the 3rd intifada is here. Abbas should be eliminated and the temple mount ought to be made muslim free, gaza should be retaken, Judea and Samaria ought to be re claimed esp. east Jerusalem. and Sinai retaken ( yes , even medina and mecca too) but leftists , dirty NGO’s , self loathing Jews and weak kneed self loathing Jews dropped on their heads….and BB is only shooting (sorry) for a good nites sleep. Many Jews are still gola Jews. Recently the free newspaper is out as Kahane was bumped out. I am not ashamed Chaim to claim my land.
Certainly not the same World I grew up in! Israel should NEVER have stopped in Gaza until FULL OCCUPATION AND CONTROL. Israel must stop arresting Terrorists and rather Kill them – No More Jail Time! Israel must watch its back as far as the U.S. is concerned because they are being turned into terrorist Sympathizers – Any Country or Person that is opposed to Israel is also against God
I have sent a message during Gaza War how Israel can stop the Rocket Attacks for good but have no response from BB
The two Jerusalem Arabs who slaughtered Jews Tuesday morning attacked in the middle of the “Amidah” silent prayer, according to one of the worshippers.
“Yosef” told Israel Radio that he heard shot during the prayer, turned around and saw one Arab shooting in all directions. Seconds afterwards, the second murderer emerged with a butcher knife and slashed at anyone in his way.
Yosef his under a table, “When I saw him approaching in my direction, I escaped while the terrorist was struggling with a victim. There was blood everywhere, and I fled downstairs to the kitchen of the hall used for festive occasions.”
It should be pointed out, the Jewish leaders on the left at Kibbutz Metzer in 2002 opposed Israel building a fence. The Jewish leaders at Kibbutz Metzer thought the Palestinians have humanity.
Unfortunately they found out the Islamo Nazis Fatah are.
As the former Cardinal of Buenos Aires, Francis may have heard of the November 2002 massacre at Kibbutz Metzer. Metzer was founded by Argentine communists in the 1950s. Metzer is located 500 meters from the 1949 armistice lines which made it an obvious beneficiary of the security fence. But true to its radical roots, in 2002 members of the kibbutz waged a public campaign against the planned route of the security fence. They feared that it would, in the words of Metzer member Danny Dovrat, “ignite hostility and create problems” with the kibbutz’s Palestinian neighbors.
Thanks to that concern, on the night of November 10, 2002, a gunman from the “moderate” US- and EU-supported Fatah terror organization faced no physical obstacle when he entered the kibbutz. Once there he killed two people on the street and then entered the home of Revital Ohayon and executed Revital and her two sons, Matan, 5, and Noam, 4 years old.
Fatah praised the attack on its website and pledged to conduct more assaults on “Zionist colonizers,” and promised to continue “targeting their children as well.”
Had he actually cared about the cause of peace and non-violence he claims to champion, Francis might have averred from stopping at the barrier, recognizing that doing so would defile the memory of the Ohayons and of hundreds of other Israeli Jewish families who were destroyed by Palestinian bloodlust and anti-Semitic depravity.
Please listen to what the pope says. He is a Jesuit who will call for Social Justice, illegal amnesty, Climate Change, and fairness to Islam. He is part of the New World Order that is taking place.
Jerusalem, and the Holy Land, Judea and Samaria were given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel, Genesis 13:14. Fight for what is your birthright! Yes, Chaim is right they have no leadership there, they need a leader who understands what these days will mean, and the prophecy of the future, if they stay complacent. (GOD WANTS YOU TO DEFEND YOUR LAND.) Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas called Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and appealed for International Protection for his people from Israel’s responses to terrorism and defending their people. The Abbas and PLO leadership will lie to their own mother to further their purpose. That 3rd Temple is going to be built…it is the Lord’s Word and purpose for his people and for his City. The Koran is a lie and….Islam is a Pagan culture. Thanks to Pastor Manning for knowing the true bible and what we all need to be doing in these times, the bible and the wishes of God. A real Christian does not support the enemies of Israel who deliberately try to expel the Jews from the Holy God Given Land.
the 3rd intifada is here. Abbas should be eliminated and the temple mount ought to be made muslim free, gaza should be retaken, Judea and Samaria ought to be re claimed esp. east Jerusalem. and Sinai retaken ( yes , even medina and mecca too) but leftists , dirty NGO’s , self loathing Jews and weak kneed self loathing Jews dropped on their heads….and BB is only shooting (sorry) for a good nites sleep. Many Jews are still gola Jews. Recently the free newspaper is out as Kahane was bumped out. I am not ashamed Chaim to claim my land.
