Ted Cruz: Next President Should Immediately Reimpose Sanctions on Iran

Ted CruzWhile accepting the Defender of Israel award from the World Values Network at the Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala last Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) brought up relations with Iran in front of a pro-Israel crowd.

Cruz called the nuclear deal with Iran “catastrophic and disastrous,” declaring that the next president, no matter who it is, will need to “immediately reimpose sanctions on Iran” and Iran will either need to stop acquiring nuclear weapons or America will stop them.

“The single greatest threat facing the national security of Israel and facing national security of America is the threat of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons. I’ve been proud to join with Senator Menendez; with other members of the senate, standing to fight to stop a catastrophic, a disastrous Iranian nuclear deal. ”

“In January 2017 a new president is likely to face an Iran on the verge of having nuclear weapons,” he continued. “In my view, in January 2017, that next president should number one immediately reimpose sanctions on Iran. In 2017 if Iran has not stopped marching towards nuclear weapons, that next president should transfer bunker-buster bombs to the nation of Israel. and if Iran will not stop, if Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons, that president in 2017 should stand up to the world and explain very simply, ‘Either Iran will stop or the United States of America will stop you.’”



  • G-d Bless Ted Cruz!

    This is the type of leadership the U.S. desperately needs!

  • I like Ted. I hope the horse race produces a winner who will not be wrung dry by the competition. Others I like include Trump and O’Connell. The cabinet could include some the front runners all of whom are quite capable.

    I doubt Hillary “I’m broke” Clinton gets the nomination.

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