Traitor Boeing just inked a huge deal with terrorist Iran to sell them $17 billion in airplanes

Boeing just sealed a huge $17 billion dollar deal with Iran.

Here’s more:

NY TIMES – Boeing announced a $16.6 billion deal on Sunday to sell planes to Iran, which for decades had been economically blacklisted by the United States. The company instead chose to emphasize how many jobs the sale would support.

“Today’s agreement will support tens of thousands of U.S. jobs” associated with the production and delivery of the planes, Boeing said in its news release.

The intended recipient of Boeing’s message clearly seemed to be President-elect Donald J. Trump.

Its carefully worded statement is emblematic of the tightrope that America’s biggest exporters are walking amid his threats to shake up trade policy and undo the Obama administration’s nuclear accord with Iran. That agreement lifted the American sanctions on Iran, making Boeing’s jet deal possible.

Mr. Trump has talked about imposing tariffs on imports from China and on American companies that move jobs to Mexico and other countries. But he has not said much about how some of America’s major manufacturing companies, like Boeing and General Electric, and their workers could be hurt if other countries retaliated for the tariffs or if existing trade agreements were ripped up.

Boeing officials, already dismayed by Mr. Trump’s attack last week over the costs of a new Air Force One, acknowledged that the Iran jet deal still faced contingencies — a polite way of saying they were deeply worried about whether Mr. Trump and the Republican-led Congress would support it.

Honestly I have no idea whether Trump will make a fuss about this or not. The way he talks about US jobs, he’ll probably totally approve of this.

I don’t. I think it’s sick that Obama has opened the doors to this and that Boeing would support a terrorist nation who is trying to destroy Israel just to sell them airplanes.

I hope Congress and Trump rip up the Iran deal and reinstate harsh sanctions on Iran, killing this horrible deal in the process.

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