Many people still argue
Kamala Harris can’t be an
Anti-Semite or Jew-Hater , since she has a Jewish husband
Doug Emhoff
It appears Trump is the better Choice
There is talk this Election about
Marijuana Legalization
But what about the
Vital Issues of
Prostitution, Sex Work Legalization to help Incels and other
Sex Starved people and the
Growing Right To Die
Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement for any and All Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate their Lives
Most people are Against
Suicide Prevention and
Forced Living Extremism
That’s what the
American People Want.
A person typed online today
“The Democratic Party’s Terror Squad, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, and like minded anti-Semites in the party, have been rather quiet leading up to the elections.
I suppose they do not want to alienate the 100 million Evangelical Christian voters who overwhelmingly support Israel.”
Some people typed in reply
“They were told by Obama to shut up!”
“Until after the elections.”
The Incel Crisis and the Sufferings of Incels and people with Incel Problems gets worse and worse Every Day
Sex Work, Prostitution Legalization will help somewhat
Some people with
Incel Problems sadly blame
“The Jews” for
Feminism and Incel Problems
About the Incel Crisis and the Neeed to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in All 50 States
Around 2014
A person typed on Social Media
“There has got to be a way to get people to realize that a “free” country isn’t free if consenting adults can’t have sex, and if money changes hands, that is between the parties involved. We live in a culture which is still having a hangover from Puritanical so-called “morality’, and thus deems it right to imprison people for behaving in “immoral’ ways. morality has nothing to do with this thing. most human behavior is neither moral nor immoral, only neutral. religion is behind this mess, and I see it as an issue of the separation of Church and State. we cannot have Bible-thumpers telling people what they can and cannot do!”
Anyone Remember the episode of “Family Guy” that was titled
“The Thin White Line”
Which aired
March 14, 2000
In this episode
Brian Griffin the talking dog joined the Quahog ,
Rhode Island Police Force
In one brief scene in this episode
Joe Swanson, Brian Griffin and
Another Police Officer were
Standing Together
The Police Officer in a Thick Accent says to
“Ah patience lad, It took dear Saint Patrick more than a day to clear the Emerald lsle of snakes.”
Brian Griffin replies “Oh Can the lrish crap, will you, Horowitz?”
Horowitz replies “OK”
So the Police Officer was Supposed to be a Jewish Police Officer with a Jewish last name
Pretending to be Irish
So the fictional character of
Horowitz didn’t like being Jewish or looking Jewish or sounding Jewish
Just like in Real Life
Countless Jews and
Half-Jews , do NOT like looking Jewish or sounding Jewish and don’t like being Jewish
And they can’t Stand their
Stereotypical Jewish looks which are often unattractive and make it Impossible to hide Jewishness
And they Can’t Stand to be Told that they look Jewish or sound Jewish , they can’t stand to Hear that
And they are Deeply Uncomfortable with their Jewishness and try to hide it
Which is often Impossible
Even many Half-Jewish persons look Jewish and sound Jewish
Whether they are Jewish on their Mother’s side or Father’s side
Jewish Self-Hatred is Rising After October 7th, 2023
Along with the usual
Jew-Hatred and Anti-Semitism from Non-Jews
Barry Shaw typed online
October 25, 2024
“Israel’s war against our multi-faceted jihadi enemies is the most just war in history.
Yet those elected to represent Western Civilizations are ranged against us and give succor to our enemies even as they infiltrate into their societies.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel.”
Some people typed in reply
“Sadly the West is confused while the East is planning and scheming.”
“When there is the pursuit of globalism combined with many Jew hating leaders of countries, the result is Israel is perceived as one small country that is disrupting the ideals of globalism which take priority.”
“Their appeasement of these suicidal lunatics by these left-wing leaders will eventually come back to haunt them, especially when they realize how their countries have been infiltrated.”
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“While Israel might be fighting a military war on seven fronts, which is insane in and of itself, the list of diplomatic and geo political forces working against Israel is much longer.
On the military front, Israel is actively defending itself against Iran, Iraq, Gaza, Judea and Samaria, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon.
But on the diplomatic stage, think about who is working against Israel. Think about how many countries and organizations are sanctioning Israel or declaring an arms embargo on the only Jewish state.
South Africa.
The UN and all its organizations.
Saudi Arabia,
North Korea
Those are some of the countries that do not even recognize the state of Israel.
