Poll: Half the Arabs in Gaza want to leave Israel

From a recent poll in Israel:

The poll was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip between June 29 and July 1, 2017. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with a random sample of 1,200 adults in 120 residential locations with an error rate of 3%.

And nearly half of all the Arabs in Gaza would leave Israel if given the chance:

Were they given the chance, 47% of the residents of the Gaza Strip would emigrate, compared with 23% in the PA.

One thing the Arabs in Gaza agree on the most is that the PLO should continue to pay the families of mass-murdering terrorists:

91% are opposed to the suspension of PA payments to Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli jails; only 7% support such measure.

And 4 out of 10 admitted (many refuse to admit for security reasons) they want continuation of violence against innocent Jews:

In the absence of peace negotiations, 74% support joining more international organizations; 54% support non-violent popular resistance; 39% support a return to an armed intifada; and 44% support the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority.

Three months ago, support for a return to an armed intifada stood at 51%.

We say if half of them want to leave, we should should help them leave Israel and save Jewish lives.



One comment

  • I’m shocked that it is as low as 50%. Wasn’t it something like 80% in polls taken several years ago?

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