protocols, Mein Kempf and the Socialist rot.... my two cents...
Okay guys, sit down. This one ain't gonna go over too well with you all.
Alright, there recently has been a furor over Scotch's use of the German slogan "Sieg" and his post calling for the lynching of unspecified blacks. Most of JTF's membership has come down harshly against him, and has even called for his banning. I want to let it be known on no uncertain terms that I do not agree.
At the risk of hauteur and coming off as an egotist, I honestly feel I have developed a pretty keen online sense of determining who is and is not a Nazi. I haven't gotten that evil vibe from any of Scotch's posts. He reminds me of Sarah when she first came here, or perhaps Tonycali. He seems like a teenage kid who is eager to find a website that more or less shares his views, which certainly must be despised in all his social circles. He described himself as a "white Germanic nationalist" or something to that effect, but definitely not a Nazi, and emphasized that his goal was to stop terrorist scum from destroying Western civilization. If he indeed means that he is not an anti-Semite (and as far as I know he has no anti-Semitic posts), I don't see how being a "Germanic nationalist" is worse than being a Serbian nationalist, British nationalist, Hindu nationalist, etc. He may well simply mean that he wants to defend German people from Islamic conquest and genocide. I do happen to believe that the vast majority of Teutonic people ARE the scum of the earth, but who am I to say that he is wrong for having pride in his heritage if he means nothing against the Jews?
The vast majority of "white nationalists" ARE satanic Nazi ghouls, but, if one exists who is not, we are making a big mistake by jumping all over him.
The next big question is what he meant when he advocated the lynching of blacks: did he mean that all blacks deserve to die just because of their race, or that he wants to lynch the evil, racist, criminal blacks? He did not really indicate either way. If he intended to mean the former, then I will point out that this is flat-out evil and disgusting and that he needs to repent of this wickedness in his heart and leave the forum. If Scotch just wants wicked blacks to be killed, though, I don't see why what he said is particularly shocking or bad. Maybe he is just outraged from seeing so much black violence get hushed-up by the media and let his temper flow. I know I've done that many, many times.
Ask yourselves realistically: how many of you all would be upset to see Farrakhan or Jesse Jackson get lynched?
I must admit that I feel a personal connection to this issue right now owing to my semi-recent experience on the forum regarding some unwise comments I made. I said that terrorism would stop in Gaza if the Muslim Nazi women were raped as judgment for their actions, gave a Bible verse that indirectly could be taken to support this, and was temporarily banned for it. I did not at all mean to say that we should all become rapists or pursue this as a serious solution to terrorism--merely to point out that in G-d's eyes, satanic Nazis, including their women, are not immune to any form of judgment, however horrible and torturous. Naturally, I see that such a suggestion, however flippant and informal, was foolish, and should have never been said. Thus, I think that we should tell the same thing to Scotch before we flame him and call him a Nazi.
I don't know what is in Scotch's heart. I don't know what he really thinks of all of us. I don't know what he thinks of me. As a Mexican, would he, as a white nationalist, have any interest in what I say or am doing? As a JTF member speaking of a fellow JTF member, I would like to say the answer is yes. I want to believe that he knows the difference between right and wrong and can tell evil and normal people of all backgrounds. Everybody knows that that is what JTF has always stood for and I would like to think Scotch does as well. For that reason alone, I ask that we refrain from rushing to judgment on his case.
So in closing, I ask that we just ask him to refrain from making such statements and then give him another chance here.
If scotch, gives a good response to the further questions you asked him after the first, then i will remove my posts about him.
Yeah, but the Dravidians (Tamils and related ethnicities) ARE Nazis who hate the Jews and admire Hitler. I don't buy it that they intend the swastika as a religious symbol.
The Dravidians are f'en morons then. The Europeans used that symbol before indians ever did, the only reason the dravidian have it is becuase of the indo-european invasion. Even Natives of America such as Hopi used the symbol.
They didnt, its the nazi who picked THIER symbole.
Back there up. WHERES THE EVIDENCE FOR THAT? Germans used the symbol before the indians.
The swastika in Indian culture dates back to 5000 BCE. Hilter probably appropriated the swastika the same time as the term "Aryan", which he stole from Indians too.
no offence but your about to get schooled
The basque pre indo european people used the swastika, these are people WITH NO CONNECTIONS TO ANCIENT INDIA WHATSO-FRIGGIN-EVER.
The term aryan is sanskrit in india means noble. it comes from when the aryan indo european invaded india and were called noble ones. Iran is named after the aryans. Iran, land of aryans. natives of south and north america have used the swastika as well, predating the dravidian barbarians who probably ARE NAZIS.
is there any use for the swastika in modern day age? NO! but these dravidians are fighting to use it again. you would think this is suspicious as CF says.
WhiteHawk, what exactly do you believe? What is your background? I am not trying to attack--I just want to learn more about you.
In any case, it is absolutely true that Dravidians have no linguistic, ethnic, or racial connection to the rest of India, and are a dangerous group of Muslim or pro-Muslim separatists who hate everybody else around them. The Dravidians to the rest of the Indian subcontinent are what Albanians are to Europe.
If scotch, gives a good response to the further questions you asked him after the first, then i will remove my posts about him.
I have already given my response:
Scotch, do you believe that some blacks are righteous people and do not hate whites?
I believe those who have been truly touched by the hand of the "Great White Father" and stay away from his woman are DECENT, haven't yet come across though !
How about the effigy of Uncle Tom, if he exists I would consider him to be Righteous !
If a Black has ever lived up to this level of Racial Integrity then he or she has my acclaim.
Honor the "Great White West" and follow the Founders Originalist vision.
I will take you at your word. ;)
I also asked you though what you think of interracial relationships between noble, right-wing blacks and other races.
no offence but your about to get schooled
The basque pre indo european people used the swastika, these are people WITH NO CONNECTIONS TO ANCIENT INDIA WHATSO-FRIGGIN-EVER.
The term aryan is sanskrit in india means noble. it comes from when the aryan indo european invaded india and were called noble ones. Iran is named after the aryans. Iran, land of aryans. natives of south and north america have used the swastika as well, predating the dravidian barbarians who probably ARE NAZIS.
is there any use for the swastika in modern day age? NO! but these dravidians are fighting to use it again. you would think this is suspicious as CF says.
The word "Swastika" is also sanskrit. The Indian swastika bears the same geometry as the swastika we know today. It says here that the Basque symbol called a Lauburu only dates back to 200 BCE
This page talks about a version of the swastika found in Tibet which originates around 18,000 years ago?
I also asked you though what you think of interracial relationships between noble, right-wing blacks and other races.
As long as the Child is deemed Black or Coloured by Society in accordance with the One Drop Rule though the Coloured Mother, which was not formally deemed unconstitutional along with the Virginia Integrity Law that allowed for Interracial Unions, all is well !
But White Women are encouraged not to engage in such decadent acts !
For these laws were originally created by White Men so that their offspring with the Coloureds would not inherit their grand race !
Anglo-America LIVES !
The earliest swastika symbols of the archaeological record date to the Neolithic. The symbol was found on a number of shards in the Khuzestan province of Iran and as part of the "Vinca script" of Neolithic Europe of the 5th millennium BC. In the Early Bronze Age, it appears on pottery found in Sintashta, Russia.
Swastika-like symbols also appear in Bronze and Iron Age designs of the northern Caucasus (Koban culture), and Azerbaijan, as well as of Scythians and Sarmatians [4]. In all these cultures the swastika symbol does not appear to occupy any marked position or significance, but appears as just one form of a series of similar symbols of varying complexity.
Now let me remind everyone. Iran was originally founded by aryans.
more Vinca Script information:
WhiteHawk, what exactly do you believe? What is your background? I am not trying to attack--I just want to learn more about you.
I am anti-muslim, and an american citizen. I don't think Islam should be in Europe either, or israel since they are christian/jew nations.
Hawk, Sarah is NOT a Muslim any longer and does NOT subscribe to Nazi beliefs. Leave her alone, NOW.
Everybody chill......scotch is gone now.
Everybody chill......scotch is gone now.
But we have white hawk instead .
Everybody chill......scotch is gone now.
But we have white hawk instead .
Yeah.......this is really Jewish. We can't get a break.
Everybody chill......scotch is gone now.
But we have white hawk instead .
Yeah.......this is really Jewish. We can't get a break.
:D :D I'm going to start a thread about jews and their hard working mentality.
But we have white hawk instead .
lol just because i beat you in a debate about the swastika doesn't mean you have to call me a nazi. besides its impossible for me to be a nazi.
But we have white hawk instead .
lol just because i beat you in a debate about the swastika doesn't mean you have to call me a nazi. besides its impossible for me to be a nazi.
You were never called a Nazi.
But we have white hawk instead .
lol just because i beat you in a debate about the swastika doesn't mean you have to call me a nazi. besides its impossible for me to be a nazi.
1. I didnt called you a nazi
2. Whene you beat me in a debate ? did we have a debate between us at all ?
Oh, now i noticed what you have saiD, you are WRONG, here is my proof :
"It is a widely-used symbol in Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism). Hindus often decorate the swastika with a dot in each quadrant. In India, it is common enough to be a part of several Devanagari fonts. It is also a symbol in the modern unicode. It is often imprinted on religious texts, marriage invitations, decorations etc. It is used to mark religious flags in Jainism and to mark Buddhist temples in Asia.
Archaeological evidence of swastika shaped ornaments goes back to the Neolithic period. In 1920 the swastika was appropriated as a Nazi symbol, and has since then become a controversial motif as a consequence. In the Western world, it is this usage as a symbol of Nazism that is most familiar, and this political association has largely eclipsed its historical status in the East."
Now, the age of the hinduism is much older the nazism, and also the using of hinduism in the swastika as a symbole :
"Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.. The worldwide religious tradition is based on the Vedas, beliefs, and customs of various groups in India. Hinduism's origins include cultural elements of the Indus Valley Civilization(c. 3300–1700 B.C.E."
So...who beat who ?
Its dangerous to be arrogant
as i said earlier. Hinduism may be the oldest religion, but the earlier archeological evidence of the swastika predates india's and goes into Europe in the Neolithic era. Although Hinduism is old, it didn't always have the swastika as its symbol.
The swastika symbol also represents the path of the migrations of the Hopi clans.
"Theories of single origin as a sacred prehistorical symbol point to the Proto-Indo-Europeans, noting that the swastika was not adopted by Sumer in Mesopotamia, which was established no later than 3500 BC, and the Old Kingdom of Egypt, beginning in 2630 BC, arguing that these were already well-established and codified at the time of the symbol's diffusion. As an argument ex silentio, this point has little value as a positive proof."
I'm not trying to be a jerk whatsoever. But it would make the most sense if the swastika started off with europeans and then as they migrated into India, middle east, and such it was adapted to different peoples.
as i said earlier. Hinduism may be the oldest religion, but the earlier archeological evidence of the swastika predates india's and goes into Europe in the Neolithic era. Although Hinduism is old, it didn't always have the swastika as its symbol.
The swastika symbol also represents the path of the migrations of the Hopi clans.
"Theories of single origin as a sacred prehistorical symbol point to the Proto-Indo-Europeans, noting that the swastika was not adopted by Sumer in Mesopotamia, which was established no later than 3500 B.C.E., and the Old Kingdom of Egypt, beginning in 2630 B.C.E., arguing that these were already well-established and codified at the time of the symbol's diffusion. As an argument ex silentio, this point has little value as a positive proof."
I'm not trying to be a jerk whatsoever. But it would make the most sense if the swastika started off with europeans and then as they migrated into India, middle east, and such it was adapted to different peoples.
All you are saying is wrong,
"The Tibetan Yungdrung Bön Religion is said to have its origins 18.000 years ago "
"The Founder of the Bön Religion was called Shenrab Miwo. It is said that in a past age there were three brothers, Dagpa (Dag-pa), Salba (gSal-ba) and Shepa (Shes-pa), who studied the Bön doctrines in the heaven named Sridpa Yesang (Srid-pa Ye-sangs), under the Bön sage Bumtri Logi Chechan ('Bum-khri glog-gi-lce-can). When they had completed their studies they visited the God of Compassion Shenlha Odkar (gShen-lha 'Od-dkar) and asked him how they could help living beings who are submerged in the misery and sorrow of suffering. Shenlha Odkar advised them to act as guides to mankind in three successive ages of the world. To follow his advice, the eldest brother Dagpa completed his work in the past world age, while the second brother Salba took the name Shenrab and became the teacher and guide of the present world age. It will be the youngest brother, Shepa, who will come to teach in the next world age.
According to the Bön religion of Tibet, about 18,000 years ago Lord Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche (sTon-pa gShen-rab Mi-bo-che: Teacher and Great Man of the Shen) was born in the land of Olmo Lungring ('Ol-mo lung-ring), a part of a larger country called Tazig (sTag-gzigs: Central Asia). 'Ol' symbolizes the unborn, 'mo' the undiminishing; 'Lung' denotes the prophetic words of Tonpa Shenrab, the founder of Bön, and ring, his everlasting compassion. Olmo Lungring constitutes one-third of the existing world, and is situated to the west of Tibet. It is described as an eight-petalled lotus under a sky which appears like an eight-spoked wheel. In the centre rises Mount Yungdrung Gutseg (gYung-drung dgu-brtsegs), the 'Pyramid of Nine Swastikas'. The nine swastikas represent the Nine Ways of Bön, which will be described below.
The swastika or yundrung is a symbol of permanence and indestructibility of the wisdom of Bön.
At the base of Mount Yungdrung Gutseg spring four rivers, flowing towards the four cardinal directions. The mountain is surrounded by temples, cities and parks. To the south is Barpo Sogye (Bar-po so-brgyad) palace, where Tonpa Shenrab was born. To the west and north are the palaces where Tonpa Shenrab's wives and children lived. To the east is Shampo Lhatse (Sham-po lha-rtse) temple. The complex of palaces, rivers and parks with Mount Yungdrung Gutseg in the centre constitutes the inner region (Nang-gling) of Olmo Lungring. The intermediate region (Bar-gling) consists of twelve cities, four of which lie in the four cardinal directions. The third region includes the outer land (mTha'-gling). These three regions are encircled by an ocean and a range of snowy mountains"
Whitehawk, please settle down. Nobody is attacking you.
The indian religions were around YES but the swastika wasn't always their symbol. You need to provide more of a reliable source, because all I've been able to find is the Swastika being in Neolithic times is the oldest evidence of a swastika ever found.
"The earliest swastika-like symbols preserved appear on pottery dated from around 4000 BC, as part of the "Vinca script"."
"it's like a spiral or a star, it's an image that just springs forth out of the well; The old solar clock/basket weave image. Most examples are from the bronze and iron ages, although at this point it seems that the earliest physical specimens we have came out of digs in Iran and Armenia from the Neolithic Period 5000-7000 b.c....We'll see what else develops."
Swastika was an always has been a European symbol. How it got to North America, I have no idea..
It is very clear the indians got the swastika from the europeans. ;)
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis
ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
CF already asked me that question...as a matter of fact I've been asked by other people here also and I don't believe they belived what they read. I THINK OJ DID IT! I think that a lot of people, especially here, expects me to be on the 'black' side no matter what the issue is so they have to keep asking me weird questions to see if I'll slip up.
