John Kerry makes unprecedented apology for State Department “discrimination” against LGBTQQIP2SAA

As one of the last “parting shots,” State Secretary John Kerry made an unprecedented apology to Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Trangender, and other persons “discriminated against” for their sexual orientation or gender choice.

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More from Politico:

Secretary of State John Kerry is formally apologizing to gay, lesbian and other State Department employees who were fired or otherwise discriminated against in the past because of their sexual orientation.

The unprecedented apology, issued in a statement Monday, is the latest step that the Obama administration has taken to promote inclusion of the LGBT community in its ranks. It appears to refer to the “Lavender Scare” purging of gays and lesbians from U.S. government ranks in the 1950s and 1960s, and it comes less than two weeks before President Barack Obama leaves office, making the way for President-elect Donald Trump’s team.

“In the past — as far back as the 1940s, but continuing for decades — the Department of State was among many public and private employers that discriminated against employees and job applicants on the basis of perceived sexual orientation, forcing some employees to resign or refusing to hire certain applicants in the first place,” Kerry said in his statement. “These actions were wrong then, just as they would be wrong today,”

It is doubtful that Trump will reverse course on this, has he’s made many concessions to the LGBT crowd during the presidential campaign. On the other hand, he promised to protect religious liberty under his reign as well. Is it possible to do both? I guess we’re gonna find out.

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