A person typed online today
“How can the fraudulent Arab narrative of the “Naqba” possibly be true when two million Arabs remained in the Jewish nation and became citizens?
How can the Arabs lie about apartheid when Arab-Israelis are judges, lawyers, doctors and teachers?
How can the Arab blood libel the Jew that he commits genocide when the Arab population of Judea and Samaria have increased exponentially since the Jewish nation was reborn?
How can the Arab lie about war crimes in Gaza when the Jewish nation call Arabs and drop leaflets beseeching them to leave combat areas, which the United States did not do in Hiroshima and the British did not do in Dresden?
They Arab lies and the world believes them because polls show 1.07 billion people hate Jews.
That’s why.”
A person typed in reply
“The real naqba is the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries leaving properties and all their assets.”
Another Question
Which candidate is Better for helping Incels ?
The Countless people with Chronic long term Involuntary Celibacy
Incel Problems ?
Countless people are
Sexual Frustration and Deprivation
It’s No Joke
Glad we agree
America and All Other Nations need to do
More to Proactively
Help Incels
People with Chronic
Involuntary Celibacy ,
Incel Problems
America Needs
REAL Freedom
REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom
More about Fakestinians
The Jerusalem Post
jpost.com has an article headlined :
” ‘Exhilarated’ Lebanese Palestinians rush to join Hamas after October 7 war – report”
A person typed online
August 24, 2024
“The Arab Jew-haters and their supporters attack the Jewish nation when Jews are kidnapped and when the Jewish nation rescues them.”
“The Arabs and Jew-haters who ripped down posters of Jewish babies kidnapped by Arabs have never ripped down posters of missing dogs.”
“Believe all women—except Jewish women who are gang-raped by Arab men in the Jewish nation.”
“Israel is the only country in the world which, when it’s attacked, gets attacked more.”
Barry Shaw typed online today
“Israeli report and photos showing Israel constructing a new patrol
road along the Philadelphi Corridor border with Egypt.
This is a concrete sign that Israel is no longer interested in the deceptive Egyptian-Hamas-international community crap that nothing nefarious was going on between Egypt and Hamas for decades along and under this non-border.
Egypt claimed they didn’t want a direct border with Israel but they were fine having one with Hamas.
Because top Egyptian officials made personal fortunes taking bribes from the smuggling trade with Hamas.
And we Israelis paid the price for their corruption.
Not any more. Those days are over!
And if the Biden-Harris Administration doesn’t like it, they can patrol this Israeli constructed road with US boots on the ground to ensure our security, and no more rockets, weapons, terrorists, are crossing this border, either on and under ground.
The Israeli translation of this message is, either put up, or shut up!
A person typed online today
“Think back to early July: You were angry, nervous and scared about what members of the National Education Association were plotting to do at their convention in Philadelphia. More than a half-dozen anti-Jewish resolutions (NBIs) were proposed. You sent emails and epetitions, made calls, shared posts, some even mobilized or sent information ambulances to the convention site.
The resolutions were an effort to formalize and spread what has already been taking place in school districts, schools and classrooms in some cases for years: The politicized teaching of lies, false histories and false identities so as to demonize the Jewish People and end America’s support for Israel and the special relationship between the two countries.
Due to a strike/labor action within the NEA, the votes on these measures never took place at the convention. The lack of a vote and the lack of passage did not stop teachers, department heads, administrators and others who are determined to use classrooms, books, activities and other materials to promote and spread lies about Israel and the Jewish People.
Where is your activity level today?
Were you more interested in votes on resolutions than you are about what is actually taking place in classrooms throughout America?
Today is the first day of school in many places — and if not today: later in the week or next week.
Have you made plans to speak with school board members or the superintendent? Have you requested to see textbooks, curricula and lesson plans? Are you active in the PTA or H&SA?
It is important first to know what is and is not being taught, and also what activities are planned. It is important to know what policies are in place if a teacher or student club promotes Jew-hatred or does not put a stop to Jew-hatred. It is important to know how and if policies will be enforced.
Jews are not protected by DEI. Young Jews in K-12 schools have no choice but to go to school — they are a captive audience — as are the minds of their classmates who will take in either directly or subliminally the anti-Jewish lessons.
Fred Maroun typed online
August 25, 2024
“I’m not Jewish. I’m a Lebanese Canadian atheist who was raised Christian. But the Jewish people is the people I feel closest to.”
