Jeb Bush: U.S. Should Accept Muslim Refugees from Middle East and Africa
Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush stated the US should accept refugees from the Middle East and Africa, but “make sure” they’re not terrorists on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.
Jeb said, [relevant remarks begin around 6:40] “We should accept — we’re a country that has a noble tradition of accepting refugees. We need to make sure that they’re not part of ISIS or something like that. But, the bigger strategy, I think, is how to take out ISIS, and how to deal with Assad. The red line was a complete disaster. This idea that somehow you can have grandiose language and not back it up is the reason why they have chaos. There’s 11 million refugees in a country of 20 million. This is an unmitigated disaster. So, the question is how do we lead the world to create stability in Syria? I think you have to take out Assad, and you have to take out ISIS. Both of those are huge threats — for the reason why people are fleeing.”
Jeb is a “compassionate conservative” aka “closet liberal” like his moron of a brother.
The Bush clan has always been more comfortable in Connecticut or Kennebunkport, Maine than in the Southern states they (mis)represent.