Judge releases Trump University documents after Trump attack

trump-universityA federal judge, who Friday had been attacked by Donald Trump, on Saturday released internal Trump University documents the presumptive GOP nominee’s lawyers had sought to keep sealed, according to Politico.

Judge_Gonzalo_P._CurielThe judge, Gonzalo Curiel, is presiding over a lawsuit alleging fraud at Trump University.

Speaking at a rally in San Diego Friday night, Trump said Curiel, was “very hostile” toward him and referred to Curiel as “Mexican.”

Curiel, who will hear the case in San Diego, was reportedly born in Indiana.

“Defendant became the front-runner for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential race, and has placed the integrity of these court proceedings at issue,” Curiel said in an order unsealing the documents.


One comment

  • You report this phony story about Trump who supports Israel but you say nothing about Hillary and her criminal treasonous crimes. why?

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