Muslims claim all finds from the Temple Mount Sifting Project are “Islamic”

The Jewish Temple
Safa has an article that describes the Temple Mount Sifting Project, where tons of debris that was excavated from the Temple Mount by the Waqf in the late 1990s is being searched to find archaeological artifacts.
Findings so far have included coins, jewelry and tiles from the Second Temple period – and from the Second Temple itself.
But Muslim so-called “experts” are now saying – without actually inspecting the artifacts – that every single thing that was found was from the Umayyad or Ottoman periods.
Because, of course, Jewish history is a “myth”. And the entire purpose of the Temple Mount Sifting Project is, according to this “expert,” to falsify a fake history of a Jewish Temple and Jewish presence in the area.
As arabs stole elements of Judaism to make up muhamedism, they constantly attempt to hijack the past to keep their ideological house of cards from collapsing.
If islam really existed before Judaism and Christianity, why did muhamed have to go past Christ at the 9th gate before accessing the Most High on his apocryphal night journey to heaven from the Temple Mount? A strange passage indeed for a moslem book.