Online articles have said
Yahya Sinwar is dressing up as a woman to avoid getting caught in Gaza
If True that would make
Sinwar one F–king
UGLY looking Arab transvestite , it would make
Freddy Krueger look like a
Supermodel in Comparison
A person typed online today
“I happen to know some very well-connected people (don’t ask) and some of them are well-connected to some very special people.
I did one of those friends a favor and the friend wanted to repay me with a favor.
Normally I do not want my favors repaid, but this time, as a joke, I asked for something outlandish and impossible in return: I said that I would love to know the future.
The friend dropped by a week later, reached into a pocket, pulled out something wrapped in heavy padded cloth, unwrapped it and said “You can only have it for 10 seconds. Deal?”
As it was getting unwrapped, I asked “What is it?”
“You wanted to see the future. You can get a glimpse.”
“What can I possibly see in 10 seconds?” I inquired.
“Enough. Just enough.”
Here is what I saw in that crystal ball:
Protests, worldwide of people waving flags of Lebanon and Hezb’allah — with signs and placards that screamed: “Stop the Israeli genocide in Lebanon!” and “Free Lebanon from Israel!”
Graffiti echoing the signs was everywhere, and I could see mobs of thugs fighting with police outside of synagogues and other Jewish institutions. I saw the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court condemning Israel. I saw Jews being beaten and attacked in America and Europe. I heard the President of the United States and other world leaders condemning the Israelis for hundreds of civilian casualties in Lebanon … .
Of course there was no crystal ball. It would be completely unnecessary when the very near future is so apparent.
The Lebanese, via its proxy embedded in-country: Hezb’allah (party of god) has recently fired and sent thousands of deadly and potentially deadly missiles and drones at Israeli communities. The majority of them were launched deliberately from civilian neighborhoods in Lebanon.
Because Lebanon has allowed itself to become Gaza and worse than Gaza, Lebanon will become like Gaza anew. There will be civilian casualties — many — by design of the Arabs and the Iranians. They know that much of the international media is their ally, and for world leaders, Jew-hatred takes precedence over truth.
This is the future. Tomorrow, next week, next month.
We cannot stop the future although we can alter it by getting out in front of it now! “
A website typed online today
“Since the massacre of October 7, the world has been plunged into hatred and violence in a sudden, brutal, and disturbing way. The atrocities committed by Hamas have been a trigger. They have catalyzed frustrations, guilt, and fundamentalisms of all kinds, whether left, right, or woke.
This drift towards barbarism is explained by three types of behavior towards Hamas’ crimes. The first is not to condemn them. Followed by the second which is to legitimize them. When it is not a question, thirdly, of applauding them. It is not reprehensible to rape women, burn children alive, dismember people, if the motive is to “drive out the Zionist occupier”. Hamas, a fundamentalist movement dedicated to jihad and the establishment of Sharia law on the world, is perceived as a group of resistance and liberation. Wearing the insignia of this faction which sows terror has become a very fashionable sign of progressivism and goodness.
The keffiyeh has replaced the halo of Christian saints. Even homosexuals support Hamas while being tortured in Gaza. And live their lives freely in Tel Aviv. Yes, it is indeed the world upside down!
A world of false morality, with new bigots and hypocrites who have come to save our souls and the planet while they are powerless to patch themselves up. But how did we get here? What are the main vectors of hatred today? Social networks, first and foremost. TikTok spreads lies, kneads minds, instills negative values in young people. People no longer think for themselves. They swallow without question what influencers and other web stars serve them on a platter.”
On X , formerly Twitter
Shelley G
American 🇺🇸 / Jewish ✡️ / Advocate for Liberty, Fairness and Justice 🗽
Zionism = Equal Rights for Jews
Joined June 2020
Shelley G
Aug 23, 2024 Shelley G posted
“🚨The Case Against Kamala Harris: A Definitive Guide For Jewish and Pro-Israel Voters🚨”
A long post but definitely worth reading ,
Even More Disturbing
has an article headlined
“Australia’s Greens Appoint Pakistani Antisemite to Committee Probing Antisemitism”
By David Israel August 27, 2024
WTF ? Can you believe that Crap
Fred Maroun typed online today
“The IDF announced on Monday night that 90% of the rockets and drones that Hezbollah launched against Israel on Sunday were fired from civilian areas in Lebanon.
In addition, the military provided an infographic displaying the proximity of the aerial threats launched by Hezbollah to mosques, schools, UN facilities, and other such civilian locations.
According to the IDF, much like Hamas, Hezbollah is systematically abusing the laws of war by using both human shields and civilian locations to perpetrate its terror attacks against Israeli civilians.”