Look at that list. Memorize it. Because that is the list of countries and organizations that will soon be pages in a history book. ”
A Graphic is shown
“Israel’s 7-Front War Against Iran and the Enemies of Civilization”
It shows The dangers from
Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon , Fakestinian Terrorists from Judea & Samaria/West Bank, Iran
Shia Militias Iraq ,
Shia Militias Syria
Houthis in Yemen
Sadly Hatred of Jews and Israel unites the World as Always
The Whole World is out to
Attack Israel and the Jews
The Whole World is out to
Crucify Israel and the Jews as Always
Esau always Hates Jacob as the
Bible says
See Also
Genesis 16:12 which prophesied the Arab threat to mankind
A person typed online this
October 2024
“With each new Zeitgeist , A New Variant of AntiSemitism Emerges along with it and at least in its
incipient stages, tries to win us over with flattery and brown nosing- with promises that they are “different” from the uncivilized barbarians who had persecuted us in the past. But as it becomes clear that we see Right through their claims and Refuse to pay the Special Jewish
Entrance Fee/Requisite pound of flesh that we and only we are expected to pay (In Exchange for
Protection Against “Real”
AntiSemitism of Course- The Parallels with the Jizya Tax are Impossible to Ignore Here), The Movement’s True Colors Come Out”
Israel is God’s All Time Favorite Nation The website said in a 2014 article
“Isn`t God concerned with the nations? “All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.” (Isaiah 40:17) There`s only one that matters to Him. That nation is Israel.”
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
“On fighting antisemitism and supporting Israel, Trump beats Harris by a mile”
By DAVID FRIEDMAN Published: OCTOBER 27, 2024
The New York Post has an article headlined
“Antisemitism in NYC schools fueled by foreign actors, activist educators: report”
By Susan Edelman and Deirdre Bardolf
Published Oct. 26, 2024 has an article headlined
“Study reveals distinct connections between types of conspiracy beliefs and forms of antisemitism”
by Eric W. Dolan April 27, 2024
A person typed online
October 27, 2024
On Saturday attendees to a Kamala Harris rally were furious because they were misled by the Harris campaign. They said they were promised a Beyoncé performance, but the superstar did not sing. Instead, she merely spoke to the crowd briefly before leaving the stage. A hearty round of cat calls and jeers greeted Beyoncé and Harris as the singer exited the stage. What was Harris thinking?
Perhaps that episode is a metaphor for how a Harris presidency would operate, if elected.”
A person typed online today
While 93% of Jewish Republicans will not vote for Kamala Harris, most Jewish Democrats still support the Democratic Party’s nominee, but their support hits its lowest point in 4 decades.
There is definitely a political paradigm shift afoot in the Jewish community.”
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
“⚠️BREAKING: The American Jewish ✡️ community is outraged by MSNBC’s comparison of the Trump rally last night in NYC to a Nazi rally, which they see as mocking the Holocaust and diminishing the memory of the 6 million of Jews who perished.
& Also added
“The leftist News Media in America are vile and they are desperate to stop Trump.”
A person typed online today
“It is bad enough when non-Jews try to universalize attacks against Jews — from the worst of them (the Holocaust) to criminal activity (vandalism, arson, assault). It is repulsive and insulting.
When Jews do it — especially Jewish leaders — it is repugnant.
A synagogue was the target of a fire declared an arson by the fire marshal.
What do I see/hear from a Jewish leader: It’s terrible when churches, mosques and synagogues are attacked.
Well yes, of course it is. But it was a synagogue that was attacked , and there are record numbers of attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions in America today. These are particular attacks against Jews. They are not happening in such numbers against others — and one is too many!
Why would a Jewish leader universalize these?
For sympathy? It’s not coming.
There is no need to universalize and to dilute.
No comment necessary.”
A person typed in reply
“It wasn’t non-Jews who universalised the Shoah. There was a huge dispute about it via Simon Wiesenthal (who thought it a terrible idea) and Elie Wiesel who didn’t foresee the dangers enough.”
The person also typed
“An isolationist is an isolationist is an isolationist — whether they are a D, or an R, or a D who became an R. They are dangerous to the well-being of America.
In eras prior to the invention of the armada and the airplane and mass-communication, a nation could attempt to try to be isolationist.
The reason that there are what the moronic refer to as “endless wars” is because the United States decided that we no longer want to defeat our enemies — thus we have endless enemies. We had adopted rules of engagement that give an advantage to our enemies. This will not make our enemies like us or fear us.
Deciding to finally defend your nation and defeat your enemy is not an act of war or engaging in war. It is an act of self-defense and a dose of reality.
In geo-politics there are three possible outcomes: win, lose or draw. The first two are pretty clear.
The third option is what we are facing today due to poor planning and weak leadership.
Do not be seduced by this chatter or promises not to be saddled with “endless wars.” Such people seem willing to surrender our freedom and our standing as a superpower. Surrendering to your enemy is also a way to end a war. Not recommended!”
“Those of you who post about hamas yet omit the palestinian authority: You are the suckers born every minute who Barnum was referring to.”
“When all is said and done, no matter what they claim; no matter what they sign; no matter what fantasies the delusional engage in about “peace”; or no matter what concessions Jews offer; The Muslims hate and have no respect for Jews.”
With a link to a
Jerusalem Post article headlined
“Saudi Arabia calls on int’l community to hold Israel accountable for Jews going up Temple Mount”
Another person typed online today
“The name of Hitler’s book Mein Kampf means “my struggle.” Jihad means the same thing. Coincidence? I don’t think so.”
About Epstein , the Star Trek website has information about a
Character named Terence Epstein and it says
Federation Starfleet
Starbase 74
Status: Active (2364)
Doctor Terence Epstein was a Starfleet cybernetics expert in the 24th century and served as a professor at the medical school which Beverly Crusher attended.
