Jordanian parliament praises Temple Mount terror attack: “Our martyrs are watering the holy land” with their blood

Jordanian lawmakers voiced support for the three murderers, praising them as “martyrs”, Yediot Ahronot reported.

On Saturday, Abdullah spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu following the attack, and issued a condemnation of the murders.

Less than a day later, however, the Jordanian parliament expressed support for the terrorists, praising them as “martyrs”.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Jordanian Parliament’s lower chamber, Atef Tarawneh, hailed the terror attack during an address to the parliament.

“May Allah’s mercy be on our martyrs, who watered the holy soil.”

“Our heads are lifted up by the fighting of young [so-called] Palestinians who are still fighting in the name of the people.”

Dozens of lawmakers joined with Tarawneh in a prayer for the dead terrorists.

“My Allah have mercy on our young men, from the Jabarin family, that their relatives should receive praise and honor.”

Thousands of Jordanians demonstrated in the capital, Amman, Saturday night, demanding their government expel Israel’s ambassador to Jordan.

The protesters also insisted Jordan cancel its peace agreement with Israel and stop the normalization of relations with the Jewish state.

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