– The Jerusalem Post
Not that anyone should be surprised, but this is again a confirmation that Hezbollah cares about Lebanese people about as much as Hamas cares for Gazans, which is not at all.”
A person typed online today
“Many universities’ “ethnic studies” and DEI offices are nothing more than Marxist rhetoric and deep-seated racism and apologism for Islamist imperialism.
They need to be held accountable to federal funding laws, and they need to be PURGED of most of their staff.
Acting like being against most DEI programs makes you some sort of reactionary xenophobic racist is embarrassingly clueless and disconnected from reality. These programs are anti-American and they serve our enemies.
I have toured many college campuses of late, and so have friends with graduating seniors this past June.
The DEI offices and Ethnic Studies departments of universities are the wellspring from which this burst septic tank of ideological filth is spilling from the most. I have seen schools where you see none of this sort of idiocy plastered around on campus – until you find the DEI office. And then there it is “Resistance is justified” “Zionism Equals Racism” “From The River To The Sea” “Glory to the Martyrs.”
Gut it.
The rot is as systemic and protected and enabled as racism in policing, if not more so. The notion that the police force can’t be saved by reform but these ideological hotboxes of Marxist/Islamist thuggery can is laughable.
The leaders of these departments are the ones protecting the worst faculty and students.”
& Another person typed
“Would the same nation that demands the Jewish nation cease fire with Sinwar have entertained a cease fire with Bin Laden?”
“Not a single Jew-hater who now protests against the Jewish nation defending itself said a single word when Arabs murdered Jewish survivors, gang-raped Jewish women and kidnapped Jewish babies.”
A person typed online
August 21, 2024
“Think About This
Of all the causes (real and otherwise) in America and World today the one that has drawn the most people to Chicago for the DNC, and the one that has garnered the most media attention is the cause that celebrates the slaughter , raping and maiming of Jewish people and that has as its prime objective the destruction of the world’s first and only
Jewish-majority state”
Some people typed in reply
“Clearly after 2000 years of anti-Semitism most of the world at the UN blames the Jews for all the world ills and so anti-Semitism continues in so many forms.
Many Solipsistic pedantic left wing thinking Jews blames Israel because they decided that politics more important than Jewish survival.”
A person typed in reply
“This is not about “politics” but rather about priorities: What matters to them, and what they could not care less about.”
“Josh Shapiro’s truthful writings from College days sunk his chances to sit at the Democrats table.”
blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by Fred Maroun headlined
“In the West, the LGBT movement is dead”
AUG 21, 2024
About Jew-Hatred within the
LGBT movement
What about the Incel Movement
The Peaceful Incel Movement
The Legitimate Desires and Needs of Incels, people with Chronic
Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide every day
It adds Insult to Injury how
Incels are being unjustly demonized and vilified
Mr. Hillel Fuld typed online today
“Many people have praised VP Harris for her words in support of Israel. I’m sorry, but I don’t share their enthusiasm.
All I heard is one big equal sign as if Israel and Hamas are the same.
Not only did she compare the two, but the punchline of her talk and the part that got the most applause? Her talking about the suffering of a people that voted and continues to support Hamas.
Sorry, this isn’t how an ally speaks. This is how a politician who has to say something positive about Israel so she doesn’t lose Jewish voters speaks.
The people of Gaza are suffering? Well, maybe next time they’ll think twice before massacring over a thousand innocent people, but who we kidding? They would do it over and over.
After all, the Vice President of the United States of America speaks about their suffering in the same sentence she talks about the innocent hostages.
Excuse me if I missed it, but did she mention the fact that hundreds of thousands of innocent Israelis were displaced as a result of Hezbollah’s bombardment of Israel?
Did she even mention Hezbollah? Iran? Nope, she did not.
Barry Shaw typed online today
“Most Jewish events at the DNC were held at undisclosed locations with organizers having to approve attendees and only then provide them with the secret location shortly beforehand.
When a Jewish pro-Israel was refused public space near the Democrat Convention and had to meet in secret because the Chicago mayor gave his streets to anti-Israel haters, you know Democrat cities have a major probem.
The fact that any American Jew would submit to such requirements as meeting in secret to demonstrate their affiliation with an organization, whose brute squads are the cause for them to have to hide in the first place, demonstrates a serious pathology of the mind.
This example of Stockholm Syndrome is very sad, very troubling, and yet, very revealing. I hope that the majority of American Jews take this matter to heart, and realize that the Democratic party, which they seem to believe defines them, has no interest in providing them with safety, liberty, nor equality, all of which are the basis for which government is intended to exist, and for ALL Americans.
