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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #50 on: February 06, 2008, 06:48:16 PM »
Making the boogey man out of them will not change the fact that ultra left and so called moderate "centre-right" parties not BNP, VB, SD or PiS are planing new Holocaust as we speak.   

Some European right-wing parties were/are siding with Saddam, Ahmadinajad, Assad,...

They saw the Arabians as allies to, G-d forbid, destroy Israel and slaughter all  the Jews.

These parties exist: France: Front National of Jean-Marie Le Pen, Bulgaria: Ataka of Boris Siderov,
Germany: National Partei Deutschland.
and some Russian Nazis: their ideology is called Ruzism.

Most parties that are now pro-Israel, were anti-semites in the past.

I think Geert Wilders is the only exception.

He was a leftist punker before.

The fact is, however, that FORMER allies of Israel, the socialists, and basically all moderate parties,
became more anti-American since the implosion of the Soviet-Union, and increasingly anti-Israel.

Zionism is seen as a Nazi-ideology, and Israel is seen as an Apartheid state.

Diversity, Multiculturalism and Equality are seen as universal. Via the UN, they want to impose this on all nations.

They will force Israel to give up its lands, and to let in the "P@lestinian refugees"

The Greens, the socialists and the liberal parties, and even left-wing groups within the the Christian Democratic parties, are
"critical" of the Israeli state.
But are "in no way against Jews" , " a minority that needs the full protection" .

Obviously they can't stand the idea of an Israel that kicks out all non-Jews,
and become a - help!help! -  a nazistic state.... that could hurt our arab friends....

Of course, EU, is "neutral" HAHAAHAHA. ::)

As we speak, Jewish traitors are attacking the Jewish state as well.
The write books that are the ideal tool for Europeans to attack Israel.
These books give the evil anti-Zionists an alibi to attack the "racist Zionist Entity".

The USA is seen as an Imperialistic Superstate ,  that needs to be tackled.

Besides, Europe EUSSR wants to secure oil-supply, and create a Empire with the Arab world.

These Jewish traitors, that hate Israel , and that hate Jews, the Torah, the Talmud, all religion,
that intermarry, are to be neutralised, as well as the anti-Israeli "right"-wing groups (pro-arab neo-nazis),
and the anti-Israeli left-wing groups : pro-arab (neo-bolsheviks).

« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 06:55:48 PM by Ambiorix »
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #51 on: February 06, 2008, 07:14:50 PM »
Yes they're still nazi pro A-rab parties like national-bolsheviks in Russia or NPD in Germany, but all of them exept the later are on margin of politicall scene. Germany seems to have no righteus party maybe exept CSU. Blaming all the problem on JOOS, at least staight and publicly ;); is still faux pas in Europe.       
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline dibblah

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #52 on: February 06, 2008, 11:29:02 PM »

I come to you in good faith....

We are absolutely not anti-semitic...if we were I would launch a massive crusade against them!

The global press and a**holes from the past (20-30 years ago) have sought to perpetuate the myth that we are Nazis and racists . Please, Please listen and do 1 hours research- (surely Britain is worth that to your cause?)- If not, we are sorry and we symapathize with your plight, but there will be not much more we can do!

-We in the BNP are a bit like America- ( Ideally we want you on side from minute 1,) but if you cannot find it in your heart to do so, or in your courage and mind to do so, then we will be there when all your hope is lost. We'll pick you up and make you one of our own. Even though you turned your back on us in the past we will be there for you; because you are our people and we are fighting for you and our nation.

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2008, 01:33:14 AM »
This morning, Kenny Smith, Head of Administration and Sadie Graham, Group Development Officer, were expelled from the BNP for, amongst other things, creating and setting up a treasonous blogspot designed to attack and smear fellow party officials.

Below is a transcript of conversation between Sadie Graham, Matt Single and Kenny Smith discussing how they set up the “Enough is Enough” blogspot. Note the references to them using material from the Communist Searchlight organisation and other extreme left wing web sites and sources in their plans to destabilise the party.

SADIE: Um… that wasn’t that public knowledge was it?

KENNY: Inaudible

SADIE: Ok I’ll have to have a think, um I’ve got stuff in e-mails but we can’t use any of them because it’s all um just e-mails to me and to do with stuff he’s said about people and that we can’t use any of that for this

KENNY: Not really, not unless it’s public domain. Do you think we should go into … inaudible

SADIE: One thing you’ve written is, Mark Collett is, or who ever has written this, Mark Collett makes an arse of himself, um, it sounds like, um not being funny, it sounds like something you would say.

KENNY: I would say?

SADIE: Makes an arse, not, no?

KENNY: Does it? No, I actually used that phrase because it’s phrase I don’t use.

