Muslim father murders his 4-year-old daughter for forgetting to cover her head while eating

“Why do 4-year olds have to be covered? To stop Muslim men from desiring them?”

Muslim-Baby-in-HijabThe hijab, the niqab and the burqa are the symbols of Islamic misogyny and manifestations of a culture that considers violence against women acceptable — the quran even says to beat women from whom a man may “fear disobedience” (4:34). I am sure, therefore, that this kind of thing happens far more often than is reported. Even when little girls as young as this are the victims.

There is endless talk about the hijab and defending a women’s right to wear the Islamic head covering, in what is now the endless Muslim victimhood myth narrative. In fact, Obama, in his ridiculous speech that he made to the Muslim world in Cairo, said, “protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab and to punish those who would deny it.”

Who denies it? Who is addressing the actual threat, protecting the rights of women who don’t want to wear the hijab?

“UP shocker: Muslim man kills 4-year-old daughter for forgetting to cover her head while eating,” by Johnlee Varghese, International Business Times, October 4, 2015 (thanks to

A four-year-old girl was reportedly killed by her own father in Uttar Pradesh after she failed to cover while having her lunch.

The enraged father “slammed the child to ground again and again, till she died”, according to a report.

The Hindustan Times reported that the incident took place on 2 October in a village near Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh.

The report says that the girl was having her lunch when the shawl covering her head fell off. She forgot to put it back and this enraged her father — Jafar Hussain — so much that he picked her up and flung her to the ground.

He kept repeating his action till the child died. Later he asked his wife to bury the girl inside the house. However, his wife reported the incident to the police.

The police arrested Hussein. According to his neighbours, he was always a bit eccentric and fanatical about his Muslim faith. Some neighoburs also said that they felt that he was mentally unstable, the Bhojipura police said.

Brijesh Srivastava, Superintendent of Police (Rural) told PTI that the accused father “first batted the child and then threw her on the ground”. She died on the spot, Srivastava added.

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