(Thanks to Daniel Greenfield)
tjvnews.com has an article headlined
“Study Reveals Alarming Hostility: One-Third of Non-Jewish College Students in the U.S. Hold Anti-Jewish or Anti-Israel Views”
August 23, 2024
by Fern Sidman
The problem is that Trump doesn’t provide anything that would help Israel also lead to deep anti-Semtism and would push the AA accords on Israel and in his case he is friendly with Russia, Turkey and other states that are more hostile to Israel than EU countries or even moderate Democrats as you stated in this video that most Dems didn’t like that Obama stuck it to Israel. So there really is no good choice. Trump has recently praised Marduro and said that he would go to Venezuela. Maduro and Chavez have promoted Iran and engaged in deep anti-Semtic conspiracy theories. So there are two major evils running, there is no good person running at the moment. Trumps “Jewish advisors” are also all court Jews who will just kiss his behind and have no real power anyway. There are both bad just who is the lesser of evils. I still think Trump supporting Russia, Venuzeula, Turkey, China, and North Korea is a bigger danger and that people falsey think he is pro Israel when he really isn’t. He also refuses to accept when he losses an election. Facism is never good for a country and he openly supports it and they will always turn on Jews to blame.
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“In his first speech as Prime Minister, Churchill was asked what Britain’s policy was against the Nazis. He proclaimed:
“I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.”
Although the perpetrators may have changed 80+ years later, Hezbollah’s goals are no less different.
Israel’s objective, must therefore be no different to Churchill’s – VICTORY. Victory at all costs against the terrorists of Hezbollah, Hamas and their masters – Iran.” ”
Some people typed in response
Long live Israel!💪🇮🇱”
“Israel is only allowed to defend itself. And even then, in a proportional way. Defeat the enemy? Victory? Nope, not allowed when Israel is involved. Now … why is that the case?🤔”
A website typed online today
“This is how the Palestinian Arabs expressed their gratitude.
Yeah, that’s for sure. I’ll tell you the story of kibbutz Be’eri near Gaza border:
Most of the members of this kibbutz are secular left, including many peace activists. They helped their Gazan neighbors with food and medicine. They gave them jobs. They invited them into their houses, trying to be good neighbors. One of these activists, Vivian Silver, worked within the kibbutz to organize programs to help Gazans, such as job trainings, and ensured that Gazan construction workers at the kibbutz were paid fairly. Silver and Amal Elsana Alh’jooj co-founded the Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation, which organized projects in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Silver also volunteered with “Road to Recovery” and “Project Rozana” to transport Gazan patients to Jerusalem for treatment.
On 07/10 their Arab neighbors tortured, raped and killed about 130 people in this kibbutz, including 74 years old Vivian Silver. Her home was found burned and gutted. Silver’s remains, which had been found in Be’eri, were identified five weeks after the attack, and she was confirmed dead on November 13, 2023. This is how the Palestinian Arabs expressed their gratitude.”
In late February 2023
A person typed online about how the NYPD was taking precautions to prepare for Rumored Anti-Semitic Marches in New York City that
“Funny how no one in NYC did anything when Jews in Brooklyn were getting assaulted on a daily basis for years and years. Also funny how no one in NYC ever does anything when college kids are tormented just for being Jewish. But when the antisemitism comes from the Right, suddenly the media is all over it.”
The very heart of your writing while appearing reasonable initially, did not settle well with me after some time. Someplace throughout the paragraphs you were able to make me a believer but just for a while. I still have a problem with your jumps in assumptions and you might do nicely to fill in all those gaps. If you actually can accomplish that, I will surely be fascinated.
Which candidate is better for working people?
A person typed online today
“How can the fraudulent Arab narrative of the “Naqba” possibly be true when two million Arabs remained in the Jewish nation and became citizens?
How can the Arabs lie about apartheid when Arab-Israelis are judges, lawyers, doctors and teachers?
How can the Arab blood libel the Jew that he commits genocide when the Arab population of Judea and Samaria have increased exponentially since the Jewish nation was reborn?
How can the Arab lie about war crimes in Gaza when the Jewish nation call Arabs and drop leaflets beseeching them to leave combat areas, which the United States did not do in Hiroshima and the British did not do in Dresden?
They Arab lies and the world believes them because polls show 1.07 billion people hate Jews.
That’s why.”
A person typed in reply
“The real naqba is the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries leaving properties and all their assets.”