SADIE: Ok, really

KENNY, SADIE: Laughter

SADIE: excrement, I read that and thought INAUDIBLE

KENNY: Inaudible

SADIE: Yeah that is weird

MATT: Inaudible… widely hated by everyone

SADIE: Yeah, um, yeah but then it has got to look like it potentially could be reds.

MATT: It has to look like they’re widely hated

SADIE: You can refer to Ian’s letter in it as that is public knowledge. You can refer to Ian’s letter talking about things Ian mentions in his letter. Like about him being taking money and all that with leaflets. Because well, that is potentially, is potentially libellous.

KENNY: We could reproduce copies of that leaflet thing that went out.

SADIE: Yeah you could say as quoted by Searchlight or something like that, as put in Searchlight, just a replication of what went in Searchlight. Basically, we need back copies of Searchlight, because whatever has been in Searchlight about Mark we could use but lots of our people haven’t even read Searchlight, so how the f**k can we get loads of back copies of Searchlight, that’s what I mean.

KENNY: Ask Laughs

SADIE: It’s true, yeah

KENNY: I asked for the back copy that reproduced the list of BNP branches and groups, do you remember from December last year?

Right, do you guys want access to this site to put stuff up yourselves?

MATT: Yeah Ideally

SADIE: Yeah but we have to be sensible about who has it and who puts what up.

MATT: But Kas….

KENNY: It’s only gonna be us, Ian really isn’t it?

MATT: Kas, at one point you said about linking things to red sites, the only thing is if that happens then they can easily say it’s a red conspiracy or another red attack.

KENNY: Right ok, to clarify that, I’ve used media from left wing sites.

MATT: Oh right



KENNY: I had to use that because YouTube has only got 5 of the 6 clips, I had to link to Lancaster UAF to get the full clip of er… Young Nazi and Proud.


KENNY: Inaudible… we’ll have to take stories from left sites as well as other sites.

SADIE: OK, Basically we’ll all have to do a load of digging and loads and loads of searching and stuff. The only thing is we if we do any searching from our computers it’s traceable isn’t it? But then who the f**k is, nobody is going to take our computers and check our searches are they?

KENNY: No. Ok. Have you guys got Google? Can you guys Google names?

SADIE: Google names? I’ve got a Google, I’ve got, when I go on Internet Explorer I’ve got a Google bar to search with.

KENNY: If you go to Google,

SADIE: I’m in it now, yeah

KENNY: Go to the thing at the top that says sign in, can you see that?

SADIE: Yeah!

KENNY: Click sign in

SADIE: Done it!

KENNY: Create a new a account, a new Google account…inaudible… new account


KENNY: A name that’s not your own…inaudible…Mark Collett’s fan club or something. Laughs.

SADIE: Yeah, I mean yeah what, anything.

KENNY: Create an account what I’d do then, is I’ll go onto this site and I’ll (inaudible) I’ll be able to add you guys to people who are able to post on this site.

SADIE: You have to set up a current e-mail address basically; it says your e-mail address.

KENNY: Have you got, have you got, this again INAUDIBLE this is the thing I worried to Steve about, and he says nobody can see these profiles. They are completely secure, unless you break the law and people go to Google. So use a Hotmail account or whatever you have.

SADIE: I haven’t got a Hotmail account, but you’ve got one Matt, haven’t you? Can we use that one?

KENNY: Hotmail’s not good actually, Hotmail’s definitely not good

SADIE: I’ve got an NTL World one, BUT it’s Sadie Graham.

KENNY: That’s fine

SADIE: So I’ll just use Sadie Graham at NTL World dot com

KENNY: I’ve used my Civil Liberty one LAUGHTER

SADIE: Really?


SADIE: Alright, so Sadie dot Graham at NTL World dot com, ok then I just choose a password

KENNY: Yeah, just think of something yourself

SADIE: Yeah I’m just going to have write something down so I remember it, I’ll make it totally different, one I’ve never used before

KENNY: What’s your e-mail address? Sadie Graham…

SADIE: Sadie dot Graham at NTL World dot com. Do I say remember me on this computer?

KENNY: Um… it’s up to yourself, but I wouldn’t personally if I were you

SADIE: Ok, enable web history


SADIE: No, ok. Location United Kingdom. Ok then I accept and create my account.

KENNY: Yep, ok then I’ve sent you an open invitation e-mail to Sadie dot Graham at NTL World dot com.


KENNY: You log onto that you should be able to then post INAUDIBLE ...

SADIE: You know it says put my user name in, what is my user name

KENNY: Your user name is the one you see next to your INAUDIBLE

SADIE: Did I have one? I didn’t have one! I just put in an e-mail address

KENNY: Did you not create a user name?

