“McMaster sees the threat of Islam through an Obama administration lens”

Anti-Israel McMaster “sees the threat of Islam through an Obama administration lens, meaning that religion has nothing to do with the war we are in.”

When jihad terrorists the world over are invoking the Qur’an and Sunnah to justify their actions and make recruits among peaceful Muslims, this is a self-defeating stance that prevents American officials from understanding the enemy and devising ways to counter that enemy properly. This was something Trump appeared to be saying during his campaign that he would end. When he rebuked Obama and Hillary Clinton for refusing to say “radical Islamic terrorism,” he seemed to be saying that he would deal realistically with the motivating ideology behind the jihad threat. Trump has failed, and betrayed that promise.

“Gorka says McMaster has ‘Obama lens’ on threat of radical Islam,” by Michael Wilner, Jerusalem Post, August 27, 2017:

WASHINGTON – Sebastian Gorka, a senior staffer at the White House until last week, came to the defense on Sunday of H.R. McMaster, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser who last month endured a far-right campaign against him over his posture toward Israel.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Gorka said he had not once heard H.R. McMaster speak critically of the state in his six months since taking office.

“I’m not here to feed stories of palace intrigue – I hate that, and I’m still loyal to the president and his agenda,” Gorka said. But “I have never heard Gen. McMaster say things that are anti-Israeli. I’ve never heard that.”

Gorka did, however, offer harsh criticism of McMaster’s stance toward Islamists, speaking of the violent extremism as a problem inherent to Islam itself.

McMaster “sees the threat of Islam through an Obama administration lens, meaning that religion has nothing to do with the war we are in,” Gorka said. “He believes – and he told me in his office – that all of these people are just criminals. That is simply wrong.”…


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