Ted Cruz: GOP sheds ‘crocodile tears’ on same-sex marriage

ted_cruz-1024x641Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, accused Republicans of doublespeak and shedding “crocodile tears” over Friday’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage.

Many in the Republican party are “popping champagne” after the decision, Cruz said at stops across Iowa Friday, accusing Republicans of issuing deceptive press releases at odds with what they truly believed.

While other Republican candidates are happy to leave the controversial same-sex marriage issue behind, Cruz made a purposeful appeal to evangelicals and others displeased by Friday’s ruling, in an apparent effort to garner more votes from Iowa’s conservative base. He slammed fellow GOP candidates former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., for tightly-parsed language on “religious freedom” in the wake of the Friday ruling, and criticized Ohio Gov. John Kasich for urging Republicans to ditch the issue altogether.

“As much as there were crocodile tears shed in Washington yesterday on Obamacare, there were even bigger crocodile tears shed in Washington today on marriage,” Cruz said, reported local station KSPR.

“This is not a typical moment in American history,” he told a crowd of over 100 gathered on a baseball diamond in the small town of Pierson, Iowa, KSPR reported. “The last 24 hours at the United States Supreme Court were among the darkest hours of our nation.”


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