Crusher attended some of his lectures while in school and called him one of the “leading minds” in his field.
In 2364, he was stationed at Starbase 74. The USS Enterprise-D visited there during this time, and Crusher hoped to consult him regarding her proposals for combining cybernetics with medical regeneration. (TNG: “11001001”)
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.”
So is Terence Epstein supposed to be ethnically Jewish ?
A person typed online in 2022 about the character of
Terence Epstein
“I believe someone complained a few days or weeks ago about no Jewish characters on Star-Trek – well, just noticed while watching one of the episodes of TNG (not sure which) that Dr. Crusher is “very excited to meet Prof. Terrance Epstein” that just arrived to the space station and is one of the most important cybernetics-experts in the galaxy… so yes, we’re still seem to be there – simply minding our own business in the academy instead of risking our lives…”
Another person typed in reply about Star Trek and
Terence Epstein
“Here’s the thing, yes there have been characters with names that are jewish, maybe Dr. Zimmerman is Jewish or the Rozenkos are widely cited. But no character is openly specifically Jewish. I mean yeah it’s awkward to have someone just blurt out “i’m jewish” but they could mention something about ancestors of their surviving the holocaust or, i dunno, have a chai in their cabin or a mezuza on the bulkhead of their cabin. but nope, the general view is judaism is only a religion and there’s no place for religion in the future (which is a whole other can of worms) so we can’t have a character be jewish!
I mean we had a whole bit about eddington being Canadian, talking about his lucky loonie so don’t say we can’t ahve a character mention their ancestory in some way”
A person typed online
October 27, 2024
“This is what “globalize the intifada” means. There isn’t another interpretation.
The people who say “‘intifada’ just means ‘uprising’” are like someone saying Hitler’s Mein Kampf isn’t antisemitic because those words just mean “my struggle.”
It’s a lie.
There have been two intifadas. The whole point of both of them was to massacre as many Jews as possible.
Jews. Not Israelis. Jews.
While there were Arabs who died from being attacked by other Arabs in those “uprisings,” those were accidents. All of the Jews who died were intentional.
And they weren’t just Israelis who were murdered. Jews from America and Europe and Africa and all over the world who were there were targets too.
“Globalize the intifada” means to kill us wherever we are on the planet. That’s what this “Allahu Akbar”-shouting P.O.S. was doing.
We are being literally targeted for murder, and people are busy parsing what the difference is between “death to Jews” and “death to Zionists” means. We are being killed, while the Democrat leadership can’t even be bothered to condemn members of Congress of their own party who chant genocidal slogans against Jews.
Everyone said it was damning for any Republican not to speak up against racist or antisemitic statements made by Republican politicians, but somehow it’s okay for Democrats to not openly condemn pro-genocide statements. In fact, it’s been okay to not say a single word about them.
If hate speech leads to violence, you’re pretty freaking stupid if you can’t figure out why “globalize the intifada” is gonna lead to dead Jews.
There have been some truly horrendous and hateful and unhinged comments about Jews coming out of the mouths of not only Republican politicians but media personalities like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens lately. And you wanna know what I have seen? Widespread condemnation of those comments by many, many Republican politicans and pundits. I follow media and pundits from across the political spectrum, and there has been widespread condemnation among Republicans against all of that. I’ve even heard people who are friends with Candace and with Tucker say their comments were appalling.
I’ve never heard any Democrat politician besides John Fetterman and Ritchie Torres call out this antisemitic bs from other Dems. They stand alone.
If a politician can’t even bother to denounce literally murderous antisemitism from their own party, they don’t deserve Jewish votes. And that goes for both parties.”
With a post by
@persianjewess who typed on X
A 39 yo Jewish man was shot and critically injured in BROAD DAYLIGHT while on his way to synagogue in a Jewish suburb of Chicago this past weekend.
The 23 yo gunman, who has yet to be identified , was reportedly heard on a ring camera screaming “Allahu Akbar”
(See 1:12 mark) while engaging in a 2 1/2 minute SHOOTOUT with Police.
This is what they mean when they say
“Globalize the Intifada”
A person typed online today
“It’s always the same old bs, and because there have been people who have gone out of their way to make sure that antisemitism (both its origins and how it functions) is not taught in schools, Gen Z is engaging in a epic fail right now.
And as someone who has fought to get antisemitism taught universally across this nation, I can tell you that in order to teach it, you have to confront antisemitism inherent to Christianity down to its sacred texts, and you have to confront how much it’s been a part of the history of Islam.
But even if you got those two on board, it wouldn’t solve the issue. Because many of the biggest barriers to teaching how antisemitism works are progressives who believe in “social justice,” “anti-racists,” and those who teach liberation theologies and philosophies.
Some of the biggest proponents of antisemitism today are as guilty of it as Klansmen are guilty of racism, but their heads are so far up their tuchuses that they can’t see it.”
