Islamic State Rapes Gay Men as Punishment for Being Homosexual

gay_isisDespite condemning homosexuality as a sin, Islamic State [terrorists] in Afghanistan regularly rape gay men as punishment, according to a former member of the terrorist organization.

Kamandar Bakhtiar was a former member of Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), the terrorist group’s Afghanistan branch located in the hills of Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province. He recounted the atrocities.

“During the three months I spent in the ranks of ISIS, I saw the worst things one can imagine on the face of the Earth,” Bakhtiar told the United Arab Emirates’ Alaan TV on Sept. 7. “They kill and behead innocent people, plunder the property of regular people, and they do the worst possible things, such as raping homosexuals.”

ISIS is known to issue proclamations declaring the death penalty for anyone who is caught engaging in sodomy, which makes the raping of homosexuals particularly strange. The terrorist organization often lumps in homosexuals with drug dealers and pedophiles.

“Allah says that they are the worst of creatures,” said an ISIS member in a 2014 video.

Executions of those accused of homosexuality are common in the so-called caliphate’s primary territory in Syria and Iraq. In one example, ISIS executed nine men and a 15-year-old boy for allegedly engaging in gay sex. More often, gays are thrown off the tops of buildings, a common theme practiced by radical Islamic organizations across the Middle East.

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