Certainly not the same World I grew up in! Israel should NEVER have stopped in Gaza until FULL OCCUPATION AND CONTROL. Israel must stop arresting Terrorists and rather Kill them – No More Jail Time! Israel must watch its back as far as the U.S. is concerned because they are being turned into terrorist Sympathizers – Any Country or Person that is opposed to Israel is also against God
I have sent a message during Gaza War how Israel can stop the Rocket Attacks for good but have no response from BB
Nice to have you back Chaim
More Evidence that Palestinians are Religious Nazis
August 20, 2013
Itamar Marcus
Yes, Very Well Stated. Islam carries on where the Nazis left off.
Terrorists Attacked while Jews Were in Middle of ‘Silent Prayer’
By: Jewish Press News Briefs
Published: November 18th, 2014
The two Jerusalem Arabs who slaughtered Jews Tuesday morning attacked in the middle of the “Amidah” silent prayer, according to one of the worshippers.
“Yosef” told Israel Radio that he heard shot during the prayer, turned around and saw one Arab shooting in all directions. Seconds afterwards, the second murderer emerged with a butcher knife and slashed at anyone in his way.
Yosef his under a table, “When I saw him approaching in my direction, I escaped while the terrorist was struggling with a victim. There was blood everywhere, and I fled downstairs to the kitchen of the hall used for festive occasions.”
Beyond Depraved: Palestinians Praise Infant Murderer
October 28, 2014 by Ari Lieberman
To truly see the savages Fatah are, you must read these 2 articles.
PA Funding of Terrorists – This is How it’s Done
“Did you murder Jews? Have you abducted children? Get up to 12,000 shekels a month from Abu Mazen!” – the salaries paid out to Palestinian terrorists are actually enshrined in PA law.
By Aryeh Savir
June 26th, 2014
PA spends 6% of its budget paying Palestinians in Israeli jails, families of suicide bombers.
Hamas terrorist who orchestrated 2002 Park Hotel massacre, in which 30 Israelis died, gets $3,000 a month, Channel 2 reports; bomb-maker jailed for 67 killings gets $1,000
September 3, 2012
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Once again, Palestinian Arab support for terrorism is the highest in the world
Pew Research just released their latest Global Attitudes report on how the Muslim world views extremist groups and terrorism.
How Evil is Fatah?
They glorify slaughtering Israeli women and children eating pizza.
Do left wing Jews still think Kahane was wrong.
Chaim for PM
In search of Palestinians who are sickened by PA’s celebration of Sbarro bomber
Arnold Roth
It should be pointed out, the Jewish leaders on the left at Kibbutz Metzer in 2002 opposed Israel building a fence. The Jewish leaders at Kibbutz Metzer thought the Palestinians have humanity.
Unfortunately they found out the Islamo Nazis Fatah are.
To quote Caroline Glick from May
Our world: Pope Francis’s unfriendly visit
As the former Cardinal of Buenos Aires, Francis may have heard of the November 2002 massacre at Kibbutz Metzer. Metzer was founded by Argentine communists in the 1950s. Metzer is located 500 meters from the 1949 armistice lines which made it an obvious beneficiary of the security fence. But true to its radical roots, in 2002 members of the kibbutz waged a public campaign against the planned route of the security fence. They feared that it would, in the words of Metzer member Danny Dovrat, “ignite hostility and create problems” with the kibbutz’s Palestinian neighbors.
Thanks to that concern, on the night of November 10, 2002, a gunman from the “moderate” US- and EU-supported Fatah terror organization faced no physical obstacle when he entered the kibbutz. Once there he killed two people on the street and then entered the home of Revital Ohayon and executed Revital and her two sons, Matan, 5, and Noam, 4 years old.
Fatah praised the attack on its website and pledged to conduct more assaults on “Zionist colonizers,” and promised to continue “targeting their children as well.”
Had he actually cared about the cause of peace and non-violence he claims to champion, Francis might have averred from stopping at the barrier, recognizing that doing so would defile the memory of the Ohayons and of hundreds of other Israeli Jewish families who were destroyed by Palestinian bloodlust and anti-Semitic depravity.
Everything is blamed on the Jews….the repeat of Adolph Hitler….3rd World War coming.
Please listen to what the pope says. He is a Jesuit who will call for Social Justice, illegal amnesty, Climate Change, and fairness to Islam. He is part of the New World Order that is taking place.
Jerusalem, and the Holy Land, Judea and Samaria were given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel, Genesis 13:14. Fight for what is your birthright! Yes, Chaim is right they have no leadership there, they need a leader who understands what these days will mean, and the prophecy of the future, if they stay complacent. (GOD WANTS YOU TO DEFEND YOUR LAND.) Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas called Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and appealed for International Protection for his people from Israel’s responses to terrorism and defending their people. The Abbas and PLO leadership will lie to their own mother to further their purpose. That 3rd Temple is going to be built…it is the Lord’s Word and purpose for his people and for his City. The Koran is a lie and….Islam is a Pagan culture. Thanks to Pastor Manning for knowing the true bible and what we all need to be doing in these times, the bible and the wishes of God. A real Christian does not support the enemies of Israel who deliberately try to expel the Jews from the Holy God Given Land.