@liv_laynee typing on X
“Man, as somebody who isn’t Jewish, once you see antisemitism and recognize it for what it is, you truly can’t go back. It’s all just the same arguments in different fonts. It’s never something new, it’s always a mutated virus.
GenZ thinks they’re doing something new and revolutionary but they’re not. I wish I could just scream that from the rooftops.”
1:07 PM · Oct 24, 2024
A person typed online today
“Each time a palestinian-Arab or Lebanese or Syrian or Yemeni or Iraqi or Iranian fires a rocket or missile or sends a deadly drone into Israel, thousands and sometimes millions of Israelis have mere seconds to seek and get into a fortified shelter.
Mostly the callous Israel media claims there were “no injuries,” entirely discounting not only the trauma, but also the injuries sustained getting to the shelter.
The 80-year-old subject of the article at the link would otherwise have been one of those “no injuries” persons except this time going to the shelter, her luck ran out.
The Israeli media is despicable much of the time reporting each of these deadly missile, rocket and drone attacks. We news consumers must never get as callous.
As many of you know as do I: Each siren and “tzeva adom” is traumatic.
The Arabs and Iranians terrorize us and try to murder us by every means possible.
We must never lose sight of this. It must never be “Oh, another rocket.”
We must defeat our enemies and press that Israel have every weapon and ordinance it needs to do so.”
A link is given to a
Jerusalem Post article headlined
“80-year-old woman dies after tripping on steps while trying to evacuate to bomb shelter”
A person typed online today
“At this point, I have zero inclination to be charitable to people who think AOC is an intelligent woman, let alone a decent human being.
She’s a vapid hateful buffoon who needs to go back to bartending.
She’s now attacking the Anti-Defamation League for…checks notes…going after the racism and xenophobia at a Trump rally?
The ADL doesn’t just stand up for Jews. It stands up for every minority in America, including Muslims. And it makes no requirement of the level of religiosity to protect Jews or Muslims.
Meanwhile, the Muslim equivalent of the ADL, CAIR (which really only cares about Muslims), is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, openly supports the terrorism of October 7th, and has a long history of screwing over Muslims whom it deems insufficiently Muslim. Yet I don’t see AOC nor her fellow Jew-hating friends in the Squad condemning CAIR.
AOC is as much of a dumbass ditzy antisemitic turd as Marjorie Taylor-Greene, and if that seems far-fetched to you, congrats: your partisan biases are showing.”
“Because you need to know.
The press is garbage.
Within an hour or so after the shooting, this Ring footage was released of the shooter who shot a Jewish man on his way to synagogue.
The press has largely not said the victim was Jewish, not said the perp was engaged in a targeted hate crime, didn’t say he was recorded shouting “Allahu Akbar” while fighting the police…
Now, it is being said that the perp is an undocumented immigrant from North Africa, but I’m not standing by that until I see proof.
Which of course would be easier if the press treated him like any other criminal instead of a protected class that they keep silent about in order to not stir up xenophobia – while they can’t even be bothered to describe this as an attempted antisemitic murder.
I wanted to let you know so you could see for yourself – since legacy media doesn’t actually care about facts nor Jewish lives.
If it was a white man who shot a Black man and yelled “Make America Great Again,” you know damn well it would be all over the news.”
About how the Chicago gunman who shot a Jewish man on his way to Synagogue has been identified as 22 year old
Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi
And according to NY Post the gunman is an illegal alien who entered the US from North Africa
over a year ago
A video is shown of the gunman firing at Police while shouting
“Allahu Akbar”
Adam, America is a disgrace in many ways , as Mentioned Before here on America Needs REAL Freedom , Libertarian Freedom , Libertarian Freedom
Incels are Suffering Unbearably
Involuntary Celibacy Problems and Loneliness Problems are Growing
Adam , do you agree that America is sadly a disgrace in
Many Ways
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
While the “freedom” in America is a Joke
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
We Need to Realize that
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings
What i don’t understood is in fact how you’re not really a lot more smartly-appreciated than you may be right now. You are very intelligent. You understand therefore considerably in relation to this subject, produced me individually consider it from a lot of numerous angles. Its like men and women are not fascinated except it’s one thing to do with Girl gaga! Your individual stuffs great. Always handle it up!
Is it true an Arab invented algebra?
Many people still argue
Kamala Harris can’t be an
Anti-Semite or Jew-Hater , since she has a Jewish husband
Doug Emhoff
It appears Trump is the better Choice
There is talk this Election about
Marijuana Legalization
But what about the
Vital Issues of
Prostitution, Sex Work Legalization to help Incels and other
Sex Starved people and the
Growing Right To Die
Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement for any and All Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate their Lives
Most people are Against
Suicide Prevention and
Forced Living Extremism
The American People Deserve Real Freedom
REAL Freedom
That’s what the
American People Want.
A person typed online today
“The Democratic Party’s Terror Squad, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, and like minded anti-Semites in the party, have been rather quiet leading up to the elections.
I suppose they do not want to alienate the 100 million Evangelical Christian voters who overwhelmingly support Israel.”
Some people typed in reply
“They were told by Obama to shut up!”
“Until after the elections.”
