Supreme Court PERMANENTLY blocks 9th Circuit ruling limiting terrorist ban

So yesterday when the SCOTUS said Trump could go on his merry way with his travel ban, they said it was temporary – now they’re saying he’s good all around.

From the Hill:

The Supreme Court agreed late Tuesday to lift restrictions on President Trump’s travel ban until further notice, allowing the administration to continue barring most refugees under the ban.

Justice Anthony Kennedy on Monday temporarily blocked the part of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that barred the government from prohibiting refugees that have formal assurances from resettlement agencies or are in the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program from entering the U.S.

Take THAT, Ninth Circuit!!

Kennedy issued the stay pending the receipt of a response from the state of Hawaii, which was due by noon on Tuesday. Late in the day, the court issued an order blocking the decision indefinitely.

In a one-page order, the court said the application for stay of a mandate presented to Kennedy and by him referred to the court is granted.

The Supreme Court is still gonna take up the case in October, so even this permanent block is temporary, BUT all signs point to their decision going in favor of Trump’s ban.

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