Rabbi Kahane would have been Prime Minister if he had not been fascistically banned (new video)
Please promote this important video everywhere possible.
On BitChute:
The program is 31 minutes this week.
You can listen to it here.
For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:
Rabbi Kahane was a bridge to the Bnái Nohach as required in Acts 15:21. We have not forgotten his blessed memory.
The fact is that Meir Kahane is Not dead, but rather he is alive and conscious in Heaven, watching over us all and smiling. The Bible teaches that ultimately in the future, only God knows when, but ultimately in the future. That those righteous humans who have passed away and are conscious in Heaven will ultimately return to this physical planet Earth to live forever on Earth. On the New Earth where there will be no more Evil, suffering or injustice. This includes
the late Rabbi Meir Kahane , so
Meir Kahane will be back,
He will live again !!
Meir Kahane will once again walk the streets of Manhattan.
Meir Kahane will Never be killed again !!
However right now in 2021 it’s deeply upsetting how American Public High School students are Never taught about the life and beliefs of Meir Kahane. They should be required to learn about Kahane..
Mr. Clarke , some Bible Prophecy teachers have claimed that according to Jewish Eschatology Rabbi Meir Kahane was actually Messiah ben Joseph , and that the life of Rabbi Kahane was proof that the Biblical War of
Gog and Magog was near , perhaps the Psalm 83 War as well, Battle of Armageddon, That the life of Rabbi Kahane was proof that we are Living in the Last Days/End Times According to Bible Prophecy
Mr. Clarke, could you please elaborate on Acts 15:21 it’s context and how it relates to the late Rabbi Meir Kahane
Mr. Clarke, do you also want to see the Face of
Rabbi Meir Kahane added to
Mount Rushmore ?
Mr. Clarke , in your opinion who or what is the “Whore of Babylon” mentioned in Revelation Chapter 17 in the Bible ? Do you believe in the “Rapture” which view of the Rapture is correct, Pre-Trib,
Post-Trib , etc
Mr. Clarke , does the
U.S. Government, FEMA and other World Governments take the
“Rapture” doctrine Seriously, do they take Bible Prophecy Seriously ? What Emergency Plans does
FEMA and the U.S. Government have in Place if the Rapture Happens and countless Hundreds of Millions or Billions of Christians suddenly vanish into thin air and are “beamed up” as they say in
Star Trek, what Emergency Plans are in place for those who are
“Left Behind”
Ever hear of something called
Project Blue Beam ?
What plans does FEMA
have in place for when the
Rapture Happens ?
Also don’t confuse
Project Blue Beam with
Project Blue Book
Anyone hear of something called The Graeda Treaty ? That was allegedly signed by
President Dwight Eisenhower and Extraterrestrials , look it up
Some have claimed that there are no Aliens(Extraterrestrials) that those are really Demons(Fallen Angels) in Disguise out to Deceive Humans , anyone hear that theory ? Many people have said UFO’S are Demonic
the Foo Fighters spotted by Allied Aircraft during
World War II ?
I read about that in a book on UFO’s ?
Rapture? Nonsense.
thejewishstar.com has an article headlined
“From the Bronx: Meir Kahane, again and again”
Posted November 6, 2015
We n
Mr. Clarke , Acts 15: 21 says
“For the law of Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.” NIV Please Elaborate on how this verse and it’s Context relates to
Meir Kahane
That verse Again is
Acts 15:21
Meir Kahane Was A Hero We Need Many More Meir Kahanes Revoke Arab Citizenship of every muslim in Israel and in the United States.Kahane Lives 🙌✊🏻🫡
A most necessary presentation by Chaim Ben Pesach spokesperson of the JTF of which most Jews are unaware. This type of Jewish education of our Jewish History needs to be continually exposed in this very manner that is not altered.
What a man what a loss to humanity! And to all you self hating Jews who think he promoted Anti-Semites let me tell you that I looked at white supremacist websites and forums and they are saying that Jews like him and Bentzi Gopstien are Jews they respect! No joke!
Kyle, Anti-Semites & Jew-Haters actually admit online that
Fakestinian people are completely useless and just use the
Fakestinians to get at Jews and Israel
Kyle, some Christians have even said that Meir Kahane was the
2nd greatest human being in
World History , 2nd only
to Jesus of Nazareth
As a matter of fact the
jewishpress.com website has an article headlined
“Mother Sarah Was The First Kahanist!”
By Ariel Natan Pasko on November 21, 2019, about how
Sarah the wife of Abraham in the Bible, how Sarah was basically the first Kahanist
On YouTube there is a Superb song by Michael Elias titled
“A Special Man” this song was made to Honor Rabbi Meir Kahane.
A superb Song, did anyone else listen to it
Plus on YouTube, there is a another superb video titled
“kahane song” uploaded
on June 23, 2015 , in this video we again hear the song
“A Special Man” but we see Superb video footage from the Life of Rabbi Meir Kahane
See https://youtu.be/-FR2rW2CKQE
Plus an Evangelical Christian recently said online about the song “A Special Man” by Michael Elias that :
“The words of the song extolling Kahane could be applied even more to Jesus Christ. As Al Runge says, “If only the Jews knew how much Jesus loves them”! ” he was referring to Pastor
Albert Runge who was also from Brooklyn !!
Plus many people have said that the words and Lyrics in the song
“A Special Man” by
Michael Elias , that the words and lyrics in this song remind them of
Jesus in the Bible , the song makes them think of Jesus
They are Not Comparing
Meir Kahane & Jesus Christ to Each Other, but they admit that the words and lyrics in
“A Special Man” by
Michael Elias Perfectly fits the description of the Life & Person of Jesus Christ , Jesus of Nazareth
An Amazing Coincidence
Yes Indeed , a Very Amazing Coincidence, most Christians if they listened to this song would be Reminded of Jesus !!
Kyle, Two very good online quotes that definitely define
Meir Kahane :
From Spiritualcleansing. Org a good quote is
“A Real Man will be honest no matter how painful the truth is. A coward hides behind Lies and deceit” Meir Kahane was an Honest Man
Also from QuoteFancy. Com a Quote from Pastor Rick Warren
“A lie doesn’t become truth, Wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good, Just because it’s accepted by a majority”
Meir Kahane would definitely agree with that
Rick Warren quote
Years ago an online article said that Rabbi Meir Kahane was a great leader , and “a different kind of Rabbi” as a compliment & also
“Rabbi Meir Kahane was the quintessential rabbi in the fullest sense of the word and represented many things to many people”
The famous singer, songwriter
Bob Dylan had a very positive view of Rabbi Kahane.
Also the famous American singer, Songwriter, Musician
Kurt Cobain famously said “I’d rather be hated for who I am, Than loved for who I am not” that was exactly the same type of cool attitude that
Rabbi Meir Kahane had, ! Meir Kahane had the attitude “I am what I am, And if the World doesn’t like it I don’t give a damn” Kurt Cobain lived from
1967 to 1994, He died at the age of 27 years young
The website 5TJT. Com has an article headlined-
“Rabbi Meir Kahane is a Role Model to people who Stutter” by Adam R. Lichter on September 2, 2012
Jewishness. Com has an article about Kahane headlined
“The Key to Greatness” by Tzvi Fishman on
June 6, 2012
Blogs. Timesofisrael. Com on February 24, 2019 has an article
“Rabbi Meir Kahane Followers are not Racist Monsters” by Moshe-Mordechai van Zeiden
Jewishpress. Com has an article headlined
“No, Rabbi Kahane was Not A Racist” on
February 28, 2019 by Rabbi Yehuda L. Oppenheimer
Jewishpress. Com has another article headlined
“Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of
Rabbi Meir Kahane” by
Rabbi Shlomo Moriah on
November 18, 2016
Correction, the article
“The Key to Greatness”
By Tzvi Fishman is from the website Jewishpress.com
Did anyone see the 2019 documentary film
“The Prophet” about the life of Rabbi Meir Kahane..? Is it worth watching..?
