Jewish Yeshiva student stabbed in Jerusalem by Muslim terrorist

israel-terror1Jewish man stabbed by terrorist on way to Mount of Olives cemetery in Jerusalem.

An 18-year old yeshiva student was stabbed Thursday afternoon in A-Tur, near the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Police have responded to the incident and are on the scene.

Initial reports indicate an Arab terrorist stabbed the yeshiva student with a screwdriver before fleeing. The victim of the attack was reportedly on his way to the nearby Mount of Olives cemetery when he was stabbed.

A spokesman for United Hatzalah reported that the attack took place near the near the grave of the Slonim Rebbe.

Nati Ostri, a Hatzalah volunteer, was one of the first on the scene after the attack and assisted in treating the victim.

“The individual stabbed was a yeshiva student who was visiting the grave of the Rebbe of Slonim, together with other Hassidim from the Slonim Yeshiva. When I arrived at the scene the victim was conscious and suffering from a stab wound in his upper body. Together with other EMTs from United Hatzalah’s ambu-cycle unit we treated the victim.”

An MDA emergency response team has been called to the scene to treat the victim, whose injury has been described as light-to-moderate.

Security forces are currently searching for the attacker.

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