Socialism Works So Well, Starving Venezuelans Are Eating Zoo Animals To Survive

venezuela-zooBernie has been defeated, but his idiot followers still believe socialism is the answer to their poor entitled lives having to pay their absurd college loans with a low wage barista job. Well, they should really take a look at the “socialist paradise” of Venezuela that is so poorly run that starving citizens are now having to kill zoo animals to survive.

From Fusion:

Venezuela’s worsening food shortages had tragic consequences for a rare show horse last weekend, when a group of intruders broke into the zoo, pulled the black stallion from its cage, then slaughtered it for meat.

Prosecutors say the crime occurred in the small hours of Sunday morning at Caracas’ Caricuao Zoo, when “several people” sneaked into the state-run park under the cover of darkness and busted into the stallion’s pen. The horse, the only one of its kind in the zoo, was then led to a more secluded area and butchered on the spot. Only its head and ribs were left behind in a gruesome pile for zookeepers to find after sunrise.

Sadly, this horse wasn’t the first zoo animal to suffer the effects of Venezuela’s crippling food shortages. Some Vietnamese pigs and sheep were reportedly stolen from the same zoo earlier this month.

And to make things worse, the animals themselves are dying from starvation as well. And Venezuela is sitting on enormous oil reserves, but the government controls everything, so there’s going to be a lotta starvin’ – not among the ruling class of course.

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