When is Hollywood going to Make a Movie to Honor the Life and Beliefs of Rabbi Meir Kahane and portray him in a positive Light , as the Hero that he Was
After all in 1992
Hollywood released the Movie
“Malcolm X” about the Vile
Anti-Semite Bigot
Malcolm X, why can’t Hollywood make a Movie to Honor the Life and Beliefs of the great
Rabbi Meir Kahane
Why won’t Hollywood make a Movie to positively portray the Life and Beliefs of
Rabbi Meir Kahane , are they afraid it would be “too controversial” or
“offensive” to some people ?
Give Meir Kahane his Movie
When Hollywood ultimately makes a Movie to Honor the Life and Beliefs of Rabbi Kahane.
Who should play Meir Kahane ?
Plus some have said that the
Kahane movie would have to be
Rated R , to show the seriousness of the topic and the Evil, Wicked nature of the Anti-Semites & Jew-Haters, it’s definitely an
R rated topic . The Kahane movie should be Both Educational and Entertaining
Countless people want
Meir Kahane to Live Again
The Fact is ultimately in the Future, only God Knows when, but ultimately in the Future
Meir Kahane will Return to Earth
Him and countless other great people in Human History will Ultimately Return to Earth, as the
Bible Teaches, it’s that simple
Plus when Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Earth,
Imagine Wikipedia updating it’s entry for Meir Kahane listing the exact day Kahane returns to Earth
Meir Kahane was a great leader and a Hero, just like legendary British Prime Minister
Sir Winston Churchill was a great leader of the British Nation during World War II
Articles online tell how
J. Edgar Hoover was obsessed with Rabbi Meir Kahane.
President Richard Nixon Knew about Kahane
J. Edgar Hoover & Nixon both knew that Meir Kahane was truly one of a kind and a great leader
A good idea ,
Congress should add the Face of
Rabbi Meir Kahane to the famous
Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota, USA
Who else wants to see the Face of Rabbi Meir Kahane added to
Mount Rushmore
The Face of Rabbi Meir Kahane should have been added to
Mount Rushmore years ago, shortly after he was killed on
November 5, 1990
Anyone else agree ?
In addition to adding
Meir Kahane’s face to
Mount Rushmore, America needs to Make Rabbi Meir Kahane’s
Birthday a National Holiday, just like Martin Luther King Jr. day
When Rabbi Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Earth , it will be a great Moment for All Humanity,
A Triumphant Victory Over Anti-Semitism &
Jew-Hatred, seeing
Meir Kahane Return to Earth , to Live Forever on the New Earth
It is Not just Meir Kahane that will
Return to Earth, but countless other great people in Human History who are currently alive & conscious in Heaven , the Bible teaches that Ultimately in the Future, they will All Return to Live Forever on the New Earth, on this Physical Planet Earth, where there will be no more Evil, Suffering, Injustice or Hatred
Winston Churchill , Abraham Lincoln will Also Return to Earth
Martin Luther King Jr. will Also Return to Earth
Did anyone else hear the shocking news
Former Japanese Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe was tragically assassinated on July 8, 2022
Shinzo Abe was the longest serving Prime Minister of Japan and a True Friend of Israel and the Jewish people
From Wikipedia it says about the tragic assassination of
Shinzo Abe
“On 8 July 2022, Abe was shot twice while delivering a campaign speech in Nara, and died of his wounds later the same day after reportedly suffering a cardiopulmonary arrest.[310][311][18][312] He was 67. The police arrested the alleged shooter, 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami, following the shooting.[313]
The assassin used a homemade gun which fired two shots, the first striking Abe in the neck and the second striking him fatally in the heart.[314]” Very Sad , this reminds me and other people of the tragic Assassination of
Rabbi Meir Kahane on
Monday November 5, 1990 at the age of 58
Meir Kahane was 58
What did Shinzo Abe think of
Rabbi Meir Kahane ? The tragic assassination of Shinzo Abe reminds many people of the assassination of
Meir Kahane on
Monday November 5, 1990
RIP Shinzo Abe
Remember, ultimately in the Future , Shinzo Abe will Ultimately Return to Earth and Live Again, him, Kahane and other countless great people in Human History as the Bible Teaches
We all Know that because
The late former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was a True
Friend to Israel, that even as we speak, the Fakestinians and other Arabs are all probably celebrating the cold-blooded assassination and murder of Shinzo Abe, the
Fakestinians and other Arabs are being their usual Sadistic Childish immature selves , practicing their usual
Arab Evil & Arab Wickedness .
Truly Sick and Disgusting
Disgusting how many
Arabs and Fakestinians were
gloating Over the Death of
Shinzo Abe ,
According to a 2010 article from
The Jerusalem Post website
jpost.com it says about the Assassination of Meir Kahane that El Sayyid Nosair had two co-conspirators the night Kahane was Killed and that
“The men, Bilal al-Kaisi of Jordan and Mohammed Salameh, a Palestinian illegal alien later involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, have never been charged for their part in the slaying.” Why haven’t those two
Arabs been Tracked down and brought to Justice, Why ?
Why haven’t their two
Arab Asses been tracked down and brought to Justice ? Why ?
Again we need to ask ,
Where is the Justice for
Meir Kahane ? Where ?
As we Speak,
Meir Kahane is currently alive and Conscious in Heaven, but when
The Face of Meir Kahane is
Ultimately added to
Mount Rushmore , just think how
Proud Kahane will be , seeing his Face added to the famous Monument
The Four United States Presidents on Mount Rushmore
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln ,
Those 4 Presidents would All Know that Rabbi Meir Kahane was a Hero that rised out of the Ashes of the Holocaust .
Those 4 Presidents on
Mount Rushmore , they would All Agree that Meir Kahane deserves to be the 5th Face added to the
National Memorial ,
Also in a video from 1989 we see Meir Kahane marching with supporters in an Israeli Day Parade, down the streets of Manhattan, New York City, in the video we see a woman saying proudly
“Rabbi Meir Kahane The Greatest Rabbi that ever lived, there he is, in the parade, the People’s Rabbi”
Yes Indeed
Another good reason the Face of
Meir Kahane belongs on
Mount Rushmore ….
A few years ago around 2020
An article on the Internet said about Meir Kahane “Apparently, the name “Kahane” has great power”
That was from a
Pro-Kahane article
Anyone read the 2012 Book “A Nation of Wusses: How America’s Leaders Lost the Guts to make us Great” by Ed Rendell ,
Rabbi Meir Kahane was No Wuss, that’s for True, he had cojones as the Spanish would say.. he was called
“The Fiery Rabbi” “Firebrand” “Rabble Rousing Rabbi” “Rowdy Rabbi”
The website upworthy.com
has an article headlined
“People are sharing the one American non-president they’d add to Mount Rushmore”
by Tod Perry on April 13, 2022
Many people want
Meir Kahane added to Mount Rushmore
The 1973 episode of “All in the Family” Titled
“Archie Is Branded” was clearly based on the
Real Life Rabbi Meir Kahane and His Movement , anyone see that episode ?
It was sad at the end of this episode “Archie Is Branded” how Mr. Paul Benjamin was Killed,
Archie Bunker was very sad seeing how Paul was killed,
Archie may be a bigot at times, but he was No Nazi , this episode of
“All in the Family” had one of the saddest endings according to Viewers
Why didn’t
Rabbi Meir Kahane ever host
Saturday Night Live , SNL ?
Other highly controversial people have hosted SNL in the past , why Not Meir Kahane ?
Imagine Kahane in the opening sketch saying the famous words
“Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night” and Kahane doing the opening Monologue,
Other people have said that
Meir Kahane should have been on the Cover of
“TV Guide” that TV Guide magazine should have had articles about the great
Meir Kahane and his Movement
The All in The Family episode
“Archie is Branded” can be viewed on dailymotion.com
tvtropes.org has an article about the episode
“Archie Is Branded” headlined
“Recap / All In The Family S 3 E 19 Archie Is Branded”
We all Know that
Rabbi Meir Kahane was truly
The Big Kahuna
Kahuna Kahane
Kahane the Big Kahuna
We All Must Remember that
Death cannot Stop the Great
Meir Kahane
Nothing can Stop the Great
Meir Kahane
Not only was
Meir Kahane the Big Kahuna
He Still is the Big Kahuna
Countless people were and still are passionate followers of
Meir Kahane and literally
Krazy for Kahane
Did you know that many people jokingly call the famous 1982 movie
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The Wrath of Kahane as in
The Great Rabbi Meir Kahane
What do we think ?
