North Korea issues SHOCK war warning: “If a single bullet is fired, we WILL nuke the US”

Trump’s response? “North Korea’s Kim is acting very, very badly.

Kim Jong-un’s rogue state issued the stunning warning as Washington and South Korea carry out war games in the region.

Pyongyang blames the rest of the world for rising nuclear tensions as the DPRK continues its quest for nuclear missiles capable of striking the US mainland.

Last week, US President Donald Trump’s White House admitted war is now “on the table” with North Korea.

US warships, soldiers and warplanes are carrying out military exercises alongside their allies in Seoul.

Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier the USS Carl Vinson arrived in the peninsula with its strike group of destroyers.

Drills are being carried out to test plans to “decapitate” the leadership in Pyongyang should nuclear tensions rise too high.

In a statement, North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said: “The Korean People’s Army will reduce the bases of aggression and provocation to ashes with its invincible Hwasong rockets tipped with nuclear warheads and reliably defend the security of the country and its people’s happiness in case the US and the South Korean puppet forces fire even a single bullet at the territory of the DPRK.”

North Korea has sparked international fury by launching four missiles into the Sea of Japan, not long after the alleged assassination of Kim’s brother Kim Jong-nam.

Kim Jong-un is believed have fired up an H-Bomb factory in North Korea in a bid to produce a nuclear weapon 14-times more powerful than their previous test.

US Navy SEAL Team 6 is also being deployed near North Korea as part of the war exercises Foal Eagle and Key Resolve.

Kim’s nuclear bomb test site is also nearly ready for a new blast, according to satellite images shared by Pyongyang watchdog 38 North.

Tensions have reached an all-time high with North Korea as Kim Jong-un’s diplomat warned of an “actual war” while speaking at the UN.

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