WHatever, though. I can't stop people from thinking I'm not like some of the blacks they meet. They can only draw their own conclusions...just like when CF drew the conclusion that I was a crack whore without knowing a lot about me.
This guy isn't black.
Is he pink ?
He looks West Indian. He's not black.
Thats a black guy with a full nose
He isn't black. Just because his skin is dark dosen't mean he's black.
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis
ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
CF already asked me that question...as a matter of fact I've been asked by other people here also and I don't believe they belived what they read. I THINK OJ DID IT!
Well then, good for you. I honestly don't remember asking that of you but if you say I did, I will take your word for it.
Nobody literally believed you were a crack whore, it's just that a lot of posters got very angry with you when you said Chaim went to prison for "doing a terrible thing".
He looks West Indian. He's not black.
I think you meant East Indian. West Indian means Caribbean, which is primarily black.
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis
ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
CF already asked me that question...as a matter of fact I've been asked by other people here also and I don't believe they belived what they read. I THINK OJ DID IT!
Well then, good for you. I honestly don't remember asking that of you but if you say I did, I will take your word for it.
Nobody literally believed you were a crack whore, it's just that a lot of posters got very angry with you when you said Chaim went to prison for "doing a terrible thing".
YOU CALLED ME A CRACKWHORE, CF! YOU did...I got a lot of flack from Masterwolf and DWI but you called me a crackwhore and other insulting names that I don't represent. And for the record, Chaim didn't go to jail for doing a GOOD thing. There are better ways of making people listen to you other than doing what he did.
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis
ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
CF already asked me that question...as a matter of fact I've been asked by other people here also and I don't believe they belived what they read. I THINK OJ DID IT! I think that a lot of people, especially here, expects me to be on the 'black' side no matter what the issue is so they have to keep asking me weird questions to see if I'll slip up.
WHatever, though. I can't stop people from thinking I'm not like some of the blacks they meet. They can only draw their own conclusions...just like when CF drew the conclusion that I was a crack whore without knowing a lot about me.
AHA! I caught you, Imerica.
You said a negro thing. You started a sentance with "Wha' ever"
He looks West Indian. He's not black.
I think you meant East Indian. West Indian means Caribbean, which is primarily black.
[/quote]My bad...sorry. I MEANT East Indian.
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis
ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
CF already asked me that question...as a matter of fact I've been asked by other people here also and I don't believe they belived what they read. I THINK OJ DID IT! I think that a lot of people, especially here, expects me to be on the 'black' side no matter what the issue is so they have to keep asking me weird questions to see if I'll slip up.
WHatever, though. I can't stop people from thinking I'm not like some of the blacks they meet. They can only draw their own conclusions...just like when CF drew the conclusion that I was a crack whore without knowing a lot about me.
AHA! I caught you, Imerica.
You said a negro thing. You started a sentance with "Wha' ever"
When did I say "WHA' ever"? I said 'whatever' newman. That's not a new expression. Its not a negro "thing" either.
YOU CALLED ME A CRACKWHORE, CF! YOU did...I got a lot of flack from Masterwolf and DWI but you called me a crackwhore and other insulting names that I don't represent. And for the record, Chaim didn't go to jail for doing a GOOD thing. There are better ways of making people listen to you other than doing what he did.
Calm down, calm down. Nobody wants to hear your righteous indignation, sista. I called you a lot of things but somebody else said "crackwhore". I think it was DownwithIslam.
And I notice you don't condemn your civil-rights goons for throwing worse than tear gas (i.e. rocks and Molotov cocktails) at the cops during their riots in the '60s and beyond. You just don't like white people showing civil disobedience. Once again you are caught in your own hypocrisy.
YOU CALLED ME A CRACKWHORE, CF! YOU did...I got a lot of flack from Masterwolf and DWI but you called me a crackwhore and other insulting names that I don't represent. And for the record, Chaim didn't go to jail for doing a GOOD thing. There are better ways of making people listen to you other than doing what he did.
Calm down, calm down. Nobody wants to hear your righteous indignation, sista. I called you a lot of things but somebody else said "crackwhore". I think it was DownwithIslam.
And I notice you don't condemn your civil-rights goons for throwing worse than tear gas (i.e. rocks and Molotov cocktails) at the cops during their riots in the '60s and beyond. You just don't like white people showing civil disobedience. Once again you are caught in your own hypocrisy.
I'm not your 'sista' first of all. Second you DID call me a crackwhore, CF. YOU DIDN"T ASK ME ABOUT ANYONE THROWING MOLTOV COCTAILS at cops during the 60's but if you had, you'd certainly have gotten the response that I don't was a very smart idea for them to do that. I don't agree with any force of action against police or civilians. But you intend to see the worst in me and for what? To prove that a white man is righteous and the black woman on the JTF site is wrong. You're the hypocrite. I've repeated over and over again...changed my mind about how I once felt about Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton (job centres) and realized that I still wouldn't follow them. I'm my own person. I dont' need YOU or any half-baked 'black leader' to make me seem important.
YOU CALLED ME A CRACKWHORE, CF! YOU did...I got a lot of flack from Masterwolf and DWI but you called me a crackwhore and other insulting names that I don't represent. And for the record, Chaim didn't go to jail for doing a GOOD thing. There are better ways of making people listen to you other than doing what he did.
Calm down, calm down. Nobody wants to hear your righteous indignation, sista. I called you a lot of things but somebody else said "crackwhore". I think it was DownwithIslam.
And I notice you don't condemn your civil-rights goons for throwing worse than tear gas (i.e. rocks and Molotov cocktails) at the cops during their riots in the '60s and beyond. You just don't like white people showing civil disobedience. Once again you are caught in your own hypocrisy.
CF, just to correct you, there was never a point in which she condemned NOR agreed with tear gassing or violent demonstartions done by Black Americans. Nor has she differentiated white from black civil disobediance...so, personally, all due respect, I don't see any kind of hypocrisy (yet).
Just to let you konw the definition, CF. an exmaple of hypocracy would be someone saying they hate white disobediance, but agreed with black disobedience. I don't see where Imerica did that.
I'm not your 'sista' first of all. Second you DID call me a crackwhore, CF. YOU DIDN"T ASK ME ABOUT ANYONE THROWING MOLTOV COCTAILS at cops during the 60's but if you had, you'd certainly have gotten the response that I don't was a very smart idea for them to do that. I don't agree with any force of action against police or civilians. But you intend to see the worst in me and for what? To prove that a white man is righteous and the black woman on the JTF site is wrong. You're the hypocrite. I've repeated over and over again...changed my mind about how I once felt about Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton (job centres) and realized that I still wouldn't follow them. I'm my own person. I dont' need YOU or any half-baked 'black leader' to make me seem important.
Don't wet your panties here. These kinds of responses just give more evidence to the people who say you are insane. Show me where I personally called you a crackwhore. You are just continuing to bury yourself deeper and deeper with your contortions and wordplay--you say it isn't smart for blacks to riot, but that it is "terrible" for oppressed Jews to show civil disobedience. If that is not a double standard, I don't know what is. Nobody was oppressing your soul brothas and soul sistahs or forcing them to stay in big, bad America the way the Soviet Union was keeping its Jews in and sending them to concentration camps if they tried to leave. Your bros and broettes could have boarded a boat to Africa whenever they felt like. So no, they had no reason whatsoever to riot and attack white police.
You are the only half-baked black around here, to really believe you are going to change our minds on fundamental issues to us.
CF, just to correct you, there was never a point in which she condemned NOR agreed with tear gassing or violent demonstartions done by Black Americans. Nor has she differentiated white from black civil disobediance...so, personally, all due respect, I don't see any kind of hypocrisy (yet).
Just to let you konw the definition, CF. an exmaple of hypocracy would be someone saying they hate white disobediance, but agreed with black disobedience. I don't see where Imerica did that.
She says that it "isn't a good idea" for blacks to riot but that it was "terrible" what Chaim did, which hurt nobody. "Isn't a good idea" or "isn't smart" or "counterproductive" is what the PLO mouthpieces officially say when one of their ilk murders a bunch of Jews. It isn't a condemnation at all.
I think that that is a double standard, and her current response to me shows that she sticks by that standard to this day.
CF, just to correct you, there was never a point in which she condemned NOR agreed with tear gassing or violent demonstartions done by Black Americans. Nor has she differentiated white from black civil disobediance...so, personally, all due respect, I don't see any kind of hypocrisy (yet).
Just to let you konw the definition, CF. an exmaple of hypocracy would be someone saying they hate white disobediance, but agreed with black disobedience. I don't see where Imerica did that.
She says that it "isn't a good idea" for blacks to riot but that it was "terrible" what Chaim did, which hurt nobody. "Isn't a good idea" or "isn't smart" or "counterproductive" is what the PLO mouthpieces officially say when one of their ilk murders a bunch of Jews. It isn't a condemnation at all.
I think that that is a double standard, and her current response to me shows that she sticks by that standard to this day.
Because I express dislike differently from you makes me the enemy? You're a peice of work, you are. What do you want me to say, CF? "Those black people are peices of drek!" ? That's basically what I'm saying with my response but you won't be happy until I've turned into your mouth peice. I'll continue to express myself in the way I always have. If you are going to continue to bash me because I won't repeat the words you say with the vigor you express them in, do that.
I'm not a member of this 'PLO' you're talking about. SO I don't know where you got that from. I bash bad blacks just like you do but because I'm not rampaging like you are I'm insane? Great. And what Chaim did had the potential to hurt many people... had the potential. What those evil blacks did with moltov coctails had the potential to hurt those that didn't get hurt in their rage. ALL of them deserved jail time.
I'm not your 'sista' first of all. Second you DID call me a crackwhore, CF. YOU DIDN"T ASK ME ABOUT ANYONE THROWING MOLTOV COCTAILS at cops during the 60's but if you had, you'd certainly have gotten the response that I don't was a very smart idea for them to do that. I don't agree with any force of action against police or civilians. But you intend to see the worst in me and for what? To prove that a white man is righteous and the black woman on the JTF site is wrong. You're the hypocrite. I've repeated over and over again...changed my mind about how I once felt about Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton (job centres) and realized that I still wouldn't follow them. I'm my own person. I dont' need YOU or any half-baked 'black leader' to make me seem important.
Don't wet your panties here. These kinds of responses just give more evidence to the people who say you are insane. Show me where I personally called you a crackwhore. You are just continuing to bury yourself deeper and deeper with your contortions and wordplay--you say it isn't smart for blacks to riot, but that it is "terrible" for oppressed Jews to show civil disobedience. If that is not a double standard, I don't know what is. Nobody was oppressing your soul brothas and soul sistahs or forcing them to stay in big, bad America the way the Soviet Union was keeping its Jews in and sending them to concentration camps if they tried to leave. Your bros and broettes could have boarded a boat to Africa whenever they felt like. So no, they had no reason whatsoever to riot and attack white police.
You are the only half-baked black around here, to really believe you are going to change our minds on fundamental issues to us.
You are an angry person who needs some kind of councelling, CF. You often call other blacks my 'soul brothas and sistahs' sounding ignorant as all get out. Understand something, I didn't introduce myself here as someone who blamed white Americans for anything. But you're putting what some other blacks feel off on me. Now that's what I call a derranged. And just so you know. Do you think that Black Americans have that much pull in Africa that they could leave America and move into African Territory without having some of the same problems present here in America? Wow. Just because we look alike dosen't mean we all feel the same about each other, CF. Africa isn't my birth country. America is. I intend to stay.
And its terrible what I learned about the former Soviet Union in Russia where Jews are being held captive. It makes me cry everytime I see the infomercial about Christians helping to send Jews back to Israel. The conditions in which they live is equal to what I see on the World Vision commercials. It hurts me that I can't give something to help the cause..all I can do is care and pray about it.
In the mean time, why don't you try less to know what I'm thinking or wanting, and start thinking about the things you need to do in your life.
stop crying imerica. Its amazing how many african-ameriacns whine so much. Such liberals.
The indian religions were around YES but the swastika wasn't always their symbol. You need to provide more of a reliable source, because all I've been able to find is the Swastika being in Neolithic times is the oldest evidence of a swastika ever found.
"The earliest swastika-like symbols preserved appear on pottery dated from around 4000 B.C.E., as part of the "Vinca script"."
"it's like a spiral or a star, it's an image that just springs forth out of the well; The old solar clock/basket weave image. Most examples are from the bronze and iron ages, although at this point it seems that the earliest physical specimens we have came out of digs in Iran and Armenia from the Neolithic Period 5000-7000 B.C.E....We'll see what else develops."
Swastika was an always has been a European symbol. How it got to North America, I have no idea..
It is very clear the indians got the swastika from the europeans. ;)
Really ? hmmmm.....
18.000 years ago near 4000 B.C.E..hmmmm.....im not so sure who got is from who.
If you will think hard enough you will understand thet the europeans got the swastika from the indians and from the chines, and about how it got to america is a very easy question,
The answer is thet Alaska and China became to one land with ice thet conected between them, thet happend at the ice age (10000 years ago), and the chines/asians treveld from china and asia with their swastika into America =]
Thet's the reason thet the Indians (Americans) have diagonal eyes, like the asian eyes .
stop crying imerica. Its amazing how many african-ameriacns whine so much. Such liberals.
FIrst you want someone here who cares about the plight of Jews in Russia now you want me to stop feeling sad about what they're going through? I'm not here complaining about what the white man has done. THEN I'd be crying, if I were that kind of person. But I'm not. You can either take it or leave it.
What those evil blacks did with moltov coctails had the potential to hurt those that didn't get hurt in their rage. ALL of them deserved jail time.
But they didn't get any jail time. Heck, most didn't get even get arrested because police departments and DAs didn't want to "inflame community tensions" and other such crap. Only in America does one get a free pass to maim, rape, and kill because of their skin color. Do you think that white Rhodesians/South Africans are ignored by the courts because of their "privileged" status? Do you believe Boers could throw tear-gas grenades (and worse) at ANC government troops/officers with impunity?
Ask yourself Erica... when was the last riot in America started by whites? When was the last time whites burned down a black neighborhood? Answer me: when was the last time that even the most horrible, racist southern Klansmember whites invaded a black neighborhood and just started randomly raping black women and burning their shops and businesses and homes? And don't you complain about lynching, either (which happened in roughly equal numbers to black and white defendants).
When was the last time white thugs dragged black truck drivers out of their rigs and threw bricks at their head while hundreds of other whites looked on and cheered? When was the last time huge crowds of skinhead thugs purposely marched into ghettoes on Halloween and bashed in the heads of black female trick-or-treaters? Tell me, please tell me, O Wise Black Woman. Of course, the reality is that most of the time these savage rioters aren't attacking whites, but are moronically burning down THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS! How's that for brains?
Finally, let's talk sports. The Anaheim Ducks won the Stanley Cup (greatest championship in all sports) last month over here and believe me, there was not the slightest bit of rowdiness or civil disturbance in the least... not even around the arena during the victory parade. How come when the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA championship here three times earlier in this decade there were huge riots around the Staples Center, with dozens of cars overturned and burned and storefronts destroyed and looted? And this was the victory celebration, mind you! I shudder to think of what the black and Hispanic Laker fans would have done if they lost!!!