In August 2024 a person typed online about
Rabbi Meir Kahane
“Kahane all the way”
The cowardly Ham ass terror chief Sinwar wants Israel to promise to let his Worthless Arab Ass Not be Killed
Another Question
Which candidate is Better for helping Incels ?
The Countless people with Chronic long term Involuntary Celibacy
Incel Problems ?
Countless people are
Sexual Frustration and Deprivation
It’s No Joke
I also need ass.
We all Need ass
Many have suggested a
Redistribution of Sex
Incels are Suffering Unbearably
Socialized ass is the way to go.
Glad we agree
America and All Other Nations need to do
More to Proactively
Help Incels
People with Chronic
Involuntary Celibacy ,
Incel Problems
America Needs
REAL Freedom
REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom
More about Fakestinians
The Jerusalem Post
jpost.com has an article headlined :
” ‘Exhilarated’ Lebanese Palestinians rush to join Hamas after October 7 war – report”
Barry Shaw typed online
August 24, 2024
“Chris Cuomo asks, “Why is it different when it is Jews that are being killed?”
Good question.
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel.”
Why Goddammit
A person typed online
August 24, 2024
“The Arab Jew-haters and their supporters attack the Jewish nation when Jews are kidnapped and when the Jewish nation rescues them.”
“The Arabs and Jew-haters who ripped down posters of Jewish babies kidnapped by Arabs have never ripped down posters of missing dogs.”
“Believe all women—except Jewish women who are gang-raped by Arab men in the Jewish nation.”
“Israel is the only country in the world which, when it’s attacked, gets attacked more.”
Barry Shaw typed online today
“Israeli report and photos showing Israel constructing a new patrol
road along the Philadelphi Corridor border with Egypt.
This is a concrete sign that Israel is no longer interested in the deceptive Egyptian-Hamas-international community crap that nothing nefarious was going on between Egypt and Hamas for decades along and under this non-border.
Egypt claimed they didn’t want a direct border with Israel but they were fine having one with Hamas.
Because top Egyptian officials made personal fortunes taking bribes from the smuggling trade with Hamas.
And we Israelis paid the price for their corruption.
Not any more. Those days are over!
And if the Biden-Harris Administration doesn’t like it, they can patrol this Israeli constructed road with US boots on the ground to ensure our security, and no more rockets, weapons, terrorists, are crossing this border, either on and under ground.
The Israeli translation of this message is, either put up, or shut up!
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel.”
A person typed online today
It is clear this is the same IRC that in the 1940’s covered up the Holocaust for the Nazis
The same IRC that refused to recognize Israel’s Magen David Adom Health Service.
A person typed online today
“Think back to early July: You were angry, nervous and scared about what members of the National Education Association were plotting to do at their convention in Philadelphia. More than a half-dozen anti-Jewish resolutions (NBIs) were proposed. You sent emails and epetitions, made calls, shared posts, some even mobilized or sent information ambulances to the convention site.
The resolutions were an effort to formalize and spread what has already been taking place in school districts, schools and classrooms in some cases for years: The politicized teaching of lies, false histories and false identities so as to demonize the Jewish People and end America’s support for Israel and the special relationship between the two countries.
Due to a strike/labor action within the NEA, the votes on these measures never took place at the convention. The lack of a vote and the lack of passage did not stop teachers, department heads, administrators and others who are determined to use classrooms, books, activities and other materials to promote and spread lies about Israel and the Jewish People.
Where is your activity level today?
Were you more interested in votes on resolutions than you are about what is actually taking place in classrooms throughout America?
Today is the first day of school in many places — and if not today: later in the week or next week.
Have you made plans to speak with school board members or the superintendent? Have you requested to see textbooks, curricula and lesson plans? Are you active in the PTA or H&SA?
It is important first to know what is and is not being taught, and also what activities are planned. It is important to know what policies are in place if a teacher or student club promotes Jew-hatred or does not put a stop to Jew-hatred. It is important to know how and if policies will be enforced.
Jews are not protected by DEI. Young Jews in K-12 schools have no choice but to go to school — they are a captive audience — as are the minds of their classmates who will take in either directly or subliminally the anti-Jewish lessons.
Fred Maroun typed online
August 25, 2024
“I’m not Jewish. I’m a Lebanese Canadian atheist who was raised Christian. But the Jewish people is the people I feel closest to.”