The Wrath of Kahane , They didn’t mean that Kahane was a villain like
The character of
Khan Noonien Singh , but it’s just a wordplay joke
About The Wrath of Khan aka The Wrath of Kahane
Many have said the Music in The Wrath of Khan is very sad,moving & epic,
it reminds them of the Nazi Holocaust of The Second World War, the sadness & tragedy of the Holocaust, it was Truly Satanic, Hitler and the Nazis tried to eliminate an entire race of people from the face of the Earth, in total 11 million people were killed in the Holocaust, the Sad Music on the opening credits to this film, then the words
“In the 23rd Century…” appear on the Screen , then later near the end of this film , The music is sad,moving & epic when Kirk lures Khan and the Reliant into the Mutara Nebula , this scene also reminds people of the Sadness of the Holocaust
Spock says to Kirk: “They are reducing speed”
Kirk says to Uhura: “Uhura Patch me In”
Uhura replies “Aye, Sir Your’e on Admiral”
Kirk says to Khan “This is Admiral Kirk, we tried it once your way Khan are you game for a rematch? Khan! I’m laughing at the superior intellect” after the Holocaust of World War II, Countless Christians & Jews alike have said Never Forget, Never Again, Never Again For Anyone
Plus Meir Kahane was Truly the
“Leader of the Pack” like the 1964 song by the American girl group the Shangri-Las.
Meir Kahane was Also The
“Big Man in Town” like the 1964 song by
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.
About the late Jackie Mason
Itamar Ben-Gvir says
Rabbi Meir Kahane was a Hero , click on
Four Epic Words about
Rabbi Meir Kahane
“A Hero Shall Rise” or Also
“A Hero Will Rise” which Expression sounds better
Also in 2021 Ben-Gvir said
Rabbi Meir Kahane was
“a holy man” we All Know that
When Rabbi Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Earth , what would we like to say to him ?
We Know that someday
Meir Kahane will Return to Earth along with countless other great people in Human History.
Until then American High School Students should be Required to Learn about Rabbi Kahane and how he was a Hero that Rised out of the Ashes of the Holocaust
Plus when Rabbi Meir Kahane
Ultimately Returns to Earth , and He Will Indeed Ultimately Return to Earth
To Live Forever on This
Physical Planet Earth ,
When Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Live Forever on Earth , We Hope God Will make it so that Literally Every Single Man, Woman and Child on the Planet will Know who
Rabbi Meir Kahane Was in his first Earthly Life of 1932-1990 and in his New Earthly Life when he
Ultimately Returns to Live Forever on Earth along with countless other great people in Human History as the Bible Teaches. And Yes The Bible does Indeed Teach This . That countless great human beings in Human History who have passed away and are currently alive and conscious in Heaven, that ultimately in the Future, only God Knows when, but ultimately in the Future, these countless great people in Human History will All Ultimately Return to This Physical Planet Earth, to Live Forever on the New Earth, where there will be no more Evil, Suffering or Injustice…
Sadly in 2022 many people have never even heard of the Great
Rabbi Meir Kahane and his Life , they never even heard of
Meir Kahane, sadly many Jews have Never heard of him , that’s very sad,
However when
Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Earth , and he will Ultimately Return, He Will Live Again,
When Kahane does Return to Earth, we Hope that Everyone will Know who he Is , just like with
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Imagine how Incredible it will be to watch
Rabbi Meir Kahane once again walking the Streets of Manhattan, New York City, Just Imagine how Great it will be to Once Again Listen to Meir Kahane giving
Public Speeches on the New Earth
We can all agree that when
Rabbi Meir Kahane was shot and killed in Manhattan on Monday November 5 , 1990 that God himself was crying, God himself wept , God himself was deeply saddened… Many haters and bigots were happy that Kahane was Killed , but the Jokes on them, Jokes on them, because someday in the Future Meir Kahane will
Literally Physically Return to Live Forever on Earth, on this Physical Planet Earth Forever ,
Meir Kahane will be Back
He Will Live Again, He will Return to Earth, along with countless other great people in Human History. They will all Return to Live Forever on Earth, as the Bible Clearly Teaches
Meir Kahane was 58 when he was assassinated in 1990 , but when Meir Kahane Returns to Earth, he will Never be Killed Again
Does anyone have the 1972
Esquire Magazine article about
Kahane ?
israelnationalnews.com has an article headlined
“Rabbi Meir Kahane remains a target of those who do not understand him”
by Meir Jolovitz on
Oct 22, 2021
jta.org has an article headlined
“Kahane, Though Vilified by Many, is Remembered As Protector of Jews” on November 7, 1990
israelnationalnews.com has an article headlined
“Baruch Marzel: 9/11 happened because Rabbi Kahane’s murder wasn’t investigated”
by Yoni Kempinski
November 11, 2022
Anyone read the book
“The Wit and Wisdom of Rabbi Meir Kahane”
by Lenny Goldberg
Did anyone read
“RABBI MEIR KAHANE: His Life and Thought (Volume One: 1932-1975). & Volume Two: 1976-1983 both by
Libby Kahane , the wife of
Meir Kahane , when will
Volume Three come out , covering the years 1984-1990 ?
When will Volume Three come out ?
The Jerusalem Post on
November 19, 2022 has an article about 3 Famous Rabbis
Jonathan Sacks, Shlomo Carlebach and Meir Kahane.
Any opinions of the late
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks the
Late Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, or the Musician Rabbi
Shlomo Carlebach ? Sadly this
Jerusalem Post article unjustly called
The Great Meir Kahane a
“Jewish Supremacist” that’s a Lie
Someone Also said once that
Meir Kahane was an
“Extremist Hate-Filled Rabbi”
That’s a Lie , Kahane had a Passion to Protect his People
The website
blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
“Kahane and Carlebach: Counterculture and its rabbis” by
Francis Nataf on
OCT 24, 2018
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“Rabbi Meir Kahane: Noble And Iconoclastic Firebrand”
By Meir Jolovitz on November 7, 2017
blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article by Kenneth Cohen
“The Precedent of Rabbi Meir Kahane”
on MAY 2, 2016
Plus israelnationalnews.com has an article about Kahane headlined
“The iconoclastic firebrand that was Rabbi Meir Kahane, Hy”d”
Meir Jolovitz
Nov 7, 2017 Anyone read it
An online article is headlined
“Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Legacy” on March 16, 2009 Part of this article says
“Meir Kahane was a very unique individual. There were few Jews in the world who were as passionately committed to the Jewish people as he was. He was all heart and soul when it came to his brethren. His experiences as a young Jewish child living in America during the Holocaust – having no ability to do anything about it haunted him all of his life and I believe helped shape his character. I believe that this over-whelming guilt haunted him all the days of his life. And it motivated much if his activity.”
An online article by
Donny Fuchs in 2015 said about
Meir Kahane that
“I see Rabbi Kahane as a throwback to the times of the Judges and Prophets. He epitomized the very essence of mesirat nefesh in Judaism, self-sacrifice at the cost of one’s life, the acceptance of the Yoke of Heaven, and the willingness to speak the painful truth, no matter the cost. Throughout his adult life, he willingly endured this cost, regardless of consequence. Imprisonment, harassment, confrontation, and eventually his own murder. Rabbi Kahane was a gadol in Torah, but he was also a warrior. A fiery kohen, who was fit to lead Am Yisroel in war. He was a master of the written word, a writer of immense talent, and an orator whose words could generate an internal fire within you, and raise goosebumps on your arms.” And a picture of
Meir Kahane is on the website, and it says as a Caption :
“Who is For the Lord, Let him come to me”
The article by Donny Fuchs Also said
“And in Eretz Yisroel, the Arabs were truly terrified of him. Like an enraged Shimshon Hagibor, the Arabs feared him, because much like Samson, his strength was an anomaly that they could not understand. It derived from the very personality of this magnificent tzadik.” Meir Kahane was both
Book Smart but Also Street Smart
Anyone Remember how
Cool & Confident
Rabbi Meir Kahane was when he appeared on
The Dick Cavett Show in 1972 to
Speak about the Evils of
William F. Buckley &
Theodore Bikel were also Superb on This episode of
The Dick Cavett show in which
Meir Kahane appeared .