You are an angry person who needs some kind of councelling, CF. You often call other blacks my 'soul brothas and sistahs' sounding ignorant as all get out. Understand something, I didn't introduce myself here as someone who blamed white Americans for anything.
First of all, it's counseling, genius.
No, you haven't DIRECTLY blamed whites for anything, you just think they don't have the right to defend their rights (or those of oppressed whites around the world, as is the case with Chaim and Soviet Jewry) or exercise civil disobedience. Your g-d Fartin' Lucifer Queen broke the law when he had his zombie worshippers flood Southern streets and prevent daily life from going on. I don't recall when the JDL stopped normal people from going about their daily lives. Also, as militant as the JDL was, I don't recall them starting a riot for Soviet Jews. I can't say the same for your goons who were protesting white South African rule in the '70s and '80s.
And its terrible what I learned about the former Soviet Union in Russia where Jews are being held captive. It makes me cry everytime I see the infomercial about Christians helping to send Jews back to Israel. The conditions in which they live is equal to what I see on the World Vision commercials. It hurts me that I can't give something to help the cause..all I can do is care and pray about it.
Bull****. Nobody buys it that you care about Russian Jews. After all, they're educated, civilized, excel in school and work and get challenging, high-paying jobs, and--gasp--have very little melanin. All of which blacks will never have and will always be jealous of.
stop crying imerica. Its amazing how many african-ameriacns whine so much. Such liberals.
When I look at the argument CF and whitehawk are making with imerica, Imerica is sounding, in this situation much much more logical and correct. But up to this post that I quoted...
after that, it's a wait and see :).
What those evil blacks did with moltov coctails had the potential to hurt those that didn't get hurt in their rage. ALL of them deserved jail time.
But they didn't get any jail time. Heck, most didn't get even get arrested because police departments and DAs didn't want to "inflame community tensions" and other such crap. Only in America does one get a free pass to maim, rape, and kill because of their skin color. Do you think that white Rhodesians/South Africans are ignored by the courts because of their "privileged" status? Do you believe Boers could throw tear-gas grenades (and worse) at ANC government troops/officers with impunity?
Ask yourself Erica... when was the last riot in America started by whites? When was the last time whites burned down a black neighborhood? Answer me: when was the last time that even the most horrible, racist southern Klansmember whites invaded a black neighborhood and just started randomly raping black women and burning their shops and businesses and homes? And don't you complain about lynching, either (which happened in roughly equal numbers to black and white defendants).
When was the last time white thugs dragged black truck drivers out of their rigs and threw bricks at their head while hundreds of other whites looked on and cheered? When was the last time huge crowds of skinhead thugs purposely marched into ghettoes on Halloween and bashed in the heads of black female trick-or-treaters? Tell me, please tell me, O Wise Black Woman. Of course, the reality is that most of the time these savage rioters aren't attacking whites, but are moronically burning down THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS! How's that for brains?
Finally, let's talk sports. The Anaheim Ducks won the Stanley Cup (greatest championship in all sports) last month over here and believe me, there was not the slightest bit of rowdiness or civil disturbance in the least... not even around the arena during the victory parade. How come when the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA championship here three times earlier in this decade there were huge riots around the Staples Center, with dozens of cars overturned and burned and storefronts destroyed and looted? And this was the victory celebration, mind you! I shudder to think of what the black and Hispanic Laker fans would have done if they lost!!!
Why in the hell are you complaining to me CF that these evil people did what they did? I wasn't there to help them commit crimes but I would have called for them to get arrested just like anyone else. I'm sure though that those who couldn't run fast enough from the cops may have gotten put in jail, though. It dosen't make any sense for someone to have thrown a moltov coctail into a crowd of policemen and not one cop catch up to the person.
Everytime you respond to me you act as if I am the cause of the problems evil blacks bring on themselves and the rest of this country. Why? Do you NEED someone to blame THAT BADLY?
And I can't answer this question.... "Answer me: when was the last time that even the most horrible, racist southern Klansmember whites invaded a black neighborhood and just started randomly raping black women and burning their shops and businesses and homes? "
But I can tell you when and where a black man named James Byrd, Jr. was killed. June 7th 1998 in Jasper, Texas. On June 7, 1998, Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from Shawn Allen Berry, Lawrence Russel Brewer, and John William King. Instead of taking him home, however, the three men beat Byrd, tied him to their pickup truck with a chain, and dragged him about three miles. It is not known whether or not he was alive during the dragging. Although Lawrence Russell Brewer claimed that Byrd's throat had been slashed before he was dragged, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive for much of the dragging and died only after his right arm and head were severed when his body hit a culvert.
What model behavior THAT was, CF. You see, I didn't have to go very far back into the past to find that information. This was recent history, since you wanted to bring it up.
Let me find a few more things for you...
Hate crimes against blacks....
Seven year-old black girl raped and strangled in NV. Casino restroom by a white man....
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.
If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.
Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.
If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.
Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.
On that note, CF, I'm glad I'm leaving this site because I don't think I can take one more lie from you. I've ALWAYS said that evil blacks exist. I KNOW they are here. AND I'VE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY MUST BE DEALT WITH ALSO!!! PLUS you asked me to come up with some instances where white people did anything to blacks and I did. I owe you nothing else...and didn't owe you THAT. It was out of courtesy that I even researched what I found. I'm tired of you getting mad at bad blacks and then projecting your anger on me because you're a bitter person. And I dont' know who Jonathan Pollard is, why are you asking me to stick up for someone I dont' know? And again I DON'T CLAIM JESSE, AL or LOUIS AS ANY LEADERS OF MINE. BUT YOU want me to. That's really bad. LOL
Erica, you want to "prove" that I am a racist. That's been your goal since day one. But how come I always pick on you, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, etc. and their followers and not Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell, J.C. Watts, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, etc.?
And why do YOU never stick up for any of the blacks I just listed?
Erica, you want to "prove" that I am a racist. That's been your goal since day one. But how come I always pick on you, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, etc. and their followers and not Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell, J.C. Watts, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, etc.?
And why do YOU never stick up for any of the blacks I just listed?
I don't know Thomas Sowell, JC Watts or Lee Peterson... I dont' stand up for them because I don't know them. Do you think that just because I'm black that I know every black person in existence? And I'm against anything Jesse, Al and Farrakhan say or think. I've told you that over, and over, and over, and over...ad nauseaum and I'm tired of saying it. Whether you read it or not (the hundreds of times I've said it) is up to you. That's not my problem. Oh, and I already told you how I felt about Alan Keyes. He's a homophobe who was a bad father to his daughter and kicked her out for being a lesibian. FOR LOVING SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX. I can't take anything he says seriously because I DON'T AGREE WITH HIM...and I dont' have to. ANd I shouldn't have to agree with him simply because he's black.
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.
If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.
Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.
wait, i'm confused, which Erica are you talkign about? If you are talkign about Imerica..well, I just don't get it...you are accusing her of something that isn't necessarily true.
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.
If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.
Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.
wait, i'm confused, which Erica are you talkign about? If you are talkign about Imerica..well, I just don't get it...you are accusing her of something that isn't necessarily true.
CF talks as if I'm the person or the people who have screwed his view of black people up. I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him. The guys that killed Matthew Shepard are rotting in jail, I know. But CF what you don't understand is that I seem to have become the materialized version of the black person/ people who have [censored] you off in your life and I'm not happy there. If you want to blame someone... blame those who hurt you..dont' blame me because I didn't do anything to you. You don't know me from Adam.
Save it, Erica. You complain that I am making you a scapegoat for all evil blacks and then you try to make me responsible for hate crimes against blacks (which are very rare, by the way)? I'm not even black, Erica. Quit typing out of your tuchis.
If you MUST know, I throw the actions of evil blacks at you because you have still not said that they, or the blacks who incite them, are evil. You yourself admit that you refuse to say what I want you to about Farrakhan and Jackson. So I take it you would refuse to say that Hitler is evil too just because I say so. Well, Hitler has a lot in common with your idols Farrakhan and Jackson--all three of them hate/hated and want/wanted to destroy America and tried to murder all Jewry.
Erica, those incidents made the news because hate crimes on blacks are so rare and really are "news" when they happen. What do you think happened to that animal Jeremy Strohmeyer? The monster is on death row. Where are the Klan butchers who murdered Mr. Byrd? Same place. Where are the guys who killed Matthew Shepard? Yup, you got it, death row, same place that American patriot Jonathan Pollard is, who you have never stuck up for here in the least, for professing to care about Jews.
wait, i'm confused, which Erica are you talkign about? If you are talkign about Imerica..well, I just don't get it...you are accusing her of something that isn't necessarily true.
CF talks as if I'm the person or the people who have screwed his view of black people up. I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him. The guys that killed Matthew Shepard are rotting in jail, I know. But CF what you don't understand is that I seem to have become the materialized version of the black person/ people who have [censored] you off in your life and I'm not happy there. If you want to blame someone... blame those who hurt you..dont' blame me because I didn't do anything to you. You don't know me from Adam.
Erica..don't pay any heed to CF...to me, at least, 99% of his threads do not make sense in regards to you. There is no logic to his attack on you currently...wild accusations. It's not unusual to see this from CF on occasion...
I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him.
Jeremy Strohmeyer is the animal who raped and killed seven-year-old Sharice Iverson in that Vegas casino restroom in 1997. You know, the story you linked me to? How come you didn't know the names of the killer and victim and I knew them from memory?
Danny, I don't appreciate this from you. I thought I explained why I feel the way I do about Erica and how I think she is a hypocrite.
I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him.
Jeremy Strohmeyer is the animal who raped and killed seven-year-old Sharice Iverson in that Vegas casino restroom in 1997. You know, the story you linked me to? How come you didn't know the names of the killer and victim and I knew them from memory?
Danny, I don't appreciate this from you. I thought I explained why I feel the way I do about Erica and how I think she is a hypocrite.
CF, you are losing your arguement really really badly! Your arguement with Erica holds no logic as you wildly accuse her of something that isn't saying..and the fact that isn't saying a certain thing doesn't mean that she is being affirmative otherwise....In other words, you are backing her into a corner where she is damned if she does or damned is she doesn't..and to me, she has said nothing wrong in this thread...
I don't know Jeremy Strohmeyer but if he did something bad enough to land him on death row, good for him.
Jeremy Strohmeyer is the animal who raped and killed seven-year-old Sharice Iverson in that Vegas casino restroom in 1997. You know, the story you linked me to? How come you didn't know the names of the killer and victim and I knew them from memory?
Danny, I don't appreciate this from you. I thought I explained why I feel the way I do about Erica and how I think she is a hypocrite.
Actually you haven't explained how I'm a hypocrite at all.
Danny, the point is this. She dislikes Alan Keyes but isn't willing to attack the evil blacks I name every single post with the same force. She viciously attacks Chaim. That's why I do not like her.
Danny, the point is this. She dislikes Alan Keyes but isn't willing to attack the evil blacks I name every single post with the same force. She viciously attacks Chaim. That's why I do not like her.
I don't care if you like me or not. lol Chaim viciously attacks blacks who haven't done anything to hurt him and yet he's no angel. I"M NOT SPEAKING OF THE EVIL BLACKS WHO DESERVE TO BE BASHED BY HIM. He talks about other peoples' pasts but he acts as if he dosen't have a past at all. There is no law in the world that says that I have to agree with what Chaim or Alan Keyes has to say. Just like you don't have to agree with me.
Erica, you have come to Chaim's forum and bash him. How realistically do you expect us to react?
How do you think I would be treated if I went to an Al Sharpton forum and called him a terrible person?
It says something about who we are for not banning you even though you put down Chaim.
Danny, the point is this. She dislikes Alan Keyes but isn't willing to attack the evil blacks I name every single post with the same force. She viciously attacks Chaim. That's why I do not like her.
I understand that you dislike her for those reasons, but you're arguement is way off. She is addressing points in which you are asking her to address and then without proof accusing her of other things out of nowhere. I have to say, yo uare doing a terrible chaim ben pesach impression.
Now, let me tell me what I have fault with Imerica and I know this is what you are trying to articulate.
She puts moral equivalence of Chaim's disobedience saving Russian Jewry to evil blacks who show civil disobediance stating that both are very bad things and that violence is not a way to react to things.
The thing is, when Chaim did it, it was to bring to forefront the truth of what the newspapers were not reporting. And it did good...we all know it's good. Those evil blacks (not because of the color of their skin), were rowdy evil people who destroy destroy destroy and are jealous animals. To us, there is a biiiiiig difference between Chaim and those animals. I hope, you, Imerica, can see that difference.
Chaim was very curageous for diong what he did. He sacraficed his life to do a deed like that. Ok, personally, I wouldn't do it the way chaim did, but you know what? It was done. He did break some laws to do what he did and did his time for it. Fine. He's a good guy..no wait, he's a great guy for doing that even if it meant jail time. Just wish he had a better lawyer to justify his actions, but oh well.
Those evil blacks that riot..they are nothing but illeterate thugs who have nothing else better to do. To hell with them! They have no intention on making the world a better place and will only do that satisfy their first urge, just like every dog does.
Got it, Imerica? That's the whole point of the arguement.
I agree with you Danny but I would take it further. I feel that because the rioters are black that she tries to provide a moral "out" for them (i.e. she agrees that they are bad but thinks that indirectly racism pushed them to do it).
How do I know she dislikes Chaim more than evil blacks? She brought up Chaim out of nowhere and only discussed the evil blacks because we kept throwing it at her.
I think she condemns Chaim worse than the evil blacks. That's why I dislike her so much.
Erica, you have come to Chaim's forum and bash him. How realistically do you expect us to react?
How do you think I would be treated if I went to an Al Sharpton forum and called him a terrible person?
It says something about who we are for not banning you even though you put down Chaim.
I wouldn't give two shakes of salt what you'd do if you went to Al Sharpton's forum. Do it? Damn. What are you waiting for? I'm not there supporting him. All I want to know is why do you accuse me of being WITH him and the others when I keep telling you that I dont' support them? Do you get some kind of high from going around in circles? I'm not the only person here who dosen't agree with some of the things Chaim does. He's no God. I'm sure if CHaim was in Israel right now minding his business, everyone else here would be okay without him. Most of us here are adults and can pretty much take care of ourselves right?
I'm sure if CHaim was in Israel right now minding his business, everyone else here would be okay without him. Most of us here are adults and can pretty much take care of ourselves right?
You pathetic worm. You know full well that Chaim is not allowed to go to Israel.
I agree with you Danny but I would take it further. I feel that because the rioters are black that she tries to provide a moral "out" for them (i.e. she agrees that they are bad but thinks that indirectly racism pushed them to do it).
How do I know she dislikes Chaim more than evil blacks? She brought up Chaim out of nowhere and only discussed the evil blacks because we kept throwing it at her.
I think she condemns Chaim worse than the evil blacks. That's why I dislike her so much.
1. I don't see where she thinks that indirectly racism pushed them to do any rioting. Certainly, we all know there is no excuse for rioting. Racism didn't make Jews act crazy...nor many other races and nations.