Online articles have said
Yahya Sinwar is dressing up as a woman to avoid getting caught in Gaza
If True that would make
Sinwar one F–king
UGLY looking Arab transvestite , it would make
Freddy Krueger look like a
Supermodel in Comparison
forward.com has an article headlined
“Meet the new antisemitism, same as the old antisemitism”
By Robert Zaretsky
August 26, 2024
Sadly the beat goes on
the beat goes on baby
The same old Vile
Jew-Hatred, Anti-Semitism &
Anti-Israel Hatred engulfs the
Entire Planet
A person typed online today
“I happen to know some very well-connected people (don’t ask) and some of them are well-connected to some very special people.
I did one of those friends a favor and the friend wanted to repay me with a favor.
Normally I do not want my favors repaid, but this time, as a joke, I asked for something outlandish and impossible in return: I said that I would love to know the future.
The friend dropped by a week later, reached into a pocket, pulled out something wrapped in heavy padded cloth, unwrapped it and said “You can only have it for 10 seconds. Deal?”
As it was getting unwrapped, I asked “What is it?”
“You wanted to see the future. You can get a glimpse.”
“What can I possibly see in 10 seconds?” I inquired.
“Enough. Just enough.”
Here is what I saw in that crystal ball:
Protests, worldwide of people waving flags of Lebanon and Hezb’allah — with signs and placards that screamed: “Stop the Israeli genocide in Lebanon!” and “Free Lebanon from Israel!”
Graffiti echoing the signs was everywhere, and I could see mobs of thugs fighting with police outside of synagogues and other Jewish institutions. I saw the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court condemning Israel. I saw Jews being beaten and attacked in America and Europe. I heard the President of the United States and other world leaders condemning the Israelis for hundreds of civilian casualties in Lebanon … .
Of course there was no crystal ball. It would be completely unnecessary when the very near future is so apparent.
The Lebanese, via its proxy embedded in-country: Hezb’allah (party of god) has recently fired and sent thousands of deadly and potentially deadly missiles and drones at Israeli communities. The majority of them were launched deliberately from civilian neighborhoods in Lebanon.
Because Lebanon has allowed itself to become Gaza and worse than Gaza, Lebanon will become like Gaza anew. There will be civilian casualties — many — by design of the Arabs and the Iranians. They know that much of the international media is their ally, and for world leaders, Jew-hatred takes precedence over truth.
This is the future. Tomorrow, next week, next month.
We cannot stop the future although we can alter it by getting out in front of it now! “
A website typed online today
“Since the massacre of October 7, the world has been plunged into hatred and violence in a sudden, brutal, and disturbing way. The atrocities committed by Hamas have been a trigger. They have catalyzed frustrations, guilt, and fundamentalisms of all kinds, whether left, right, or woke.
This drift towards barbarism is explained by three types of behavior towards Hamas’ crimes. The first is not to condemn them. Followed by the second which is to legitimize them. When it is not a question, thirdly, of applauding them. It is not reprehensible to rape women, burn children alive, dismember people, if the motive is to “drive out the Zionist occupier”. Hamas, a fundamentalist movement dedicated to jihad and the establishment of Sharia law on the world, is perceived as a group of resistance and liberation. Wearing the insignia of this faction which sows terror has become a very fashionable sign of progressivism and goodness.
The keffiyeh has replaced the halo of Christian saints. Even homosexuals support Hamas while being tortured in Gaza. And live their lives freely in Tel Aviv. Yes, it is indeed the world upside down!
A world of false morality, with new bigots and hypocrites who have come to save our souls and the planet while they are powerless to patch themselves up. But how did we get here? What are the main vectors of hatred today? Social networks, first and foremost. TikTok spreads lies, kneads minds, instills negative values in young people. People no longer think for themselves. They swallow without question what influencers and other web stars serve them on a platter.”
On X , formerly Twitter
Shelley G
American 🇺🇸 / Jewish ✡️ / Advocate for Liberty, Fairness and Justice 🗽
Zionism = Equal Rights for Jews
Joined June 2020
Shelley G
Aug 23, 2024 Shelley G posted
“🚨The Case Against Kamala Harris: A Definitive Guide For Jewish and Pro-Israel Voters🚨”
A long post but definitely worth reading ,
commentary.org has an article headlined
“Harris’s Ominous Message to Jewish Voters”
by Seth Mandel
August 16, 2024
Even More Disturbing
has an article headlined
“Australia’s Greens Appoint Pakistani Antisemite to Committee Probing Antisemitism”
By David Israel August 27, 2024
WTF ? Can you believe that Crap
Fred Maroun typed online today
“The IDF announced on Monday night that 90% of the rockets and drones that Hezbollah launched against Israel on Sunday were fired from civilian areas in Lebanon.
