Iran plot to kill Trump; J. D. Vance stand on the issues (JTF ORG video)


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  • has an article headlined
    “The ominous resurfacing of ‘Christian’ antisemitism”
    by Dr. Michael Brown July 17, 2024

    • Why was the Vile Jew-Hater
      Fucker Carlson , Mother Tucker
      Allowed to Speak at the
      Republican National Convention Last Night , July 18, 2024 ?
      Why Goddammitt ?

    • A Disturbing case of
      Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism from
      1995 in New York City that countless people remember is discussed in the article headlined
      “High School Is Struggling With 2 Cases Of Prejudice”
      By Charisse Jones
      June 20, 1995

      The also discussed this incident in the article headlined
      June 16, 1995 by New York Daily News
      Never Forget that while
      Hitler died in 1945
      God himself holds Hitler Fully Accountable for inspiring Incidents like this in 1995

      Incidents like this Just Make
      Hitler Suffer Even MORE
      Much MORE in
      Hell, in Eternal Conscious Torment, Eternal Damnation
      It Just Increases God’s
      Divine Wrath, Justice and Punishment upon Hitler !

    • AOC is a perfect example of why
      Lead paint is no longer used ! 😆

    • Jonathan Pollard recently said that the Gaza population should be deported to Ireland

    • has an article headlined
      “Why won’t the government enforce its own laws against campus antisemites?”
      Ron Machol
      May 20, 2024
      Why Goddammit

    • The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
      “Calls for violence against Jews rise by 1,200% since Hamas massacre”
      By ZVIKA KLEIN Published: OCTOBER 15, 2023

      Only 1,200% percent?
      I’m Surprised it’s Not

    • Biden has officially dropped out of the 2024 Presidential race

    • About Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites & Anti-Israel Losers Ending up in Hell when they ultimately pass away has an article by
      Mort Laitner headlined
      “My Journey To Hell”
      JAN 29, 2022

      • More about the Jew-Haters ,
        Anti-Semites & Anti-Israel Bigots
        Ending up in Hell when they ultimately pass away for their Horrible Sin, Evil & Wickedness of Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Israel Hatred has an article headlined
        “Warning: Hell Is for Haters”
        Larry Tomczak
        April 10, 2024

    • Chaplain Michael Green typed online July 7, 2024
      “⚠️ READ THIS…IT IS REAL !

      From Marc Zell on X

      Saar Ophir was one of the three discharged soldiers who volunteered to fight the Hamas Nazis terrorists on October 7th.

      He fought courageously killing terrorists and rescuing civilians and security forces. He and his comrades are now under arrest for killing a Nukhba terrorist whom they captured and have been advised that the Israeli prosecutor may seek life imprisonment. One of the arrested suspects was told by his interrogator that “You are worse than the terrorists.” (i24)

      Israel has very dangerous enemies within, leftist scum !”

    • A Pro-Israel website typed online today
      “Welcome to the modern world. People don’t think anymore. They are just handed their beliefs and they’re willing to condemn people vehemently based on those loosely-held perspectives.

      More than likely someone who for all sorts of different reasons hates 🇮🇱 ISRAEL or the ✡️JEWS went ahead and came up with dozens of reasons to support what they already felt, and then went ahead an publicly shouted their views to their channel, likely a gathering of self-proclaimed liberals. And voila, thousands of bobble heads mindlessly and loudy scream their support for Palestine, with no thoughts of their own, and without an ounce of research to ensure they’re not mistaken.

      And that’s the way the world works.

      They really are completely unaware of the truth of what’s happening right now, and are even less aware of the history over the last 100 years.”

    • has an article headlined
      “Will 2024 Be the New 1933?” by Mark Jones
      Jan 29, 2024

    • Anyone Remember the
      CBS sitcom “Superior Donuts” which ran from
      Feb 2, 2017 to May 14, 2018
      It had Judd Hirsch as a Jewish man named Arthur
      There was an Arab character on the show named
      Fawz Hamadani Farooq Al-Shahrani the Wikipedia description of the character describes him as “a wealthy Iraqi real estate developer and Franco and Sweatpants’ landlord. He owns the dry cleaners next door and wants to buy Superior Donuts and tear it down, despite the fact that he always gets coffee there. In addition to the dry cleaners and apartment buildings, Fawz owns “Rub-A-Dub Sub” and one-eighth of a Quizno’s.”
      Could Fawz have been an
      Arab Terrorist ? What about his Arab relatives ?