Fun Fact, the middle name of the late
Theodore Bikel was Meir according to Wikipedia
Theodore Meir Bikel
realclearpolicy.com has an article headlined
“How William F. Buckley “Learned That Evil Is Real”
by Mark Pulliam April 28, 2022
Correction , the article is headlined
“How William F. Buckley Learned That Evil Is Real”
Sadly Evil is Very Real
Anyone see Rabbi
Meir Kahane on
The Martin Downey Jr. Show
In 1989 where he debated the
Two Ugly Arabs
M.T. Mehdi & Bishara Bahbah
Correction , The Morton Downey Jr. Show ,
Morton Downey Jr. Show
Plus recent online articles
Have compared
“The Apocalyptic Visions of Jacob Taubes and Meir Kahane”
Kahane on the
Morton Downey Jr. Show in
1989 , https://youtu.be/CBnzS7MQpu0
Another Fun Fact : The Classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Cartoon Series 1987-1996
had an episode titled
“Turtles on Trial” which aired September 26, 1989 this episode had a Rabble Rouser Talk Show Host named
Clayton Kellerman which was based on the Real Life
Morton Downey Jr. and his show at the time , the Wikipedia Description of this episode says
“The intentions of the Turtles are put to the test when a controversial TV-figure portrays our heroes as menaces to society. The Turtles forego publicly clearing their name to defeat Krang and his new robotic weapon.”
See Also , https://youtu.be/NsrijErZbQo
Also , https://youtu.be/8jZk6gAnUss
In the 2002 Spider-Man Film with
Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker(Spiderman), while Spider-Man is fictional , and while this is just a Movie, Meir Kahane was a real life Hero that Rised to Save the Day, just like Spiderman did in the Scene when the Green Goblin Attacked the Festival !!
Some people even speculate that the Fictional Character of
Peter Parker is Jewish
Some people made a Joke about Meir Kahane
Citizen Ka-hane or Citizen Kahane
Like The Movie
“Citizen Kane” the 1941 American drama film starring Orson Welles
Citizen Kahane has a nice ring to it
The 1990 Film “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Reminds people of
Rabbi Meir Kahane, because it came out in 1990 the same year as the Tragic Death of Kahane
The Scenes that Remind people of Kahane are at the Opening of this Film, we see the Manhattan Skyline and the Twin Towers, and the Hustle and Bustle of New Yorkers going about their Business
April O’Neil says about the Crime Wave
“Much More than just a series of small isolated incidents, it’s now apparent that an organized criminal element is at work, and at the moment business is good….. Crimes without Criminals, an Invisible Gang at work, who we gonna call? unfortunately the Police are the only ones available to combat what some are already dubbing, The Silent Crime Wave, but perhaps the most disturbing silence is that coming from City Hall, April O’Neil Channel 3 Eyewitness News” And at the end of this Film
after Master Splinter(Hamato Yoshi) and The Shredder
(Oroku Saki) fight, Splinter says to Shredder
“Death comes for us all Oroku Saki, but something much worse comes for you, for when you die, it will be .. without honor” Shredder falls into the Garbage Truck trash compactor, Casey Jones then pulls the Lever and says “Oops” we then hear Police Sirens and we see 3 NYPD Police Cars appear along with the News Media,(and probably more Police Cars appear moments later) the Police Start Arresting Members of the Foot Clan the various Foot Soldiers are taken into Police Custody,
Police Chief Sterns (Played by Raymond Serra) is furious and says to a Group of Teenagers, in a Gruff serious Voice
Sterns says “Alright I want some answers, now what in God’s name happened down here tonight, somebody better talk to me ”
One of the Teenager replies to Chief Sterns and Another Officer standing next to Sterns, The Teen replies
“You check out the East Warehouse over the Lairdman Islands, you’ll get your answers there”
Sterns says “Alright lets go” I guess you could say
Rabbi Meir Kahane was Wise and Intelligent Like Master Splinter and a Great Leader like Leonardo, the head Ninja Turtle, of course the Ninja Turtles are Fictional, but this 1990 film is a Classic
– On September 12, 1985
Rabbi Meir Kahane gave a Damn Confident Speech at the
National Press Club in Washington D.C. USA , During this Speech
Kahane said several great things, He said “It’s better to be a Winner than a Loser, it’s better to live than to die” and he said also Damn Confidently
“I’m still the same Rabbi” and he also said
“Kahane will always be Kahane”
Also, when Meir Kahane often referred to Himself in the 3rd Person, it was
Not “Megalomania” or “Delusions of Grandeur” but it was Just
Meir Kahane being Meir Kahane, Why you ask ?
Because he’s Meir Kahane !!
–Another thing people respected about the late Rabbi Meir Kahane was his intelligence, anyone can tell from his countless writings & Speeches that
Meir Kahane was a very intelligent individual and an excellent debater , very well educated !
It’s Kahane Time !
And Concerning the Legacy of The Great
Rabbi Meir Kahane, In the Aftermath of the Horrific Tragic disturbing
attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018 , that tragically killed 17 innocent people, students & survivors of that tragic school attack have started a movement called
“Never Again” to School violence, the expression “Never Again” was made famous by Rabbi Meir Kahane, after the Horrors of the Nazi Holocaust of the Second World War , and I’m saying that I hope there are no more incidents of School Violence, we need thoughts & prayers but also action & reform to stop these senseless attacks, and we all Know that
Meir Kahane when he was alive served in the Israeli Army, and if
Meir Kahane was still alive and at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
on February 14, 2018 , Meir Kahane wouldn’t have been afraid to confront the suspected alleged 19 year old gunman Nikolas Cruz,
Meir Kahane would have been able to stop Nikolas Cruz, Meir Kahane, the famous Right-Wing Rabbi would have stopped Nikolas Cruz and save the students, but I wish the tragic attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School never happened in the first place, I truly do, All Students & Staff should feel safe in School , Pope Francis has also used the expression “Never Again” when referring to the Nazi Holocaust and other tragedies, plus when Meir Kahane was alive he was unjustly demonized & vilified & horrible lies were told about him, the truth is, Meir Kahane didn’t want to hurt or kill anyone, he said so many times, that he didn’t want to hurt or kill anyone, he just didn’t want to see a Second Holocaust happen to his People .
The year was 1968, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, was tragically killed on April 4, 1968, later in that same year 1968, Another Hero Rised, that Hero was Martin David Kahane, also known as Rabbi Meir Kahane .
The 1985 Song “We Built This City” by Starship, this song Reminds me of Rabbi Kahane, because this song is about New York City, and Meir Kahane was a Vital Part of
New York City History, this song “We Built This City” Reminds me of
Rabbi Meir Kahane and his son, the late Binyamin Kahane, back in 2002 I was doing online Research and I came across this picture of Meir Kahane and his son
Binyamin, and I was thinking of the lyrics to the song
“We Built This City” at the moment I came across the picture, now every time I listen to this song “We Built This City” I am reminded of Meir Kahane & his son Binyamin
I first heard of Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1990 on CBS 2 News at 5PM in New York City, after the tragic assassination of Meir Kahane, listening/watching the news story on CBS 2 News at 5PM on TV , I could tell that Meir Kahane was a man of courage & conviction and a Vital Part of New York City History
This one time in 2002 I had this dream, about the 1982 song Gloria, with Laura Branigan and in this dream, the Faces of Jesus & Kahane appeared side by side, Strange Dream , in this dream I saw the faces of Jesus & Kahane, and I heard the words in the song “You really don’t remember was it something that he said? Are the voices in your head calling Gloria ?”