The Incel Crisis and the Sufferings of Incels and people with Incel Problems gets worse and worse Every Day
Sex Work, Prostitution Legalization will help somewhat
Some people with
Incel Problems sadly blame
“The Jews” for
Feminism and Incel Problems
About the Incel Crisis and the Neeed to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in All 50 States
Around 2014
A person typed on Social Media
“There has got to be a way to get people to realize that a “free” country isn’t free if consenting adults can’t have sex, and if money changes hands, that is between the parties involved. We live in a culture which is still having a hangover from Puritanical so-called “morality’, and thus deems it right to imprison people for behaving in “immoral’ ways. morality has nothing to do with this thing. most human behavior is neither moral nor immoral, only neutral. religion is behind this mess, and I see it as an issue of the separation of Church and State. we cannot have Bible-thumpers telling people what they can and cannot do!”
Sadly America Sucks in Many Ways
Anyone Remember the episode of “Family Guy” that was titled
“The Thin White Line”
Which aired
March 14, 2000
In this episode
Brian Griffin the talking dog joined the Quahog ,
Rhode Island Police Force
In one brief scene in this episode
Joe Swanson, Brian Griffin and
Another Police Officer were
Standing Together
The Police Officer in a Thick Accent says to
“Ah patience lad, It took dear Saint Patrick more than a day to clear the Emerald lsle of snakes.”
Brian Griffin replies “Oh Can the lrish crap, will you, Horowitz?”
Horowitz replies “OK”
So the Police Officer was Supposed to be a Jewish Police Officer with a Jewish last name
Pretending to be Irish
So the fictional character of
Horowitz didn’t like being Jewish or looking Jewish or sounding Jewish
Just like in Real Life
Countless Jews and
Half-Jews , do NOT like looking Jewish or sounding Jewish and don’t like being Jewish
And they can’t Stand their
Stereotypical Jewish looks which are often unattractive and make it Impossible to hide Jewishness
And they Can’t Stand to be Told that they look Jewish or sound Jewish , they can’t stand to Hear that
And they are Deeply Uncomfortable with their Jewishness and try to hide it
Which is often Impossible
Even many Half-Jewish persons look Jewish and sound Jewish
Whether they are Jewish on their Mother’s side or Father’s side
Jewish Self-Hatred is Rising After October 7th, 2023
Along with the usual
Jew-Hatred and Anti-Semitism from Non-Jews has an article headlined
“What can a weak Jewish community do to protect itself from Wokeism?”
by Richard Lee Abrams
October 24, 2024 has an article headlined
“Antisemitism and Manifest Evil: Cosmic Dimensions?”
October 2023
By John D. Garr, Ph.D. has an article headlined
“How not to be Antisemitic”
May 11, 2022 by Ian Paul
Mosab Hassan Yousef
typed online today
“How many Gazans have been killed because of Hamas misfire?
Al Jazeera cooperated with Hamas to cover up Hamas’s crimes caused by booby traps and missile misfiring.
The “Palestinian” Health Ministry never reported any causality because of Hamas misfire
The Qatari TV Al Jazeera is exploiting the freedoms of the Press to spread false, inciting, and hateful narratives.
Are you on the right side of history?”
Barry Shaw typed online
October 25, 2024
“Israel’s war against our multi-faceted jihadi enemies is the most just war in history.
Yet those elected to represent Western Civilizations are ranged against us and give succor to our enemies even as they infiltrate into their societies.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel.”
Some people typed in reply
“Sadly the West is confused while the East is planning and scheming.”
“When there is the pursuit of globalism combined with many Jew hating leaders of countries, the result is Israel is perceived as one small country that is disrupting the ideals of globalism which take priority.”
“Their appeasement of these suicidal lunatics by these left-wing leaders will eventually come back to haunt them, especially when they realize how their countries have been infiltrated.”
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“While Israel might be fighting a military war on seven fronts, which is insane in and of itself, the list of diplomatic and geo political forces working against Israel is much longer.
On the military front, Israel is actively defending itself against Iran, Iraq, Gaza, Judea and Samaria, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon.
But on the diplomatic stage, think about who is working against Israel. Think about how many countries and organizations are sanctioning Israel or declaring an arms embargo on the only Jewish state.
South Africa.
The UN and all its organizations.
Saudi Arabia,
North Korea
Those are some of the countries that do not even recognize the state of Israel.