2. Imerica doesn't like it how Chaim and many of us, supposedly attack all blacks as a culture. The thing is, is that we don't nor are supposed to attack all blacks. And after Chaim was called upon it, he has clarified EVERY SINGLE time that not all blacks or not all hispanics or not all etc are bad or evil. And Chaim has clarified it really well and supported his basis. It seems to many of us that she is being selective to when he does attack blacks without the clarification. We need to PROVE to her that we do not hate blacks because of their color...but that the vast majority have gone the wrong way. But proving any of this doesn't mean we intimidate her or yell at her.. Proving means using wit, debating abilities, and eloquence. CF, sometimes you are eloquent..but much of the time you are a firebrand. Being a firebrand is proper on certain occasions, but wiht Imerica, I dont' think it is apporpriate since she doesn't flame and is a decent human being. She does not go under the category of animal. She goes under teh category of being merciful to the cruel and becoming cruel to the merciful. I don't want her to go away because I want her to see the difference between evil actions and good actions. Chaim did a good action but from a glass jar it is viewed as evil. And then the black rioters...some claim they are fighting racism by acting violent..so from a glass jar, they are doing good..but really waht it is...chaim is the merciful and Israel and the US were cruel...but to the evil black rioters..the were merciful to the cruel...Scary stuff.
3. I don't think she is saying that Chaim is worse than the black rioters. She is putting a moral equivalency which makes you feel that she is saying that Chaim's righteous actions look even worse.
4. She feels that civil disobedience no matter the cause is the wrong way to go about proving a point. The problem is that she doesn't understand that nobody listened to the Jews in the 80's. However, when tehy did something outrageous, everybody noticed and talked about...and i guess, sometimes you need to do things that chaim did to make a statement to free innocent people from demise. So, why aren't we doing now in regards to the conflict with Islam? Because Islam is lot bigger than JTF and Chaim. Civil disobedience, right now, will fail miserably. On the other hand, becoming a mass movement might be the ticket in winning peoples' hearts..and that's what our goal is. Furthermore, we should not encourage any kind of illegal or violent action against people. The only time we can use some use of force is when someone uses or is about to use force against us...just like the JDL did back in the day in the tough neighborhoods..."If you mess with us...well, you better watch you back!"
Danny, I know what you are saying but I don't see evidence that Erica is a decent human being. She killed her innocent unborn baby and is not even remorseful about it. That angered me at least as much as her disdain for Chaim. Right now, she said Chaim should be "minding his own business in Israel". That's as disgusting and rude a comment as anything I have seen from Din Rodef or Christian_Love.
And you yourself admit she is cruel to the merciful and vice versa. That IS evilness and is incompatible with her being a righteous human being.
Danny, I know what you are saying but I don't see evidence that Erica is a decent human being. She killed her innocent unborn baby and is not even remorseful about it. That angered me at least as much as her disdain for Chaim. Right now, she said Chaim should be "minding his own business in Israel". That's as disgusting and rude a comment as anything I have seen from Din Rodef or Christian_Love.
And you yourself admit she is cruel to the merciful and vice versa. That IS evilness and is incompatible with her being a righteous human being.
I think she can be steered in the right direction only because she seemed willing enough to hear us out..but oh well...
She's no angel, I'm no angel. You're no angel.
Danny, I know what you are saying but I don't see evidence that Erica is a decent human being. She killed her innocent unborn baby and is not even remorseful about it. That angered me at least as much as her disdain for Chaim. Right now, she said Chaim should be "minding his own business in Israel". That's as disgusting and rude a comment as anything I have seen from Din Rodef or Christian_Love.
And you yourself admit she is cruel to the merciful and vice versa. That IS evilness and is incompatible with her being a righteous human being.
You are a peice of f-ing work, CF. And since this my last few minutes on this site, I'm going to make sure you understand what the hell I'm saying. This isn't the first time you brought up my abortion you low-life so I'm going to clarify this again for you. I own what I did and every single day when I see someone else's baby I wish I were holding my own. But guess what, Mr. Know-it-all, I had to do what I had to do. I became pregnant on a product that failed me. I'm no irresponsible teenager, you crumb. I'm a grown woman who has been through 3 pregnancies where ALL of my children wound up in NICU. You don't know how much PAIN I went through to carry them. YOU HAVE NO IDEA because you're a man who has never had the 'pleasure' of carrying a baby and being on bedrest because you have hypertension, pre ecclampsia, ecclampsia, a f-in seizure, shortness of breath; you 've never had to walk up and down stairs with feet the size of footballs, you've never had the 'pleasure' of not being able to stand up and take care of your other children. You've never had to stand in the NICU unit watching your child gasp for air when their lungs are too under-developed. You've never had to watch or see your children with IV's in their foreheads, their heels, and hands. YOU'VE never been awakened by a loud apnea monitor because its telling you that your baby may not be breathing and may not survive... You've never had to worry about whether a child of yours will go through the process of being an outpatient every month or so because they're underweight. YOU HAVE NEVER had to worry about the psychological problems that may have ensued because you carried them for a short time.You've never had to worry about the crap I've gone through in my life while carrying my precious babies whom I love with all my heart even my 4th baby in heaven now. I asked God for forgiveness and as far as WE'RE concerned I'm good with Him and He's good with me. I don't need your permission to grieve for my child, I don't need your permission to feel good about something that had to be done. I was not going to leave my children without their mother, who takes care of them. I wasn't going to DIE because THAT's what YOU would have done. I had a choice...leave my husband to care for the children alone or be here for my other children...I chose to be here for my other children and dispite what you think, I'm a GREAT mother to them and although I don't feel that I'm a murderer for having to abort a child, I WILL kill someone if they hurt my kids. I'm not perfect... you will never hear or read a post from me where I'd say I am... but look in the damned mirror CF. Your halo has a crack in it too. I think it'll only mend once you heal that broken up heart you're carrying around in your chest by inserting love and tolerance there. Stop thinking that you know who the hell I am and what I'm about because at the end of the day, BROTHAH (that was for you newman :) ), you sleep alone in your part of the world...and I'm happy-go-lucky ME in MY part of the world.
I became pregnant on a product that failed me. I'm no irresponsible teenager
she calls having sex with probably her neighborhood by the age of 17 responsible?
I became pregnant on a product that failed me. I'm no irresponsible teenager
she calls having sex with probably her neighborhood by the age of 17 responsible?
I know, I know...I'm supposed to be gone..and I will be but first...
I lost my virginity at 19 idiot. And apparently you can't read because I could have sworn I typed after the response you quoted "I'm a grown woman". I'm 33 years old. I've been married to the same wonderful man for 13 years and have 3 children with him and two stepdaughters (way before me). Reading is fundamental.
Somebody stop me!!!!! :o
Don't go!
You should have refrained from sex until you were married.
I'm 33 years old, Yacov...its a little late to tell me that now. lol I wasn't a baby though. I was old enough to make that decision on my own. 19 isn't that young.
Erica, what happened to your posts? Why did you leave the forum, were you asked to leave or ...
Erica, what happened to your posts? Why did you leave the forum, were you asked to leave or ...
I'm still leaving ... but on my own. No one asked me to leave. I need to concentrate on my schoolwork. I'm taking a breather from it now...But I'm still leaving the site. lol
Erica, what happened to your posts? Why did you leave the forum, were you asked to leave or ...
I'm still leaving ... but on my own. No one asked me to leave. I need to concentrate on my schoolwork. I'm taking a breather from it now...But I'm still leaving the site. lol
You'll be back!
but look in the damned mirror CF. Your halo has a crack in it too. I think it'll only mend once you heal that broken up heart you're carrying around in your chest by inserting love and tolerance there.
ROFLMAO! That piece of drivel is classic, Erica, just classic! :laugh: ;D Just what the heck were you trying to say, anyway?
Guess what--you could have done the responsible and moral thing and gotten your tubes tied, or asked your hubby to have a vasectomy (which are essentially painless and free of side effects) as soon as you had one problem pregnancy/birth. Nobody wants to hear your crocodile tears as to how awful the next two were. So yup, it IS your fault. You have the audacity to sit around here and tell me that G-d is okay with the murder of your helpless infant? Who do you think I am? Sister Helen Prejean?
C.F. for goodness sake, she was using contraception, which hadd worked for her before, and she knew that if the pregancy was successful it would be difficult and there would eb a large chance of the baby being very ill, she also knew that she may well become seriously ill or die from the pregancy, so flipping leave her alone.
ftf you clearly don't believe in conservative beliefs. if you think abortion is alright then sometings seriously wrong with you.
ftf you clearly don't believe in conservative beliefs. if you think abortion is alright then sometings seriously wrong with you.
'Something's wrong with ftf'?...........that's the understatement of the century!
ftf you clearly don't believe in conservative beliefs. if you think abortion is alright then sometings seriously wrong with you.
abortion is not just a yes or no thing...there are lots of terrible stinging issues in regards to it.
It clearly is not a good thing to do it unless the woman will die.
otherwise, if a woman does become pregnant and feels she needs to end the pregnancy otherwise, she needs to seek councling that will help her through it...compassion is needed.
but look in the damned mirror CF. Your halo has a crack in it too. I think it'll only mend once you heal that broken up heart you're carrying around in your chest by inserting love and tolerance there.
ROFLMAO! That piece of drivel is classic, Erica, just classic! :laugh: ;D Just what the heck were you trying to say, anyway?
Guess what--you could have done the responsible and moral thing and gotten your tubes tied, or asked your hubby to have a vasectomy (which are essentially painless and free of side effects) as soon as you had one problem pregnancy/birth. Nobody wants to hear your crocodile tears as to how awful the next two were. So yup, it IS your fault. You have the audacity to sit around here and tell me that G-d is okay with the murder of your helpless infant? Who do you think I am? Sister Helen Prejean?
I was responsible and used contraception, Einstein. You have no right to tell me what I should have done or what my husband should have done. I consult with GOD for my every problem, even with the problem I'm having with you right now. You aren't God so I dont' have ask your permission to do anything in my life. God forgives ALL sins. Not just ones you deem necessary. All I have to do is say "God forgive me" and he forgives. I believe that.
ftf you clearly don't believe in conservative beliefs. if you think abortion is alright then sometings seriously wrong with you.
abortion is not just a yes or no thing...there are lots of terrible stinging issues in regards to it.
It clearly is not a good thing to do it unless the woman will die.
otherwise, if a woman does become pregnant and feels she needs to end the pregnancy otherwise, she needs to seek councling that will help her through it...compassion is needed.
I dont' stand in judgement of women I don't know who have had abortions because I don't know them or the situation they went through to get to that decision. CF dosen't know me from Adam and yet he professes he knows what I should have done.
My first two children were 22 months apart. I wasn't warned with my first that if I decided to have another child that the ecclampsia could come back. I saw no harm in having a second. We didn't concieve our third until Nikko was 7. I didn't think it would return since it had been so long since I'd had a baby. Then, while doing everything the correct way, CF, we concieved again but I was told by my doctor that since it happened 3 times that I my health would be at a greater risk with a 4th pregnancy. I had to do what I had to do. That's it. I bonded with the child before I made the final decision and I said goodbye. I cried and cried and still to this day cry inside for it. But guess what? I'm healing, CF...and the baby is safe in God's care. I believe that. So I don't owe you anything...not a thing. You shoudn't be emotionally invested in a situation that dosen't directly involve you, CF. You need to mind your business. Perhaps if you did that, you'd be a happier person.
These women that do go out and get abortions also do not know what they are doing for when the time comes and they want to have a baby what damage they are doing to their bodies. And no matter how anyone slices it abortion is murder, and the only murder that everyone gets away from it. Just imagine how our nations would be booming compared to the Muzzie world if all the babies that were aborted were born instead.
You really believe that G-d forgives ALL sins and you can simply say G-d forgive me and it is all good? That is ridiculous! G-d definitely does not forgive murder. Murder is a sin against man and not against G-d. You can NEVER be forgiven for a murder because it has nothing to do with G-d it has to do ONLY with man. The only way you would be forgiven for murder is if you could resurrect the dead and bring them back to life. You can believe what you would like to believe about what G-d would forgive and what he wouldn't forgive but it is just speculation on your part and it doesn't mean anything.
You really believe that G-d forgives ALL sins and you can simply say G-d forgive me and it is all good? That is ridiculous! G-d definitely does not forgive murder. Murder is a sin against man and not against G-d. You can NEVER be forgiven for a murder because it has nothing to do with G-d it has to do ONLY with man. The only way you would be forgiven for murder is if you could resurrect the dead and bring them back to life. You can believe what you would like to believe about what G-d would forgive and what he wouldn't forgive but it is just speculation on your part and it doesn't mean anything.
Most of the people who disagree with me are men who have never had children in their lives. NEVER. I had to choose between leaving my 3 children here without me if I'd died because of the sickness I had (and its apparent that you're not looking at the 'why' of the situation..you're looking at the fact that I had an abortion at all. I chose to stay here for my girls and my husband.
And YES, I believe God forgives if we ask for forgiveness. As a Christian I believe that and I have every right to.
These women that do go out and get abortions also do not know what they are doing for when the time comes and they want to have a baby what damage they are doing to their bodies. And no matter how anyone slices it abortion is murder, and the only murder that everyone gets away from it. Just imagine how our nations would be booming compared to the Muzzie world if all the babies that were aborted were born instead.
Hey masterwolf1. I don't know how it is in Catholocism. BUt in Judaism, abortion is only permitted when the mother's life is in danger...that is, if she is going to die, she is REQUIRED to have an abortion.
In the Torah it is written that when a man pushes a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, he pays a fine. However, if he pushes her and mother and fetus both die, it is life for life. Why a fine when just the fetus dies and life for life when the mother dies? It is clearly an indication that the fetus is NOT equal to the life of the mother.
However, when we are talking about fetuses, we are also talking about potential life. Therefore, according to the Rabbis, abortions are not allowed all the time. But, as far as my knowledge understands, it is only REQUIRED when the health of the mother is goint to be affected which basically means leading to death.
In Imerica's case, this might have been the very situation. Her life and health were in danger. I don't care who this woman is or if it were any other woman, my wife (Gd forbid) or my daughter (Gd forbid)...if she's going to be severely affected healthwise by a fetus, that fetus is like cancer...a din rodef, a purusuer of life...the pregnancy must be terminated.
In my opinion, judging Imerica for having an abortion to SAVE HER LIFE makes a lot of you (not you, masterwolf) look like a bunch of LOSERS. JTF doesn't want losers.
I believe you are correct Danny.... Imerica did the right thing. I'm not hopping into this debate... According to Torah Law there are times, like you have displayed, when something like this is warrented....
I believe you are correct Danny.... Imerica did the right thing. I'm not hopping into this debate... According to Torah Law there are times, like you have displayed, when something like this is warrented....
I agree MarZutra -
You really believe that G-d forgives ALL sins and you can simply say G-d forgive me and it is all good? That is ridiculous! G-d definitely does not forgive murder. Murder is a sin against man and not against G-d. You can NEVER be forgiven for a murder because it has nothing to do with G-d it has to do ONLY with man. The only way you would be forgiven for murder is if you could resurrect the dead and bring them back to life. You can believe what you would like to believe about what G-d would forgive and what he wouldn't forgive but it is just speculation on your part and it doesn't mean anything.