In addition, the military provided an infographic displaying the proximity of the aerial threats launched by Hezbollah to mosques, schools, UN facilities, and other such civilian locations.
According to the IDF, much like Hamas, Hezbollah is systematically abusing the laws of war by using both human shields and civilian locations to perpetrate its terror attacks against Israeli civilians.”
– The Jerusalem Post
Not that anyone should be surprised, but this is again a confirmation that Hezbollah cares about Lebanese people about as much as Hamas cares for Gazans, which is not at all.”
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews”
By Daniel Greenfield August 28, 2024
A person typed online today
“Many universities’ “ethnic studies” and DEI offices are nothing more than Marxist rhetoric and deep-seated racism and apologism for Islamist imperialism.
They need to be held accountable to federal funding laws, and they need to be PURGED of most of their staff.
Acting like being against most DEI programs makes you some sort of reactionary xenophobic racist is embarrassingly clueless and disconnected from reality. These programs are anti-American and they serve our enemies.
I have toured many college campuses of late, and so have friends with graduating seniors this past June.
The DEI offices and Ethnic Studies departments of universities are the wellspring from which this burst septic tank of ideological filth is spilling from the most. I have seen schools where you see none of this sort of idiocy plastered around on campus – until you find the DEI office. And then there it is “Resistance is justified” “Zionism Equals Racism” “From The River To The Sea” “Glory to the Martyrs.”
Gut it.
The rot is as systemic and protected and enabled as racism in policing, if not more so. The notion that the police force can’t be saved by reform but these ideological hotboxes of Marxist/Islamist thuggery can is laughable.
The leaders of these departments are the ones protecting the worst faculty and students.”
& Another person typed
“Would the same nation that demands the Jewish nation cease fire with Sinwar have entertained a cease fire with Bin Laden?”
“Not a single Jew-hater who now protests against the Jewish nation defending itself said a single word when Arabs murdered Jewish survivors, gang-raped Jewish women and kidnapped Jewish babies.”
A person typed online
August 21, 2024
“Think About This
Of all the causes (real and otherwise) in America and World today the one that has drawn the most people to Chicago for the DNC, and the one that has garnered the most media attention is the cause that celebrates the slaughter , raping and maiming of Jewish people and that has as its prime objective the destruction of the world’s first and only
Jewish-majority state”
Some people typed in reply
“Clearly after 2000 years of anti-Semitism most of the world at the UN blames the Jews for all the world ills and so anti-Semitism continues in so many forms.
Many Solipsistic pedantic left wing thinking Jews blames Israel because they decided that politics more important than Jewish survival.”
A person typed in reply
“This is not about “politics” but rather about priorities: What matters to them, and what they could not care less about.”
“Josh Shapiro’s truthful writings from College days sunk his chances to sit at the Democrats table.”
blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by Fred Maroun headlined
“In the West, the LGBT movement is dead”
AUG 21, 2024
About Jew-Hatred within the
LGBT movement
What about the Incel Movement
The Peaceful Incel Movement
The Legitimate Desires and Needs of Incels, people with Chronic
Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide every day
It adds Insult to Injury how
Incels are being unjustly demonized and vilified
Mr. Hillel Fuld typed online today
“Many people have praised VP Harris for her words in support of Israel. I’m sorry, but I don’t share their enthusiasm.
All I heard is one big equal sign as if Israel and Hamas are the same.
Not only did she compare the two, but the punchline of her talk and the part that got the most applause? Her talking about the suffering of a people that voted and continues to support Hamas.
Sorry, this isn’t how an ally speaks. This is how a politician who has to say something positive about Israel so she doesn’t lose Jewish voters speaks.
The people of Gaza are suffering? Well, maybe next time they’ll think twice before massacring over a thousand innocent people, but who we kidding? They would do it over and over.
After all, the Vice President of the United States of America speaks about their suffering in the same sentence she talks about the innocent hostages.
Excuse me if I missed it, but did she mention the fact that hundreds of thousands of innocent Israelis were displaced as a result of Hezbollah’s bombardment of Israel?
Did she even mention Hezbollah? Iran? Nope, she did not.
Sorry, she is no friend of Israel.”
Barry Shaw typed online today
“Most Jewish events at the DNC were held at undisclosed locations with organizers having to approve attendees and only then provide them with the secret location shortly beforehand.
When a Jewish pro-Israel was refused public space near the Democrat Convention and had to meet in secret because the Chicago mayor gave his streets to anti-Israel haters, you know Democrat cities have a major probem.
