The Left’s Next Step After Abortion: First Murdered Child “Euthanized” in Belgium

euthanized_babyEuthanasia for sick children? Young children are now old enough to decide if they want a sex change or, even worse, to commit suicide?

A terminally ill minor has become the first child to be euthanized in Belgium since age restrictions were lifted in the country two years ago, according to several sources.

How do they know the child wouldn’t recover? Miracles do happen every day.

A Belgian lawmaker told CNN affiliate VTM that the physician-assisted suicide happened within the past week.

The child, who was suffering from an incurable disease, had asked for euthanasia, Sen. Jean-Jacques De Gucht told VTM. The identity of the child and age are unknown.

“I think it’s very important that we, as a society, have given the opportunity to those people to decide for themselves in what manner they cope with that situation,” said Gucht, a supporter of euthanasia legislation.

The left have just opened yet another sick and evil door paving the way for government sanctioned murder.

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