“Mayor for Hillary” Arrested for Trading Meth for Gay Sex Orgy

Richard-Scott-SilverthorneRichard “Scott” Silverthorne, mayor of the city of Fairfax, Virginia, and a supporter of Hillary Clinton, has been arrested after allegedly giving methamphetamine to an undercover detective in exchange for a homosexual encounter, according to Fairfax County police. The mayor allegedly promised to bring more men, turning the sexual event into an orgy.

The 50-year-old Silverthorne was arrested Thursday at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Tysons Corner, NBC Washington reported. “I ask that you allow the process to proceed before rushing to judgment (as tough as that may be),” the mayor wrote on his Facebook page Friday.

In February, Silverthorne came out in support of Hillary Clinton for president, joining seven other Virginia “Mayors for Hillary.”

In late July, police received a tip that Silverthorne may have been trading meth for sex on a website which arranges casual sexual encounters between men. An undercover detective created a profile on the site, and Silverthorne contacted him within a few days, police said.

They added that the mayor told the detective he would provide meth “in exchange for sexual encounters.” The detective agreed to meet with Silverthorne, who agreed to bring more men to the engagement.

When the mayor brought the meth to the Chain Bridge Road hotel on Thursday, he was arrested and charged with felony distribution of methamphetamine and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.

The county of Fairfax is one of the most restrictive in the state, with some of the highest taxes and an education department quick to use eminent domain. In 2015, when The Falls Church Anglican was searching for a new home, the church was in the final stages of buying a property when the Fairfax Public Schools seized the land. This is not an isolated incident, either.

The city of Fairfax has appointed Councilman Jeff Greenfield acting mayor until further notice. Greenfield has a wife and one daughter, and it is unknown if he also supports Clinton (though he is a Democrat) or did so in the primary.


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