Muslim terrorists brutally raped hundreds of Bethlehem Christian women (JTF.ORG video)


Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

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  • has an article headlined
    “The global lust for Jewish blood”

    June 26, 2024

    • Hillel Fuld typed online today
      “This is just repulsive. Ami Ayalon who was once a hero and head of the Shabak went on CNN to blame Israel for 10/7.

      In every generation, we had Jews who sided with the enemy and abandoned their brothers and sisters.

      We have them today too. This man is only one of them and he joins an esteemed list of people alongside Ehud Barak, Olmert, and several others.

      This is just beyond disgusting.

      What a small and disgraceful man.”

      Also is
      Manhattan DA
      Alvin Bragg too busy thinking about Food to Properly do his Job?

    • Some people are crying about the
      2024 Jessica Alba Netflix Movie
      “Trigger Warning” allegedly being
      “Racist” Against Arabs
      Would those same people
      crying about
      “Trigger Warning” ever Speak Out Against Anti-Jewish Racism
      Which is Exactly what
      Anti-Semitism , Jew-Hatred is
      It’s Anti-Jewish Racism

    • has an article headlined
      “Why no Jewish Lives Matter movement?”
      Dan Hannan
      October 16, 2023

    • Online Articles document that
      Chinese Technology is in
      Hamas hands , innocent Israeli Civilians murdered on
      October 7th, 2023
      Genocide of innocent Israelis partially Made in China 😡

    • Online Articles document that
      Chinese Technology is in
      Hamas hands , innocent Israeli Civilians murdered on
      October 7th, 2023
      Genocide of innocent Israelis partially Made in China 😡
      If there is a Second Holocaust and/or
      World War III will that be
      Partially Made in China Also ?
      Articles online say a New Axis of Evil is sadly Rising
      The Nations of
      Russia, Iran, China, North Korea

    • The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
      “The UN is a morally decayed institution paving the way for another Holocaust”
      By MICAH LAKIN AVNI Published: JANUARY 23, 2024

    • Did anyone watch the Presidential debate last night between
      Trump and Biden
      Biden just sealed his defeat the
      November Election

    • Dani Ishai Behan typed online today
      “A humble request for my fellow Zionists

      If you see some antisemitic dumb f–k claim Israelis/Jews are “white” or Zionism is “white colonialism”

      Please, PLEASE, don’t answer them with “but most of Israel is Sephardic/Mizrahi/other non-Ashkenazi”.

      Instead, point out that Jews are INDIGENOUS to Israel and that Europe is where we were EXILED. We never lost our original ethnicity and, in fact, were persecuted (and eventually mass murdered) by Europeans for being brown-Oriental foreigners, swarthy Asiatics, an “Arab horde”, etc.

      Saying that Israel isn’t a white/European settler state because “most of its inhabitants are not Ashkenazi” implies, to the reader, that Ashkenazim ARE white-European settlers “but that’s OK because they’re not the majority anyway”. This is erasive as hell and, in many ways, re-traumatizing – especially since we’re now hearing these antisemitic views about Ashkenazim validated by *our own community*.

      I do not exaggerate when I say that it feels like we’re being colonized all over again. Because that is how it feels. At least to me.

      And as someone who was once anti-Zionist, I promise you: they already know that Mizrahim exist. Many of them also know that Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews are the majority. They don’t care.

      They. DON’T. Care.

      The aim is and has always been to whitewash Ashkenazim and frame Zionism as a sort of Jewish version of Manifest Destiny – a colonial movement spearheaded by “fake Semites”/”Khazarian” LARPers whose only tie to the Middle East is some religious Bronze Age mythology. Mizrahim, on the other hand, are just hapless “Jewish Arabs” who got caught up in the “European” Zionist’s scheme and betrayed their “Arab brothers”.

      Israel’s critics don’t care that most of Israel’s population is non-Ashkenazi. That does not address the “original sin” of Israel’s “founding” i.e. “Europeans” with allegedly no tie to the land whatsoever “stealing” the country from “indigenous brown people”.

      If you want to dismantle the anti-Zionist’s web of lies, you must first start with that.”

    • A person typed online
      in late June 2021
      “Next time you see or hear the phrase “Free ‘palestine'” or see a hashtag with that, here is what you tell them:
      “Free palestine”??? “Palestine” is quite expensive — not free at all. It has cost thousands of gallons of Jewish blood, and American blood and the blood of others who have been the victims of its heinous and obscene attacks going back for nearly a century. Bombings, massacres, assassinations, slaughters of children, hijackings, shootings, stonings, arsons, pushing elderly men in wheelchairs into the sea, slaughters of people praying, car-rammings — and more.
      If you support “palestine,” that’s what you support: Genocidal Jew-hating murderers.
      That’s what you tell them, or comment to a FB post or a tweet!”

    • A website typed online today
      “This video makes me cry. Israeli soldiers dance with Palestinian children in Hebron.

      Children are just children, everywhere. Look how safe they feel with Israeli soldiers. Because they know they’ll do no harm.