SADIE: There wasn’t anything to create a user name. It says user name and in brackets it’s written e-mail. The user name must be my e-mail


SADIE: … And then underneath it says to log in user name and in brackets it says e-mail next to it. So it’s my Google e-mail but I don’t know what that is now.

KENNY: Let me just see… INAUDIBLE then silence and whispers

SADIE: You don’t have a user name! You just put in an e-mail and a password! How odd.

KENNY: Ok, right, put that in there see what happens, if it comes up we’ll change it

SADIE: Ok, hold on.

KENNY: Ah, I’ll tell you why, I’ll tell you why, ‘cause you need to create…

SADIE: See I’m in Google now, I’m in Google and it’s come up at the top right hand corner Sadie dot Graham at NTL World dot com that’s my log in name.

KENNY: Yeah that’s the same as I’ve got for mine but nobody can see that I’ve got treasurer at Civil Liberty dot org dot UK. But what we need to do is get a blog name for you.

SADIE: Right.

KENNY: So, in that case…

SADIE: Go to my account… er… edit personal information, oh it’s where you type in, you give yourself a nickname, No…. my user name is Sadie dot Graham at NTL World dot com, that’s what, that’s what it’s come up as, that’s my user name

KENNY: Yep, no no, that’s fine that’s fine, er I’ll just INAUDIBLE See in the Google account


KENNY: Open my account


KENNY: What do you see on the right hand side in my services

SADIE: Um it says er my services then goes to edit and then underneath try something new, then Google mail, adverts, alerts , groups, web history, igoogle and INAUDIBLE and then personal information and then edit.

KENNY: I’ve got blogger

SADIE: Well I don’t have that in my Google account

KENNY: you go to www dot blogger dot com


KENNY: Ok, my account, create blog

SADIE: Sign into blog with Google account, e-mail, password. Then do you have a Google account, create an account now.

KENNY: Does it not got to our blog?

SADIE: It says sign into blogger with your Google account and then you put in your e-mail and your password.

KENNY: Ok try that

SADIE: So I put in Sadie Graham, ahhh yeah so now it’s come up with sign up for blogger. Once you complete this process you will be able to sign into blogger using your Google account, e-mail and password. Yeah e-mail address Sadie dot Graham blah blah blah and then it comes up with display name and a box that I have to fill in.

KENNY: Good good, give yourself one of them

SADIE: Um, what the f**k shall I be…


SADIE: what are you? Are you just anything?

KENNY: I’m enough is enough

SADIE: Oh right OK. Um… fed up or something like that.

KENNY: Fed up sounds fine.

SADIE: Fed up, all one word, I won’t put a gap in it, I’ll be fed up, I accept terms of service continue… Ok, you are not a member of any blogs, create one now, start posting, create your blog now.

KENNY: Is there add to blog?


KENNY: See that invite I gave you is there anywhere on that

SADIE: Um… lets have a look… yeah on that invite it says Enough is Enough has invited you to contribute to the blog join this blog and so accept this invitation by signing into your Google account below so I do that, shall I do that now?


SADIE: Sadie dot Graham at NTL World dot com, and then my password, ok accept invitation. Ok yeah, it’s now saying I can manage my blog which is enough is enough. Is this now available to view for loads of people.

KENNY: yes it is technically, but nobody can see it.

SADIE: right


SADIE: I’m in now

KENNY: for admin purposes?

SADIE: OK I’m properly in it now. I’m viewing the blog, I’m in it and it’s got my e-mail at the top right hand corner.

KENNY: Excellent, INAUDIBLE… Click on your fed up name and then go to view blog, see the blog there and right down on the bottom right contributors

SADIE: ooh hang on


SADIE: Contributors enough is enough and fed up

KENNY: See fed up, that’s all people can see that

SADIE: Fed up and enough is enough … yeah



“Coup Attempt Spectacularly Ill-timed”

While 2007 has seen a variety of political advances for the BNP, the party has to an extent been held back and troubled by a string of leaks and misinformation briefings to political opponents, and by internal rumour-mongering designed to damage morale and confidence in the workings of various party departments, and in the leadership generally. Had this continued the result, whether by accident or design, would have been to disrupt, perhaps fatally, our all-important drive to break through with victory in the London Assembly Elections next year.

Some months ago, a BNP Intelligence Department was set up, with one of its key initial targets being to track down the source of these problems and provide the evidence needed to expose those responsible and put an end to their subversion.

Working closely with several other BNP Departments and following discussions with the BNP’s independent auditor, our Intelligence team – headed by Lance Stewart, a long-standing British nationalist and a former high-ranking officer in the South African Police - have now completed the first stage of their investigations.

As a result, two junior level national officials, Administration Officer Kenny Smith and Group Development Officer Sadie Graham, have today been removed from their posts with immediate effect on the grounds of gross misconduct and now face disciplinary charges over alleged offences against the BNP Constitution and Code of Conduct.

