Now cotton is racist

One of the actual cotton plant wreaths at Hobby Lobby that caused the controversy

Daniell Rider, a Hobby Lobby consumer, found a decoration at one of their stores so offensive, she shared the image on Facebook requesting that they remove the decor from their shelves.

What was it? Rider on Thursday shared a photo of a shelf with glass bottles containing what appear to be replicas of raw cotton plants.

She captioned the photo, “This decor is WRONG on SO many levels. There is nothing decorative about raw cotton… A commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves.”

“A little sensitivity goes a long way,” she added. “PLEASE REMOVE THIS ‘decor.’”

After Rider shared the post, it garnered viral attention on Facebook.

At the time of this writing, the post has been “liked” 33k times, has received 76k comments, and has been shared nearly 7k times.

The reaction was split — some commenters supported Rider’s outrage and wrote things like, “What do you expect from HL!!!? NEVER shop there!” while others couldn’t find the offense in the innocuous-looking decoration.

One commenter wrote, “Ummm… it’s cotton… wtf…its 2017… do you know some slaves in 2017 that picked this cotton and didn’t get paid for it. Just… stop.”

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