Iranian General: “Presence of America in region is cancerous malign tumor that can only be treated by removing filthy tumor”

Masoud Jazayeri Iran“The goal of holding this drill is the creation of readiness so as to be able to combat any threat, and should a war occur, the Air Force will be the first force to enter the battlefield.”

That war will have been financed and brought to you by Barack Hussein Obama.

“‘We are ready for war’ Iran’s deadly threat in row with ‘satanic’ US,” by Douglas Patient, Daily Star, October 19, 2016:

IRAN announced it is ready for war by reportedly launching a series of drills showing off its air power as it accused the US of breaking its nuclear deal.

It launched the three-day war drills, which included the use of US-made planes, on Monday.

Iran’s Artesh Air Force was displaying the Islamic Republic’s air might, according to Iranian military officials.

General Masoud Rouzkhosh said: “The goal of holding this drill is the creation of readiness so as to be able to combat any threat, and should a war occur, the Air Force will be the first force to enter the battlefield.

“The newest armaments of the Air Force like precision-guided bombs and laser-guided missiles will be used in this year’s drill.”

Iran is using US-made jets in the drills, including F-4 and F-5 warplanes, as well as large Boeing airliners, which are aiding in mid-air refuelling tactics.

The three-day drills, now in their third day, come after Iran and the US agreed a landmark deal for the country to dismantle its nuclear programme last year.

But Iranian military commanders are claiming that the US is not holding up its end of the deal.

They say the armed forces remain committed to removing the American presence from the region.

General Massoud Jazayeri, deputy commander of Iran’s Armed Forces, said: “The bloody wars of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, the continued occupation of Zionists in Palestine, the war of the Ba’ath regime of Saddam against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the conflicts in Lebanon, Bahrain, and other events and incidents where each one thousands of dead and maimed and brought about endless destruction, are only part of the behaviour of the satanic governing body of America in the region.

“The presence of America in the region is a cancerous malign tumour that can only be treated by removing the filthy tumour and the ejection of America from the region,” Jazayeri added….

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