Sub judice rules

In order to afford the accused a fair hearing at their forthcoming disciplinary tribunals, it is not proper to rehearse the details of the cases against them here at present. It can, however, be said that the prosecution will produce evidence of their heading a secretive bid to force out of positions, or even out of the Party, individuals who were not on ‘their side’ in a sordid factional power-grab, while attempting to cover up serious failings and inefficiencies by individuals on ‘their side’.

Most shockingly of all – especially when we are in the run-up to the most important electoral opportunities in the history of the BNP - evidence will be put before the tribunals of an alleged plot by Mr Smith and Miss Graham to pack the Advisory Council with their supporters and to change the Party constitution so as to take power away from the elected leader and the Voting Membership, and concentrate it in their own hands.

The prosecution also alleges that there is clear evidence of their direct involvement in setting up a disgraceful anti-BNP smear blog and, in the case of Mr. Smith, of serious breaches of accountancy procedures leaving up to £17,000 unaccounted for in the 2006 Central Audit, and of a wilful neglect of the Excalibur merchandising operation constituting attempted financial sabotage in order to create an artificial ‘crisis’ to which their proposals would be presented as the solution.

Stuck pigs

No doubt our political opponents - who have been passed large amounts of information intended to damage genuine people who have refused to go along with this spectacularly ill-timed and amateurish alleged coup attempt – will immediately swing into deceitful action and squeal like stuck pigs that this is all being made up as “an excuse to get rid of good nationalists who happen to have criticised Nick Griffin”.

In order to scupper such black propaganda, a meeting of our Intelligence, Legal and Security Departments, in consultation with Nick Griffin, has authorised the release of the following audio recording. The prosecution will tell the forthcoming disciplinary tribunals that – having been recorded as a result of an incredibly stupid mistake by Sadie Graham - it provides incontrovertible proof that she and Mr. Smith are guilty as charged. In the meantime, you can hear for yourself and make up your own mind as to if you agree that the BNP leadership are right to take swift action to safeguard the Party.

Hahaa friendly lot  :::D :::D :::D

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #54 on: February 07, 2008, 03:40:59 AM »
Safeguarding the organisation from agent provocateurs, informers and inflirtrators is good thing Skippy, I think the JTF especialy it's Israeli chapter shud learn on iternal security and counterinteligence from BNP.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #55 on: February 07, 2008, 03:59:57 AM »
Safeguarding the organisation from agent provocateurs, informers and inflirtrators is good thing Skippy, I think the JTF especialy it's Israeli chapter shud learn on iternal security and counterinteligence from BNP.

I can't agree more agent 86  ^-^

Love your sig  ;)

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2008, 01:42:53 PM »
I heard that no Jew can walk around with a Yamaka in London because a Muslim will come and harass him.

I have walked through an muslim market (like an arab market) in the east end of london (like a bee hive of muslims), without problems..  Just some odd looks, mostly respect! 

But I know a rabbi who is in full gear - black hat, black coat, suit, e.t.c. who has had frequent problems down one particular street. So he normally walks with some people, and is ok.

I have had things shouted at me before.. from people going past in cars. That is common place anywhere in London.   I actually may have had more problems in non muslim areas .. White thugs are that bad.

Most jewish areas are not poor enough to have that many muslims. 
One with muslims that springs to mind, is Hackney. The jews there are mostly strictly orthodox.

In the jewish areas I am most familiar with, the thugs are white thugs with hoodies, on council estates.  The Council fund houses in decent areas and screw up sections of the area. They hassle everybody, not just jews. They are heavily inspired by rap music/culture.  Alot of them would probably vote BNP.  If it is the case that Nick Griffin - the current BNP leader - is alright, then his problem is that many in his party do not like jews..  (some have legitimate grievances, where all they see are left wing jews, and the big jewish organisations trying to stop them speaking)..   Others are just anti-semites. Nick Griffin basically admits this is the case, that the party has to get rid of its anti-semitic image.. Of course, in his past, Nick Griffin made comments about jews having too much power, and meddled in holocaust denial of sorts.  There have been posts on Nick Griffin and the BNP. With links to youtube videos and a wikipedia article on him and the previous BNP head, where you can make your mind up based on their own words.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2008, 01:45:37 PM »
I have walked through an muslim market (like an arab market) in the east end of london (like a bee hive of muslims).

Isn't the East End where Aaron Kosminski once roamed the streets?

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2008, 01:55:53 PM »
I have walked through an muslim market (like an arab market) in the east end of london (like a bee hive of muslims).

Isn't the East End where Aaron Kosminski once roamed the streets?