Look at that list. Memorize it. Because that is the list of countries and organizations that will soon be pages in a history book. ”
A Graphic is shown
“Israel’s 7-Front War Against Iran and the Enemies of Civilization”
It shows The dangers from
Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon , Fakestinian Terrorists from Judea & Samaria/West Bank, Iran
Shia Militias Iraq ,
Shia Militias Syria
Houthis in Yemen
Sadly Hatred of Jews and Israel unites the World as Always
The Whole World is out to
Attack Israel and the Jews
The Whole World is out to
Crucify Israel and the Jews as Always
Esau always Hates Jacob as the
Bible says
See Also
Genesis 16:12 which prophesied the Arab threat to mankind
A person typed online this
October 2024
“With each new Zeitgeist , A New Variant of AntiSemitism Emerges along with it and at least in its
incipient stages, tries to win us over with flattery and brown nosing- with promises that they are “different” from the uncivilized barbarians who had persecuted us in the past. But as it becomes clear that we see Right through their claims and Refuse to pay the Special Jewish
Entrance Fee/Requisite pound of flesh that we and only we are expected to pay (In Exchange for
Protection Against “Real”
AntiSemitism of Course- The Parallels with the Jizya Tax are Impossible to Ignore Here), The Movement’s True Colors Come Out”
Did anyone find this
Scene offensive
Israel is God’s All Time Favorite Nation The website said in a 2014 article
“Isn`t God concerned with the nations? “All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.” (Isaiah 40:17) There`s only one that matters to Him. That nation is Israel.”
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
“On fighting antisemitism and supporting Israel, Trump beats Harris by a mile”
By DAVID FRIEDMAN Published: OCTOBER 27, 2024
The New York Post has an article headlined
“Antisemitism in NYC schools fueled by foreign actors, activist educators: report”
By Susan Edelman and Deirdre Bardolf
Published Oct. 26, 2024 has an article headlined
“Study reveals distinct connections between types of conspiracy beliefs and forms of antisemitism”
by Eric W. Dolan April 27, 2024
A person typed online
October 27, 2024
On Saturday attendees to a Kamala Harris rally were furious because they were misled by the Harris campaign. They said they were promised a Beyoncé performance, but the superstar did not sing. Instead, she merely spoke to the crowd briefly before leaving the stage. A hearty round of cat calls and jeers greeted Beyoncé and Harris as the singer exited the stage. What was Harris thinking?
Perhaps that episode is a metaphor for how a Harris presidency would operate, if elected.”
A person typed online today
While 93% of Jewish Republicans will not vote for Kamala Harris, most Jewish Democrats still support the Democratic Party’s nominee, but their support hits its lowest point in 4 decades.
There is definitely a political paradigm shift afoot in the Jewish community.”
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
“⚠️BREAKING: The American Jewish ✡️ community is outraged by MSNBC’s comparison of the Trump rally last night in NYC to a Nazi rally, which they see as mocking the Holocaust and diminishing the memory of the 6 million of Jews who perished.
& Also added
“The leftist News Media in America are vile and they are desperate to stop Trump.”
Go to Trump’s website and click on volunteer and or donate any amount.
Drive Trump voters to the polls. Become a precinct captain. Call voters in swing states like Arizona Pennsylvania Georgia Nevada.
A person typed online today
“It is bad enough when non-Jews try to universalize attacks against Jews — from the worst of them (the Holocaust) to criminal activity (vandalism, arson, assault). It is repulsive and insulting.
When Jews do it — especially Jewish leaders — it is repugnant.
A synagogue was the target of a fire declared an arson by the fire marshal.
What do I see/hear from a Jewish leader: It’s terrible when churches, mosques and synagogues are attacked.
Well yes, of course it is. But it was a synagogue that was attacked , and there are record numbers of attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions in America today. These are particular attacks against Jews. They are not happening in such numbers against others — and one is too many!
Why would a Jewish leader universalize these?
For sympathy? It’s not coming.
There is no need to universalize and to dilute.
No comment necessary.”
A person typed in reply
“It wasn’t non-Jews who universalised the Shoah. There was a huge dispute about it via Simon Wiesenthal (who thought it a terrible idea) and Elie Wiesel who didn’t foresee the dangers enough.”
The person also typed
“An isolationist is an isolationist is an isolationist — whether they are a D, or an R, or a D who became an R. They are dangerous to the well-being of America.
In eras prior to the invention of the armada and the airplane and mass-communication, a nation could attempt to try to be isolationist.
The reason that there are what the moronic refer to as “endless wars” is because the United States decided that we no longer want to defeat our enemies — thus we have endless enemies. We had adopted rules of engagement that give an advantage to our enemies. This will not make our enemies like us or fear us.
Deciding to finally defend your nation and defeat your enemy is not an act of war or engaging in war. It is an act of self-defense and a dose of reality.
In geo-politics there are three possible outcomes: win, lose or draw. The first two are pretty clear.
The third option is what we are facing today due to poor planning and weak leadership.
Do not be seduced by this chatter or promises not to be saddled with “endless wars.” Such people seem willing to surrender our freedom and our standing as a superpower. Surrendering to your enemy is also a way to end a war. Not recommended!”
“Those of you who post about hamas yet omit the palestinian authority: You are the suckers born every minute who Barnum was referring to.”
“When all is said and done, no matter what they claim; no matter what they sign; no matter what fantasies the delusional engage in about “peace”; or no matter what concessions Jews offer; The Muslims hate and have no respect for Jews.”
