Trump Administration: Israel’s “settlement expansion” doesn’t help “peace process” with terrorists

The Trump administration again said that Israel’s [so-called] ‘settlement expansion’ does not help the [so-called] “peace process”.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert at a media briefing Tuesday spoke about the development of more Jewish communities inn Judea and Samaria in response to a reporter’s inquiry.

The report asked Nauert, “If the Israeli government would stop building settlements or would issue a freeze at the present time, that would help accelerate the process, correct?”

Nauert responded, “The president has been clear all along – his position on this has not changed – and that is that we see settlements as something that does not help the peace process.”

Israeli Prime Minister Binyaamin Netanyahu launched a new policy earlier this year to curb construction in Judea and Samaria, acceding to President Donald Trump’s wishes.

The State Department statement came on the eve of a visit to Israel by Trump’s point man on the peace process, Jared Kushner, who with his team hopes to renew [the suicidal] Israeli-“Palestinian Authority” talks.

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