Terrorists Planting Bomb on Israeli-Syria Border Killed in Strike

Hezbollah Muslim terrorists giving the Nazi salute.

Hezbollah Muslim terrorists giving the Nazi salute.

Four terrorists attempting to plant a bomb along Israel’s border with Syria were killed in an Israeli airstrike.

The terrorists were killed Sunday evening as they laid the explosives in the Golan Heights. The men, who were in Israeli territory but did not breach the border fence, had been identified by an Israel Defense Forces patrol.

“A short while ago, the IDF eliminated a terror cell attempting to place an explosive device against IDF forces on Israel’s border with Syria,” the IDF said in statement. “The IDF will not accept any attempt to attack or violate Israel’s sovereignty.”

The attack comes two days after Arab media reports that Israel attacked a convoy of long-range missiles in Syria that were intended for Hezbollah in northern Lebanon.



  • There’s enough here for a big incursion into syria and take control of some lands but leaders of idf are are more businesses than hero with their career and protectecting the Jews isn’t their concern.

    • Also many of them are afraid of international backlash because they know no matter how severe an attack is most U.N. bureaucrats will never accept Israeli defense as anything but terror attacks

  • Israel should strike first and international law be damned.

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