Louisiana Primary: Cruz Beat Trump in Delegates

trump_cruzRepublican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has won in the race for delegates in Louisiana, even though he lost the primary vote to Donald Trump in that state, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Cruz and Trump won 18 delegates each in Louisiana. Cruz could now gain up to 10 more delegates in the state.

Five delegates left in play by Marco Rubio’s exit from the race are likely to side with Cruz, and five more delegates are unbound, which means they can vote for the candidate of their choice. They’re also likely to join the Cruz camp, reports the Journal.

Cruz’s campaign appears to be more successful than Trump at maneuvering within the delegate selection process, which differs from state to state. His supporters also won five out of six Louisiana positions on Republican National Convention Rules Committee.

Louisiana is the first state to name delegates for the three convention committees: Rules Committee, Credentials Committee, and the Party Platform. Cruz supporters won five of the six Louisiana slots, and the sixth is not committed to a candidate.

Those delegates will help write the convention rules and, in the end, choose the GOP nominee.

If Trump fails to reach the 1,237-delegate number outright, those committees could block Trump from winning enough to get the nomination.

Trump’s campaign has won primaries and caucuses, but has shown less success in the intricate delegate process.

“I do not know Mr. Trump. I do not know his staff people. Quite frankly, we don’t have much of a campaign in Louisiana. All we have is voters,” said Kay Kellogg Katz, a Trump supporter who lost in a bid to join one of the Louisiana committees.

Cruz also worked a similar plan in Georgia, according to The Wall Street Journal.

“We now have programs and plans in place to make sure that Mr. Trump’s supporters are getting to county, district and state conventions,” said Trump official Ed Brookover.

Cruz supporter Tom Perkins said getting Cruz supporters on the committees is “more of a defensive posture than anything” and “it’s more of knowing how potent the rules can be and making sure they are fair.”

Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich are moving the competition for delegates to other states, too, according to Politico.

Roger Myer in South Dakota said the only way he’s choosing who he votes for is if the convention goes to a second vote and who can “beat the Democrats.”


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