With a link to a
Jerusalem Post article headlined
“Saudi Arabia calls on int’l community to hold Israel accountable for Jews going up Temple Mount”
Another person typed online today
“The name of Hitler’s book Mein Kampf means “my struggle.” Jihad means the same thing. Coincidence? I don’t think so.” has an article headlined
“Israel’s Enemies Will Fail”
March 2, 2024
She doesn’t mean it. Give the schwartze a break
Trump had a podcast with rogan who accused israel of genocide. A 3 hour podcast. He got endorsement of a Detroit mosque. He is not trust worthy.
Trump is calling liz cheney a Muslim hating warmonger to a mosque in Michigan. Come on. He is the bigger of two evils.
So what.
CBP: if we are supposed to love our fellow Jews how are we supposed to do it for Bernie Madoff and Jeffrey Epstein?
About Epstein , the Star Trek website has information about a
Character named Terence Epstein and it says
Federation Starfleet
Starbase 74
Status: Active (2364)
Doctor Terence Epstein was a Starfleet cybernetics expert in the 24th century and served as a professor at the medical school which Beverly Crusher attended.
Crusher attended some of his lectures while in school and called him one of the “leading minds” in his field.
In 2364, he was stationed at Starbase 74. The USS Enterprise-D visited there during this time, and Crusher hoped to consult him regarding her proposals for combining cybernetics with medical regeneration. (TNG: “11001001”)
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.”
So is Terence Epstein supposed to be ethnically Jewish ?
A person typed online in 2022 about the character of
Terence Epstein
“I believe someone complained a few days or weeks ago about no Jewish characters on Star-Trek – well, just noticed while watching one of the episodes of TNG (not sure which) that Dr. Crusher is “very excited to meet Prof. Terrance Epstein” that just arrived to the space station and is one of the most important cybernetics-experts in the galaxy… so yes, we’re still seem to be there – simply minding our own business in the academy instead of risking our lives…”
Another person typed in reply about Star Trek and
Terence Epstein
“Here’s the thing, yes there have been characters with names that are jewish, maybe Dr. Zimmerman is Jewish or the Rozenkos are widely cited. But no character is openly specifically Jewish. I mean yeah it’s awkward to have someone just blurt out “i’m jewish” but they could mention something about ancestors of their surviving the holocaust or, i dunno, have a chai in their cabin or a mezuza on the bulkhead of their cabin. but nope, the general view is judaism is only a religion and there’s no place for religion in the future (which is a whole other can of worms) so we can’t have a character be jewish!
I mean we had a whole bit about eddington being Canadian, talking about his lucky loonie so don’t say we can’t ahve a character mention their ancestory in some way”
A person typed online
October 27, 2024
“This is what “globalize the intifada” means. There isn’t another interpretation.
The people who say “‘intifada’ just means ‘uprising’” are like someone saying Hitler’s Mein Kampf isn’t antisemitic because those words just mean “my struggle.”
It’s a lie.
There have been two intifadas. The whole point of both of them was to massacre as many Jews as possible.
Jews. Not Israelis. Jews.
While there were Arabs who died from being attacked by other Arabs in those “uprisings,” those were accidents. All of the Jews who died were intentional.
And they weren’t just Israelis who were murdered. Jews from America and Europe and Africa and all over the world who were there were targets too.
“Globalize the intifada” means to kill us wherever we are on the planet. That’s what this “Allahu Akbar”-shouting P.O.S. was doing.
We are being literally targeted for murder, and people are busy parsing what the difference is between “death to Jews” and “death to Zionists” means. We are being killed, while the Democrat leadership can’t even be bothered to condemn members of Congress of their own party who chant genocidal slogans against Jews.
Everyone said it was damning for any Republican not to speak up against racist or antisemitic statements made by Republican politicians, but somehow it’s okay for Democrats to not openly condemn pro-genocide statements. In fact, it’s been okay to not say a single word about them.
If hate speech leads to violence, you’re pretty freaking stupid if you can’t figure out why “globalize the intifada” is gonna lead to dead Jews.
There have been some truly horrendous and hateful and unhinged comments about Jews coming out of the mouths of not only Republican politicians but media personalities like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens lately. And you wanna know what I have seen? Widespread condemnation of those comments by many, many Republican politicans and pundits. I follow media and pundits from across the political spectrum, and there has been widespread condemnation among Republicans against all of that. I’ve even heard people who are friends with Candace and with Tucker say their comments were appalling.
I’ve never heard any Democrat politician besides John Fetterman and Ritchie Torres call out this antisemitic bs from other Dems. They stand alone.
If a politician can’t even bother to denounce literally murderous antisemitism from their own party, they don’t deserve Jewish votes. And that goes for both parties.”
With a post by
@persianjewess who typed on X
A 39 yo Jewish man was shot and critically injured in BROAD DAYLIGHT while on his way to synagogue in a Jewish suburb of Chicago this past weekend.
The 23 yo gunman, who has yet to be identified , was reportedly heard on a ring camera screaming “Allahu Akbar”
(See 1:12 mark) while engaging in a 2 1/2 minute SHOOTOUT with Police.
This is what they mean when they say
“Globalize the Intifada”
A person typed online today
“It’s always the same old bs, and because there have been people who have gone out of their way to make sure that antisemitism (both its origins and how it functions) is not taught in schools, Gen Z is engaging in a epic fail right now.