    • Ham ass & Fatah signed a
      “Unity Agreement” in Beijing
      So if there is a Second Holocaust and/or World War III , in part it will sadly be Made in China 😡

    • has an article headlined
      “Kamala Harris puts the ‘lie’ in allies when it comes to supporting Israel”
      By  Michael Goodwin
      Published July 23, 2024
      People have called
      Kamala Harris
      “The Giggler” 😆

      • Iran trying to assassinate Trump???
        I would look into forces connected to the war in Ukraine, like BlackRock and connected Para military groups.

  • It’s a bad time for working people.

    • It’s also a bad time for
      Incels , Homeless , people with Mental illness, and Countless Other Suffering people
      Countless people are Incel
      Suffering from Chronic
      Involuntary Celibacy Problems
      Many people have said America and other Nations need to have a Redistribution of Sex
      Countless people are lonely and Miserable

  • Hillel Fuld typed online today
    “If ever there was something so tone deaf that it’s truly hard to believe, this is it.

    Adidas, a company founded by an actual Nazi, Adolf Dassler (yes, his real name was Adolf.) is releasing a shoe to commemorate the 1972 Olympics in which a Palestinian group massacred 11 Israeli athletes, and you’ll never guess who they chose as the face of the campaign.

    Sit down.

    Bella Hadid.

    Yes, that Bella Hadid, the antisemite who is responsible for endless Jew hatred and disinformation about this war and Jews in general.

    The only thing that could possibly be more outrageous is if they chose Adolf Hitler as the face of the campaign.

    Next year, Adidas? 🤮”

    What Next is Adidas going to find some of Hitler’s DNA and make a clone of him ?
    Everyone still Hates the Jews
    Everyone still unjustly Hates the Jews & Sovereign Nation, Country Israel
    Everyone adores the
    Precious “Palestinians” and their Lies
    Sadly the Rights of Individual Jews, the Jewish people and Israel doesn’t even Amount to a Hill of Beans
    Less than Nothing in this
    Anti-Semitic World
    Very Disturbing & Disgusting
    Satan the Devil is turning up his Hatred and Incitement against the Jewish people and Israel

  • A person typed online today
    “I thought that it was “innocent until proven guilty” in the United States. I also thought that the attitude in the USA is that after someone serves their time after conviction for a crime, they are allowed to re-enter society with their debt having been paid.

    Given this, how can one accept American government sanctions against Israeli citizens who have not even been charged with a crime and another who was found guilty but completed his prison sentence? And in the latter case (Elor Azariah), they even included his family in the sanctions.

    Not only is this wrong, I would like to know what sanctions have been made against Sinwar, for example. Or against the individual Gazans who taped themselves raping, torturing, killing, abducting civilians in Israel? I do think those are actual crimes, no?

    Is this delayed pay-back to Israel for not having allowed into our country American BDS promoters and other hate-mongerers openly inciting for violence against Israel?”

  • Barry Shaw typed online today
    “Our hostages and God’s promise.
    In Isaiah 42:6-7, God revealed His character in this declaration to Israel: “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.”
    May God’s promise be revealed soon, for their suffering, Israel’s suffering, at the hands of our enemy is too great to bear.

    Barry Shaw,
    The View from Israel.”

  • Stop quoting article’s. State your own opinions.

  • More about the Fakestinians
    The Precious
    “Palestinian People”
    The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
    “The mindset that set the stage for October 7 ”
    By JANE KIEL Published: JULY 21, 2024

  • Barry Shaw typed online today “The Bible is always a place for inspiration.
    Ecclesiastes 10:2;

    “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”

    I was left. Now I am right.

    Barry Shaw,
    The View from Israel.”

  • Any opinions of the Jewish sitcom show
    “The Goldbergs” on ABC
    Wikipedia says about the show
    “The Goldbergs is an American period sitcom television series that aired on ABC from September 24, 2013, to May 3, 2023, lasting ten seasons and 229 episodes” some have compared it to
    The Simpsons

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