The fact that any American Jew would submit to such requirements as meeting in secret to demonstrate their affiliation with an organization, whose brute squads are the cause for them to have to hide in the first place, demonstrates a serious pathology of the mind.
This example of Stockholm Syndrome is very sad, very troubling, and yet, very revealing. I hope that the majority of American Jews take this matter to heart, and realize that the Democratic party, which they seem to believe defines them, has no interest in providing them with safety, liberty, nor equality, all of which are the basis for which government is intended to exist, and for ALL Americans.
(Thanks to Daniel Greenfield)
Barry Shaw,
The View from Israel.”
Chain if you want to influence the election, reach out to people in the swing states.
Chaim. Every time I type Chaim it auto corrects to chain.
tjvnews.com has an article headlined
“Study Reveals Alarming Hostility: One-Third of Non-Jewish College Students in the U.S. Hold Anti-Jewish or Anti-Israel Views”
August 23, 2024
by Fern Sidman
Half of all college students don’t belong in college.
Only Half ?
The problem is that Trump doesn’t provide anything that would help Israel also lead to deep anti-Semtism and would push the AA accords on Israel and in his case he is friendly with Russia, Turkey and other states that are more hostile to Israel than EU countries or even moderate Democrats as you stated in this video that most Dems didn’t like that Obama stuck it to Israel. So there really is no good choice. Trump has recently praised Marduro and said that he would go to Venezuela. Maduro and Chavez have promoted Iran and engaged in deep anti-Semtic conspiracy theories. So there are two major evils running, there is no good person running at the moment. Trumps “Jewish advisors” are also all court Jews who will just kiss his behind and have no real power anyway. There are both bad just who is the lesser of evils. I still think Trump supporting Russia, Venuzeula, Turkey, China, and North Korea is a bigger danger and that people falsey think he is pro Israel when he really isn’t. He also refuses to accept when he losses an election. Facism is never good for a country and he openly supports it and they will always turn on Jews to blame.
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“In his first speech as Prime Minister, Churchill was asked what Britain’s policy was against the Nazis. He proclaimed:
“I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.”
Although the perpetrators may have changed 80+ years later, Hezbollah’s goals are no less different.
Israel’s objective, must therefore be no different to Churchill’s – VICTORY. Victory at all costs against the terrorists of Hezbollah, Hamas and their masters – Iran.” ”
Some people typed in response
Long live Israel!💪🇮🇱”
“Israel is only allowed to defend itself. And even then, in a proportional way. Defeat the enemy? Victory? Nope, not allowed when Israel is involved. Now … why is that the case?🤔”
A website typed online today
“This is how the Palestinian Arabs expressed their gratitude.
Yeah, that’s for sure. I’ll tell you the story of kibbutz Be’eri near Gaza border:
Most of the members of this kibbutz are secular left, including many peace activists. They helped their Gazan neighbors with food and medicine. They gave them jobs. They invited them into their houses, trying to be good neighbors. One of these activists, Vivian Silver, worked within the kibbutz to organize programs to help Gazans, such as job trainings, and ensured that Gazan construction workers at the kibbutz were paid fairly. Silver and Amal Elsana Alh’jooj co-founded the Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation, which organized projects in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Silver also volunteered with “Road to Recovery” and “Project Rozana” to transport Gazan patients to Jerusalem for treatment.
On 07/10 their Arab neighbors tortured, raped and killed about 130 people in this kibbutz, including 74 years old Vivian Silver. Her home was found burned and gutted. Silver’s remains, which had been found in Be’eri, were identified five weeks after the attack, and she was confirmed dead on November 13, 2023. This is how the Palestinian Arabs expressed their gratitude.”
In late February 2023
A person typed online about how the NYPD was taking precautions to prepare for Rumored Anti-Semitic Marches in New York City that
“Funny how no one in NYC did anything when Jews in Brooklyn were getting assaulted on a daily basis for years and years. Also funny how no one in NYC ever does anything when college kids are tormented just for being Jewish. But when the antisemitism comes from the Right, suddenly the media is all over it.”
jihadwatch.org has an article headlined
“The Palestinian Flag: As Inauthentic as the Palestinian People”
Aug 26, 2024 By Robert Spencer
The very heart of your writing while appearing reasonable initially, did not settle well with me after some time. Someplace throughout the paragraphs you were able to make me a believer but just for a while. I still have a problem with your jumps in assumptions and you might do nicely to fill in all those gaps. If you actually can accomplish that, I will surely be fascinated.