And as someone who has fought to get antisemitism taught universally across this nation, I can tell you that in order to teach it, you have to confront antisemitism inherent to Christianity down to its sacred texts, and you have to confront how much it’s been a part of the history of Islam.
But even if you got those two on board, it wouldn’t solve the issue. Because many of the biggest barriers to teaching how antisemitism works are progressives who believe in “social justice,” “anti-racists,” and those who teach liberation theologies and philosophies.
Some of the biggest proponents of antisemitism today are as guilty of it as Klansmen are guilty of racism, but their heads are so far up their tuchuses that they can’t see it.”
@liv_laynee typing on X
“Man, as somebody who isn’t Jewish, once you see antisemitism and recognize it for what it is, you truly can’t go back. It’s all just the same arguments in different fonts. It’s never something new, it’s always a mutated virus.
GenZ thinks they’re doing something new and revolutionary but they’re not. I wish I could just scream that from the rooftops.”
1:07 PM · Oct 24, 2024
A person typed online today
“Each time a palestinian-Arab or Lebanese or Syrian or Yemeni or Iraqi or Iranian fires a rocket or missile or sends a deadly drone into Israel, thousands and sometimes millions of Israelis have mere seconds to seek and get into a fortified shelter.
Mostly the callous Israel media claims there were “no injuries,” entirely discounting not only the trauma, but also the injuries sustained getting to the shelter.
The 80-year-old subject of the article at the link would otherwise have been one of those “no injuries” persons except this time going to the shelter, her luck ran out.
The Israeli media is despicable much of the time reporting each of these deadly missile, rocket and drone attacks. We news consumers must never get as callous.
As many of you know as do I: Each siren and “tzeva adom” is traumatic.
The Arabs and Iranians terrorize us and try to murder us by every means possible.
We must never lose sight of this. It must never be “Oh, another rocket.”
We must defeat our enemies and press that Israel have every weapon and ordinance it needs to do so.”
A link is given to a
Jerusalem Post article headlined
“80-year-old woman dies after tripping on steps while trying to evacuate to bomb shelter”
The Madison Square garden rally was a disgrace.
A person typed online today
“At this point, I have zero inclination to be charitable to people who think AOC is an intelligent woman, let alone a decent human being.
She’s a vapid hateful buffoon who needs to go back to bartending.
She’s now attacking the Anti-Defamation League for…checks notes…going after the racism and xenophobia at a Trump rally?
The ADL doesn’t just stand up for Jews. It stands up for every minority in America, including Muslims. And it makes no requirement of the level of religiosity to protect Jews or Muslims.
Meanwhile, the Muslim equivalent of the ADL, CAIR (which really only cares about Muslims), is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, openly supports the terrorism of October 7th, and has a long history of screwing over Muslims whom it deems insufficiently Muslim. Yet I don’t see AOC nor her fellow Jew-hating friends in the Squad condemning CAIR.
AOC is as much of a dumbass ditzy antisemitic turd as Marjorie Taylor-Greene, and if that seems far-fetched to you, congrats: your partisan biases are showing.”
“Because you need to know.
The press is garbage.
Within an hour or so after the shooting, this Ring footage was released of the shooter who shot a Jewish man on his way to synagogue.
The press has largely not said the victim was Jewish, not said the perp was engaged in a targeted hate crime, didn’t say he was recorded shouting “Allahu Akbar” while fighting the police…
Now, it is being said that the perp is an undocumented immigrant from North Africa, but I’m not standing by that until I see proof.
Which of course would be easier if the press treated him like any other criminal instead of a protected class that they keep silent about in order to not stir up xenophobia – while they can’t even be bothered to describe this as an attempted antisemitic murder.
I wanted to let you know so you could see for yourself – since legacy media doesn’t actually care about facts nor Jewish lives.
If it was a white man who shot a Black man and yelled “Make America Great Again,” you know damn well it would be all over the news.”
About how the Chicago gunman who shot a Jewish man on his way to Synagogue has been identified as 22 year old
Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi
And according to NY Post the gunman is an illegal alien who entered the US from North Africa
over a year ago
A video is shown of the gunman firing at Police while shouting
“Allahu Akbar”
Adam, America is a disgrace in many ways , as Mentioned Before here on America Needs REAL Freedom , Libertarian Freedom , Libertarian Freedom
Incels are Suffering Unbearably
Involuntary Celibacy Problems and Loneliness Problems are Growing
Adam , do you agree that America is sadly a disgrace in
Many Ways
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
While the “freedom” in America is a Joke
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
We Need to Realize that
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings
Someone typed online today
“Douglas Murray: honorary Prime Minister of the Jewish nation.”
Yes indeed
What i don’t understood is in fact how you’re not really a lot more smartly-appreciated than you may be right now. You are very intelligent. You understand therefore considerably in relation to this subject, produced me individually consider it from a lot of numerous angles. Its like men and women are not fascinated except it’s one thing to do with Girl gaga! Your individual stuffs great. Always handle it up!