Sa’ar to Netanyahu: Don’t Talk About Building, Build

Former Likud minister calls on PM Netanyahu to build throughout the city of Jerusalem instead of just talking about it.

Gideon Sa’arFormer Likud minister Gideon Sa’ar, who resigned from his post and left politics late last year, had a message for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday.

Speaking at the Jerusalem Day rally which took place at the Western Wall after the traditional Rikudegalim, Sa’ar said that when it comes to Jerusalem, one needs to build instead of speaking about building.

“The City of David, the Mount of Olives, the Old City, the Temple Mount – will all remain forever in our hands,” he declared.

“In Jerusalem one should build,” he continued. “Not talk about building in Jerusalem, but actually build. Construction in Jerusalem does not need to be a reaction to some sort of terrorist attack. This should be routine.”

“Keeping Jerusalem means building in Jerusalem,” said Sa’ar, who added, “In recent years, the demographic balance in the capital has changed and not for the better. Construction volumes are not sufficient for the purposes of development. Today is the day to say it loud and clear.”

Sa’ar called for large scale and significant construction in all of Jerusalem. “The time is now. I call on the Prime Minister – talking about construction is not enough. Enough talk, time to build.”

Sa’ar’s words were echoed by MK Gilad Erdan (Likud), who also participated in the rally.

“Even the first prime minister David Ben-Gurion said that if Israel has a soul, then Jerusalem is the soul of Israel. You do not divide your soul. We know that the nations of the world still do not accept our sovereignty and our right to all parts of the city,” said Erdan.

He went on to call on Netanyahu to build in Jerusalem, saying, “We pray ‘next year in Jerusalem’, but Jerusalem and the Temple will not be built if we do not strengthen and build in all parts of the city – in Gilo and Har Homa and everywhere and in every neighborhood indiscriminately. We will not be afraid nor will we be deterred by any threat or international pressure.”

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