On YouTube type in
“Laura Branigan Gloria lyrics YouTube”
It was uploaded by
Strange but Cool Dream,
Jesus & Kahane ,
Kahane & Christ with the classic
1982 Laura Branigan song
“Gloria” A Very Cool Epic Dream
Several Years ago at work, a Fellow Christian said to me regarding a Local very nice Jewish Businessman named Bob was a “Damn Confident Jew” I thought, I can name at least 3 other Damn Confident Jews,
they are …
They are …
Shatner, Kahane & Jesus
As in
William Shatner the
Canadian born Actor
The moment 1:46 to 2:20 in the
video of
Also speaking of Gloria, the name Gloria , in the 1960’s
Meir Kahane, who went by the pseudonym Michael King allegedly had an affair with a Christian woman named
Gloria Jean D’Argenio , she used the name Estelle Donna Evans to get modeling work.. did Meir Kahane/Michael King know her as
Estelle Evans or as her real name Gloria Jean D’Argenio , or both ? She only knew him as Michael King. And if Meir Kahane ever heard the 1982 version of the song “Gloria” with Laura Branigan , did it make him think of
Gloria Jean D’Argenio ? The alleged affair between
Gloria Jean D’Argenio & Meir Kahane can be researched online
Gloria , https://youtu.be/YnOfepTKipg?si=_nhTM_t8Y0hhmKEs
It says about Jesus in the
Bible verse
Matthew 7:29
“because he taught as one who had authority…”
worldchallenge.org has an article about Matthew 7:29 headlined
by David Wilkerson on
September 12, 2018
And Yes,
Meir Kahane also taught as one having Authority !
We are NOT comparing
Meir Kahane to Jesus Christ or
Vice Versa
But you have to Admit that
Meir Kahane was a Great Teacher
Monday November 5, 1990 the day that Rabbi Meir Kahane was Assassinated in Manhattan, New York City, at the age of 58 was truly a day that will Forever Live in Infamy just like
December 7, 1941 &
September 11, 2001
When Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Earth it will give countless people reasons to rejoice and praise God !!
While we all Know that Meir Kahane was born on August 1, 1932 as
Martin David Kahane
August 1, 1932 was a Monday
Kahane was born on a Monday
and he was tragically killed on
another Monday,
Monday November 5, 1990 at the age of 58
Many online sources confirm that
August 1, 1932 was a Monday
When Meir Kahane ultimately
Returns to Earth to Live Forever on the New Earth, when
Meir Kahane Returns to Earth will that ultimately be on a Monday as well ?
Until Meir Kahane returns to Earth and he will ultimately Return someday, our Goals need to be
1. Lobbying Congress to have the Face of Meir Kahane added to
Mount Rushmore
2. Persuade Hollywood to Make a Movie about the Life and Beliefs of Meir Kahane
The Los Angeles Times
latimes.com has an article about Meir Kahane headlined
“Murder of Controversial Rabbi Kahane” on
NOV. 12, 1990 which says
“A great Jewish leader was murdered. Meir Kahane was a man who was not afraid of the truth, unlike most of our Jewish leaders today. My recollections of him go back to childhood and teen-age years in the Soviet Union. We, the Soviet Jews, persecuted, hounded and discriminated against, had heard scant and hushed-up stories about a brave rabbi, who stood up and fought for our liberation, who had no fear of the KGB, who did not play “diplomatic” games. The Soviets hated and feared him.
Kahane was a realist, never a coward, and he was completely devoid of the ghetto mentality, a prevalent trait of American Jewish leaders. Had there been a leader like him during World War II among the American Jews, he would, I am certain, speak up against the Holocaust, and actually do something to stop the Nazis, and the American government’s unwillingness to help Jewish refugees.”
The latimes.com article continues
“Such perceptive leaders as Kahane was are but a handful, and once again American Jewry has many cowardly leaders. These “leaders” would rather embrace PLO leader Yasser Arafat and his terrorists than to face the simple and clear facts of life in the Middle East: The Arabs hate all non-Arab peoples there, be they the Jews, the Kurds, the Assyrians, the Druzes or the Copts. The Arabs prefer to kill and gas and bomb those of other faiths and blood. The Arabs worship leaders like Saddam Hussein, and sooner or later will stab their new American allies in the back.”
The rest of this latimes.com article is by Paul Stonehill and can be found online
A person wrote to the
latimes , and is found on the website latimes.com
“NOV. 12, 1990
“Once again your Israel-hating and Arabist poison pens are busy at work. You have the gall to compare a Jewish patriot like Rabbi Meir Kahane to the likes of a David Duke or Jean Marie Le Pen (editorial, “Bigotry Watch: Chorus Line,” Nov. 7). To use words like “bigot,” “Nazi-like” and “racist” when talking about a man whose only desire was to secure a safe place for Jews to live in a world that didn’t give a damn 45 years ago is the height of absurdity.
Your editorial is both incongruous and unreasonable in view of the fact that in the 20 years that I was associated with the man, he did not once advocate the death of a whole people. That he didn’t want a fifth column in his midst is a credit to him, not a cause for condemnation. His whole life was based on the Torah and Talmud, and if his rhetoric did not appeal to the Beverly Hills art-and-croissant crowd that’s just tough!”
EARL L. KRUGEL, Los Angeles Chapter Chairman, Jewish Defense League
When even some
Christians admit that
Rabbi Meir Kahane was the
2nd greatest person in
Human History, 2nd only to
Jesus himself , That shows how Incredible Kahane Was
Meir Kahane being the
2nd Greatest Person in World History after Jesus himself is why
The Face of Meir Kahane needs to be added to Mount Rushmore
Remember the 2002
Comedy Musical Film
The Mr.Cellophane Scene , Some jokingly called the scene
the “Mr. Kahane, Mr. Meir Kahane scene” 😆
urbandictionary.com has the following entry for
Rabbi Meir Kahane
“meir kahane
The truth.
A man that spoke nothing but truth was Rabbi Meir Kahane, may the memory of the righteous be for a blessing.
by Aluh January 31, 2023 “
Some people have said that in the
2002 Adam Sandler comedy movie
“Mr. Deeds” that in this scene, the beard that Mr. French has reminds them of Meir Kahane
The scene is here , https://youtu.be/qUKBDcMN7tg
As we Know Adam Sandler is very
Pro-Israel , did anyone see his Israeli Themed
2008 comedy film
“You Don’t Mess with the Zohan”
jns.org has an article about
Meir Kahane and 9/11 headlined
“How 9/11 could have been prevented” by JOSEPH FRAGER
on March 5, 2023
A person in March 2023 recently typed online about Meir Kahane that
“Rabbi Meir Kahane 1932-1990 was a gifted man. One of discernment and far reaching in his analysis of what the Jews could expect. Israel would have greatly benefited from his wise council had there been a willingness to contemplate the soundness of his message.
His courage was indomitable and he was never flustered by his harshest critics.”
Meir Kahane was indeed a Very
Charismatic, Dynamic Speaker
When I talk about Meir Kahane returning to Earth Someday Do I sound like
Linus van Pelt from the Peanuts Comic Strip and Franchise talking about The Great Pumpkin ? 😆🙂😀
Only the Return of countless great people in Human History to Earth is Mentioned in the Bible
It’s a Fact
So Yes ,
Meir Kahane is Coming Back !!
And when he does
It will be a Great day for All
If Linus van Pelt , Charlie Brown & Snoopy were Real, they would be impressed with Meir Kahane that’s for True, heck the whole
Peanuts Gang would be impressed with Kahane !!
The Peanuts comic strip took place in Minnesota,
Meir Kahane once gave a Speech in
Minnesota in 1990 , about 2 weeks before he was Murdered
The More You Know !
In 2022
Itamar Ben-Gvir
said about Rabbi Meir Kahane that
“But it seems to me that the highlight of Rabbi Kahane was love. Love for Israel without compromise, without any other consideration,”
A person recently typed online about Meir Kahane that
“To me one if Kahane’s finest moments was when he was in a meeting discussing his agenda. Someone crashed the meeting, accosted him, pouring a bag of blood over his head. He wiped himself off as best he could and said “God is good.” He was calm and carried on.
In the midst of provocation he praised God. Is there a greater testimony, when one is so badly treated, yet gives adoration to God?”
jta.org has an article headlined
“Kahane Appeals to Christians” on
Dec 7, 1976
A person recently typed online
“Meir Kahane was the best!!
I follow him in spirit and in ideas!”