I saw a tv program (episode of richard and judy) where somebody said they found their uncle had all this stuff that he thought showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was Jack the ripper. This guy`s name was not kominsky, he was not jewish.

The East End is where many jews started out in London, there are books about the jewish east end.   When they moved out, the muslims moved in.
The legendary boxer that is considered by many as the father of modern boxing, was Daniel Mendoza, a jew from the east end.   There were some tough jews there.

I cannot remember the road in Stepney Green or Bethnal Green east london, but jews and non jews joined together and faught moseley`s blackshirts there. Now any trouble on that road is islammic.

The Kray brothers (not jewish) were classic thugs from the east end.  They largely just dealt with other thugs..  Even Tony Blair something along the lines of  -  at least in the old days the thugs had some respect! Now they will kill an old lady for a few pence!  He got in some trouble with the leftist press for saying that. They thought he was praising the Krays.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #59 on: February 07, 2008, 04:56:42 PM »
My question is why they even bother to  court Jews and support Israel when doing the oposite woud make them more trendy and popular among elites and medias? I don't that Griffit is nice and dandy but he will come and go and BNP will remain as rightwing anti muslime, anti turd world imigration and pro Israeli party, becouse there is demand for such movement in Britain. Making the boogey man out of them will not change the fact that ultra left and so called moderate "centre-right" parties not BNP, VB, SD or PiS are planing new Holocuast as we speak.   

The BNP are not courting Jews and do not support Israel. The BNP are trying to become a mainstream party but can not because of their openly Nazi past. So they put a few things up on their website to try saying they support Israel and are no longer anti-semitic to move the party forward. But they do not fool anyone in Britain- and I am amazed that they have been able to on here. The BNP have never actually done anything to support Israel- they hate Zionism and believe in conspiracies about cabals of Zionist Jews secretly controling Britain. No Jewish group in Britain supports the BNP- they know who they really are!

Neither are the  BNP a rightwing party. They are socialists, totally nanny staters, whose campaign is openly about class warfare. They are just a racist version of the labour party, people who don't want to share the dole and their welfare state with nonwhites. They are national socialists pure and simple. The BNP were neo-Nazi's before Griffin. They are neo-Nazi's under Griffin. And they will be after Griffin. The future of the BNP will be people like Mark Collett, former head of the Young BNP and current Director of Publicity for the BNP.

Check out what the future of the BNP is below.

"National Socialism was the best solution for the German people back in the 1930s...I honestly can't understand how a man who has seen the hell inner city hell of Britain today can't look back on that era with a certain nostalgia and think yeah those people marching through the streets saluting was a bad thing...The Jews have been thrown out of every country, including England. There's not a single European country the Jews have not been thrown out of. And lets face it, David. When it happens that many times it's not just persecution. There's no smoke without fire."

The BNP: Young, Nazi, and Proud.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 07:09:04 PM by dhimmi_pride »

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #60 on: February 07, 2008, 05:04:53 PM »
"There's no smoke without fire"~ Mark Collett

Well lets see:

Hatred of Jews has always been the backbone of nazi ideas. The BNP is no different. But antisemitism is not a vote winner. It reminds people of Hitler and the Holocaust. The BNP wishes to distance itself from the images of swastikas and concentration camps. Despite this, they still believesthat there is a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world.

*In Nick Griffin’s pamphlet Who are the Mindbenders Jewish names are listed as proof that they control the media.

*Mindbenders claims that, “The mass media in Britain today have managed to implant into many people’s minds the idea that it is ‘anti-Semitic’ even to acknowledge that members of the Jewish community play a large part in controlling our news”.

*Jews are accused of “providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash”.

Who are the Mindbenders? has a sinister history:

*It follows the lead of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the notorious 19th century tsarist forgery that purports to be the minutes of a meeting of Jews documenting their plans to control the whole world.

*Mindbenders is based on Who Rules America?, written by Dr William Pierce, who before his death last year was one of  the world’s foremost neo-nazis and a self confessed ally of Nick Griffin.

*Pierce authored the notorious Turner Diaries, which inspired the Oklahoma bombing, and was the leader of the National Alliance, a group described by the US Anti-Defamation League as one of the most dangerous neo-nazi groups in the world. Griffin’s booklet is a carbon copy of Pierce’s.

In Spearhead in 1996, Griffin spoke of “the controllers of Hollywood, almost entirely Jewish”, and has written that: “Some ‘anti-Semitism’ may be provoked by the actions of certain Jews themselves and thereby have a rational basis”. Now he is trying to distance himself from the label of antisemitism, and has toned down his views in public. Where he once spoke of “Jewish influence”, he now speaks of “Zionist influence”, showing that it is his language not his beliefs that have changed.
Holocaust Denial

*Griffin has never withdrawn his views on the Holocaust that landed him with a suspended prison sentence in 1998. His publication The Rune, which denied that the Holocaust ever took place, resulted in a conviction for inciting racial hatred under the Public Order Act. So extreme were Griffin’s beliefs that he attacked David Irving, the leading British Holocaust denier, for daring to admit that some people might have died in the Holocaust, Griffin wrote: “True revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century”.

