Tzvi: "...Do any of you think that all (well many) these studies and discoveries are just made up in order to promote their own products?..."
Yes, and the moreso when those who stand to gain from promoting the product are the one and the same as the financiers of the research studies!
There are relatively few daily news reports of "the latest scientific study" which are not pure unadulterated B.S. at best; outright lies at worst.
Most things we enjoy can be detrimental if overused or misused.
One hundred cups of coffee is a lethal dosage of caffeine for a human being, but I have yet to meet anyone who drinks more than a few cups at a time.
It's always easy to find "links" between population groups, food products, and incidence of various maladies or benefits using statistical analysis, but doing so is far less than conclusive proof of "cause and effect".
I just recently read one of these "latest studies" which "linked" people who work "the night shift" with "increased incidence of cancer", etc.... .
However, those doing the research might have only studied employees working the night shift in smokey nightclubs and bars who smoked and drank heavily in a less than healthy work environment.
I've personally come to the conclusion that "everything that's really good and enjoyable is bad for you".