Moderators, it's time to ban Hidden Moron. His "F___ G-d" picture in this week's Ask JTF is a thousand miles over the line. His sarcastic, baiting, and at times obscene posts have been tolerated for long enough. He asks Chaim outrageous questions about masturbating and calling Hitler (ys"vz) a saint, and then when he is causing the forum to boil over with rage and disgust, backtracks and asks legitimate questions for a few more weeks, then ups the ante once more. Everybody can see this cycle.
This year, countless trolls and cranks have been banned--Ahmad613, Tonycali, Din Rodent, FOTL, and Anus-T--just to name a few. Some of these crackpots (primarily FOTL) did a lot less than Hidden Loser has over his time at JTF and actually were funny in their trolling. Chaim called FOTL an evil person (which I would debate, but that's besides the point)--what then does that make an individual who posts pictures saying "F*** God" and writes "Adolf Hitler zt"l" to Chaim?
It's LONG past time to get rid of this troll.