Yes I agree that is COMPLETELY ridiculous!!
God Forgives who He jolly well wants to! He is the Most Merciful BUT in order for him to be the most JUST as well he must punish those who sin as well...even if they repent!
I could go and indulge in the most evil of sins and then cry my butt off for God to forgive me and will be forgiven completely?!
How about if the next day i repeated those sins and begged God to forgive me again?
What about the people who haven't been bad, or accumalated much sin yet are equal to those who have just because God has forgiven them?
You really believe that G-d forgives ALL sins and you can simply say G-d forgive me and it is all good? That is ridiculous! G-d definitely does not forgive murder. Murder is a sin against man and not against G-d. You can NEVER be forgiven for a murder because it has nothing to do with G-d it has to do ONLY with man. The only way you would be forgiven for murder is if you could resurrect the dead and bring them back to life. You can believe what you would like to believe about what G-d would forgive and what he wouldn't forgive but it is just speculation on your part and it doesn't mean anything.
Yes I agree that is COMPLETELY ridiculous!!
G-d Forgives who He jolly well wants to! He is the Most Merciful BUT in order for him to be the most JUST as well he must punish those who sin as well...even if they repent!
I could go and indulge in the most evil of sins and then cry my butt off for G-d to forgive me and will be forgiven completely?!
How about if the next day i repeated those sins and begged G-d to forgive me again?
What about the people who haven't been bad, or accumalated much sin yet are equal to those who have just because G-d has forgiven them?
To me it seems a personal decision - One you must make and live with - to each his own beliefs.
C.F. I love your passionate posts and you are a great member of the forum but I think this issue is not one we can or should judge a person on. If Imerica says she had a medical reason for what she did - we should leave it alone. She has to live with it everyday. I hope that God would be able to forgive me if I ever had to make a really bad decision in life. I experienced eclampsia when I had my child and we also spent some time in the Neonatal ICU - my baby weighed 4lb7oz when born. It is a scary place. I was scared for my health too. Thank goodness that we have no disabilities to deal with.
Sorry - I'm not trying to interfere - just my 2 cents.
Nazi Germany practiced eugenics too
i'm just saying :)
These women that do go out and get abortions also do not know what they are doing for when the time comes and they want to have a baby what damage they are doing to their bodies. And no matter how anyone slices it abortion is murder, and the only murder that everyone gets away from it. Just imagine how our nations would be booming compared to the Muzzie world if all the babies that were aborted were born instead.
Hey masterwolf1. I don't know how it is in Catholocism. BUt in Judaism, abortion is only permitted when the mother's life is in danger...that is, if she is going to die, she is REQUIRED to have an abortion.
In the Torah it is written that when a man pushes a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, he pays a fine. However, if he pushes her and mother and fetus both die, it is life for life. Why a fine when just the fetus dies and life for life when the mother dies? It is clearly an indication that the fetus is NOT equal to the life of the mother.
However, when we are talking about fetuses, we are also talking about potential life. Therefore, according to the Rabbis, abortions are not allowed all the time. But, as far as my knowledge understands, it is only REQUIRED when the health of the mother is goint to be affected which basically means leading to death.
In Imerica's case, this might have been the very situation. Her life and health were in danger. I don't care who this woman is or if it were any other woman, my wife (Gd forbid) or my daughter (Gd forbid)...if she's going to be severely affected healthwise by a fetus, that fetus is like cancer...a din rodef, a purusuer of life...the pregnancy must be terminated.
In my opinion, judging Imerica for having an abortion to SAVE HER LIFE makes a lot of you (not you, masterwolf) look like a bunch of LOSERS. JTF doesn't want losers.
Well in the Catholic faith it also applies if the mother's life is in danger or the child for that matter, and as far as rape goes. It also applies that it is not the baby's fault, the only thing with that is the mother knows that the baby was not created out of love but through a violent act. But I knew a young lady she was still a teen but already in the child birth giving years who was attacked and she gotten pregnant, she had a heavy anchor on her neck but she finally decided to give birth and keep the baby but being that she was young her parents helped her so she can finish school and is now a counceling nurse for rape victims such as herself.
Personally Id like to see a law for any animal rapist who dares put his hands on a woman in such a disgusting and evil act to violate where he is not welcomed deserves the death penalty infront of a firing squad. Not the baby.
I was responsible and used contraception, Einstein. You have no right to tell me what I should have done or what my husband should have done. I consult with G-d for my every problem, even with the problem I'm having with you right now. You aren't G-d so I dont' have ask your permission to do anything in my life. G-d forgives ALL sins. Not just ones you deem necessary. All I have to do is say "G-d forgive me" and he forgives. I believe that.
Why does this Reek of Liberalism and is yet high-strung like this is a ;D....well.... ;D
Can anyone else even attempt to defend this ?
Bullcat, Erica didn't have a medical emergency. It was a "hardship" case--i.e. if she continued on with the problem pregnancy it would have been physically difficult for her to care for her existing children. She would not have died if she hadn't had the abortion. This business of her saying she had no choice is pathetic. She is no different from those who have abortions in order to keep their boyfriend, because they can't afford the kid, etc.
Every pregnancy is a "hardship". Most birth control methods short of sterilization (and even that can fail, although it is much, much less likely to) are very much unreliable. Get over it.
And no, guys, Erica, who is a liar (she said she was going to leave the forum three days ago!) has NOT repented of anything. She claims she asked for forgiveness but simultaneously defends her abortion and would do it again. Therefore, what exactly is she forgiven of? Who the hell does she think she is fooling with this sleight-of-hand game?
ban this baby-hating b*tch. i'm so sick of her.
I appreciate your reply C.F.
ban this baby-hating b*tch. i'm so sick of her.
I would never think of calling for someone to be banned from the JTF forum - but for you WhiteHawk - I would make an exception. ;) That was uncalled for.
If anyone wants a Torah answer for this questions and any of similar sort go to Www.AskMoses.Com. The are qualified to answer these sorts...
Such racism.Any abortion is wrong.We just care more about our killed kids... >:(
Thats true. any abortin is wrong. The bible says murder is against the first COMMANDMENT
These women that do go out and get abortions also do not know what they are doing for when the time comes and they want to have a baby what damage they are doing to their bodies. And no matter how anyone slices it abortion is murder, and the only murder that everyone gets away from it. Just imagine how our nations would be booming compared to the Muzzie world if all the babies that were aborted were born instead.
Hey masterwolf1. I don't know how it is in Catholocism. BUt in Judaism, abortion is only permitted when the mother's life is in danger...that is, if she is going to die, she is REQUIRED to have an abortion.
In the Torah it is written that when a man pushes a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, he pays a fine. However, if he pushes her and mother and fetus both die, it is life for life. Why a fine when just the fetus dies and life for life when the mother dies? It is clearly an indication that the fetus is NOT equal to the life of the mother.
However, when we are talking about fetuses, we are also talking about potential life. Therefore, according to the Rabbis, abortions are not allowed all the time. But, as far as my knowledge understands, it is only REQUIRED when the health of the mother is goint to be affected which basically means leading to death.
In Imerica's case, this might have been the very situation. Her life and health were in danger. I don't care who this woman is or if it were any other woman, my wife (Gd forbid) or my daughter (Gd forbid)...if she's going to be severely affected healthwise by a fetus, that fetus is like cancer...a din rodef, a purusuer of life...the pregnancy must be terminated.
In my opinion, judging Imerica for having an abortion to SAVE HER LIFE makes a lot of you (not you, masterwolf) look like a bunch of LOSERS. JTF doesn't want losers.
Well in the Catholic faith it also applies if the mother's life is in danger or the child for that matter, and as far as rape goes. It also applies that it is not the baby's fault, the only thing with that is the mother knows that the baby was not created out of love but through a violent act. But I knew a young lady she was still a teen but already in the child birth giving years who was attacked and she gotten pregnant, she had a heavy anchor on her neck but she finally decided to give birth and keep the baby but being that she was young her parents helped her so she can finish school and is now a counceling nurse for rape victims such as herself.
Personally Id like to see a law for any animal rapist who dares put his hands on a woman in such a disgusting and evil act to violate where he is not welcomed deserves the death penalty infront of a firing squad. Not the baby.
I agree and disagree with you. Once again, I have no desire to argue with you what your religion believes in with regards to the mother's life in danger if she gave birth. I disagree that her fetus takes presidence over her own life..but fine..it's a theological issue not meant for this forum.
In the situation of rape, according to Judaism, one is not allowed to get an abortion...it's sad..it's difficult, but the baby is innocent...the woman is supposed to give birth and she can give the baby away for adoption if she doesn't want to keep him/her. How many people would actually practice this? Not very many, but according to Judaism, that woudl be the right thing to do.
As far as the violent rapist, my mom actually suggested castritation. However, in one of the 613 commandments, we are not allowed to do that to any human being nor animal...So like you, I agree that every violent rapist should be put to death one way or another.
ban this baby-hating b*tch. i'm so sick of her.
Hawk, while you are rather more forward and gruff about this than I would be, it would be a fabrication for me to say I don't feel out your sentiments on her. At times I do wonder if JTF would be as tolerant of her and her posts if she were white. I know we have to give every poster a chance until they prove that they are outright Nazis, but Erica hasn't shown the least bit of willingness to understand JTF points of view. In fact, she flames our national chairman pretty routinely.
Of course, like I said, that this woman has the gall to defend the murder of her own child bothers me a lot more than her bashing Chaim. As far as I am concerned that's the lowest of the low.
ban this baby-hating b*tch. i'm so sick of her.
Hawk, while you are rather more forward and gruff about this than I would be, it would be a fabrication for me to say I don't feel out your sentiments on her. At times I do wonder if JTF would be as tolerant of her and her posts if she were white. I know we have to give every poster a chance until they prove that they are outright Nazis, but Erica hasn't shown the least bit of willingness to understand JTF points of view. In fact, she flames our national chairman pretty routinely.
Of course, like I said, that this woman has the gall to defend the murder of her own child bothers me a lot more than her bashing Chaim. As far as I am concerned that's the lowest of the low.
This is unreal ! How can a decent, conservative organization like JTF allow Muslims and/or their Sympathizers to infiltrate this Forum with no retaliation ?
They may not be overt with their message, but they intend to debase this Noble Forum's Motives ! They should be monitored more closely for such a religious organization !
Abortion is Cruel and one should not be able to advocate such Immorality...especially Here !
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die and GOD STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side - abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white ;) - that there is a lot of gray.
So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle. I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side - abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white ;) - that there is a lot of gray.
So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle. I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this. Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area. The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels good..do it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc.
As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc. My two cents... For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help...
I personally have nothing against abortion WHEN... It's rape
But when its a stupid white collar [censored] (like paris hilton), that has sex without a condom, and finds out that she's pregnant.
THEN its murder.
Do you people even know why the Catholics don't allow abortion?
During the medieval ages, the catholic armies would rape women, and since abortion is not allowed, by the majority. The baby becomes Catholic... Easiest way to convert.
I personally have nothing against abortion WHEN... It's rape
But when its a stupid white collar Jezebel (like paris hilton), that has sex without a condom, and finds out that she's pregnant.
THEN its murder.
Do you people even know why the Catholics don't allow abortion?
During the medieval ages, the catholic armies would rape women, and since abortion is not allowed, by the majority. The baby becomes Catholic... Easiest way to convert.
Muslims do this everywhere. In egypt they rape coptic christians for forced marriage and conversion.
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side - abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white ;) - that there is a lot of gray.
So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle. I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this. Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area. The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels good..do it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc.
As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc. My two cents... For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help...
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.
I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica. I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place. I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.
ban this baby-hating b*tch. i'm so sick of her.
I have 3 children, Hawk, 3. I love them dearly and didn't hate the baby I aborted. Secondly I'm no one's [censored]. Watch yourself.
Bullcat, Erica didn't have a medical emergency. It was a "hardship" case--i.e. if she continued on with the problem pregnancy it would have been physically difficult for her to care for her existing children. She would not have died if she hadn't had the abortion. This business of her saying she had no choice is pathetic. She is no different from those who have abortions in order to keep their boyfriend, because they can't afford the kid, etc.
Every pregnancy is a "hardship". Most birth control methods short of sterilization (and even that can fail, although it is much, much less likely to) are very much unreliable. Get over it.
And no, guys, Erica, who is a liar (she said she was going to leave the forum three days ago!) has NOT repented of anything. She claims she asked for forgiveness but simultaneously defends her abortion and would do it again. Therefore, what exactly is she forgiven of? Who the hell does she think she is fooling with this sleight-of-hand game?
CF, you are a f-ing liar. I NEVER SAID I'D HAVE ANOTHER ABORTION...And what makes this so bad is that I actually told you this in the Youtube videos! Its not a decision I'd make again because of the pain involved...the same reason why I wouldn't get preganant again, because of the physical and mental pain involved in carrying my children.
I DID, so have a medical emergency..You weren't there when I was going through all of the hardships I was going through with my pregnancies. So you don't know anything. And while we're on the subject of you knowing something, how could I have taken care of my children while going through the difficulties of having ecclampsia? Do you know? How could I have gone through another visit to NICU to see another baby hooked up to iv's. I have a history of PPD after my babies are born because of how soon they were born. I wouldn't have been able to handle it, especially if the baby had died in the incubator. YOu can't pretend to know what I was feeling at all. The sickness I felt takes a lot out of a mom...a lot. And I don't appreciate you comparing me to a woman who'd get pregnant by her boyfriend and then get an abortion because they can't afford a baby. We could afford to take care of a 6th child I just couldn't afford to go through the pain and uncertainty I went through when I was pregnant 3 times before. Ecclampsia and pre ecclampsia ravaged my body. You would know NOTHING about that.
Such racism.Any abortion is wrong.We just care more about our killed kids... >:(
What does me having a needed abortion have to do with racism? And how does someone who doesn't like blacks claim a black unborn child to be "OUR KID"?
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side - abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white ;) - that there is a lot of gray.
So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle. I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this. Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area. The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels good..do it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc.
As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc. My two cents... For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help...
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.
I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica. I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place. I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.
Good come back Imerica to the "racism" thing. Did Crime Stoppers send you a cheque? I heard that they do that sort of thing in these cases..... I'M KIDDING!!! Actually, Bullcat people are supposed to judge one another. The Sanhedrin was set up for this purpose. If one keeps a moral code or lives by a civilized value system how is one able to live accordingly if one is not continually reminded if one strays from moral to the immoral? I believe that "not judging" is both a staple of Christianity (or could be a contortion of it) and most certainly Liberal/Socalism.....until which point the lack of judging has produced chaos justifying more and more State Laws which limit freedoms. This is an entire separate subject in and of itself.
The case is this, if one deficates on your front doorstep, deals drugs to your child or steals a pie from your window sill, do you judge them as horrible dispicable individuals or does one cater to the ineptitue "He's just being a boy." or rationalizing for the fear of "offending" someone..... Another Liberal ineptitude....
As christians we are meant to think about what we are doing wrong before we judge others, but that doesn't proscribe judgement of others all together.
