Nazi lunatic Alexander L. Sporn of Rego Park continues to troll JTF’s videos

“John Jones” is Alexander L. Sporn of Rego Park, New York who was a psychiatrist until he lost his license because of criminal convictions, fraudulent practice, and moral unfitness. Among other things, Sporn made death threats against doctors and their families. Sporn called these people on the telephone claiming that he was Adolf Hitler. Now Sporn trolls all of JTF’s videos. For more details:

If you see Sporn’s hateful comments on our videos, please feel free to respond by publicizing his sordid history. I have removed the vast majority of his comments over the years, but from now on maybe we should leave them and simply expose this vile Nazi cockroach. And yes, Sporn was born Jewish but he loves Hitler and the Nazis.

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