*Defaming the memory of British forces who fought the Nazis, he added, “Back in the 1960s the Jews quietly shifted the alleged sites of the mass gassings from the no longer believable German camps such as Dachau and Belsen to the sites in Communist Poland such as Auschwitz and Treblinka. Now that the very idea of Zyklon-B extermination has been exposed as unscientific nonsense, they are once and again re-writing bogus history, playing down gas chambers and talking instead of ‘hundreds of hitherto unknown sites in the East where more than a million Jews were exterminated by shooting”.

*Griffin sees the Holocaust as a lie invented by Jews to make money: “As your Hollywood friend is fond of remarking, (provided he is safely in select company) ‘there’s no business like Shoah business”.

*When the former MP Alex Carlisle reported Griffin for inciting racial hatred and Holocaust denial, Griffin fumed: “This bloody Jew, our local MP who organised the raid whose only claim to fame is that two of his parents died in the Holocaust”

*Star witness as Harrow Crown Court on Griffin’s behalf was Robert Faurisson, the famous French Holocaust denier.

In the 1990s the BNP hosted a number of revisionism seminars that were addressed by some of the world’s most infamous Holocaust deniers. They included David Irving.

 *National Alliance, the foremost nazi group in the United States. NA speakers regularly address BNP meeting in the US and, in 1995, it founder and leader, William Pierce, spoke at the BNP annual rally in London. When Pierce died in the summer of 2002, the BNP posted an obituary on its website. Pierce was the author of The Turner Diaries, the fictional account of a Race War. The book proved to be an inspiration for the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, and the London nailbomber David Copeland.

* David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux, is very close to Nick Griffin and the BNP. Griffin has regularly shared platforms with Duke and the American’s antisemitic and Holocaust denial material is sold through the BNP. Duke is currently living in Russia in a bid to avoid the US taxman.

*National Democratic Party, Germany’s leading nazi group. NPD leaders deny the Holocaust took place and revere Adolf Hitler. The NPD shares many of its activists with the outlawed Blood and Honour skinhead movement. Griffin addressed a NPD rally in August 2002. NPD activists have attended BNP events in Britain.

*Front National, the French fascist group led by Jean-Marie Le Pen. Le Pen was convicted for dismissing the Holocaust as a “mere detail” of the Second World War and for violence. BNP supporters are regular attendees at the FN’s annual summer festival and Griffin has publicly stated his admiration for the group. A member of the FN leadership addressed the 2002 BNP Red, White and Blue festival.

*Holocaust deniers. The BNP, and especially Nick Griffin, are close to many of the world’s leading Holocaust deniers. Robert Faurisson, one of the foremost Holocaust deniers, was a star witness at Griffin’s trial for racial hatred in 1998. The German Gunter Deckert, who has been to prison for denying the Holocaust, spoke at a London BNP meeting in 2001. Even the British Holocaust denier and antisemite, David Irving, has addressed BNP meetings.

*American Renaissance. A far right US based publication that supports the notion of the biological superiority of white people. Each edition is packed with the theories of race-science, and grim statistics showing the moral degeneracy of black people. Griffin spoke at their annual conference in February 2002 on “Racial friction in Britain and Europe”.

*Blood and Honour. Blood and Honour is the openly nazi skinhead organisation in Britain. Many of its leaders are BNP members and Blood and Honour nazi bands have raised money for the BNP.

The attempts by the BNP to portray a more moderate image are often dropped when addressing events abroad. Speaking to a private nazi meeting in the US in 2001, Nick Griffin admitted that the party’s new-found respectability was simply a tactic to con the British people. “My politics have not changed,” he told the audience of racists and nazis. “I still believe in fighting for this,” he added, pointing to his white skin.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #61 on: February 07, 2008, 05:54:28 PM »
The attempts by the BNP to portray a more moderate image are often dropped when addressing events abroad. Speaking to a private nazi meeting in the US in 2001, Nick Griffin admitted that the party’s new-found respectability was simply a tactic to con the British people. “My politics have not changed,” he told the audience of racists and nazis. “I still believe in fighting for this,” he added, pointing to his white skin.

wow, that is extreme!

but if you just go by what we know he has said (hearing or reading him in his own words).. e.g. from his website, or from any videos online

and seeing videos of the previous head John Tyndall (related to Tyndale of bible fame) , who he actually expelled from the party.  Tyndall had lots of nazi links.