Good come back Imerica to the "racism" thing. Did Crime Stoppers send you a cheque? I heard that they do that sort of thing in these cases..... I'M KIDDING!!! Actually, Bullcat people are supposed to judge one another. The Sanhedrin was set up for this purpose. If one keeps a moral code or lives by a civilized value system how is one able to live accordingly if one is not continually reminded if one strays from moral to the immoral? I believe that "not judging" is both a staple of Christianity (or could be a contortion of it) and most certainly Liberal/Socalism.....until which point the lack of judging has produced chaos justifying more and more State Laws which limit freedoms. This is an entire separate subject in and of itself.
The case is this, if one deficates on your front doorstep, deals drugs to your child or steals a pie from your window sill, do you judge them as horrible dispicable individuals or does one cater to the ineptitue "He's just being a boy." or rationalizing for the fear of "offending" someone..... Another Liberal ineptitude....
So if we're supposed to judge people, why can't I observe that Chaim isn't a perfect individual? I admit that what I've done is judging him by what he presents himself to be.
I believe that "not judging" is both a staple of Christianity (or could be a contortion of it) and most certainly Liberal/Socalism.....until which point the lack of judging has produced chaos justifying more and more State Laws which limit freedoms.
"The Christian has no right to condemn his neighbor; on the contrary, he should show kindness and sympathy. But he does have the right to judge the wrong activity in itself. He does not have the right to judge the thief, but has the right to pronounce stealing a crime against society and a sin toward God's Will."
- Rev. George Mastrantonis
I hope this clarifies the view of traditional Christianity in regards to judging others.
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side - abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white ;) - that there is a lot of gray.
So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle. I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this. Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area. The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels good..do it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc.
As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc. My two cents... For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help...
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.
I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica. I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place. I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.
First off - don't worry Imerica - I'm not defending your decision to abort.
I just wonder how C.F. knew about this at all. If you told him then I guess he has a right to bring it up - and I apologize to him.
God is the ultimate judge since it is not against the law - so I'm staying out of it.
MarZutra - I'm human - I do judge people - I make decisions on how to conduct my life and interact with them everyday based on those judgements.
Do I believe that Abortion is wrong in every circumstance - no. I don't think it is that black and white an issue. So not really knowing Imerica and all her circumstances - I will defer judgement to a higher authority.
I do appreciate our discussion about this though.
Imerica ,
What happened to ALL your posts and why did you have to re-register on the forum?
I personally have nothing against abortion WHEN... It's rape
Cetnik, the baby is still completely innocent. I really think abortion is murder in ALL cases, unless without it both the mother and fetus die.
Erica, you really are a glutton for punishment. Either you lead an extremely boring life, enjoy hopeless fights and causes in general, or just hate Kahanism so much that you are, in your word, "addicted" to coming back for more beatdowns.
Now, many posters here may be willing to treat you with grace and gentleness for various and sundry reasons, but I'm not one of them and never have been. I think that your ad-nauseum defenses of the murder of your child are intolerable in the eyes of G-d and defile the forum. If you think I am being cruel to you, do believe it when I say I have actually tempered my words with you quite a bit.
Some JTF members forget/ignore that you distort, flip, and switch your arguments and claims every time we address one of your points; I am not one of them. You once said that you "had" to have your abortion because nobody would be there to care for your other three kids during the crisis pregnancy. Now you say you had to because of eclampsia. Make up your mind; which one was it?
You also like to play the race card. That ain't gonna fly with me either. I don't care whether your epidermal pigment is green, hot pink, aquamarine, or if you are a Martian. I think some white posters are fearful of coming down on a black woman, but I'm not white and I don't humor the racial sensitivity racket even in passing. If I were such a racist, why would I care about a black baby being aborted? Why would I care that African Americans are 13% of the population but 37% of all baby-slaughter victims? I think that that figure alone describes black culture to a T, and proves beyond any doubt that you are a part of it, but why would any of that trouble me if I just plain hated blacks?
When all else fails you take the easy way out by twisting my words into complete lies. Example: you accused me of saying you would have another abortion. You know full well I claimed nothing of the sort. I wrote that you would have THIS abortion all over again if in the same circumstances, and I did so to cast doubt on your "repentance" or "asking of forgiveness" for it.
So, that's about it, Erica. I don't treat you with respect because you have done nothing to earn it. I tried being fair to you for the first couple of days, but your real colors and nature would have nothing of that. There is absolutely not even one iota of difference between you and a Panther or Nation of Islam member except for the fact that you can put your opinions out there in a more-or-less diplomatic fashion. I am not buying this bull feces and I know a large bulk of us aren't either.
I'm gonna repost the position of JTF's esteemed vice president Jimmy Sullivan on you:
Originally posted on June 13, 2007:
Danny, with all due respect, you made generalized statements and never refuted any of my specific points.
Imerica consistently defends Muslims and Arabs. Why? The Muslims and the Arabs have murdered MILLIONS of her people. A self-respecting black would hate the Muslims and the Arabs. But she defends them here and on youtube.
If she and other blacks are really upset about slavery, then why do the blacks so enthusiastically support the Arab Muslims who have millions of black slaves to this day? They hate whites for slavery which ended in 1865 (142 years ago), but love the Arab Muslim Nazis who have millions of slaves TO THIS DAY, and we all know that the slavery conditions under the Arabs are much more brutal than the slavery conditions were in the Old Confederacy.
And the blacks hate the Jews and blame them for slavery! The Jews had nothing to do with slavery, and the Jews are the ones that made the "civil rights" movement a success. To this day, the Jews fund most black organizations and causes. YET THE BLACKS DESPISE THE JEWS WITH THE SAME LEVEL OF VENOM THAT THE GERMAN NAZIS DISPLAYED.
Let's stop playing games here. Most blacks are EVIL. Period. They hate whites and Jews NOT because of slavery or past wrongs, real or imaginary. They hate whites and Jews because they are jealous. And Imerica supports them and knows damn well what the score is.
Furthermore, Imerica does not tell us even a fraction of what she REALLY thinks of us because she is on her best behavior on this forum.
Chaim was a "terrible criminal" comparable to Osama Bin Ladin?!
Was the terrorist mass murderer Nelson Mandela who slaughtered hundreds of innocent people a "terrible criminal"?
Was Malcolm X, the convicted drug dealer, pimp and rapist a "terrible criminal"?
What about Mohammed, the founder of Islam, whom Imerica defends on youtube. Was that mass murderer and serial rapist a "terrible criminal"?
Danny, you're a nice guy but you're being naive. Wake up!
Originally posted on June 12, 2007:
First, I still believe that Imerica should be allowed to post on this forum, and that having posts from the enemy makes the forum more interesting.
I refer to Imerica as the enemy because frankly she supports the enemies of America, Israel and Western civilization.
As I have written in the past, I consider Imerica to be far more frightening than the Ebonics-ranting, housing project black criminals. Imerica is an intelligent and educated black woman who has been fully exposed to the truth, yet she persists in supporting the most evil, cruel, jealous and vicious people simply because they are black. She closes her eyes to the fact that the vast majority of her people are evil, envious demons who hate whites and Jews not because of any past injustice, but because they are simply jealous and they are too lazy to do what the whites and Jews have done to succeed.
Imerica defends the name Osama, and makes the Muslim Nazis into the victims here.
What if someone named their child Adolf Hitler? Should we respect that name as well? Don't Osama Bin Ladin and the Muslim Nazis want genocide just as Hitler did? Haven't the Muslim Nazis already committed numerous holocausts including the murder of over 2 million blacks in the Sudan?
What if someone names their child Ku Klux Klan? Would Imerica and other blacks leap to the defense of the parents and the child? If Imerica says that she would, then she is not being truthful.
Imerica is intelligent, educated and likable. But she is a supporter of pure evil although she tries to sugarcoat it for us on this forum. Imerica is very important to us. She reminds us that the intelligent, educated and likable blacks are loyal to their people despite the fact that such loyality is unjustified. She reminds us that giving blacks, Arabs and Muslims an education, a good standard of living and exposure to morality will NOT change their basic desire to destroy Western civilization. In Imerica's case, she at the very least supports and defends those who seek our destruction.
Imerica is a frightening example of why JTF is right.
Without commenting on the content of your post CF, I'd like to take a moment to say the quality of your writing is most impressive.
Your posts are well thought out, well organized, and always very well written.
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side - abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white ;) - that there is a lot of gray.
So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle. I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this. Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area. The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels good..do it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc.
As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc. My two cents... For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help...
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.
I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica. I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place. I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.
Imerica - did you bring up your abortion in a YOUTUBE video? That just clicked for me in rereading the last few posts. If you put that out there for the world on YOUTUBE then C.F. had every right to bring it up here on the forum. Don't fault him. Look to yourself as to why you put that information out there - people have very strong feelings in relation to abortion - did you not expect any differing opinions? Heaven forbid that I ever found myself in your situation - I must say - I don't think I would be able to talk about it on YouTube or with anyone (but family) easily.
Wow a big who cares about imerica...I think you've all wasted too much time writing about her/to her.
my opinion
Wow a big who cares about imerica...I think you've all wasted too much time writing about her/to her.
my opinion
It isn't just about Imerica...
I believe we are having a discussion about abortion - right and wrong - religion - judgment of others...and Imerica ;)
they best way to picture such situation is, if your daughter was raped by a muslim, do you keep the baby or abort. I'd definitely approve my daughters abortion.
they best way to picture such situation is, if your daughter was raped by a muslim, do you keep the baby or abort. I'd definitely approve my daughters abortion.
At the risk of upsetting some folk, I agree with Serb cetnik on this one. I could not tell any woman she HAS to to carry a little beast.
But on the other hand, there have been women in Serbia that have been raped by Muzzies and Croats. Their children (they kept the baby) are the biggest nationalists today.
As they see that a bio-father just produced them, but the mother bled for them. Theres undoubtedly a bigger bond with a mother than a father. If I'm not out of line here, the Jewish mother is the reason Jewish children are Jewish.
But on the other hand, there have been women in Serbia that have been raped by Muzzies and Croats. Their children (they kept the baby) are the biggest nationalists today.
As they see that a bio-father just produced them, but the mother bled for them. Theres undoubtedly a bigger bond with a mother than a father. If I'm not out of line here, the Jewish mother is the reason Jewish children are Jewish.
I would hate to say this, if it were a muslim beast, if it were a black or white savage, etc...raped...that fetus, according to Judaism, would still be innocent. An abortion would not be permitted.
Doesn't the mother's mental health have to be considered under Jewish law? I think I saw a Rabbinical opinion to that effect.
Doesn't the mother's mental health have to be considered under Jewish law? I think I saw a Rabbinical opinion to that effect.
Certainly there are rabbinical opinions on the mental health issue. I asked chaim on this specific issue two weeks in a row and he pretty much implied that the whole mental thing was not life or death. Shame was not life or death etc. That fetus is innocent..give it away for adoption...
It's sad, it's too bad...Gd forbid it would happen to our wives, our friends, our sisters, our daughters, our mothers, or anyone decent and good...Gd forbid it! Bite our tongues!
Don't worry the child wouldn't have a father, I would have spent my entire life if necessary to track him down and put him down like the dog he is.
Doesn't the mother's mental health have to be considered under Jewish law? I think I saw a Rabbinical opinion to that effect.
Certainly there are rabbinical opinions on the mental health issue. I asked chaim on this specific issue two weeks in a row and he pretty much implied that the whole mental thing was not life or death. Shame was not life or death etc. That fetus is innocent..give it away for adoption...
It's sad, it's too bad...Gd forbid it would happen to our wives, our friends, our sisters, our daughters, our mothers, or anyone decent and good...Gd forbid it! Bite our tongues!
The ugly part is that pigslam considers rape a legitimate part of jihad. They are also allowed to do it to dhimmis. That's why every self-hating do-gooder and politician who aid and abet these beasts should be locked in the prison shower at Sing Sing with two dozen black muslims...........poetic justice.
This is one reason why this organization has become so controversial... it is due to the fact that this is a radical right wing organization which will always get some racists and extreme nationalists who have only joined to hate blacks and muslims.... THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT... we are about saving Israel and America and i believe that having racists on our organization will only make things worse
You're right.
We better stop insulting Islam, Mooozies and schvartzas.
What racism !
Keeping quiet, tolerance and political correctness is the way to save Israel and America.
Too right, Muck
I move for a campaign of finger shaking and saying "tsk tsk"
Finger shaking and tsk-tsking ?
How horrible !
Don't you think you're over-reacting ?
You're an extremist !
This is one reason why this organization has become so controversial... it is due to the fact that this is a radical right wing organization which will always get some racists and extreme nationalists who have only joined to hate blacks and muslims.... THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT... we are about saving Israel and America and i believe that having racists on our organization will only make things worse
We are not racist on this website - we are realist. ;)
Finger shaking and tsk-tsking ?
How horrible !
Don't you think you're over-reacting ?
You're an extremist !
We could tone it down to saying "well, I never!" and walk off with our noses in the air...or do you think that's to over the top?
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side - abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white ;) - that there is a lot of gray.
So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle. I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this. Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area. The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels good..do it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc.
As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc. My two cents... For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help...
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.
I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica. I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place. I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us.
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.
Imerica - did you bring up your abortion in a YOUTUBE video? That just clicked for me in rereading the last few posts. If you put that out there for the world on YOUTUBE then C.F. had every right to bring it up here on the forum. Don't fault him. Look to yourself as to why you put that information out there - people have very strong feelings in relation to abortion - did you not expect any differing opinions? Heaven forbid that I ever found myself in your situation - I must say - I don't think I would be able to talk about it on YouTube or with anyone (but family) easily.
Let me just clear something up, bullcat. YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum. It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it. I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either. He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair? I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it. I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about me, because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION. He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse. When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
Imerica, you just can't stay away from this place, can you?
You're HOOKED on JTF.
Admit it.
Imerica, you like JTF! ;)
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.
However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.
It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.
To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.
Imerica, you just can't stay away from this place, can you?
You're HOOKED on JTF.
Admit it.
I admitted it before I left. LOL Well, kinda-left. I even told the mods that if they saw me again after my supposed last post, that they should ban me from coming back. So much for CF's assumption that I lied to everyone. LOL I admit that I have a problem. I need some therapy, I really do. lol
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.
However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.
It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.
To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.
I didn't talk about my abortion on any of my videos because that wasn't the content of my videos. I commented on abortion videos and had convos with people either on the opposite side of the issue or people who have been there and done that. But I have to ask some of you. If you revealed, on a different website that you'd done something controversial, would you like it if I brought it here, just to see if I could push your buttons? Perhaps to make you look foolish? Probably not.
I think its unfair to blame me for bringing my abortion to this website when I didn't. I brought it to another one and then a hateful person called me a murderer here all because I disagreed with them on something other than abortion. How fair is that? Really?
"I didn't talk about my abortion on any of my videos because that wasn't the content of my videos."
"Let me just clear something up, bullcat. YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION."
Let us know when you decide if you did or didn't reveal that you had an abortion on Youtube.
As I mentioned before, to think that what you reveal on Youtube, will remain only on Youtube is ABSURD.
