Police Logic: Jews Banned from Temple Mount Because Arabs Riot

After allowing Jews to enter the Temple Mount [the holiest site in Judaism] on two of the last ten days of [the Muslim holiday] Ramadan, the Israel Police Jerusalem District Commanders on Sunday announced Jews would be barred from the sacred site for the remaining days of Ramadan, the blog Temple Mount News reported.

The Temple Mount will be reopened to Jews after the end of Id al-Fitr, which will be celebrated by Muslims next week, after the end of Ramadan.

This is not an uncommon behavior of the Israel Police, which regularly awards Muslim violence with curbs against Jews. Last year, the police forcibly opened the Temple Mount to Jews at the beginning of the last ten days of Ramadan, but following a direct order from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the same police closed the mountain to Jews until the passage of Id al-Fitr.


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