Muslim cleric: We should take nuclear weapons and use them in service of Islam, and eliminate state of the Jews

Nuclear_bomb1So what do you think terrorists will do once Iran has working nuclear weapons, G-d forbid?

“We should take the Pakistani nuclear weapons from those criminals, and use them in the service of Islam. We should take these armies, and eliminate the state of the Jews in one or two strikes, and then bring Islam everywhere in the world.”

Why didn’t the vast majority of peaceful Muslims listening to his sermon rise up and remind him that Islam was a religion of peace?

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information.

“Palestinian Cleric ‘Abd Al-Salam Abu Al-‘Izz at Al-Aqsa Mosque following Trump’s Victory: We Should Take Matters into Our Hands, Use Pakistani Nukes to Destroy Jewish State,” MEMRI, November 16, 2016:

In an address dedicated to the outcome of the U.S. presidential elections, delivered at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Palestinian cleric Sheikh ‘Abd Al-Salam Abu Al-‘Izz said that Muslims should not wait for Trump to start a nuclear war, but rather toss all Muslim rulers “into the garbage bin of history” and “take the Pakistani nuclear weapons from those criminals and use them in the service of Islam.” He further said: “We should take these armies in order and eliminate the state of the Jews in one or two strikes.” The address was posted on the Internet on November 16, 2016.

Here is what he says in full:

The Muslims’ reaction to Trump’s victory was: “Hopefully, he will destroy (the US) and sit on its ruins. May he engage in nuclear wars, from which (the Muslims) will emerge intact.” This is not how things go. What is supposed to happen is that the nation of Islam will rise, and take its matters into its own hands. It should assume control and command over its armies. It should get rid of the governments, kings, sultans, sheikhs and emirs. It should toss them into the garbage bin of history. It does not matter whether we hang them on the gallows or not. What matters is that we should kick them out and move forward. We should take the armies and the weapons from them. We should take the Pakistani nuclear weapons from those criminals, and use them in the service of Islam. We should take these armies, and eliminate the state of the Jews in one or two strikes, and then bring Islam everywhere in the world.

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