Does someone that kills his parents have a legitimate complaint about being an orphan ?
Does a Paleostinkian society that either sanctions or can not stop terror attacks against Israel have a legitimate complaint about checkpoints ?
Does someone that puts information into the public domain on one forum have a legitimate complaint when that information is discussed on another forum ?
The answer to these questions is obvious to rational people, but since you're unable to even keep your story straight as to what you revealed on Youtube, that probably excludes you.
"I didn't talk about my abortion on any of my videos because that wasn't the content of my videos."
"Let me just clear something up, bullcat. YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION."
Let us know when you decide if you did or didn't reveal that you had an abortion on Youtube.
As I mentioned before, to think that what you reveal on Youtube, will remain only on Youtube is ABSURD.
Does someone that kills his parents have a legitimate complaint about being an orphan ?
Does a Paleostinkian society that either sanctions or can not stop terror attacks against Israel have a legitimate complaint about checkpoints ?
Does someone that puts information into the public domain on one forum have a legitimate complaint when that information is discussed on another forum ?
The answer to these questions is obvious to rational people, but since you're unable to even keep your story straight as to what you revealed on Youtube, that probably excludes you.
I revealed my situation in an abortion-related Youtube video that wasn't my own. I didn't bring it HERE. Why is it that hard to understand. And while we're at it, why didn't you answer MY question? If you had mentioned that you committed armed robbery on another site then, out of spite for you, I told everyone on a different site which you belonged to but no one really knew you from Adam or your situation, how would you feel? And don't try to even the odds with "I would have known what I was getting into and wouldn't be offended.." ::)
There was another jtf forum member who said a lot of evil things about blacks but has a special circumstance which would make their opposition to blacks seem quite strange but I didn't bring it up during their tenure on this forum. Out of respect for their feelings I didn't mention it because it would have been a personal attack. If I DID though, I'd have been booted for harrassment. Would that have been fair?
YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum.
Every word you say is a lie. You brought up, out of thin air, that you had an abortion on this forum the day you came here. Do you really want us to do a post search and humiliate you?
It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it
I have no right to call into question the life decisions you have publicly posted about? Sorry, but unfortunately for you we don't live under sharia yet. I have every right to talk about anything that I want. :)
I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either.
Erica, all of us have heard your trite "my body, my choice" nonsense for more than thirty years. Save it.
He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair?
Ah, so you admit your life was not in danger. :P You did it for "health" reasons. That could mean that your pregnancy was making you depressed, that you didn't like having stretch marks, being morning-sick, etc. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled in abortion law that there is a distinction between "life of the mother" and "health of the mother", and you indicated which category your baby-mutilation fell into.
I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it.
Erica, as mentally ill as I think that you likely are, I don't buy it that your memory is that shot. YOU TOLD ALL OF US you have had an abortion!!!
I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about me
Oh yes, big, bad, CF is the ONLY person in the whole world who dislikes you. ::) Has it ever occurred to you that posters in general on a right-wing pro-Jewish and pro-white-equality message board wouldn't take kindly to a militant black poster?
because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION.
Correction, you disagree with pretty much the entirety of JTF on ALL issues. ::)
He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse.
And believe me, I wouldn't want your camel dung-encrusted lips coming near my arse. :P Seriously, though, the word is "shreds". You might want to invest in spellcheck. :laugh:
When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
You always thought I was an awful bigot. How the hell do you think I'm gonna treat you in that case?
I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
Save the sob stories for your soul brothas/soul sistahs in the 'jects. What you conveniently omit to the newer JTF posters who are reading your snake oil right here is that you started a Youtube series called "Ask A Black Person" in order to imitate and mock Chaim after he answered all of your Ask JTF questions (and btw, he was extremely polite in doing so) in a way you didn't like. I myself have dialup and was unable to view your "Ask A Black Person" shows (not that you could have paid me to do so even if I could), and therefore that is how you all can know for a fact that I did NOT learn of Erica's abortion on Youtube.
So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
You have about as much remaining credibility here as I do sympathy for you.
So you think the fact that you revealed that you had an abortion on a video posted by someone else makes one iota of a difference ?
It doesn't.
Once you revealed that you had an abortion, whether it was in a video you personally posted, or in the comments section for a video another person posted, is totally irrelevant. The moment you made your revelation on Youtube, that information entered the public domain and became a topic for discussion on all public forums, not just Youtube.
If I committed an armed robbery that I didn't want others to know about or discuss, I wouldn't talk about it on Youtube. If I did reveal it on Youtube, and it later became a topic for discussion on another forum, I might not be happy about it, but I'd realize I had only myself to blame, because I publicly revealed the information in the first place.
But that's just me. I realize that in this reality there is something known as 'cause and effect', and am willing to take responsibility for my actions and accept their consequences. Obviously, not everyone thinks that way.
YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum.
Every word you say is a lie. You brought up, out of thin air, that you had an abortion on this forum the day you came here. Do you really want us to do a post search and humiliate you?
Do a post search, CF. I dont' care.. the fact of the matter is that you bashed me for a decision I had to make and then called me murderer and a slew of other names I didn't ask to be called.
The day I came here I didn't mention that I had an abortion. I mentioned a lot of things about myself here but I NEVER mentioned I had an abortion. Do me a favor, find it and prove me wrong if you have the information.
It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it
I have no right to call into question the life decisions you have publicly posted about? Sorry, but unfortunately for you we don't live under sharia yet. I have every right to talk about anything that I want. :)
NO, you DON'T have a right to judge me on decisions that affect ME. What I did didn't affect you one bit. But you made it personal because of your personal beliefs. Why don't you try less to be master over others' emotions and actions and try to control your own.
I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either.
Erica, all of us have heard your trite "my body, my choice" nonsense for more than thirty years. Save it.
CF don't pretend RIGHT NOW to care about what someone in the black community does with their own body, you don't even CARE about black children and therefore think that they are all doomed to fail. Whose going to take you seriously when you bash blacks one minute then spit venom at a black woman for having an abortion? I certainly don't. I would have had my baby if there was no health risk involved. I wasn't an irresponsible person when I became pregnant with my last baby, I did what I was supposed to do. And you, as a nobody, have no right to tell me what ELSE I could have done to prevent the pregnancy. You're not my husband, you're not my doctor, you're just an angry, self-hating, loser who wants to dictate to people how YOUR world should be. Get over yourself. My body, My choice...damned right. I made a choice to stay here and be an active mother to my other children...no one was going to help me so my husband and I made the decision that was right for me, my children and my health.
He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair?
Ah, so you admit your life was not in danger. :P You did it for "health" reasons. That could mean that your pregnancy was making you depressed, that you didn't like having stretch marks, being morning-sick, etc. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled in abortion law that there is a distinction between "life of the mother" and "health of the mother", and you indicated which category your baby-mutilation fell into.
You are stupid, you know that? Health reasons, to YOU only means depression? I wasn't concerned about stretch marks, CF I had those before I was pregant with my FIRST child ::) .. and ecclampsia is WORSE than just having morning-sickness (while you're correcting someone's spelling...try checking your sentence structure.) You take my medical experience and try to use it against me because you don't like that I made a decision you wouldn't have made for your significant other? Great. I'd like to see YOU go through what I went through. Wait, you're a 'man' ... it may not phase you. ::)
I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it.
Erica, as mentally ill as I think that you likely are, I don't buy it that your memory is that shot. YOU TOLD ALL OF US you have had an abortion!!!
After you brought it up, idiot.
I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about me
Oh yes, big, bad, CF is the ONLY person in the whole world who dislikes you. ::) Has it ever occurred to you that posters in general on a right-wing pro-Jewish and pro-white-equality message board wouldn't take kindly to a militant black poster?
And I'm not militant. I have called a few people (you included) some bad names but I never came here bashing the Jewish faith nor speaking against what's right. Sure, I dont' like Chaim, but he's not the end all to be all to Judaism. I actually some people here. EVEN those who disagree with me most of the time. (That dosen't include you) .
because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION.
Correction, you disagree with pretty much the entirety of JTF on ALL issues. ::)
I DISAGREE WITH THE TONGUE THAT CHAIM USES TO DISCRIBE BLACKS IN GENERAL! I DON'T DISAGREE WITH THE FACT THAT WE NEED CHANGE IN AMERICA AND THAT THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL NEED AND DESERVE THEIR FREEDOM. One of the reasons I'm here is because of Allen and Judeanoncapta who emailed me on youtube for weeks until I agreed to come here to ask Chaim questions concerning his opinions on EVERYONE in the black community. So THAT would make YOU a liar.
He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse.
And believe me, I wouldn't want your camel dung-encrusted lips coming near my arse. :P Seriously, though, the word is "shreds". You might want to invest in spellcheck. :laugh:
Keep those words in mind when some of your friends here use incorrect spellings to get their points accross. I added a double consonant, so what? You're not exactly a spelling bee champ yourself.
When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
You always thought I was an awful bigot. How the hell do you think I'm gonna treat you in that case?
Yeah, it was really manly for you to respond to me nastily in a post starting off with "You're a baby killing whore". I told you how I felt without cursing you out and you, like a baby, cried to Yacov that I was harassing you. Tell me CF, who was really harassing whom?
I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
Save the sob stories for your soul brothas/soul sistahs in the 'jects. What you conveniently omit to the newer JTF posters who are reading your snake oil right here is that you started a Youtube series called "Ask A Black Person" in order to imitate and mock Chaim after he answered all of your Ask JTF questions (and btw, he was extremely polite in doing so) in a way you didn't like. I myself have dialup and was unable to view your "Ask A Black Person" shows (not that you could have paid me to do so even if I could), and therefore that is how you all can know for a fact that I did NOT learn of Erica's abortion on Youtube.
First of all, idiot-boy, Ask a Black Person (before I changed it because SOMEONE ELSE ALREADY HAD THAT NAME A YEAR BEFORE I ARRIVED ON YOUTUBE ::) ) wasn't a spin off of Ask JTF. Do you think that Chaim has a pattent on the word "Ask" ? Its apparent that you do. My videos are called ASK IMERICA now... and it relates more to videos with the same content. I didn't create the videos to blame whites for anything...but Chaim created his videos to 'enlighten' people about how the entire black community must go back to Africa... UMMMM HMMMM! ::) I created my videos to encourage..he created his to assasinate the characters of people who have done nothing to him...I'm not talking about EVIL blacks who I know exist..I'm talking about Barack Obama. We're totally different. Oh, yeah and I talked to judeanoncapta about posting the series before I even came to this place. And since you have never SEEN the videos, how can you say that I based them on Chaim? That makes you ill-informed.
So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
You have about as much remaining credibility here as I do sympathy for you.
That's funny because you are as IN-credible as they come. Liar.
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.
However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.
It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.
To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.
I agree.
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.
However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.
It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.
To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.
I agree.
Well I'll say this much... whether I brought it up here or not (and I didn't) the fact remains that if I'd decided to bring it here, it wouldn't be our of shame but sorrow. I do remember talking about it with a bunch of you here and mentioning how I'd never do it again. A lot of you thought I was joking, some of you, like CF said that I'd said I WOULD do it again, and some of you were kind even while disagreeing with the decision. I'm not ashamed to share it with anyone. I am sad sometimes that the situation never changed with each pregnancy. If there was a guarantee that I wouldn't have gotten sick the 4th time around, I'd have carried the baby...but in my history of childbirth, I don't carry babies long enough for them to be okay or for my body to stop acting up. I had to do what I had to do and although I don't have my baby with me today, I do have the energy to take care of my older children and myself.
I can't believe this conversation is even going on anymore. This is RIDICULOUS!
Public apology to CF..
CF You were right, you didn't call me a Crackwhore, DWI did. I'm sorry about that.
I got it mixed up with all of the times you called me a whore/ b&%^ and other names.
I can't believe this conversation is even going on anymore. This is RIDICULOUS!
I'm sorry, Ze'ev.
Public apology to CF..
CF You were right, you didn't call me a Crackwhore, DWI did. I'm sorry about that.
I got it mixed up with all of the times you called me a whore/ b&%^ and other names.
I told you DownwithIslam said it and you didn't believe me, ho.
But I do agree with him that you are one! :)
I had to do what I had to do
I thought you had "repented" of your abortion. ::)
YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum.
Every word you say is a lie. You brought up, out of thin air, that you had an abortion on this forum the day you came here. Do you really want us to do a post search and humiliate you?
Do a post search, CF. I dont' care.. the fact of the matter is that you bashed me for a decision I had to make and then called me murderer and a slew of other names I didn't ask to be called.
The day I came here I didn't mention that I had an abortion. I mentioned a lot of things about myself here but I NEVER mentioned I had an abortion. Do me a favor, find it and prove me wrong if you have the information.
It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it
I have no right to call into question the life decisions you have publicly posted about? Sorry, but unfortunately for you we don't live under sharia yet. I have every right to talk about anything that I want. :)
NO, you DON'T have a right to judge me on decisions that affect ME. What I did didn't affect you one bit. But you made it personal because of your personal beliefs. Why don't you try less to be master over others' emotions and actions and try to control your own.
I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either.
Erica, all of us have heard your trite "my body, my choice" nonsense for more than thirty years. Save it.
CF don't pretend RIGHT NOW to care about what someone in the black community does with their own body, you don't even CARE about black children and therefore think that they are all doomed to fail. Whose going to take you seriously when you bash blacks one minute then spit venom at a black woman for having an abortion? I certainly don't. I would have had my baby if there was no health risk involved. I wasn't an irresponsible person when I became pregnant with my last baby, I did what I was supposed to do. And you, as a nobody, have no right to tell me what ELSE I could have done to prevent the pregnancy. You're not my husband, you're not my doctor, you're just an angry, self-hating, loser who wants to dictate to people how YOUR world should be. Get over yourself. My body, My choice...damned right. I made a choice to stay here and be an active mother to my other children...no one was going to help me so my husband and I made the decision that was right for me, my children and my health.
He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair?
Ah, so you admit your life was not in danger. :P You did it for "health" reasons. That could mean that your pregnancy was making you depressed, that you didn't like having stretch marks, being morning-sick, etc. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled in abortion law that there is a distinction between "life of the mother" and "health of the mother", and you indicated which category your baby-mutilation fell into.
You are stupid, you know that? Health reasons, to YOU only means depression? I wasn't concerned about stretch marks, CF I had those before I was pregant with my FIRST child ::) .. and ecclampsia is WORSE than just having morning-sickness (while you're correcting someone's spelling...try checking your sentence structure.) You take my medical experience and try to use it against me because you don't like that I made a decision you wouldn't have made for your significant other? Great. I'd like to see YOU go through what I went through. Wait, you're a 'man' ... it may not phase you. ::)
I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it.
Erica, as mentally ill as I think that you likely are, I don't buy it that your memory is that shot. YOU TOLD ALL OF US you have had an abortion!!!
After you brought it up, idiot.
I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about me
Oh yes, big, bad, CF is the ONLY person in the whole world who dislikes you. ::) Has it ever occurred to you that posters in general on a right-wing pro-Jewish and pro-white-equality message board wouldn't take kindly to a militant black poster?
