The telltale truth of Syrian Muslim “refugees” left in garbage they leave behind
As I look at photos posted by witnesses at the Italian/Austrian border, Serbian/Hungarian border, and various train stations around Europe, I am wondering who is going to clean the mountains of trash left behind for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see, by the “refugees” from the Middle East.
“Why has everyone, from everywhere and all at once, decided to start heading towards Europe, five years into the Syrian civil war? This must be a manufactured mass migration.”
It is not what the refugees used on their journey, but what they left behind unused – discarded Red Cross packaged water, crates of peaches, untouched packaged food, unopened baby diapers, brand new strollers, car seats, toys, and other necessities for someone traveling with a baby. Since these items were left behind, it is obvious that there were no babies among them.
Videos are coming in from various regions showing Muslim men fighting, throwing rocks and chairs at each other, breaking windows, throwing feces, bloodying each other’s noses in vicious fights, Shia fighting the Sunnis, the same centuries old senseless religious tribal animosity and hatred.
Refugees have taken over Greek Islands, turning them into a gang-like war zone. Greeks are afraid, hiding in their homes, unable to go to work, or to take their children to school. There is no respect for private property and there is no civilized propriety. They are burning cars and flags, throwing feces at passing cars and at people unfortunate enough to be in the way.
A witness at the Italian Austrian border, a Polish travel blog writer, describes circumstances of horror. “This huge mass of people, but these are absolute savages … Vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting loudly, ‘We want Germany.’… But is Germany a paradise now?”
“I saw how they surrounded a car of an elderly Italian woman, pulled her by her hair out of the car and wanted to drive away in the car. They tried to overturn the bus in which I traveled myself with a group of others. They were throwing feces at us, banging on the doors to force the driver to open them, spat at the windshield. How is this savagery to assimilate in Germany? The bus is now damaged, covered with feces, scratched, with broken windows.” His group had to travel with Italian police escorts from then on. He described the entire area as a war zone.
Should we not be compassionate to our fellow Muslims who, by no fault of their own, are invading Europe, fleeing a civil war in Syria? Since they are mostly young men 20-30 years old, would it not make sense that they stayed with their families and fought for their country, protecting their wives, children, and the elderly? Why trek 4,000 km to another continent whose culture they hate and despise, instead of going to the nearby rich Arab and Muslim countries that could have given them familiar shelter and religious accommodations?
Why? Are they (Saudi Arabia) trying to colonize Europe with Islam?
Saudi Arabia promised Germany that they would build a mosque for every 100 refugees they take in. Why? Are they trying to colonize Europe with Islam? Why not take these refugees into Saudi Arabia?
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