Jewish cemeteries in Egypt now used for dumping garbage

jewish_cemeteryIt goes to show you, even when Jews are dead, it’s still not enough for these Nazi Muslim beasts.

Egypt’s Vetogate has a series of articles about the disgraceful condition of Egypt’s Jewish cemeteries.

The leader of the almost extinct Jewish community, Magda Haroun, said that she visited one cemetery and saw [Muslim] boys had urinated on the tombstones.

Vetogate visited the cemetery in Alexandria (pictured above) and reported that it was being used as a garbage dump and was being encroached by street vendors. Tombstones and mausoleums are cracked, broken or otherwise in serious disrepair

The newspaper talks about one cemetery that is the second-oldest Jewish burial ground in the world after the Mount of Olives. It includes such famous rabbis as Saadia Gaon.

The newspaper also interviewed a number of Islamic clerics who all said that respect for the dead is a high priority in Islam and that there was no justification to treat these cemeteries badly.

The newspaper goes on to call for the restoration of these cemeteries – and the resumption of tourism to visit them.

One comment

  • I’m glad jews had fled from these sadistic and cruel people. Let the muzzles kill each other and raise the world’s IQ.

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