Today: Indictment against innocent and brave IDF soldier because he shot dead a terrorist stabber

hevron_soldierSoldier’s defense team expected to demand open trial for the soldier, who shot dead a terrorist.

The military prosecution will present an indictment to the Jaffa Military Court Monday, charging a yet-unnamed IDF soldier who served in Hevron for manslaughter for shooting dead a [terrorist who not only had just stabbed an innocent Jew but also appeared to have a bomb belt].

The prosecution is expected to request the extension of the soldier’s detention until the end of proceedings as well.

The defense team – which includes attorneys Ayal Beserglick, Ilan Katz, Binyamin Malka and Carmit Sheheiber – has opposed the closed arrest, is expected to file an appeal against extending the soldier’s remand, and will likely ask the court to release the soldier from military detention, Walla! News reports.

“We are convinced that it will become clear as the process progresses that this needs to be a major court case [instead of closed military proceedings – ed.],” Beserglick stated Monday morning.

“The indictment is only the beginning – when all the evidence is submitted in this case, it will contradict the prosecution’s claims and things will become clear.”

The soldier has testified he shot over concerns that the terrorist – who minutes earlier with an accomplice stabbed and wounded a soldier – was moving to detonate a hidden bomb belt. Other soldiers at the scene, a Magen David Adom (MDA) investigative committee and a CID officer have all confirmed that concerns of a bomb belt had not been ruled out.

Late Sunday, former MK and noted journalist Sharon Gal announced a protest supporting the soldier, to be held Tuesday night, at Kikar Rabin at 7:30 pm. Several major Israeli music stars are joining him.

“We can’t stay home, we can’t stay apathetic,” Gal urged in a Facebook post. “This is our moment of truth – you must gather your courage and attend, get off Facebook and take to the streets.”

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