• I am reaching out to all of my aquaintences and friends and family to vote for Trump. Please contact the campaign or local Republican club to volunteer for the campaign. Please if you can afford a small contribution or large go to the campaign website and do it. Your influence will count more than you know. This truly is the most important election in our lifetime.

  • NFL and NBA ratings are down.

  • Someone wrongly said that amy coney barret is ivy league. Not so. She went to Notre Dame law school.

    • Notre Dame is a farce just like Ivy league. Notre dame staff support abortion and homosexuality. There were even stories about how they even tried to support the Winnipeg convention where catholic bishops wanted to promote birth control and abortion.

  • I agree.

    a) Trump will lose. The people who put him in power are stupid cowards. Stupid cowards do not go out to vote in an epidemic. It will be a bloodbath. The Left will take the House, Senate, and White House.

    b) The JTF Forum should be closed and burned. Veteran members are now no better than your average Aish Hatora ba’al teshuvah. Naïve to a fault, and self-serving.

    c) Pence’s performance reminded me of Romney debating Obama. Weak, ineffective, and lacking in substance.

    Let America burn. I have no greater desire than to move to Israel. If I burn in Israel, I will be burning in my land. The murderous Moslems in the middle east want my body, the Christian West wants to dominate and subject my soul. Better to die at the hands of the Moslems.

  • Notre Dame is not ivy league.

  • Orthodox Jewish man assaulted on Coney Island boardwalk. Search story.

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