So just going by what we can see..   It may be that Nick Griffin has changed completely, though that is unlikely, and naiive.   Or it may be that he is simply hiding his anti-semitism because it hurts his chances of gaining popularity.  And at the moment he sees muslims as the number one threat. And given how powerful jewish organisations are, he would rather they were on his side. Or at least, not against him.

Either way, his party is full of anti-semites.. Given the fact that Nick Griffin was so openly anti-semitic as recently as 10 years ago. And that the former head of the BNP - John Tyndall, had nazi links e.g.he was  leader of the national front!!.  So even if nick griffin has dropped that image and is trying to drop that image.. He is leading a party full of neo nazis

You also make an important point, that they are National Socialists..
this is clear from wikipedia

And it makes sense.. Why much of their supports comes from poor council estate thugs. They are extreme left. Socialism. With the racism of extreme right.   That`s national socialism.

Tyndall paired with the "white defence league" and set up the National Socialist movement. According to wikipedia.

Fine.. Tyndall was expelled by Griffin. But he was the former head, and no doubt many supports identify with Tyndall.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2008, 12:21:44 AM »
Dhimmi and others,

I must say that I've read some utter twaddle on this BNP subject from people who should know better, or actually do, but choose to be head-in-sand whallas...-Please behave...You cannot get away with that here!

I understand your concerns but they are incorrect, unfounded and simply not true. All I have said to you that the BNP actively encourages Jewish membership, has democratically elected Jewish representitives, and supports Israel is FACT. It is true, cannot be denied my friend. In the past, (as previously explained and at great legnth) ther have been complete assh*les who have been associated with the BNP with an axe to grind about everyone. This is no longer the case and all support and membership that has been associated with these people has been expelled from the party.

As a previous post has said, there is no other party that supports the Jewish people and Israel in the UK other than the BNP. -Know who you're friends are and do not denigrate genuine support.

So before you start calling other forum members liars -(namely me)... do your research and dont be in De-Nile...its a polluted river in Egypt...

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #63 on: February 11, 2008, 12:10:04 AM »
In the past, (as previously explained and at great legnth) ther have been complete assh*les who have been associated with the BNP with an axe to grind about everyone. This is no longer the case and all support and membership that has been associated with these people has been expelled from the party.
Those "complete a$$holes" founded the BNP and continue to lead it to this day. Nick Griffin's expulsion is news to me. Or is he not a holocaust denying/jew hating/ayatollah praising a$$hole that thinks the Jews secretly control the modern Britain that he so despises??? Can you name me anything the BNP has actually DONE, aside from writing something on a website to support Israel? Having a few Jews that are foolish enough to join with you neo-Nazi's does not make you pro-Jewish. And everyone in Britain knows what party every nazi saluting football hooligan supports...the BNP! Why is that???

Neither are you BNP supporters true right wingers. You are class warriors, nothing more than a racist and anti-semetic verison of Labour, that just don't want to share your dole and nanny state with non-whites.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 12:15:50 AM by dhimmi_pride »

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #64 on: February 11, 2008, 12:25:05 AM »
What party in the U.K. does support JTF-policies?
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #65 on: February 11, 2008, 12:45:51 AM »
What party in the U.K. does support JTF-policies?
None...just like in the US.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #66 on: February 11, 2008, 12:50:56 AM »

I've just read some of your other posts on here and have to say that i am shocked to find that you are an Irish-Catholic (like me). How can you justify supporting the BNP givin its policies towards Ireland? Policies that say the 26 counties, not just the North, should be part of the UK. The BNP is opposed to, any, Irish independence which our people have fought for centuries to achieve. And more important the BNP's links with the UDA/UVF/LVF? Scum who murder innocent Irish Catholics for walking down the wrong street just because of who we are.

In some ways given the state of Britain with regards to the Muslim invasion I can understand your wanting to support the only party that is oppossing this. But that issue aside there is alot of garbage that comes along with the BNP and I just do not believe that the BNP have changed from their (openly) nazi past. It is a shame that there is not a single party in the UK worth supporting. The BNP just are not the way to go mo chara.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 06:22:47 AM by dhimmi_pride »

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #67 on: February 11, 2008, 01:09:07 AM »
the BNP actively encourages Jewish membership, has democratically elected Jewish representitives, and supports Israel is FACT. It is true, cannot be denied my friend.
Wow I'm sold on the BNP.

Fact: nearly every other poitical party in the UK, and in Europe, could also make this claim.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 01:11:10 AM by dhimmi_pride »

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #68 on: February 11, 2008, 05:10:13 AM »
Neither are you BNP supporters true right wingers. You are class warriors, nothing more than a racist and anti-semetic verison of Labour, that just don't want to share your dole and nanny state with non-whites.