In 2020 Itamar Ben-Gvir
said in a memorial speech about the late
Rabbi Meir Kahane
““I think he’s looking down from heaven and smiling”
Yes Indeed
catholicamericanthinker.com has an article headlined
“Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Open Letter to the World” by
Vic Biorseth
Did anyone read the 2010
Comic book “Miracle Man” about the Life and Beliefs of Meir Kahane
One website says about the
2010 “Miracle Man” Comic Book about Kahane that it’s
” a 50-page book printed on glossy paper and hardbound, making it more like a graphic novel”
Anyone read “Miracle Man”
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“The Pittsburgh Massacre And Meir Kahane”
By Yekutiel Ben Yakov Guzofsky
on November 11, 2018
A woman recently typed on Facebook
“My friend, Rabbi Meir Kahane, OBM, who was a very sweet man and very, very, very patient with my new-found hobby of photography. He had a quick sense of humor, too, and was just a delight to be around and was forever dedicated to the survival of the Jewish people.” Anyone agree
timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
“Son of Kahane’s killer says Jews aren’t the enemy”
16 September 2014 the article is about Zak Ebrahim
seforimblog.com has an article headlined
March 13, 2023
By Yosef Lindell
The website encyclopedia.com says in part of it’s entry for
Kahane, Meir that
“Kahane’s parents believed their son was “put on earth by God to save the Jewish people.” Perhaps as a result of these expectations, Kahane developed an intense interest in religion. ” Did
Meir Kahane’s parents truly believe this ,
Anyone read the book ,
Published in 2020 titled
“Jewish Warriors: A Compact Introduction to Real-Life Action Heroes from the Tribe”
by Ross Berg Meir Kahane is
Profiled in this book
The Jewish Warriors book by
Ross Berg has received excellent online reviews !!
Ross Berg knew that the book needed to mention
Meir Kahane !!
Anyone else Know that there is an American Female Jewish filmmaker named
Kahane Cooperman her first name, given name is “Kahane”
See the Wikipedia entry for
Kahane Cooperman
Anyone read the book published in 1986 titled
“Meir Kahane, Ideologue, Hero, Thinker” by
S. Daniel Breslauer
A person recently typed on the Internet
“Anti-communist Jews:
– Ayn Rand
– Ludwig von Mises
– Murray N. Rothbard
– Anne Applebaum
– Hannah Arendt
– Benjamin Netanyahu
– Ben Shapiro
– Irving Kristol
– Meir Kahane
– Henry Kissinger
– Natan Sharansky
– Isaiah Berlin
– Rose Friedman
– David Friedman
– Milton Friedman
– Henry Hazlitt
– Walter Block “
A person recently typed on the Internet in part about Meir Kahane
“I want to say a few words today. People called Rabbi Kahane z’l, a terrorist, a radical and one who did not stand for Jewishness. I want to correct these misconceptions. Rabbi Kahane z’l was not a terrorist. He spoke the truth and did what other Jewish people were afraid to do, back up his thoughts. Yes, he was radical because no one wanted the truth. People wanted to have their own view of Israel and Judaism. He told it like it was. Even on this very day, people have whitewashed and denounced Israel and Judaism. Even some of our own. We have been through over 5000 years of slavery and oppression.”
Anyone hear the rumors that when
Meir Kahane was alive that the
Israeli Mossad and Shabak plotted to Assassinate Him ? But
Jokes on Them, because God Watched Over & Protected
Meir Kahane from their Evil Plans
We Again State that God Watched Over and Protected
Meir Kahane , why you ask ?
Because he’s Meir Kahane
Also when Meir Kahane returns to Earth.. he should be on the
Cover of TV Guide &
People Magazine
israelnationalnews.com has an article headlined
“Israeli elections: Was Kahane racist?”
David Rubin
Published: Feb 26, 2019 About how Meir Kahane was NOT
Not Only That when
Meir Kahane Returns to Earth in the Future , His Face Needs to be on the Front Page of Every Newsletter in America and Worldwide
Typo, My Bad , I meant to type
Newspaper , Newspaper in America and Worldwide
Anyone Remember seeing the
Mike Wallace CBS/ 60 Minutes interview with Rabbi Meir Kahane on October 6, 1985 , it’s still on
Back in 2012
A 30-minute animated film describing the life and worldview of Meir Kahane was uploaded to YouTube, where is it ? It was called
“Kahane for Kids” in Hebrew
Many people pointed out that
Meir Kahane feared only God
Around 6:50 , Six Minutes and
Fifty Seconds into this
1969 “Frosty the Snowman”
TV Special when the Tophat is placed on Frosty , he comes back to life and says
“Happy Birthday” it makes me think about how Someday in the Future , Meir Kahane will indeed Return to Earth , along with Countless other Great People in Human History , as the Scriptures Teach https://youtu.be/bSzBBK8gC6c
We know that Frosty the Snowman is a Fictional cartoon character,
but the Bible is Not Fiction
The Bible teaches that ultimately in the Future those great people in Human History who are alive in Heaven will ultimately Return to Earth , this Physical Planet Earth
As one Bible website says
About the New Heavens and the New Earth
“The new earth and the new heavens are sometimes referred to as the “eternal state.” Scripture gives us a few details of the new heavens and new earth.
…Heaven and earth will pass away (Mark 13:31), and they will be replaced by the new heavens and the new earth. At that time, the Lord, seated on His throne, says, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5). In the new creation, sin will be totally eradicated, and “there shall be no more curse” (Revelation 22:3, NKJV).
The new heaven and new earth are also mentioned in Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah 66:22, and 2 Peter 3:13. Peter tells us that the new heaven and new earth will be “where righteousness dwells.” Isaiah says that “the former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” Things will be completely new, and the old order of things, with the accompanying sorrow and tragedy, will be gone.”
The Bible website continues in it’s article about the New Earth
“The new earth will be free from sin, evil, sickness, suffering, and death. It will be similar to our current earth, but without the curse of sin. It will be earth as God originally intended it to be. It will be Eden restored.
A major feature of the new earth will be the New Jerusalem. John calls it “the Holy City . . . coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband” (Revelation 21:2). This glorious city, with its streets of gold and pearly gates, is situated on a new, glorious earth. The tree of life will be there (Revelation 22:2). This city represents the final state of redeemed mankind, forever in fellowship with God: “God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. . . . His servants will serve him. They will see his face” (Revelation 21:3; 22:3–4)
An old post from the same Bible website says about the New Heavens and the New Earth.
“Many people have a misconception of what heaven is truly like. Revelation chapters 21-22 gives us a detailed picture of the new heavens and the new earth. After the events of the end times, the current heavens and earth will be done away with and replaced by the new heavens and new earth. The eternal dwelling place of believers will be the new earth. The new earth is the “heaven” on which we will spend eternity. It is the new earth where the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city, will be located. It is on the new earth that the pearly gates and streets of gold will be.
Heaven—the new earth—is a physical place where we will dwell with glorified physical bodies (1 Corinthians 15:35-58). The concept that heaven is “in the clouds” is unbiblical. The concept that we will be “spirits floating around in heaven” is also unbiblical. The heaven that believers will experience will be a new and perfect planet on which we will dwell. The new earth will be free from sin, evil, sickness, suffering, and death. It will likely be similar to our current earth, or perhaps even a re-creation of our current earth, but without the curse of sin.
What about the new heavens? It is important to remember that in the ancient mind, “heavens” referred to the skies and outer space, as well as the realm in which God dwells. So, when Revelation 21:1 refers to the new heavens, it is likely indicating that the entire universe will be created—a new earth, new skies, a new outer space. It seems as if God’s heaven will be recreated as well, to give everything in the universe a “fresh start,” whether physical or spiritual. Will we have access to the new heavens in eternity? Possibly, but we will have to wait to find out. May we all allow God’s Word to shape our understanding of heaven.”
Just Imagine
William Shatner &
Rabbi Meir Kahane standing together as Best Friends listening to Lesley Gore singing
“Maybe I Know” on this 1988
Cousin Brucie Special
At 5:36 in the YouTube.com video Lesley Gore starts singing
“Maybe I Know”
That would have been So
Epic , Shatner & Kahane standing together as Best Friends, listening to Lesley Gore sing
“Maybe I Know” on this Cousin Brucie Special
Anyone else agree ?
