Ronald Reagan’s SON says he would NOT have supported TRUMP!

Michael-and-Ronald-ReaganIn a shocking denouncement from Ronald Reagan’s oldest son, Michael Reagan, he opined on what his father would have done if Trump were the Republican nominee:

BOOM!! That one tweet will fall like a ton of bricks on the Trump campaign.

El Trumpo has been claiming the mantle of Ronald Reagan for a long time now, even as he says that Reagan wasn’t really that conservative. But Reagan conservatives have wondered it that’s really true, given some of the policy positions he has that seem to run contrary to the legacy of Reagan.

Michael Reagan also announced that he would not be voting for el Trumpo either:

And called him an “embarrassment” in another tweet:

Here’s what he told NewsMax about it:

Malzberg asked Reagan about Trump’s criticisms of a Hispanic judge who is presiding over a lawsuit involving Trump University.
“My take is he took Hillary off the front pages, which is the dumbest thing you can do in a presidential election or any election,” Reagan said. “I know Donald Trump loves to be on the front pages, but I think this time he really stubbed his toe. And I think he offended a whole lot of people out there. Democrats, Republicans.

“I will tell you this: I’m not voting for him tomorrow in the California primary. I’m gonna find another place to put my vote. I may even write in Ronald Reagan because I’m offended by what he said.”

Later in the interview, Reagan said his dad would most likely not call himself a Trump supporter.

“My father would not vote for Donald Trump in tomorrow’s primary in California,” the younger Reagan said of the late president. “And he may even say, ‘I didn’t leave the party. The party left me.’”

Ironically, that’s what Reagan said of the Democratic party, to explain his exodus to Republicans.

There’s a lot of us that feel that way.

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