Jews massacred because of Netanyahu’s anti-Semitic policies (Pastor Manning and Chaim Ben Pesach)

The amazing and righteous Pastor Manning interviews Chaim Ben Pesach about Netanyahu’s part in Arab terrorism.

Please spread the word about this important video everywhere possible.


  • My heart aches for the killings and their loved ones. I am one in a million that did not vote for that poor excuse in the Peoples House. If Obama truly cared for the Jews and the recent murders in Jerusalem, he would not have made such a not chalant speech about this current issue. It sickens me. And I do believe with every fiber of my being that Obama is a Muslim hiding behind a Christian facade, and no one will convince me otherwise. These terrorists should have been killed a long time ago. Obama had six years to get rid of the lowest form of life .

  • Michael Perishich

    The leaders of major western democracies are appeasing those hate driven murder-suicide maniacs, just like Chamberaine tried to appease Hitler. The mind set of murdering Jews, and then losing their own lives in the process, is the mind set that would murder the whole world as well. Those murderers must be stopped before it’s too late.

  • I keep waiting to hear about Israel getting their can full of this crap and popping a cap on those who are trying to eliminate them! Drop a nuke on the idiots and be done with it. Nobody over here will give a rat’s ass anyway. Obama has no guts for any kind of adverse action against you for doing what you have to do. The people over here would rise up in your defense and Obama would run and hide somewhere on a golf course.

  • We were appalled at this brutal act on the Synagogue, these rabbis and other citizens were praying for peace, and look at the brutality of the barbarians who hate Jews and Christians. Israel is still the Apple of God’s eye and there is a judgment day coming to those who are trying to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. I think it is no accident that America and Israel, Christians and Jews both have governments that is detrimental to their freedom and lives, the spirit of the antichrist is with us, remember Satan is responsible for wars, and he is using Islam as his instrument. It does start at the top of the governments when they appease terrorists. No wonder the Middle East is in chaos, and it looks like anarchy everywhere.

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