      But in UNRWA schools in West Bank and Gaza, the adults teach children to m*rder Jews. Why??? The adults who abuse children like that, should be held accountable! All the children, in Israel, in West Bank, in Gaza, deserve a better future.

      Video from @EliAfriatISR on X.”

      “A woman taking this video is having a panic attack, she says: “help, help”. Rockets from Iranian regime proxy army Hezbollah falling on cities in Israel. Targeted to m*rder innocent civilians. Soon same might happen in my city Haifa and I’m not ready.

      I have prepared everything – lots of water, canned food, power bank, anxiety pills, first aid kit – but I’m not ready. And I’m the lucky one, I have a safe room in my apartment. Many people in Israel don’t have it.

      Can you imagine running to the shelter, at any time of day or night, knowing that you have only 1 minute or less to get there? What it’s like for elderly, disabled people, families with little children, single mothers, ill people who have no one to help them?

      Can people who live in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, even imagine what it’s like? When ruthless enemies surrounding a little country from all sides, shoot thousands of rockets daily with one goal – to m*rder as many innocent people as possible?

      What “armchair experts” think we have to do?
      And… What does it matter, what they think? I want to live, I don’t have any other life, only this one. I want my country to defend me and my children. That’s all that matters.

      Video from ImtiazMadmood

      #Israel #StandWithIsrael #lebanon”

    • Also in last night’s Presidential debate between
      Trump and Biden , Trump said Biden has become like a Palestinian has an article about this headlined
      “Trump Says Biden Has ‘Become Like a Palestinian,’ Calls on Incumbent to Let Israel ‘Finish the Job’ in Gaza”
      by Corey Walker
      June 28, 2024

    • The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
      “‘Snakes and Ladders’: IDF recovers children’s game encouraging terrorism in Gaza”
      By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: JUNE 28, 2024

    • How many of those
      Bethlehem Christian Women were
      Vile Jew-Haters ?

  • No one seems to comment on Norman Finkelstein.

  • A website typed online today
    “Why do American colleges and universities expel students for using “wrong” gender pronouns, yet fail to take any action when antisemitic, anti-Israeli lies are screamed in the classroom, dorm, and quad—making Jewish students scared to go to classes or even leave their rooms? Major media also fail to speak out.”

  • has an article headlined
    “Jesse Kline: Now we know how much Jew hatred there is in the West”
    Jesse Kline
    Published June 27, 2024  

  • has an article headlined
    “Study reveals distinct connections between types of conspiracy beliefs and forms of antisemitism”
    by Eric W. Dolan April 27, 2024

  • has an article headlined
    “Rep. Sara Jacobs Votes Against Antisemitism Awareness Act”
    May 1, 2024
    By Donald H. Harrison
    About how Jewish “Representative” Sara Jacobs the
    Antisemitism Awareness Act
    Many people have posted comments explaining why
    Sara Jacobs is Wrong and Full of Crap , a Useful Idiot for the
    Jew-Haters and Anti-Semites

  • A person typed online this
    April 2024 about
    Texas Governor Greg Abbott calling in the National Guard to Arrest and disperse
    Anti-Israel Bigots on The University of Austin Campus that
    “Thank God our governor is not allowing this type of rioting on a college campus.
    Freedom of speech does not include hate speech, threats, intimidation and fear mongering.
    If they love hamas so much send them to hamas controlled places and see how they like that.
    I am an American and hearing shouts like ” death to America” is highly offensive not to mention unpatriotic.
    Thank you Governor Abbott 🙏”

  • A person typed online today
    “How dare your non-indigenous behind call Jews “colonizers” in Israel.

    What a clueless, shameless, ahistorical lie, and one that you would never say if it weren’t for antisemitism.

    Forget the Torah. The Quran says over and over again that we are indigenous to Judea.

    But forget all holy books: the archaeology says so too.

    And if we were anyone but Jews, this would be the most brainlessly obvious thing in the world.

    An unbroken chain of Judean presence in the land of Judea, despite multiple colonizing attempts by multiple colonizer empires, dating back to before they even identified as Judean. Dating back thousands and thousands of years. Letters carved in stone and on coins from thousands of years ago, that a Jewish child of today can still read, even if they were born in America or Mexico or Russia or Nigeria.

    You can find coins from thousands of years ago that talk about resisting imperialists in “Zion.” You still think Zionism in one form or another hasn’t always been a part of who we are?

    We have faced Jerusalem as we prayed for thousands of years, through the present day.

    How many countries speak English? How do you think that happened? How many speak Arabic? How do you think that happened?

    How many speak Hebrew? One, and it’s in the land where the language was born. No other nation on earth has a majority of its inhabitants speaking Hebrew. And it never has.

    Can you play “Which of these three is not a colonizer language?” I hope so. You’re not doing so hot if you can’t.”

  • The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
    “Sorry, neo-Nazis: The antisemitic progressive Left is the real threat to US Jews”
    By MICHAEL FREUND Published: MAY 3, 2024

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