Kirk & Kahane 😎
Again , it would have been so
Freaking cool
Shatner & Kahane standing together side by side as
Best Friends , BFF listening to
Lesley Gore singing
“Maybe I Know” on the 1988
Cousin Brucie Special
Yes Indeed, that would have been
An Incredible TV Moment
BFF stands for
best friends forever , but was
Meir Kahane a fan of
William Shatner as
Not only Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek, but also the famous Police TV show
T.J. Hooker
Was Lesley Gore a follower of
Rabbi Kahane ?
Cousin Brucie aka
Bruce Morrow is still around, what does he think about
Meir Kahane ?
Maybe WE Know
We Definitely Know that
Meir Kahane was a True Hero ….
A person recently typed online about Meir Kahane that
“Lucidity is R Kahane trademark. A chatzi Av in his time. Everything is interface.”
Some people have compared
Rabbi Meir Kahane to
King David in the Bible,
Judah Maccabee , &
Rabbi Akiva aka
Akiva ben Yosef , they said that
Meir Kahane was basically a
Modern Day Combination of all
3 of those famous Jews
Let’s be Clear, the injustice of
Meir Kahane being
Assassinated on the day of infamy
Monday November 5, 1990 can Never be Truly Corrected
God Himself and All the Angels in
Heaven were weeping and crying when Kahane was killed in Manhattan on that horrible day
The good news is ,
The good news is that
Meir Kahane is Coming Back Someday !!
A person recently typed on Social Media about Kahane that :
“The courageous and truthful scholar, Rabbi Meir Kahane, was like a King David, a Moses, and a Judah Maccabee all rolled into one. ‘The Rabbi who freed the Jews from Russia like Moses; who studied the Torah, fought Israel’s enemies and Jew haters worldwide like Judah Maccabee; who inspired a generation like Zev Jabotinsky; who was the personification of the Jewish scholar warrior like King David; who was a throwback to the times of the Prophets, and who was martyred as Rabbi Akiva was by the Romans.’ “
A person recently typed on Social Media about Meir Kahane
“When you call me a Kahanist is NOT an insult to me! It’s a freaking Honor!! I’m honored”
Another person replied on
Social Media that to be called a
Kahanist that
“It’s a badge of honor sadly too few deserve or recognize”
Some More people recently typed on Social Media about
Meir Kahane that
“The Greatness of Rabbi Meir Kahane will be celebrated for centuries after the leftard’s names will have drowned in the sewers of history” Another called
Kahane a
“true Jewish Patriot” & Another said
“Rav Meir was so far ahead of his time…His admonitions were 100% on the money…so many in Israel realize he was truly prophetic ..May his Neshama have an Aliyah”
Meir Kahane Will Return !
Meir Kahane Shall Return !
We Need to Make the Birthplace & Place where Kahane was shot and killed in Manhattan Both into
National Monuments !
A person recently typed on
Social Media
“Long Live Rabbi Kahane”
Just Think ,
When Meir Kahane Returns to Earth, the New Earth , how Great it will be to watch Meir Kahane walk the Streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Jerusalem
Plus we can all take a Selfie with
Kahane, a Selfie with
Meir Kahane himself, hang out with Meir Kahane on the
New Earth as he goes on
New Kahane Adventures ,
Peaceful Kahane Adventures ,
All New Adventures, only this time
Kahane will Never be Killed
Yes Indeed ,
New Kahane Adventures &
Taking a Selfie with
Meir Kahane
Why you ask ?
Because he’s Meir Kahane 🙂😀
A person recently typed on the Internet
“Just about everyone can sing a verse or two of Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land,” a folk ballad so popular that it can almost double as an American anthem.
But Guthrie also wrote Hanukkah lyrics, sketched illustrations for Yiddish poems, drew a colorful birth announcement of his son Arlo dedicated to the newborn’s Yiddish-speaking Bubbie, and once wrote that in the “reflections, recollections” and voices fluttering” through “Coney Island’s Jewish air,” he “felt that here was my own voice.”
His son, Arlo Guthrie, is a Jew.
When Arlo celebrated becoming bar mitzvah, at the Howard Beach Jewish center in Queens, the presiding rabbi was Meir Kahane.
Meanwhile, Abe Guthrie, son and grandson of Woody Guthrie, joined the Klezmatics for a program of recently discovered Jewish and spiritual songs. The Klezmatics, the pre-eminent klezmer band, worked with the Woody Guthrie Archives to compose new music for a large collection of “lost” lyrics that Guthrie wrote addressing a wide variety of Jewish themes.”
mosaicmagazine.com has an article headlined
“A New Biography Misinterprets Meir Kahane and His Legacy” on
March 17, 2022 , a link is given to Another Article about Kahane from
Did anyone read it ?
Rabbi Meir Kahane was a Brilliant Brave Fearless Heroic Leader to the Jewish people, just like Sir Winston Churchill was to
Great Britain and the Allied Powers during World War II
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill will also ultimately Return to Earth in the Future
While sadly many Jewish
“Leaders” in America , Israel and Worldwide are basically like
Churchill’s wimpy predecessor
Neville Chamberlain , anyone agree ?
Some have pointed out that many Jewish and Israeli women fantasized about Making Love to
Rabbi Meir Kahane when he was alive
We Also at JTF eagerly Anticipate the Return of Winston Churchill
The New York Marriott East Side
Hotel at 525 Lexington Avenue in Manhattan where
Rabbi Meir Kahane was killed on
Monday November 5, 1990 , has Permanently Closed in
March 2020 due to the
COVID-19 pandemic .
The Hotel should be Reopened and Renamed “The
Rabbi Meir Kahane Hotel” to Honor Meir Kahane
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“Rabbi Meir Kahane: A Man Who Never Gave Up”
By Elliot Resnick on December 31, 2015
Meir Kahane Never Gave Up and reminds us All of this
Classic Matthew Wilder song
Indeed in the 1999
Science Fiction Comedy Film
“Galaxy Quest” we hear the
“Never Give Up, Never Surrender”
Meir Kahane would definitely agree with that Expression
Remember the 1972
Carly Simon song
“You’re So Vain” someone jokingly called the song
“You’re So Vain, you probably think you’re Meir Kahane”
But Meir Kahane wasn’t “Vain” he
Knew that he was a Living Legend and a Great Leader and a Hero that Rised Out of the Ashes of The Holocaust
Show of hands Who else in their headcanon, mind & imagination picture
William Shatner & Rabbi
Meir Kahane standing together as Best Friends listening to
Lesley Gore singing
“Maybe I Know” on this
1988 Cousin Brucie Special
It’s cool to have a good imagination 🙂
A person recently typed on Social Media about Meir Kahane that
“The fakestinian terrorists have vindicated Meir Kahane as a prophetic realist.”
Another person recently typed about Meir Kahane that
“Kahane was our hope and his teachings continue to inspire us.”
Another typed
“May his Memory be a blessing! A Huge Hero”
Another person typed
“The high Court defends supporters of terrorism and bigoted murderous hatred against Jews but removed Meir Kahane who was actually in retrospect objectively accurate in his understanding and projections. The PA is allowed to demand part of eretz yisrael be judenrein, cleansed of Jews…”
Another person typed about the Stupid Israeli Supreme Cult of Leftist Insanity & Self-Hatred
“The terrorists who killed Rabbi Meir Kahane were the same that attacked the Trade Center and ultimately perpetrated the 9/11 attack.
Those Israelis who opposed Rabbi Meir Kahane opposed democracy and aligned themselves with the Anti-Semitic terrorists.”
