Israeli Arab Muslim Knesset Member had account from Ashley Madison cheating site

Raam Taal MK, Taleb Abu Arar is taken out by security during the Internal Affairs and Environment committee meeting in the Israeli parliament discussion regarding a bill regulating the bedouin settlements, in the southern Israeli desert area of Negev.
The government email address of Knesset Member Taleb Abu Arrar was one of millions leaked from, a website for people seeking extramarital affairs.
Abu Arrar, of the Arab Joint List party, already has two wives, according to the Jerusalem Post. Because polygamy is illegal in Israel, he has a common-law marriage with his second wife. He has 10 children.
“Someone signed up with my email address in order to sully my good name,” he said, according to the Post [even though there was no way anyone would know the site would be hacked and all accounts were private – which means there’s no reason someone would make an account under his email address that had to be verified].
He plans to file a complaint with police.
Knesset members’ aides can also access the members’ official email addresses.
The address was revealed among some 36 million others Tuesday night by hackers who stole the information last month. They had threatened to release the email addresses unless the website shut down, which it has not. The site claims to have 38 million users.
Avid Life Media, which owns the website, said in a statement that “These are illegitimate acts that have real consequences for innocent citizens who are simply going about their daily lives,” according to Reuters.