And I'm not militant. I have called a few people (you included) some bad names but I never came here bashing the Jewish faith nor speaking against what's right. Sure, I dont' like Chaim, but he's not the end all to be all to Judaism. I actually some people here. EVEN those who disagree with me most of the time. (That dosen't include you) .
because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION.
Correction, you disagree with pretty much the entirety of JTF on ALL issues. ::)
I DISAGREE WITH THE TONGUE THAT CHAIM USES TO DISCRIBE BLACKS IN GENERAL! I DON'T DISAGREE WITH THE FACT THAT WE NEED CHANGE IN AMERICA AND THAT THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL NEED AND DESERVE THEIR FREEDOM. One of the reasons I'm here is because of Allen and Judeanoncapta who emailed me on youtube for weeks until I agreed to come here to ask Chaim questions concerning his opinions on EVERYONE in the black community. So THAT would make YOU a liar.
He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse.
And believe me, I wouldn't want your camel dung-encrusted lips coming near my arse. :P Seriously, though, the word is "shreds". You might want to invest in spellcheck. :laugh:
Keep those words in mind when some of your friends here use incorrect spellings to get their points accross. I added a double consonant, so what? You're not exactly a spelling bee champ yourself.
When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
You always thought I was an awful bigot. How the hell do you think I'm gonna treat you in that case?
Yeah, it was really manly for you to respond to me nastily in a post starting off with "You're a baby killing whore". I told you how I felt without cursing you out and you, like a baby, cried to Yacov that I was harassing you. Tell me CF, who was really harassing whom?
I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
Save the sob stories for your soul brothas/soul sistahs in the 'jects. What you conveniently omit to the newer JTF posters who are reading your snake oil right here is that you started a Youtube series called "Ask A Black Person" in order to imitate and mock Chaim after he answered all of your Ask JTF questions (and btw, he was extremely polite in doing so) in a way you didn't like. I myself have dialup and was unable to view your "Ask A Black Person" shows (not that you could have paid me to do so even if I could), and therefore that is how you all can know for a fact that I did NOT learn of Erica's abortion on Youtube.
First of all, idiot-boy, Ask a Black Person (before I changed it because SOMEONE ELSE ALREADY HAD THAT NAME A YEAR BEFORE I ARRIVED ON YOUTUBE ::) ) wasn't a spin off of Ask JTF. Do you think that Chaim has a pattent on the word "Ask" ? Its apparent that you do. My videos are called ASK IMERICA now... and it relates more to videos with the same content. I didn't create the videos to blame whites for anything...but Chaim created his videos to 'enlighten' people about how the entire black community must go back to Africa... UMMMM HMMMM! ::) I created my videos to encourage..he created his to assasinate the characters of people who have done nothing to him...I'm not talking about EVIL blacks who I know exist..I'm talking about Barack Obama. We're totally different. Oh, yeah and I talked to judeanoncapta about posting the series before I even came to this place. And since you have never SEEN the videos, how can you say that I based them on Chaim? That makes you ill-informed.
So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
You have about as much remaining credibility here as I do sympathy for you.
That's funny because you are as IN-credible as they come. Liar.
Erica, don't you have a job? Or don't you have children to care for? Or are you just another welfare queen sitting in front of the television all day? ::)
Nobody else puts as much time and effort into this [censored] match as you. Yup, nobody else comes close. You are the most lifeless individual I know.
Do you even have children? Are you even married at all? Why should we believe anything you claim about yourself? The increasing idiocy of your desperate comebacks at me show just how inconsistent you are.
PS: Chaim doesn't believe all blacks should go back to Africa, but I know the entirety of this forum thinks you need to! ;)
Nobody else puts as much time and effort into this [censored] match as you. Yup, nobody else comes close.
Just being honest, you come pretty close Chaim Fan. ;)
Public apology to CF..
CF You were right, you didn't call me a Crackwhore, DWI did. I'm sorry about that.
I got it mixed up with all of the times you called me a whore/ b&%^ and other names.
I told you DownwithIslam said it and you didn't believe me, ho.
But I do agree with him that you are one! :)
I also want to apologize for saying that you brought up the abortion issue... I did, in fact bring it up.. Archives... I found it in the abortion thread of this site. I'm sorry. I think that because I recieved the most flack from you I literally blamed it on you. I'm sorry again. That dosen't mean that you have the right to call me out of my name though. You're still a moron though.
bpbpbppbpbpbpb ;D :o ::)
Public apology to CF..
CF You were right, you didn't call me a Crackwhore, DWI did. I'm sorry about that.
I got it mixed up with all of the times you called me a whore/ b&%^ and other names.
I told you DownwithIslam said it and you didn't believe me, ho.
But I do agree with him that you are one! :)
I also want to apologize for saying that you brought up the abortion issue... I did, in fact bring it up.. Archives... I found it in the abortion thread of this site. I'm sorry. I think that because I recieved the most flack from you I literally blamed it on you. I'm sorry again. That dosen't mean that you have the right to call me out of my name though. You're still an moron though.
You had an abortion? Sorry. I'm not angry, but its a hard thing to live with.
Public apology to CF..
CF You were right, you didn't call me a Crackwhore, DWI did. I'm sorry about that.
I got it mixed up with all of the times you called me a whore/ b&%^ and other names.
I told you DownwithIslam said it and you didn't believe me, ho.
But I do agree with him that you are one! :)
I also want to apologize for saying that you brought up the abortion issue... I did, in fact bring it up.. Archives... I found it in the abortion thread of this site. I'm sorry. I think that because I recieved the most flack from you I literally blamed it on you. I'm sorry again. That dosen't mean that you have the right to call me out of my name though. You're still an moron though.
You had an abortion? Sorry. I'm not angry, but its a hard thing to live with.
Its a day to day thing.
YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum.
Every word you say is a lie. You brought up, out of thin air, that you had an abortion on this forum the day you came here. Do you really want us to do a post search and humiliate you?
Do a post search, CF. I dont' care.. the fact of the matter is that you bashed me for a decision I had to make and then called me murderer and a slew of other names I didn't ask to be called.
The day I came here I didn't mention that I had an abortion. I mentioned a lot of things about myself here but I NEVER mentioned I had an abortion. Do me a favor, find it and prove me wrong if you have the information.
It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it
I have no right to call into question the life decisions you have publicly posted about? Sorry, but unfortunately for you we don't live under sharia yet. I have every right to talk about anything that I want. :)
NO, you DON'T have a right to judge me on decisions that affect ME. What I did didn't affect you one bit. But you made it personal because of your personal beliefs. Why don't you try less to be master over others' emotions and actions and try to control your own.
I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either.
Erica, all of us have heard your trite "my body, my choice" nonsense for more than thirty years. Save it.
CF don't pretend RIGHT NOW to care about what someone in the black community does with their own body, you don't even CARE about black children and therefore think that they are all doomed to fail. Whose going to take you seriously when you bash blacks one minute then spit venom at a black woman for having an abortion? I certainly don't. I would have had my baby if there was no health risk involved. I wasn't an irresponsible person when I became pregnant with my last baby, I did what I was supposed to do. And you, as a nobody, have no right to tell me what ELSE I could have done to prevent the pregnancy. You're not my husband, you're not my doctor, you're just an angry, self-hating, loser who wants to dictate to people how YOUR world should be. Get over yourself. My body, My choice...damned right. I made a choice to stay here and be an active mother to my other children...no one was going to help me so my husband and I made the decision that was right for me, my children and my health.
He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair?
Ah, so you admit your life was not in danger. :P You did it for "health" reasons. That could mean that your pregnancy was making you depressed, that you didn't like having stretch marks, being morning-sick, etc. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled in abortion law that there is a distinction between "life of the mother" and "health of the mother", and you indicated which category your baby-mutilation fell into.
You are stupid, you know that? Health reasons, to YOU only means depression? I wasn't concerned about stretch marks, CF I had those before I was pregant with my FIRST child ::) .. and ecclampsia is WORSE than just having morning-sickness (while you're correcting someone's spelling...try checking your sentence structure.) You take my medical experience and try to use it against me because you don't like that I made a decision you wouldn't have made for your significant other? Great. I'd like to see YOU go through what I went through. Wait, you're a 'man' ... it may not phase you. ::)
I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it.
Erica, as mentally ill as I think that you likely are, I don't buy it that your memory is that shot. YOU TOLD ALL OF US you have had an abortion!!!
After you brought it up, idiot.
I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about me
Oh yes, big, bad, CF is the ONLY person in the whole world who dislikes you. ::) Has it ever occurred to you that posters in general on a right-wing pro-Jewish and pro-white-equality message board wouldn't take kindly to a militant black poster?
And I'm not militant. I have called a few people (you included) some bad names but I never came here bashing the Jewish faith nor speaking against what's right. Sure, I dont' like Chaim, but he's not the end all to be all to Judaism. I actually some people here. EVEN those who disagree with me most of the time. (That dosen't include you) .
because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION.
Correction, you disagree with pretty much the entirety of JTF on ALL issues. ::)
I DISAGREE WITH THE TONGUE THAT CHAIM USES TO DISCRIBE BLACKS IN GENERAL! I DON'T DISAGREE WITH THE FACT THAT WE NEED CHANGE IN AMERICA AND THAT THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL NEED AND DESERVE THEIR FREEDOM. One of the reasons I'm here is because of Allen and Judeanoncapta who emailed me on youtube for weeks until I agreed to come here to ask Chaim questions concerning his opinions on EVERYONE in the black community. So THAT would make YOU a liar.
He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse.
And believe me, I wouldn't want your camel dung-encrusted lips coming near my arse. :P Seriously, though, the word is "shreds". You might want to invest in spellcheck. :laugh:
Keep those words in mind when some of your friends here use incorrect spellings to get their points accross. I added a double consonant, so what? You're not exactly a spelling bee champ yourself.
When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
You always thought I was an awful bigot. How the hell do you think I'm gonna treat you in that case?
Yeah, it was really manly for you to respond to me nastily in a post starting off with "You're a baby killing whore". I told you how I felt without cursing you out and you, like a baby, cried to Yacov that I was harassing you. Tell me CF, who was really harassing whom?
I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
Save the sob stories for your soul brothas/soul sistahs in the 'jects. What you conveniently omit to the newer JTF posters who are reading your snake oil right here is that you started a Youtube series called "Ask A Black Person" in order to imitate and mock Chaim after he answered all of your Ask JTF questions (and btw, he was extremely polite in doing so) in a way you didn't like. I myself have dialup and was unable to view your "Ask A Black Person" shows (not that you could have paid me to do so even if I could), and therefore that is how you all can know for a fact that I did NOT learn of Erica's abortion on Youtube.
First of all, idiot-boy, Ask a Black Person (before I changed it because SOMEONE ELSE ALREADY HAD THAT NAME A YEAR BEFORE I ARRIVED ON YOUTUBE ::) ) wasn't a spin off of Ask JTF. Do you think that Chaim has a pattent on the word "Ask" ? Its apparent that you do. My videos are called ASK IMERICA now... and it relates more to videos with the same content. I didn't create the videos to blame whites for anything...but Chaim created his videos to 'enlighten' people about how the entire black community must go back to Africa... UMMMM HMMMM! ::) I created my videos to encourage..he created his to assasinate the characters of people who have done nothing to him...I'm not talking about EVIL blacks who I know exist..I'm talking about Barack Obama. We're totally different. Oh, yeah and I talked to judeanoncapta about posting the series before I even came to this place. And since you have never SEEN the videos, how can you say that I based them on Chaim? That makes you ill-informed.
So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
You have about as much remaining credibility here as I do sympathy for you.
That's funny because you are as IN-credible as they come. Liar.
Erica, don't you have a job? Or don't you have children to care for? Or are you just another welfare queen sitting in front of the television all day? ::)
Nobody else puts as much time and effort into this [censored] match as you. Yup, nobody else comes close. You are the most lifeless individual I know.
Do you even have children? Are you even married at all? Why should we believe anything you claim about yourself? The increasing idiocy of your desperate comebacks at me show just how inconsistent you are.
PS: Chaim doesn't believe all blacks should go back to Africa, but I know the entirety of this forum thinks you need to! ;)
I don't work. I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) and a student. I DO have children. My 3 year old was napping and my older girls were at work, and watching tv while I was 'conversing' with you, CF. You'll see them in my latest video, CF. And I've been happily married for 13 years.
Speaking of desparate comebacks...the NICE thing to say when someone apologizes to you is something other than what YOU said. I'd be cool with a "whatever ::) " at this point.
And speaking of lifeless.. your life must be pretty empty if you keep responding to me as well. Looks like we have a tie, Ladies and Gentile-men! :D (I meant that as a joke...no flame-throwers, please). :)
You're still a moron though.
Takes one to know one! ;)
Just being honest, you come pretty close Chaim Fan. ;)
And alas Ze'ev, you do have a point. This business of me lowering myself to her level to refute every distortion and insult she can throw at me and Chaim has gotten nowhere. This post will mark the end of my posts in this thread, and you can hold me to that, mods. I am not like Erica--when I say I will stop, I mean it.
So, Erica, you can call me a kitten-killing flaming Martian Nazi homosexual turpentine addict with twenty illegitimate kids from fifteen different underaged women, and I will from here on out... IGNORE you! :laugh:
imerica is back again? so is this her fifth return? i can't wait til the sixth time she decides to leave.
Imerica is like herpes.
Imerica is like herpes.
Like I said, I asked the mods to ban me if I came back. I'm still here but I'm trying to leave... I promise.
imerica is back again? so is this her fifth return? i can't wait til the sixth time she decides to leave.
It was actually my third time.
Just being honest, you come pretty close Chaim Fan. ;)
And alas Ze'ev, you do have a point. This business of me lowering myself to her level to refute every distortion and insult she can throw at me and Chaim has gotten nowhere. This post will mark the end of my posts in this thread, and you can hold me to that, mods. I am not like Erica--when I say I will stop, I mean it.
So, Erica, you can call me a kitten-killing flaming Martian Nazi homosexual turpentine addict with twenty illegitimate kids from fifteen different underaged women, and I will from here on out... IGNORE you! :laugh:
At last! Now I can quit this site for good.
Take care everyone :)
"Like I said, I asked the mods to ban me if I came back. I'm still here but I'm trying to leave... I promise."
"At last! Now I can quit this site for good."
Apparently, someone was holding Imerica at gun point and forcing her to visit this forum and post here.
Thankfully, that situation has been resolved.
We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.
gooz bpbppbpbpbpbppbpbpbpb ::)
Cheers Imerica. Good luck in your endevours.... :)
Good riddens!
She was an annoying pest who needed to be exterminated... DONE
Good riddens!
She was an annoying pest who needed to be exterminated... DONE
In the immortal words of Elmer J Fudd - shhhhhhh...be very, very quiet.
If you post about her she'll be back. ;)
Thanks for the heads up, Bullcat !
imerica is back again? so is this her fifth return? i can't wait til the sixth time she decides to leave.
It was actually my third time.
Imerica.....I like you on the grounds that you can speak for yourself but boy do you make me want to hate Americans, you whine and groan like your life depends on it.
thanks for that comment sarah now it's not a penis vs vagina thread, thanks to you^^