 :::D :::D :::D

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #69 on: February 11, 2008, 08:11:15 AM »
What's funny ?
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #70 on: February 11, 2008, 08:21:17 AM »
What's funny ?

He said what I was thinking  8;)

Offline q_q_

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #71 on: February 11, 2008, 09:02:14 AM »
Quote from: dhimmi_pride
Neither are you BNP supporters true right wingers. You are class warriors, nothing more than a racist and anti-semetic verison of Labour, that just don't want to share your dole and nanny state with non-whites.


That was an ingenious observation from dhimmi_pride. (and amusing too)

And regarding what dibblah said about BNP being pro israel. If even you mean pro israel like the Blair labour party - and I doubt it.  No party in britain is pro israel.  Some parties may be pro israeli government, but that is something else, and actually, that is bad! To be pro israel means saying israel should not give up any land, speaking out against the disengagement where the israeli government trampled over religious jewish settlers with horses and beat them with batons. No british political party does that. Anyhow, I do not expect them to, their goals should be for britain.

And their goal for britain is just what dhimmi_pride said!
Except they break up Britain into English, and non english. Not white and non white.
Jews are not considered English (even today british asians , blacks, jews, e.t.c. are not considered English by anybody). I do not know the details of the differences in how the English and non english would be treated, but that is the idea.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 09:38:43 AM by q_q_ »

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #72 on: February 12, 2008, 07:04:29 PM »
I disagree with those who say that the BNP can never change. First of all, people do change their views. Sometimes in monumental ways. Sometimes several times during their lifetimes. If Nick Griffin says that his views of Jews has changed - who am I? A mind reader?

Secondly, a party is made up by its members. If the BNP is now attracting more mainstream members, then its views are correspondingly more mainstream. If the BNP allows Jewish membership then the views of its Jewish members affect the overall views represented by the party. I have spent a lot of time reading every single article on the BNP's website in order to study this issue and form my own opinion. My opinion is now formed. I'm giving thumbs up to the BNP. I have no doubt that there are a lot of individual members who are strongly antisemitic, but I believe that the party, as a whole, has changed its agenda, and its target is now the defeat of islam. I support its nationalistic, anti-EU, anti-globalist agenda. This is the realistic political force in Britain today capable of being a platform of reststance; everything else is just talk. We cannot be purists at this historical juncture.

I know that Chaim has expressed himself against the BNP. I believe he will come around and change his mind eventually.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 07:06:24 PM by Masha »

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #73 on: February 12, 2008, 07:18:43 PM »
Guys... Please. please, you are all wrong...that is what they want you to believe. You might find these posts vaguely interesting if you live in the US but to us over here in the UK, it has become a matter of survival.

They -(The EU, the UK government and Media as well as various pressure groups) are aleady talking of introducing Sharia Law to the UK and Europe....we are very close to being seriously compromised!!!- If we fall you are next for a Muslim takeover.

-it is easy to be cynical!- Try and disproove me!!

Dhimmi... My dear friend...the BNP support the Independant Irish state and want a joint, democractically elected future for NI. I have always been an Irish nationalist, I was baptized in Ireland (Kildare) and all my family live there. I would never risk their futures and our grandchildren's futures on political claptrap....before anything else. However we slice and dice it,our future will be forever intertwined with the UK because of proximity and connections alone.

That is why I am calling on you to take a fresh view. If we had the chance to discuss this face to face I'm sure we'ed find common ground. The BNP are not racists, fachists or anti anything Judaic/Christian... Do some more research and really read.... The BNP may ultimately be the party that can unite all of Ireland.

In the words of Christy Moore: et. al.

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Re: Warm greetings to the JTF from a UK supporter
« Reply #74 on: February 12, 2008, 07:24:28 PM »
They are not attracting more mainstream members. Though Nick Griffin may be trying.

(not necessarily because he "changed his views", but simply because he wants to be elected).

You are right that they see muslims as the number one threat.

Having a jewish representative means nothing(there is this jewish woman representative they have. i saw a picture of her).  It means nothing. I heard that evil anti-semitic playright David Haires on TV begin  declaring that he had a jewish wife, before going on a diatribe against jews in israel, jewish belief, settlers, e.t.c. . The "some of my best friends are jewish" line is well known.  Ahmedinejad knows that line too.
And so did do muslims.. it gives them a seal of approval that their views are socially acceptable. People feel they cannot call them anti  some group if people of that group love them. And they cannot argue with a person of that minority group , arguing that they discriminate against that minority group member.  They have their token jew.. And she may be a self hating jew too. Or an opportunist.  Or a crackpot.  What jewish causes has she stood up for? She is just nominally jewish (JINO - jewish in name only). And maybe not "even" jewish in name!

« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 07:29:19 PM by q_q_ »