Racist Al Sharpton calls for protests and smear campaign against Jeff Sessions

Eric Holder is a racist who claimed “whites can’t be victims of racial injustice because they haven’t suffered enough.”
Rev. Al Sharpton called for an occupation of senators’ offices to call on them to block Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Session from becoming President-elect Trump’s attorney general, chanting “We will not be Trumped.”
Sharpton, speaking at a march in Washington organized by his National Action Network, called on his supporters to take action to stymie Trump’s agenda.
“We’ve come not to appeal to Donald trump, because he’s made it clear what his policies are and what his nominations are,” he said. “We come to say to the Democrats in the Senate and in the House, and to the [so-called] moderate Republicans, to get some backbone and get some guts.”
“We didn’t send you down here to be weak-kneed and to get in the room and try and make friends. We sent you down here to stand up.”
Sharpton issued a warning to Republicans who he believes have targeted African American voting rights in recent years, telling them that an election defeat in 2016 was not tantamount to overturning the progress the civil rights movement made.
He recalled the warning Coretta Scott King, wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., sent about Sessions’ nomination to the federal bench in the 1980s, which he lost due to past [false] accusations of racism. Sharpton said it’s time to honor Coretta Scott King by fighting hard against Sessions.
“We owe it to her to have a roll call on those that would put him in the Justice Department,” Sharpton said.
“We want the world to see if you sell us [blacks] out, we’re going to let everybody know who you are.”
He added that the passion he saw from the crowd, gathered on a rainy Saturday morning in Washington, showed there was plenty of fight in his supporters.
“We are not here because we didn’t have something else to do. We are here because we fought hard to make sure this administration had our pride and we are not going away now,” he said. “Criminal justice and police reform must go forward.”