Only idiots believe Islam is a “religion of peace”

Russian Ambassador to Turkey is assassinated in Ankara by a Muslim shouting “Allah akbar”.

Muslims are part of the ONLY religion mass-murdering people all over the world.

So in the last couple of days, we’ve had Islamic State take credit for a truck that plowed into a crowded market in Berlin:

A truck rammed into a crowded Christmas market in central Berlin on Monday evening, killing at least nine people as it tore through tables and wooden stands. Many others were injured. Police said a suspect believed to be the driver was arrested nearby and a passenger was dead.

Islamic State and al-Qaida have both called on followers to use trucks in particular to attack public places. On July 14, a truck plowed into a Bastille Day crowd in the southern French city of Nice, killing 86 people. Islamic State claimed responsibility for that attack, which was carried out by a Tunisian living in France.

We have the Russian Ambassador to Turkey who is assassinated in Ankara by a special ops unit Muslim shouting Allah Akbar and “don’t forget Syria”:

ISTANBUL — Russia’s ambassador to Turkey was assassinated at an Ankara art exhibit on Monday evening by a lone Turkish gunman shouting “God is great!” and “don’t forget Aleppo, don’t forget Syria!” in what the leaders of Turkey and Russia called a provocative terrorist attack.

And right before that we have a 12-year-old Muslim boy trying to detonate a bomb packed with nails in a German market:

BERLIN — German prosecutors are investigating an incident in which a 12-year-old boy allegedly plotted a nail bomb attack at a market in the southern city of Ludwigshafen, officials said Friday.

According to German media, investigators said that they think the boy, who holds dual German and Iraqi citizenship, was guided by a member of the Islamic State terrorist organization.

Focus news magazine reported Friday that the 12-year-old had planted a backpack containing a homemade bomb outside city hall in the center of Ludwigshafen on Dec. 5. A passer-by spotted it and called police, according to the magazine, and experts then partially detonated the device.

A previous attempt by the boy to set off a bomb at a local market Nov. 26 had failed, according to the Focus report. The device consisted of a preserving jar filled with powder from fireworks and fitted with nails.

According to local broadcaster SWR, the boy had been in contact with an Islamic State member and received instructions via the Telegram messaging service.

And that’s only the last few days! We are not at a war with “terror” – a tactic. We are at a war with Islam.

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