• Cruz has no knowledge of the history of immigration. If he did, his perspective would be far different from how he links illegal immigration to economic calamity and secure borders.

    • Dear Ruben… You have only said enough to bad mouth the man without any real substance… Do you think Ted’s perspective lacks knowledge because it doesn’t coincide with yours? It’s typical of Left wing/Liberal types to try and crush any opposing views to their own with meaningless and vague statements. Specifically, In what way does Ted Cruz lack knowledge of immigration history? Here’s My perspective; This is America NOW. I was born here, I AM a natural born citizen and I don’t appreciate illegal aliens stealing jobs away from we Americans and using our system to their benefit while we pay for it. That causes economic calamity. Tell me, do you expect to go to another Country and live freely off of it’s people? That is called stealing my friend! That is a crime. Illegal Aliens commit a crime each day they live in this Country. I think you lack knowledge in the word “Illegal”. Please remember; my argument with you is based on your very vague comment, so if I’ve misunderstood in any way, please clear it up for me.

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