The person also was deeply Very ticked off at how the Israeli Supreme Court is
“Anti-Semitic, Anti-Democratic , and gave Arab Terrorists, the
“Blessings” and “Freedom” to Attack Jews” This is Not Normal
Did anyone hear about how Israeli political philosopher Yoram Hazony in his book “The Virtue of Nationalism” said about Meir Kahane that “Rabbi Kahane was the only Jewish leader who ever cared enough about our lives to actually come around and tell us what he thought we could do… (he) helped us grow up into strong, Jewish men and women.”
kahane.blogspot.com has a good article headlined
“Beards Carry No Immunity” by Rabbi Meir Kahane
How many people knew that there is a Meir Kahane Park in Kiryat Arba, Israel
Cousin Brucie aka
Cousin Bruce Morrow
was born
Bruce Meyerowitz ,
Imagine the Media Coverage if
Shatner & Kahane really did stand together side by side as
Best Friends listening to Lesley Gore singing “Maybe I Know” on that 1988 Cousin Brucie concert in Nashville , Words cannot describe how Cool that would have been
Once Again
“Maybe I Know” https://youtu.be/Ie-_rhhgtq0?si=Q9dryOTXq35FQrOA
Laura Branigan singing
“Gloria” in 1990
A person recently typed on Social Media about Meir Kahane and his Teachings
“There is no such thing as Kahanism.
Everything that HaRav Kahane ztz’l hy’d said was taken from the Torah itself. He just had the courage to say parts of the Torah that many were afraid to say, lest it offend the Non-Jews or assimilated Jews.”
A person recently typed online about Meir Kahane
“Kahane was our hope and his teachings continue to inspire us.”
Also in September 2019
a person typed on Social Media
“It is stunning and extremely intense for me to contemplate today that almost 18 years have passed since 9-11, and almost 29 years have passed since the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane. The two events can never be separated one fom another, and the eternal truth is that had the American and New York authorities treated Rabbi Kahane’s life with the same respect every other murder victim gets, 9-11 would never have happened. And neither would have the war in Afghanistan. Sad. Never again. The unbearably high cost of hating Jews. #NeverAgain”
However, in the Future when
Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Earth
Imagine if
There is yet Another Cousin Brucie
Concert , and this Time
Shatner & Kahane really will be Standing Together as
Best Friends listening to Lesley Gore sing
“Maybe I Know”
Anyone else want to see that on the New Earth
It would be an Incredible Fun
In an Interview for Time Magazine on May 31, 1971 singer-songwriter
Bob Dylan said about
Meir Kahane that
“He’s a really sincere guy. He’s really put it all together.”
Dit is echt een interessante plek, vol met Kahane-aanbiddend commentaar. Als er in de tijd van Hitler sns in Duitsland waren geweest, dan was dit de plek waar je moest zijn. Op alle zielige fantasieën gewijd aan de man die nooit Hitler kon zijn!
Can someone Please Translate the above comment of
September 28, 2023 at 11:31 pm
According to Google Translate, the above comment of
September 28, 2023 at 11:31 PM is in Dutch
Translated into English it says
“This is a really interesting place, full of Kahane-worshipping commentary. If there had been SNs in Germany during Hitler’s time, this was the place to be. Here’s to all the pathetic fantasies dedicated to the man who could never be Hitler!” To the person who typed the comment in Dutch, please elaborate, Also what did you mean by SNs ?
We at JTF are stating the Truth
Hitler would be Terrified of
Meir Kahane
Hitler would be terrified of the
Great Rabbi Meir Kahane
Why You Ask ?
Because he’s Meir Kahane !
Attention Anonymous Dutch person ,
When Meir Kahane ultimately Returns to Earth in the Future
What would you like to say to him
Anonymous Dutch Person :
Also Winston Churchill will ultimately be Returning to Earth in the Future , what would you say to Churchill when he
Returns ?
Winston Churchill helped save The Netherlands during
World War II , and let’s remember
Churchill would have been impressed by Rabbi Kahane
On the New Earth it will be so cool & Epic to see
Churchill & Kahane
Shaking Hands, giving a
Speech Together
Yes Indeed
Winston Churchill
& Meir Kahane will Both be
Returning to Earth Someday
After October 7, 2023 a person typed online about
Meir Kahane that
“He was always right and sadly the first victim of Al-Qaeda and Islamic terrorism in the US. I had the great honor of meeting him when he was here in Detroit. It was disgusting that even Young Israel shuls in town, which used to host him, wanted to impress the leftist Federation Jews and refused to host him so he had to speak at a rented hotel ballroom, which was packed. He was a great person and very insightful and heroic. He only wanted to save Jews.”
A person recently typed online about Libby Kahane , the widow of Meir Kahane that
“I have never met her in person . She has to be a strong wise woman to have married a man like Meir Dovid ben Yecheskel Kahane, & she has to be a loving, kind ,beautiful soul with a big heart which gave freedom to her loved ones to follow their paths as she stood solidly behind them , She was, is , their stalwart. Rebbitzen Libby Kahane ♡
She has shown elegant quietude, bravery, love, endured all ,as the wife of Meir Dovid ben Yecheskel, as the mother of Binyomin ben Meir Dovid.
Libby Kahane ♡♡♡♡
is one of Judaisms true Woman of Valor
Libby Kahane, a wonderful woman, mother, wife who shares her life as did the wife of Rabbi Akiva
. Love & gratitude to Libby & her whole family ♡”
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“Rabbi Meir Kahane: My Rebbe (That I Never Met)”
By Donny Fuchs on November 10, 2014
Hitler smile next to him.
Jerusalem must be blown up.
A person typed online earlier this January 2024
“I am simply shocked with how much value Meir Kahane brought to the table. He has been portrayed as an extremist but was actually a reasonable person.”
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“What Would Rabbi Kahane Do?”
By Shelley Benveniste
November 6, 2015
blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
“The Meir Kahane I remember – a personal recollection”
JAN 1, 2023
by Alex Sternberg
See Also
A person typed online in November of 2019
“Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D a man that comes on the scene once in a century, was loved by many and hated by many, but no one will ever forget him. The brutal murder of Rabbi Kahane took place 29 years ago on Chesvon 18th in Manhattan. All those years he was never forgotten and his legacy continues by the people who who followed him, worked with him and fought along side of him and even youngsters who never knew him. People who never believed in his actions are now saying, “we need Rabbi Kahane”. My answer is “where were you when he needed you?”
Rabbi Meir Kahane lived his life to sanctify Gd’s name… He always said, a Jew is a Jew. Makes no difference if he is Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, he is a Jew. The man hurt for every Jew that was killed by a terror attack. You could see the pain in his face and at times the tears.
.. He opened his own yeshiva in Jerusalem. A different kind of yeshiva. A yeshiva where the “true Jewish Idea was taught. When the Rabbi spoke about G-d, you felt as if you could feel G-d, touch G-d, so was the belief that he had in G-d and the sanctification of G-d’s name.
See Also
This May 2024
A person typed online
“Meir Kahane was a gem , painted as an Extremist from the freakshow left”
In June 2024
A person typed online
“Rabbi Kahane was a fearless man with the right answers who was murdered bc … he was a fearless man with the right answers.
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“A ‘Prophet In Our Time’ – Rabbi Meir Kahane On His 29th Yahrzeit”
By Tzvi Fishman November 13, 2019
In September 2024 a person typed online
“Not all men are born equal. Not all religious Jews are born equal. Not all rabbis are born equal. Some rabbis are True Torah Jews and live by the word of G-d, and become living Torah. Others have the title only but are worth nothing but the cost of paper that they are written on. I’m not attacking rabbis here that is not my objective, and you will see why. My objective is to call out those ‘religious’ and ‘G-d fearing’ men who by all standards should be Jewish right wing but are soft, weak, pathetic, cowards and believe in conformity over religion. Call them democrats or Israeli left wing if you like. Those that are ashamed and apologetic Jews and can’t see past their noses.
Torah is justice, Torah is discipline, Torah is Judgement, Torah is Truth, and Torah is following G-ds instructions without any question whatsoever even if it goes against a hurricane.
Why did I mention Rabbi here? Because one such modern day Rabbi had absolute faith in following G-ds word. He understood what it meant to be righteous even though he was looked down upon by so many rabbis, religious people and secular because they were embarrassed by his political views. Yet he stood for what is right and died a hero’s death (by a Egyptian assassin)
May his Neshama reach the highest levels in Shemaim.
jewishpress.com has an article headlined
“Why Did They Hate Rabbi Kahane?”
By Rabbi Yehuda L Oppenheimer April 28, 2019